

单词 虫媒病毒

See also:


plant diseases and insect pests

病媒 n

vector n

病媒 pl

vectors pl

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 及其影响,比如冰湖溃决洪水、气候模式怪异以 虫媒 传 染 病 增 多 ,仍威胁着其 人民的最基本人权。
Despite its efforts, climate change and its impacts such as Glacial Lake Outburst Floods,
erratic weather patterns, and rising
[...] cases of vector borne diseases endanger the most [...]
basic human rights of its people.
这些建议将作为目前正在拟定的《疟 病媒 中 的 杀 虫 剂 抗 药性管理全球计划》 的一部分得到更详细的阐述。
These recommendations will be elaborated in greater
detail as part of the
[...] global plan for insecticide resistance management in malaria vectors, which is currently [...]
under development.
在根除方案曾经取得成功的地区又出 现了与水有关的虫媒疾病,在以前没有这些疾病的地区也出现了新 虫媒 疾病 (例如基孔肯雅毒在意 大利的传播和登革热的持续蔓延)。
There has been a resurgence of water-related vector-borne diseases in areas where eradication programmes historically have been successful, and the
emergence of new
[...] vector-born diseases in areas where they were previously unknown (e.g., chikungunya virus transmission [...]
in Italy and the continuing spread of dengue).
[...] 结为基础的行动,以减少气体排放,保障粮食供给, 以及积极应对因气候影响、病和害 虫媒 介 、 基础设 施投资、数千物种的消失、海洋酸化和世界范围的不 [...]
The survival of millions of people depends on action based on international solidarity to reduce gas emissions, to ensure access to food, to
positively respond to migration forced by
[...] climate impacts, disease and pest vectors, infrastructure [...]
investment, the disappearance
of thousands of species, ocean acidification and the inequitable distribution of fresh water worldwide, among many other serious situations.
(iii)禽舍中發現小型野鳥(如麻雀)及齧齒動物的蹤跡,牠們 可能是病毒的短期帶菌者及/或污染物的傳 媒 介 , 將病 毒及污 染物帶入禽舍並在禽舍之間傳播。
(iii) Small wild birds (e.g. sparrows) and rodents were both found in poultry
sheds and could have acted as short
[...] term carriers of the virus and/or mechanical transfer [...]
agents of contaminated material into and between sheds.
[...] 病毒/艾滋病活动,包括出版并广泛发行了一份双语(高棉语与英语)《防治艾 病毒 / 艾滋 病媒体指导》。
As part of the United Nations inter-agency joint programming activities, the Office has implemented
HIV/AIDS activities, including the publication and wide
[...] distribution of an HIV Media Guide on AIDS in both [...]
English and Khmer.
(b) 农业、渔业和畜牧业生产所需投入的成本增加(燃料、农业机械备件、 动物饲料、植物和动物卫生用品和化肥,以及一流的科技产品,如除草剂、毒 杀虫剂及其他高效农药或兽药、病 诊 断 试剂盒,在很多情况下只能由美国公司 生产)。
(b) The increase in costs for inputs needed for agricultural, fisheries and livestock production (fuel, spare parts for agricultural machinery, animal feeds, phyto- and zoo-sanitary products and fertilizers, as well as top
technological products such
[...] as herbicides, low toxicity insecticides, and other highly effective pesticides or veterinary pharmaceuticals, disease diagnostic kits [...]
which in many cases are
only produced by United States firms).
汞在室温下呈液态,它是良好的电导体,具有高密度及高表面张力,可 随着压力和温度的变化在整个液体范围内均一延展/收缩,并且对微生物(包 病 原 体 )和其他 虫都 具有毒性, 因此是一种可用于许多用途的优良材料(UNEP 2002)。
Being liquid at room temperature, being a good electrical conductor, having very high density and high surface tension, expanding/contracting uniformly over its entire liquid range in response to changes
in pressure and
[...] temperature, and being toxic to micro-organisms (including pathogenic organisms) and other pests, mercury [...]
is an excellent material for many purposes (UNEP 2002).
腹泻和呕吐几乎总是归于微生物细菌 病毒 、 细 菌和寄 虫) 通过口腔带到体内引起感染。
Diarrhoea and vomiting almost always
[...] are due to infections caused by microbes (viruses, bacteria, parasites), which enter [...]
the organism through the mouth.
人们认为造成最常见虫媒病,包括疟疾和登 革热的环境因素包括:灌溉和供水系统设计不当、 住房不足、废物处置和蓄水差、砍伐森林、生物多 样性的损失等。
Environmental factors, such as poorly designed irrigation and water systems, inadequate housing, poor waste disposal and water storage, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, all are regarded as factors contributing to the most common vector-borne diseases, including malaria and dengue.
陳健波議員: 代理主席,近日,聯合國轄下的世界衞生組織(“世 衞 ”)將手提流動電話(“手機”)列為可能致癌類別,與殺蟲劑、愛病 病毒及近日傳媒廣泛 報道的塑化劑同級。
MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Deputy President, the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations has recently classified mobile phones as possibly carcinogenic to humans, and placed them in the
same category as pesticides, human
[...] immunodeficiency virus and plasticiser which has attracted wide media coverage recently.
這些措施包括知會世界衛生組織有關流行病的資料並交換有關資料、為來自疫區 的㆟士進行醫療檢查和觀察、毒和 滅 蟲服務、港口及機場的控制 病媒 介 和消除蟲 鼠服務、港口及機場的食物及食水衛生、免費簽發無疫通行證和注射疫苗服務。
The IHR set out the obligations and responsibilities of health authorities for the appropriate health measures in respect of, inter alia, notification and exchange of epidemiological information with WHO,
medical examination and
[...] surveillance of persons from infected areas, disinfection and disinsectization services, [...]
port and airport
vector and rodent control services, food and water hygiene in port and airport, free pratique and vaccination services.
y 全民健康,尤其是努力防治肆虐非洲大陆的重大流行性疾病和祸患,例 如艾病毒/艾滋病、麻风病、肺 结核、 线 虫病 和 孤 儿病,如镰刀型红血 球疾病。
Health for all and particularly efforts to combat major pandemics and scourges afflicting the African continent such as HIV/AIDS, leprosy, tuberculosis, Guinea worm disease and orphan diseases such as sickle-cell disease.
世界卫生大会吁请世卫组织 拟订疟病媒的杀虫剂抗 药性管理全球计划,预计该计划将于 2012 年初公布。
The World Health Assembly has called
on WHO to develop a
[...] global plan for insecticide resistance management in malaria vectors, which is expected [...]
to be released in early 2012.
然而注意到,用于检疫和装运前毒 处 理 用途的消费量有所增加,这主 要归因于按照进口国的正式要求需要进行甲基溴熏蒸的商品出口量增加,以及进口的农产 品、特别是从印度进口的牛饲料引起的检疫 病虫 害 发生率突然增加。
It was noted however that consumption for QPS
applications had increased and was
[...] attributed primarily to increasing exports of commodities requiring fumigation with MB as officially requested by the importing countries, and the sudden increase in incidence of quarantine pests from imported farming products, especially cattle food from India.
1972年,以对鱼类和候鸟(而非对人类) 毒 性 研 究为依据,美国环境保护署全面禁止使用DDT,一种曾被广泛使用来杀灭 病虫 害 的 廉价而有效的杀虫剂。
In 1972, on the
[...] basis of data on toxicity to fish and migrating birds (but not to humans), the United States Environmental Protection Agency banned virtually all uses of DDT, an inexpensive and effective pesticide once widely deployed to kill disease-carrying insects.
试验方案是巴巴多斯卫 生部与加勒比广媒体艾滋病毒/艾滋病伙伴关系等方面合作展开的。
The pilot programme is carried out by the
Barbados Ministry of Health in collaboration with, among others, the
[...] Caribbean Broadcast Media Partnership on HIV/AIDS.
它们包括通过土壤传播的蠕虫病(钩虫感染、蛔 虫病和鞭虫病)和血吸虫病——所有这些疾病都会造成孕妇贫血,阻碍儿童的身
[...] 体和智力发展;造成腿部严重肿胀的象皮病;造成失明的沙眼和蟠尾线虫病; 影 响消化系统和心脏功能的恰加斯病;造成皮肤脓肿溃烂的利什曼病;非洲 虫病 (昏睡病)和是一种病毒感染的登革热。
They include soil-transmitted helminthes (hookworm infection, ascariasis and trichuriasis) and schistosomiasis, all of which cause anaemia among pregnant women and impair physical and cognitive development in children; lymphatic filariasis, which causes severe leg swelling; trachoma and onchocerciasis, which cause blindness; Chagas disease, which affects the digestive system
and heart function; leishmaniasis, which causes skin lesions and ulcers; human
[...] African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), and dengue fever, a viral infection.
诸如登革热、基孔肯雅病及虫病等 病媒 传染 性疾病的出现,以及诸如钩端螺旋体病、弓形体病及流感等其他再度爆发的疾 [...]
Vector-borne disease such as dengue, chikungunya [...]
and scrub typhus have emerged to be more important and challenging, as
well as other re-emerging diseases such as leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis and influenza.
要实现千年发展目标不仅需要足够的财政资源,而且还需要 加强能提病媒控制 干预手段的保健体系,为疟疾的寄 虫 学 确 认提供诊断手段 及青蒿素综合疗法,以及发展疟疾、寄生虫对抗疟药物抗药性和蚊虫对杀虫剂抗 [...]
Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals will require not only adequate financial resources, but also the strengthening of
health systems capable
[...] of delivering vector control interventions, the provision of diagnostics for the parasitologic confirmation [...]
of malaria alongside
treatment with artemisinin-based combination therapies, and the development of routine surveillance systems for malaria as well as for resistance of parasites to antimalarial medicines and resistance of mosquitoes to insecticides.
不過,在確定病毒是否容易在 人與人之間傳播時,切勿忽略其他可能的解釋,例如恐怖活動或出現 動物傳病媒介在不同地點病毒傳 給 人類的異常生態情況。
In confirming efficient human-to-human transmission, one must not overlook other possible explanations, such as acts
of terrorism, or an unusual ecological situation with
[...] an animal vector spreading virus to humans in different locations.
Some people are
[...] allergic to certain insect bites or venom.
舉例而言,寄生疾病部門轄下各支部專責處理各類寄生病;病媒傳染病部門轄下各支部專責處理由昆蟲或其他生物傳播的傳病;病毒及立 克次體疾病部門轄下各支部則專責處理 病毒 及 立克 次體(一種微生物)引致的傳染病。
For instance, branches of the Division of Parasitic
[...] Diseases specialize in a wide range of parasitic diseases, branches of the Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases specialize in infectious diseases carried by insects or other organisms, and branches of the Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases specialize in infectious diseases caused by virus and rickettsiae, [...]
a kind of micro-organisms.
而如果很早就使用Linux系统的朋友,也许对2001年大规模爆发的“狮子”病毒还记忆犹新,严格的说,它是一种可以通过网络迅速传播的 虫病毒 , 它可以通过电子邮件把密码和配置文件发送到制定的域名,攻击者根据发回的文件突破整个系统,更恐怖的是,中了“狮子”病毒的机器会在网上搜索别的受害者。
If using the Linux system has long friend, perhaps a major outbreak of the 2001's "Lion" virus also remember, strictly speaking, it is a rapid spread through the network worm, it can be by e-mail the password and configuration files to send to the development of the domain name, an attacker break under the file back to the system, more horror is in a "lion" virus of the machine will search the web for other victims.
舉例而言,為預 防西尼羅毒及其他蟲媒病毒疾病 ,國家傳染病中心向各州提供撥 款,以提升其流行病學及化驗所的支援能力,監察及對抗該等疾病。
For instance, in the prevention of the West Nile virus and other arboviral diseases, NCID provides funding for states to bolster their epidemiologic and laboratory capacity for surveillance and response to the threats.
儿童基金会支持改善产前护理(包括破伤风类毒素, 虫 蚊 帐(ITN),间歇假定性治疗(IPT),营养等),预防艾 病毒 的 母 婴传播(PMTCT),增加妇女获得治疗艾滋病的机会。
UNICEF supports improved antenatal care (Tetanus Toxoid, Insecticide treated nets (ITN), Intermittent Presumptive Treatment [...]
(IPT), nutrition), Prevention of
Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT), increased women’s access to HIV treatment.
卫生组织和其他伙伴的支持下,执行《抑制青蒿素抗药性全球计划》和《疟病 媒的杀虫剂抗 药性管理全球计划》,吁请世界卫生组织加强和落实药物和杀虫剂 抗药性监测系统,支持会员国拟订杀虫剂抗药性管理国家战略,协调国际层面对 各国的支持,确保全面开展药品和杀虫剂抗药性测试,以便加强对杀虫剂和青蒿 素类复方疗法的使用,并强调指出应利用收集的数据进一步研究和开发安全有效 的疗法
about the increase in resistant strains of malaria in several regions of the world, and calls upon Member States, with support from the World Health Organization and other partners, to implement the Global Plan for Artemisinin Resistance Containment and the Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance Management in Malarial Vectors and upon the World Health Organization to strengthen and implement surveillance systems for drug and insecticide resistance, to support Member States in the development of their national insecticide resistance management strategies and to coordinate support at the international level for countries to ensure that drug and insecticide resistance testing is fully operational in order to enhance the use of insecticides and artemisinin-based combination therapies, and stresses that the data gathered should be utilized for further research and development of safe and effective therapies




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