

单词 名城

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樂園亦會繼續與旅發局和其他機構合作,發展 新興巿場,同時鞏固香港作為世界頂尖休閒及商務旅 名城 的地位。
HKD will continue to partner with HKTB and others to identify and develop new
markets as well as augment Hong Kong’s reputation as one
[...] of the world’s top cities for leisure tourists and business visitors.
几千年前,Olmecas 人已经建成朱陆拉金字
[...] 塔,比吉萨金字塔群大三分之一;玛雅人建成他们名城乌斯 马尔;托尔提克人建成传说中的图拉。
Thousands of years ago, the Olmecas built the pyramid of Cholula, one-third
larger than the great pyramids of Giza; the
[...] Mayas build their famous city of Uxmal; and the [...]
Toltecs, their fabled Tula.
国家还针对青年人制定了名为“我的第一份工作”的计划,目的是帮助年龄 在 15 至 19 岁之间缺少生活资料的约 6 000 名城市青年进入劳务市场。
For young people, the “My First Job” programme was created in order to facilitate the entry to the labour market of around 6,000 urban youngsters of limited means between 15 and 19 years of age.
伦敦德里是座有着现代外观的历 名城 , 也 是北爱尔兰最让人激动的旅游目的地之一。
A historic city with a modern outlook, the walled city of Londonderry - UK’s City of Culture [...]
2013 - is one of Northern Ireland’s most exciting destinations.
在文化遗产和旅游管理专业人员培训领域,联合国亚太经社会与教科文组织,在教科 文组织--国际文物保护与修复研究中心亚洲文化遗产管理研究院(AAHM)的大力支持下, 于 2007 年 7 月 31 日至 8 月 3 日在曼谷和历名城--大城府合作举办了一次有关文化旅游遗 址管理与导游服务的国家培训培训者研讨会。
In the area of training professionals in heritage and tourism management, UNESCAP and UNESCO, with support from the UNESCO-ICCROM Asian Academy for Heritage Management (AAHM), collaboratively
organized the national
[...] training-of-trainers workshop on cultural tourism sites management and guiding in Bangkok and the Historic City of Ayutthaya, Thailand, [...]
from 31 July to 3 August 2007.
实际上,我以为我可能会成为一名教师,或者 名城 市 规划师,还有,因为我喜欢户外,我真的以为我会成为一名护林员,一名林务员。
I actually thought that I might be a teacher or I might be an urban planner, and because I love the outdoors, I actually thought I would be a forest ranger and be a forester.
意大利拥有众多魅名城,游 客可以享受Trenitalia庞大铁路网络的便利,搭乘舒适的火车旅行,欣赏醉人的景致,尽情感受意大利的浓郁风情。
With so many popular cities of interest, visitors [...]
can make the most of their Italian experience by enjoying Trenitalia's
extensive rail network, complete with comfortable trains and stunning views.
因此,拟建中心将主要开展有关文化经济学、文化对发展的影响、全球城市化与环境 的可持续性、文化多样性与历名城 特 性的保护、共有遗产作为文化创意和城市复兴的推动 [...]
Accordingly, the proposed Centre would concentrate its activities on research and higher education on the interrelated topics of the economics of
culture, the impact of culture on
[...] development, global urbanization and environmental [...]
sustainability, cultural diversity
and the preservation of the identity of historic cities, and common heritage as a driver of cultural creativity and urban regeneration.
芒斯特省的科克市是爱尔兰共和国的第二大城市,同时也是一个拥有十三世纪城堡堡垒及古镇的历 名城。
Munster is also home to Cork City, the second city of
the Republic of Ireland, and Limerick City, which
[...] is a historical gem with its 13th-century castle fortress and old town.
特别是1978年以来,上海的改革开放力度不断加大,上海人民以强烈的进取精神,解放思想,与时俱进,大胆实践,走出了一条具有中国特色、体现时代特征、符合上海特大型城市特点的发展新路,使上海经济和社会发展的各个领域发生了历史性的大变革,已成为我国最大的经济中心和国家历史文 名城 , 并 正向建成国际经济、金融、贸易和航运中心之一的目标迈进。
Dynamic, audacious and practical Shanghainese people went to a new development direction respecting Chinese particularities and reflecting the specificities of the period while being appropriate to the characteristics of a huge city like Shanghai. The consequence is that each part of Shanghai benefits of these historic reforms in terms of economic and social development.
DKNY 手表带着世界最名城市的 标签,保持着自己标志性的品牌形象。
DKNY watches remains an iconic brand that carries with it the identity of
[...] the most well known city in the world.
名城卢布 林市是卢布林省的文化及经济中心,与这一地区 以农业为中心的其它地方相比,卢布林市显得非常现代化。
The historic city of Lublin is the [...]
cultural and economic heart of the Lubelskie voivodship, and provides a counterpoint
to the rest of the region, where farming is central to the economy.
其餘 24 名非官方成員,以行業粗略分類,包括㆕名工業家、㆕名規劃界的學者、 ㆔名工程師、㆔名測量師、㆔名建築師、㆓名律師、 名 商 ㆟、 ㆒ 名城 市 規 劃師、㆒ 名社會工作者及㆒名環保㆟士。
The 24 non-official members, when broadly categorized by trade and profession, include four industrialists, four academics from fields related to planning, three engineers, three surveyors, three architects, two lawyers, two businessmen, one town planner, one social worker and one conservationist.
根 據 上 市 規 則 第 14A .11 條名 城 運 輸 和名揚 運 輸 均 為 本 公 司 關 連 人 士 。
According to Rule 14A.11 of the Listing Rules, both Mingcheng Transportation and Mingyang Transportation are connected persons of the Company.
现已为主要源于下列领域的越来越多的项目确定了文化因素和文化发展目 标:(a) 城市发展,促进历名城和场址的恢复,改善交通,增强保全,扩大宣 [...]
传;(b) 地方经济发展,力挺中小型企业,特别是非正规部门企业,因为这是手 工艺生产和商业的核心之所在;(c)
社会发展,增进文化多样性,确保不同的社 会群体间的社会凝聚力,让土著人民、少数民族和移民融入社会结构;(d) 可持 续的旅游业发展,促进主要对与自然和文化景观相关的接待和服务业的经济投 资。
Cultural considerations and cultural development objectives have been set for an increasing number of projects that are primarily generated in the following areas: (a) urban
development, which promotes the
[...] rehabilitation of historic cities and sites, their [...]
accessibility, conservation and presentation;
(b) local economic development, as it relates to the activities of small and medium enterprises, especially of the informal sector, which lie at the core of handicrafts production and commerce; (c) social development, which promotes cultural diversity in order to ensure social cohesion among diverse social groups and the integration of indigenous peoples, minorities and migrants into the social fabric; and (d) sustainable tourism development, which promotes economic investments primarily in the hospitality business and services related to natural and cultural landscapes.
A city rich in history and culture, [...]
Yangzhou is a landscape of magnificent temples, towers and pavilions.
曾连续两次任巴尔滕市市长,并担任土耳其历 名城 联 合 会和健康城市联合会理事。
He was committee member of Turkish Union of
[...] Historical Towns and Turkish Healthy Cities Association.
作为佛兰德斯的历名城,布 鲁日 (Brugge) 犹如身处中世纪一般,它曾是15世纪西欧最重要的贸易城市。
One of Flanders’ more historic cities, Bruges’ (Brugge) [...]
presence was felt in medieval times, and it was western Europe’s
most important trade city by the 15th century.
在 2012 年 6 月之前,Moneythink
[...] 以少量资金,在完全由学生运行的情况下,培训了 300 多名大学生志愿者,在美国 18 个城市指导了超过 3000 名城市青年。
Prior to June 2012, with little funds and run entirely by
students, Moneythink had trained over 300 college volunteers and mentored
[...] over 3000 inner-city youth in 18 cities across the US.
自 2002
[...] 年开始培训课程以来,该中心及其合作伙伴已成功地培训了该区域 2 700 多名城市和 边境执法人员,而部分国家还将该培训方法引入其国家执法培 [...]
Since the inception of the training course in 2002, the Centre and its partners have succeeded
in training more than 2,700 law
[...] enforcement personnel in urban and border areas, [...]
with some countries having incorporated
the course’s training methodology into their national law enforcement training curriculums.
这项特展仅对一般访客开放四天,随后将移师米兰、巴黎、北京、新加坡和迪拜等各 名城 陆 续 展出。
Open to the public for four days only, the exhibition will stop in Milan, Paris, Beijing, Singapore and Dubai.
这款非凡腕表以日内瓦传统的“Grand Feu”珐琅微绘技术制作而成,这项精巧细致的工艺为这座瑞 名城 所 独有,经由珐琅艺术大师代代相传。
This remarkable watch was realized using a traditional Genevan technique known as « Grand Feu », characterized by miniature painting on enamel,
this meticulous process is
[...] specific to the Swiss city and passed down from generation to generation by masters of this art.
普瓦捷在北方是一个有趣的建筑,如14世纪的洗礼圣约翰大教堂,罗马浴场和露天剧场的历史文 名城。
Poitiers in the north is a historical city
containing interesting architecture such as the 14th century
[...] Baptistery of St John cathedral, Roman baths [...]
and amphitheatres.
截止到2008年初,济宁市共有世界文化遗产1处,国家级重点文物保护单位19处,省级95处,市级167处,拥有国家历史文 名城 2 座 , 中国优秀旅游城市3座,山东省风景名胜区4处,4A级以上景区6处,其中明故城(三孔)旅游区是我国第一批5A级景区;国家级、省级工农业旅游示范点11处。
By early 2008, Jining city has possessed 1 world cultural heritage, 19 national key units of cultural relics, 95 at the provincial level, 167 at the municipal
level, 2 national historical
[...] and cultural cities, 3 China's excellent tourism cities, 4 Shandong [...]
province scenic spots, 6 scenic
spot of 4 A-class or above, of which Minggu city (three Kong) tourist area is China's first batch of 5 A-class and 11 national and provincial tourism industry and agriculture demonstration centers.
規 劃 署 已 於 2011 年 5 月 成 立 專 責 小 組,由 1 名 總 城 市 規 劃 師、1 名 高 級 城 市 規 劃 師 、 1 名 城 市 規 劃 師 和 2 名 高 級 技 術 主 任 組 成 , 負 責 為 九 龍 城 「 諮 詢 平 台 」 提 供 專 業 和 秘 書 處 支 援 服 務 。
A dedicated section within the Planning Department, comprising one chief town planner, one senior town planner, one town planner and two senior technical officers, was set up in May 2011 to provide professional and secretariat support to the Kowloon City DURF.
所涉人手: 這項研究由一個研究小組負責,成員包括 1 名副署長(兼任)、 1 名助理署長(兼任)、 2 名總城市規劃師(兼任)、 2 名高級城市規 劃師和 3 名城市規劃師。
y Man-power Involved : The Study is managed by a study team comprising one Deputy Director (part-time), one Assistant Director (part-time), two Chief Town Planners (part-time), two Senior Town Planners and three Town Planners.
公司工程设计部紧邻历名城奥格 斯堡市中心,融入高科技大都市慕尼黑, 国际机 场连 接世界各地的客户。
The engineering office of our company is located close to the historical town center of Augsburg and integrated into the infrastructure of the high-tech metropolis Munich with its international airport, providing connections to our customers all over the world.
2003年获历名城联合 会“激励奖”,2005年获安卡拉家园住宅建设合作社联合会和安纳托利亚公职人员工会联合授予的“年度市长”奖,2006年获《东方新闻报》“年度人物”奖。
He was awarded “Encouragement”  from Turkish Union of Historical Towns in 2003, “Mayor of [...]
the Year” by Ankara Yuva Konut
Yapı Kooperatifleri Birliği and Anadolu Kamusen in 2005 and “Man of the Year” by Doğru Haber Newspaper in 2006.




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