

单词 人行

行人 noun, plural ()

footbridges pl

行人 noun ()

pedestrian n
pedestrians pl

行人 ()

traveler on foot
official responsible for arranging audiences with the



treat people according to their rank and one's relationship with them [idiom.]

人行道 n

sidewalks pl
footway n



External sources (not reviewed)

(a) 采取了哪些具体措施,打击对侵人 权 行 为 有 罪不罚的现象,包括由 公务人员以及人行为者 在政府官员的默许或同意下施行的失踪和酷刑以及其他 残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚。
(a) The specific measures taken to fight impunity for violations of human rights, including disappearances and torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment committed by public officials as well as private actors acting with the acquiescence or consent of government officials.
这一方法涉及政策、治理和管理方面要关心的问题,包含各利益攸关者,包括在地方、国 家、地区、国际各级参与城市发展进程的政府和 人行 动 者
This approach addresses the policy, governance and management concerns involving a variety of stakeholders, including local, national, regional, international, public and private actors in the urban development process.
关于正在采取的加强问责制的措施,秘书长指出,外勤支助部已采取若干 步骤来满足这一要求,具体如下:准备实施国际公共部门会计准则;采取行动, 使管理人员对其经管的资源承担更大问责;采取举措,使特派团人员对其 人行 为承 担责任;在维和行动中努力实施环境保护政策(A/66/679,第 122 段)。
With regard to measures being undertaken to strengthen accountability, the Secretary-General states that the Department of Field Support has taken a number of steps to address this requirement through its preparations for the implementation of IPSAS, actions to make managers more accountable for their stewardship of resources, initiatives to hold mission personnel accountable for their personal conduct and efforts with respect to the implementation of the environmental policy in peacekeeping operations (A/66/679, para. 122).
非政府组织和 其他人行为者 有时统称为“公民社会”行为者,他们的活动也包括在条款草案 的范围,但处于次要地位,或作为国家义务(例如第 5 条所规定的各国合作的义 务)的直接受益人,或根据受灾国、第三国或实体或 人行 为 者 国籍国国内法 律,间接地实施条款草案。
The activities of nongovernmental organizations and other private actors, sometimes collectively referred to as “civil society” actors, are included within the scope of the draft articles only in a secondary manner, either as direct beneficiaries of duties placed on States (for example, of the duty of States to cooperate, in article 5) or indirectly, as being subject to the domestic [...]
laws, implementing the
draft articles, of either the affected State, a third State or the State of nationality of the entity or private actor.
建议书》提到有必要更好地设计城市遗产保护战略并将其纳入整体可持续发展的更广泛 目标,以支持旨在维持和改善人类环境质量的政府行动和 人行 动。
This Recommendation addresses the need to better integrate and frame urban heritage conservation strategies within the larger goals of overall sustainable development, in order to support public and private actions aimed at preserving and enhancing the quality of the human environment.
除了路线多样化和实施建设新的海上管道系统的联合项目外,欧洲 能源安全新结构另一个极为关键的组成部分是建立跨欧洲能源网络,其 重点是建立区域结构和采取其他举措,包括实施大西洋能源安全倡议, 该倡议力求建立参与在大西洋盆地及以远地区开发和支助能源发展的政 府和人行动者的合作网络。
Apart from diversification of routes and implementation of joint projects to construct new offshore pipeline systems, another vital element of the new architecture of the European energy security is the creation of Trans-European Energy Networks, which focus on regional formation and other initiatives, such as the Atlantic Energy Security Initiative, that seek to create a collaborative network of public and private actors involved in developing and supporting energy development in the Atlantic basin and beyond.
在无损本条前述规定的情况下,本航行 合约所载豁免、限制、条件和自由,以及根据本航行合约适用于承运人或承运人有权享有的各项权利、责任豁
[...] 的每位该等雇员或代理人(包括如前述的该等承包商),承运人为或须被视为为及代表不时作为(或可能成 为)其雇员或代理人的人士(包括如前述的该等承包商)的利益而作为代理人或受 人行 事 , 而所有此等人士 在此范围内须或须被视为航行合约的订约方。
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions of this clause, every exemption, limitation, condition and liberty herein contained and every right, exemption from liability, defence and immunity of whatsoever nature applicable to the Carrier or to which the Carrier is entitled hereunder shall also be available and shall extend to protect every such servant or agent of the Carrier (including such contractors as aforesaid) acting as aforesaid and for the purpose of all the foregoing provisions of this clause, the Carrier is or shall be deemed to be acting as agent or trustee on behalf of and for the benefit of all persons who are or might be
the Carrier's servants
[...] or agents from time to time (including such contractors as aforesaid) and all such [...]
persons shall to this
extent be or be deemed to be parties to the Passage Contract.
委员会促请缔约国考虑这样做时可采取如下方法:在公共部门采取配额,建立机 制监督人行为者 遵守缔约国同等待遇和反对歧视法的情况。
The Committee urges the State party to consider doing this through the adoption of quotas in the public sector and effective mechanisms to monitor the compliance by private actors with the State party’s equal treatment and anti-discrimination laws.
各国除了可以在多边合作以及遵守条约方面开 展活动之外,他们还可以像美国一样立即采取措施 阻止受贿人、行贿人及其 资金进入其领土,并在打 击毒品方面,在毒品药品委员会召开会议时为新调 查系统提供支持。
In addition to acting on their treaty commitments and increasing multilateral cooperation, States could also, like the United States, take immediate measures to deny entry to their territory on the part of public officials who received bribes as well as those who supplied them and, in terms of the anti-drug effort, support the new questionnaire system at the reconvened session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
负责裁决这一驱逐决定有效性的科隆行政法庭将案件移交给欧共体法院;受理此 案的欧共体法院首先回顾,1964 年指令第 3 条第 1 款规定,“公共秩序或公共安 全措施必须完全基于个人的人行为 ”
The Court of Justice of the European Communities, to which the Cologne Administrative Court had referred for a ruling on the validity of this deportation decision, recalled, first of all, that article 3, paragraph 1, of the 1964 directive provides that “measures taken on grounds of public policy or of public security shall be based exclusively on the personal conduct of the individual.
[...] 社会预防观点;它们查明青年犯罪的原因、风险因素和可能的预防对策;并且 它们加强公共安全政策并促进公共民间与 人行 为 方 之间的合作。
These projects adopt a social prevention perspective; they identify causes of youth crime, risk factors and possible
prevention responses; and they strengthen public security policies and promote cooperation
[...] among public civil and private actors.
除了正在努力增加人力资源,并确保对其 行人 权 保 护方面的适当培 训之外,其他措施旨在改善司法机关和监狱中的工作条件。
As well as efforts to increase human resources and provide them with proper training on the protection of human rights, other measures aim to improve working conditions in courts and prisons.
(C) 在不違反上述(B)項規定之前提下,當任何聯名帳戶持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他喪失行為能 力、或發生無力償債事件,吾等將會將所有帳戶中持有的貸方餘額以及吾等在任何交易及服務下
[...] 人全部身故,則應當交予最後生存的聯名帳戶持有人的遺囑 行人 或 遺產管理人),而吾等就以 上所述完成的任何支付應當被視為已完全地、絕對地解除吾等針對所有聯名帳戶持有人的負值 [...]
(C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account
holder (in case of death of all of the joint
[...] Account holders, to the executors or [...]
administrators of the last surviving joint
Account holder) and any payment by us above shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased.
除上文所披露者外,於最後實際可行日期,本公司董事或主 行 政 人 員 或 彼等各自的 聯繫人概無於本公司或任何其相聯法團(定義見證券及期貨條例第XV部)之股份、股本 衍生工具的相關股份及債權證中擁有任何有關權益或淡倉而須根據證券及期貨條例第 XV部第7及8分部通知本公司及聯交所(包括根據證券及期貨條例有關條文彼等被當作 或視作擁有的權益或淡倉);或根據證券及期貨條例第352條須存置的登記冊中的權益 或淡倉;或根據創業板上市規則第5.46條有關上市 行人 董 事 進行交易的最低標準規定 而須通知本公司及聯交所的權益或淡倉。
Save as disclosed
[...] above, as at the Latest Practicable Date, none of the Directors or chief executive of the Company or their respective associates had any interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares of equity derivative and debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which would have to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required to be kept under Section 352 of the SFO, or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to the minimum standards of dealing by the directors of listed issuers as referred [...]
to in Rule 5.46 of the GEM Listing Rules.
圣文森特和格林纳丁斯希望增强负责执行制裁措施的服务的能力,在这方 面,有兴趣接受下列援助:对执法人员、移民官、海关官员和 行人 员 进 行 反恐 培训;提供查明身份、侦测、监测设备以及监测边境点的人员流动的适当技术和 数据处理工具;监测资金转账和外汇信息的技术和数据处理工具。
St. Vincent and the Grenadines would like to strengthen the capacities of the services responsible for the implementation of the sanctions measures and in that regard would be interested in receiving technical assistance for the following: training for law enforcement personnel, immigration officers, customs officers and banking personnel in counter-terrorism; provisions of equipment for identification, detection, surveillance and appropriate technological and data-processing tools to monitor the movement of persons at border points; technological and dataprocessing tools to monitor transfers of funds and foreign exchange information.
倘某股東身故,則唯一獲本公司認可於身故者股份中擁有權益的人士須 為一名或多名倖存者(倘身故者為聯名持有人)及身故者的遺囑 行人 ( 倘 身故者為 唯一或單一倖存持有人);但本條所載的任何規定並不解除已故持有人(無論為唯一 或聯名持有人)的遺產就彼單獨或聯名持有的任何股份所涉的任何責任。
In the case of the death of a member, the survivor or survivors where the deceased was a joint holder, and the legal personal representatives of the deceased where he was a sole or only surviving holder, shall be the only persons recognised by the Company as having any title to his interest in the shares; but nothing herein contained shall release the estate of a deceased holder (whether sole or joint) from any liability in respect of any share solely or jointly held by him.
於根據上市規則訂明的上市行人董 事 進行證券交易的標準守 則或本公司所採納的任何同類守則或證券買賣限制禁止董事買賣股份 [...]
的期間或時間,董事不得向身為董事的參與者提出任何授出購股權的 建議。
The Directors may not grant any option to a participant [...]
who is a Director during the periods or times in which Directors are prohibited
from dealing in shares pursuant to the Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers prescribed by the Listing Rules or any corresponding code or securities dealing restrictions adopted by the Company.
小 组委员会建议监狱当局制定有关管理囚犯之间暴力行为的政策,包括大幅增加工 作人员数量,并行人员培 训,应着眼于建立和保持囚犯之间以及工作人员与囚 犯之间的良好关系:对监狱工作采取动态安全方法。
The SPT recommends that prison authorities develop their policy on managing inter-prisoner violence, including significantly increasing staff numbers and conducting staff training, which should focus on building and maintaining positive relations among prisoners, as well as between staff and prisoners: the dynamic security approach to prison work.
又强调所有相关利益攸关方和社会成员均需要就促进和保护在民族或族裔、 宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利问题 行人 权 教 育、培训和学习,并展开 对话和互动,作为社会整体发展的一部分,包括交流有关最佳做法,藉以促进对 少数群体问题的相互了解,管理多样性,承认多元特征,增强包容和稳定的社会 以及社会内部的融合
Emphasizing also the importance of human rights education, training and learning as well as of dialogue and interaction among all relevant stakeholders and members of society on the promotion and protection of the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities as an integral part of the development of society as a whole, including the sharing of best practices such as for the promotion of mutual understanding of minority issues, managing diversity by recognizing plural identities and promoting inclusive and stable societies as well as social cohesion therein
根 據 儲 量 報 告 , 吾 等
[...] 獲 悉 , 儲 量 報 告行 人 已 開 展( 其 中 包 括 [...]
)綜 合 地 質 勘 查 、 工 程 控 制 、 取 樣 及 抽 水 試 驗 以 根 據 中 華 人 民 共 和 國國土資 源 部 頒
佈 的 中 華 人 民 共 和 國地質 礦 產 行 業 標 準 項 下 的《 鐵 、 錳 、 鉻 礦 地 質 勘 查 規 範 》( DZ / T 0200 -2002 )確 定 採 礦 權 的 礦 井 及 其 各 自 的 規 模 、 形 態 、 存 在 及 礦 石 質 素 。
According to the Reserve Reports, we [...]
understand that the Reserve Reports Issuer has performed, among others, comprehensive
geological survey, engineering control, sampling and pumping test in order to identify the mines of the Mining Right and their respective sizes, attitudes, occurrences and ore qualities in accordance with Specifications for iron, manganese and chromium mineral exploration (DZ/T0200–2002) under Geology and Mineral Resources Industry Standard of the PRC issued by Ministry of Land and Resources of the PRC.
委员会还商定,秘书处应当在资源允许的情 况下就下列议题进行研究供委员会审议:㈠过度抵押和使用无经济价值的抵押 品;㈡电子资金,包括其作为储蓄的地位;电子资金“ 行人 ” 是否在从事银 行业务,因此应受哪一类监管;存款保险计划对这类资金的涵盖;㈢为解决小 额金融交易产生的争议提供公平、迅捷、透明和低成本程序;㈣促进对微型企 业和中小企业使用担保借贷并确保其透明度。
The Commission also agreed that the Secretariat should, resources permitting, undertake research for consideration by the Commission on the following items: (i) overcollateralization and the use of collateral with no economic value; (ii) e-money, including its status as savings; whether “issuers” of e-money were engaged in banking and hence what type of regulation they were subject to; and the coverage of such funds by deposit insurance schemes; (iii) provision for fair, rapid, transparent and inexpensive processes for the resolution of disputes arising from microfinance transactions; (iv) facilitating the use of, and ensuring transparency in, secured lending to microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises.
根 據 收 購 守 則 第 8.2 條 , 載 有( 其 中 包 括 )(i)收 購 建 議 之 詳 情( 包 括 預 期 時 間 表 ); (ii) 獨 立 董 事 委 員 會 致 獨 立 股 東 及 獨 立 購 股 權 持 有 人 有 關 收 購 建 議 之 意 見 函 件 ; 及 (iii) 獨 立 財 務 顧 問 致 獨 立 董 事 委 員 會 及 獨 立 股 東 及 獨 立 購 股 權 持 有 人 有 關 收 購 建 議
之 意 見 函 件之綜 合 收 購 建 議 文 件 , 連 同 有 關 接 納 及 過 戶 表 格 , 須 於 本 聯 合
[...] 公 佈 日 期 起 計 21 天 或行 人 員 可 能 批 准 之 較 後 日 期 [...]
內 寄 發 予 股 東 。
In accordance with Rule 8.2 of the Takeovers Code, the composite offer document containing, among other things, (i) details of the Offers (including the expected timetable); (ii) a letter of advice from the Independent Board Committee to the Independent Shareholders and the Independent Option Holders in relation to the Offers; and (iii) a letter of advice from an independent financial adviser to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders and the Independent Option Holders in relation to the Offers, together with the
relevant forms of acceptance and transfer,
[...] is required to be despatched to the Shareholders [...]
within 21 days of the date of this
joint announcement or such later date the Executive may approve.
為配合國家的戰略性規劃及金融需要,港府 應進一步推動香港銀行參與範圍更廣的人民幣業務,鼓勵在香港 行人 民幣 債券及各種票據、配合內地推出 QDII,提供更多人民幣的投資工具,協助國 家理順人民幣制度的改革,成為名副其實的人民幣離岸中心。
To dovetail with the national strategic planning and financial needs, the Hong Kong Government should take further steps to promote among our banks greater participation in RMB business, encourage the issuance of RMB bonds and various notes in Hong Kong, support the introduction of the QDII on the Mainland, provide more investment instruments for RMB and help the State rationalize the RMB reform so that we can become an off-shore centre of RMB true to the name.
工程計劃的核准範圍包括(a)擴闊仁愛廣場與皇珠路之間一 段長約 1.5 公里的屯門公路市中心段,由雙程雙線分隔車道改為雙程三 線分隔車道;(b)興建 1 條長約 450 米的單線行車天橋,由屯興路沿青 海圍延伸,最終與屯門公路往九龍方向行車道連接;(c)拆卸及重建 4 條 現行人天橋,並在施工期間提供 2 條臨行人天橋;(d)安裝相關的 隔音屏障及隔音罩;以及(e)進行相關的土木、結構、環境美化和土力 工程,重置現有設施,以及進行緩解環境影響、渠務、道路照明、水管 和交通輔助設施的工程。
The approved scope of the project comprises (a) widening of 1.5 kilometres long of Tuen Mun Road (TMR) between Yan Oi Town Square and Wong Chu Road from a dual two-lane to a dual three-lane carriageway; (b) construction of a single-lane flyover of approximately 450 metres long, which extends from Tuen Hing Road and runs along Tsing Hoi circuit to merge eventually with the TMR Kowloon-bound carriageways; (c) demolition and reconstruction of four existing footbridges, and provision of two temporary footbridges during the construction period; (d) installation of associated noise barriers/enclosures; and (e) associated civil, structural, landscaping and geotechnical works, reprovision of existing facilities, environmental mitigation, drainage, road lighting, water mains and traffic aids works.
(j) 從事及執行其認為適宜的任何信託及業務,並擔任遺囑 行人 、 遺 產管 理人、司庫或登記處處長的職務,以及為任何公司、政府、機關或團體 保存有關任何股額、基金、股份或證券的任何名冊,或擔任有關過戶登 記、發行股票或其他證書的任何職責。
(j) To undertake and execute any trusts, the undertaking whereof may seem desirable, and also to undertake the office of executor, administrator, treasurer or registrar, and to keep for any company, government, authority or body, any register relating to any stocks, funds, shares or securities, or to undertake any duties in relation to the registration of transfers, the issue of certificates or otherwise.
制定一项发展、教育和增进对人权了解的广泛计划,内容包括:(a) 在共
[...] 同生活和相互尊重的前提下,积极推广所有部族的传统价值观、习俗和机制; (b) 通过宣传和平、多样性和多元文化振兴教育系统;(c) 对所有安全部队行 人权培训。
The implementation of a broad programme to educate people about human rights and their importance, including (a) the active promotion of the traditional values, practices and mechanisms of all the communities in order to foster coexistence and mutual respect; (b) the promotion, throughout the educational system, of a culture
of peace, diversity and pluralism; and (c) the
[...] delivery of human rights education to all members [...]
of the security forces.
计划考虑了 131 项措施,这些措施可以分为下列 10 个主题:待 遇平等;社会融合,打击种族主义和仇外心理;消除性别暴力;西班牙人在国外 的权利;宗教自由;有效司法保护(扩展二级刑事审判及其他);对恐怖主义活动 等的受害者的关怀和照顾;个人自由与国家安全力量和部队(防止酷刑的国家机 制,保障被拘押者的权利,对国家安全力量和部队 行人 权 方 面的培训和教育 等);庇护权利和对不驱回原则的尊重;社会权利(教育、住房、健康、就业范 畴、残疾人、个人自主权、儿童);为个人发展而享有良好环境的权利。
Domestic policy measures: A total of 131 measures are planned, under 10 main themes: equality of treatment, integration and combating racism and xenophobia; combating gender-based violence; the rights of Spaniards abroad; religious freedom; effective judicial protection (including the generalization of the right to a second hearing); care for victims (of terrorism, for example); personal freedom and the State security forces (national mechanism for the prevention of torture, guarantees for persons held incommunicado, and human rights training for those forces, inter alia); the right of asylum and respect for the principle of non-refoulement; social rights (education, housing, health care, employment, persons with disabilities, personal autonomy, childhood); and the right to an environment conducive to personal development.
因此,我们大家应当认识到,唯一的解决办法 只能是由叙利亚人自己来解决问题,开展全面、包 容和满足叙利亚人民愿望的叙利亚政治进程,开展 在祖国的总体范围内人人都可参与的全民对话,来 建立一个民主、多元、在法律面前人人平等、不存 在任何政治或意识形态倾向的国家;一个人人不受 歧视地拥有政治和经济机会的国家;一个能够象其 它国家一样,行人人均可 参与竞选的民主、透明 和自由选举的国家。
Consequently, it is incumbent upon all of us to realize that the only solution must be a Syrian solution through a comprehensive and inclusive Syrian political process that satisfies the aspirations of the Syrian people in a national dialogue in which all participate under the umbrella of the homeland in order to establish a democratic, pluralistic country where all enjoy equality before the law, far from any political or ideological tendencies, a State where political and economic opportunities are available to each and everyone without discrimination, where there are democratic, transparent and free elections in which all compete, as is the case in other countries.
(a) 基金認購章程原本列明的基礎證券 行人 的 信 貸評級要求(即基礎證券 行人的 優 先債務信貸評級須至少獲標準普爾評為A-的信貸評級,或由穆迪或惠譽國際給 予與此相等的評級)將停止適用;及
(a) the credit rating of a Base Securities Issuer as originally set out in the Prospectus, that is, a Base Security Issuer must have a credit rating in respect of senior debt of at least A- by Standard & Poor’s or equivalent rating given by Moody’s or by Fitch, shall cease to apply; and
根 據 吾 等 與 估 值 師 的 討論, 吾 等 獲 悉 , 商 業 估 值 準 則 已 在
[...] 前 幾年聯 交 所 上 市行 人 的 若 干 須 予 公 佈 的 [...]
交 易 的 估 值 報 告 中 被 用 於 進 行 採 礦 公 司 的 商 業 估 值
, 例 如 , 福 山 國 際 能 源 集 團 有 限 公 司( HK : 00639 )日 期 為 二 零零八 年 十 二 月 二 十 九 日 的 通 函 、 匯 創 控 股 有 限 公 司( HK : 08202 )日 期 為 二 零零九 年 九 月 十 一 日 的 通 函 及 西 伯 利 亞 礦 業 集 團 有 限 公 司( HK : 01142 )日 期 為 二 零 一 零 年 一 月 十 九 日 的 通 函 。
Based on
[...] our discussion with the Valuer, we [...]
understand that the BVS has been adopted in the business valuation of mining
companies in the valuation reports of certain notifiable transactions of listed issuers on the Stock Exchange in the prior year, such as, Fushan International Energy Group Limited (HK: 00639) with circular dated 29 December 2008, Inno-Tech Holdings Limited (HK: 08202) with circular dated 11 September 2009 and Siberian Mining Group Company Limited (HK: 01142) with circular dated 19 January 2010.




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