

单词 虞喜

See also:



be happy
be fond of
feel pleased



External sources (not reviewed)

在拉脱维亚和塞浦路斯,65 岁及以上妇女过半有贫穷化
In Latvia and Cyprus, over half of women 65 and older are at risk of poverty.
条约必须规定,各国有义务采取一切必要措施,确保武器在其境内的进口、 出口和过境安全防止其被转用。
The treaty must oblige States to take all necessary measures to ensure the secure import, export and transit of arms within their territory in order to prevent them from being diverted.
(2) 代表委任表格及授权签署该表格之授权书或其他授权文件(如有)或经公证人证明之该等 授权文件之认证副本,最迟须於大会或其任何续会之指定举行时间48小时前送达本公司之 总办事处及主要营业地点(地址为香港新界葵涌1-11号达利国际中心11楼),方 为 有效。
(2) To be valid, forms of proxy and the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power of attorney must be deposited at the head office and principal place of business of the Company at 11th Floor, High Fashion Centre, 1–11 Kwai Hei Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong not less than 48 hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
最后,重大计划 V 树立了一个样,它拿出了正常预算资金的至少 20%用于跨 部门活动,并且特别侧重于艾滋病毒和艾滋病、气候变化(包括可持续发展教育和科学教 育)、新知识的获取方法(包括信息与传播技术的强化学习、媒体和信息扫盲)、多样性和相互 了解(包括使用多种语言和遗产保存),以及对于冲突后国家和受灾国家的支持。
Finally, Major Programme V has set a welcome example by earmarking at least 20% of its regular budget resources for intersectoral engagement, with particular focus on HIV and AIDS; climate change (including education for sustainable development and science education); new knowledge acquisition processes (including ICT-enhanced learning; media and information literacy); diversity and mutual understanding (including multilingualism and heritage preservation); and support to countries in post-conflict and post-disaster situations.
反 之,不存在一贯公然侵犯人权的情况并不意味着参照某个人的具体情况,他或她 就不会有遭受酷刑
Conversely, the absence of a consistent pattern of flagrant violations of human rights does not mean that a person might not be subjected to torture in his or her specific circumstances.
我知道,圆桌会议 2 的与会者提议采取下列行动, 事涉把预防工作在全球铺开的共同责任问题,即,通 过减少吸烟、不健康饮食、不运动和酗酒,防止非传 染病造成的很大一部分负担;采取所有国家都负担得 起的“最划算”的干预措施;考虑到采取行动的各种 场所,特别是学校、工作场所、家庭和社区;通过创 新办法,比如烟酒税收入专款专用而使卫生筹资后继
I understand that participants in round table 2 proposed the following actions related to the shared responsibility to make prevention work worldwide: prevent a major proportion of the NCD burden by reducing exposure to tobacco use, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity and the harmful use of alcohol, using “best buys” interventions affordable in all countries; consider various settings for action, particularly schools, workplaces, households and communities; and sustain health financing through innovative approaches such as earmarking revenue from alcohol and tobacco taxes.
使用本「网站」或提交任何构想及/或资料予 Seagate,即表示您同意下列事项:对於该等争议及/或藉由本「网站」而取得或使用之任何产品与服务,或有关提交予 Seagate 之构想及/或相关资料之使用所生任何争议,所致使或相关之任何种类或性质之一切求偿、要求、债务、义务、损害 (实际或衍生)、成本及费用,不问其为已知或未知、有无发生披露或未披露,您均同意免除免责方之责任。
By using this Site, or submitting any ideas and/or related materials to Seagate, you are hereby agreeing to release the Released Parties from any and all claims, demands, debts, obligations, damages (actual or consequential), costs and expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, that you may have against them arising out of or in any way related to such disputes and/or to any products and services obtained or used through this Site or to any disputes regarding use of ideas and/or related materials submitted to Seagate.
这 种看法的好处,是可以让契约双方讨回款项或财物,而契约追认後未 成年人本身亦不会有需负上责任
The advantage of such a view lies in both parties being able to recover their money or property and the minor being in no danger of rendering himself liable by ratification of the contract.
Her distinction among the fifteen women representing the dynamism of China at the recent Women’s Forum in Deauville still proves, if need be, her exemplary value.
埃蔻登市场卖家禽的小说:“在‘禽流感来了,别吃鸡’的谣言传开之前,我每星期通常都能卖40 至 60只鸡。
Before the rumour of bird flu came out saying that people shouldn’t eat chicken, I would normally sell 40 to 60 birds within a week,” said Ms. Yusuf, a poultry seller at the Ikotun market.
最后,我愿重申尼日利亚对原子能机构的支持和 不变的信念,并重申我们相信,在让原子能惠益之光 普照一个更为安全界里所有人的工作中,它 可发挥领导作用。
In conclusion, I wish to reiterate Nigeria’s support for and abiding faith in the IAEA, and our confidence in its leadership in putting the benefits of the atom within the reach of all in a safer and secure world.
这种办法在许多情况下显示出令人鼓 舞的结果,捕鱼业往到完全新的网具类型和捕鱼方式,这种替代有许多 不确定性和更高经济风险。
This approach has shown promising results in many cases and is often preferred by the fishing industry over transitioning to a completely new gear type and fishing practice, which is an alternative that has many more uncertainties and higher economic risks.
( 4 ) 夫 妇 二 人 共 同 被 控 犯 了 某 罪 时 , 任 何 一 方 都 不 得 根 据 上 述 第 ( 1 ) ( a ),( 2 ) 或 ( 3 ) 款 的 规 定 而 具 有 资 格 或 可 受 强 制 在 审 讯 中 尌 该 项 罪 行 作 证 , 除 非 该 配 偶 由 於 认 罪 或 其 他 任 何 理 由 而 在 该 审 讯 中 没 有 或 再 没 有 被 判 有 罪
(4) Where a husband and wife are jointly charged with an offence neither spouse shall at the trial be competent or compellable by virtue of subsection (1)(a), (2) or (3) above to give evidence in respect of that offence unless that spouse is not, or is no longer, liable to be convicted of that offence at the trial as a result of pleading guilty or for any other reason.
This clearly demonstrates the overlap between such networks, but also indicates a risk of duplication and the need to ensure that additional networks have a clear mandate and add value.
於 本 公 布 刊 发 日 期 ,本 公 司 董 事 分 别有 董事 会 主 席 兼 独 立 非 执行 董 事 王 阳 元 先生 、 本 公 司 总 裁 、 首 席 执行 官 兼 执 行 董 事张 汝京 先 生 、 本 公 司 非 执行 董 事 汪 正 纲 先生 、 以 及 本 公 司 独 立 非 执行 董 事 徐 大 麟 先生 、川 西 刚 先 生 、 萧 崇 河先 生 、 陈 立 武 先生先生及江上舟 先生。
As at the date of this announcement, the Directors of the Company are Yang Yuan Wang as Chairman and Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company; Richard R. Chang as President, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Company; Wang Zheng Gang as Non-Executive Director of the Company; and Ta-Lin Hsu, Tsuyoshi Kawanishi, Henry Shaw, Lip-Bu Tan, Albert Y.C. Yu and Jiang Shang Zhou as Independent NonExecutive Directors of the Company.
大家指出,理事会实施此 项规定将会便利长期、有效地保全这些区域的海洋环境,但该规定的真正目的在 于保护其免遭开发,而且要存在“重要证据”表明海洋环境有受严重损害才有理由应用此项规定。
It was observed that, while the application of this provision by the Council would facilitate long-term and effective preservation of the marine environment in such areas, the provision was really aimed at protecting against exploitation and also required the existence of “substantial evidence” indicating therisk ofserious harm to the marine environment to justify its use.
公约》第一六二条第 2 款第(X)项为留出具体的区域提供了可能的法律依
[...] 据,但不清楚是不是目前存在着“重要证据”证明所提议区域内的海洋环境有受 严重损害
Article 162 (2) (x) of the Convention provides a possible legal basis for setting aside specific areas, but it is not clear that there
currently exists “substantial evidence” to
[...] indicatethe risk ofserious [...]
harm to the marine environment in the areas proposed.
在由《中经评论 》杂志〔插入链接〕主办的2012年中国投资论坛上,玛泽企业融资部合伙发表有关首次公开招股中尽职调查的重要性的演讲。
During the 2012 China Investment Conference organized by the China Economic Review , Tim Wei Yu – Corporate Finance Partner at Mazars – will be delivering a speech on the importance of due diligence in the IPO process.
日本认为向发展中国家提供援助以建立和维持 核材料各国的说明和管制制度特别重要,这样它们 就能够执行保障监督,发展和平的核活动,而无扩 散
Japan considered it especially important to provide developing countries with assistance for the establishment and maintenance of State systems of accounting for and control of nuclear material so that they could implement safeguards and develop peaceful nuclear activities without proliferation concerns.




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