

单词 亲生子女

See also:


give birth to a child or children


sons and daughters

子女 n

child n
spouse n

External sources (not reviewed)

社会福利部管理发放给为并非自 亲生子女 的 儿 童提供 支持的家庭和监护人的现金补贴。
The Department of Social Welfare administers cash grants for families and guardians supporting children other than their own.
爱德华· 费森尤斯没亲生子女,他的财产 遗赠给了一个继承人团体,他的养女 艾尔莎·费瑙(Else Fernau)也在其 中。
Since Eduard Fresenius
[...] did not have any children of his own, he [...]
bequeathed his possessions to a community of heirs, among
them his foster daughter Else Fernau.
This is especially a concern in
[...] relation to children born from very young mothers.
直系亲属是指您的配偶、同居伴侣、未成年子女和 被赡养人,包亲生子女、领 养子女、继子女、与您 同处一个家庭的任何其他人,以及代表上述人士或 [...]
Immediate family means your spouse,
domestic partner, minor children and
[...] dependents, including natural, adoptive, and step-children, [...]
any other individual residing
in the same household as you, and any individual or organization that represents or acts as agent or fiduciary for such individuals.
或共同分担经济状况的一群人的 意思,即事实婚姻及其生的子女, 单 亲 父 母 及其子女等。
However, the same term can also mean a group of people who live under the same roof and/or
share the same economic environment, de facto unions and respective
[...] children, as well as single parents and their children.
然而,由于关注的重点包括在狱中服刑的 亲 的 子女 , 因 此需要 认识到父母双方子女的生活中 扮演的重要角色。
However, as the focus
[...] includes the children of imprisoned mothers, there is a need to recognize the central role of both parents in the lives of children.
即将发布的 2010 年儿童基金会关于中低收入国家父母管 子女 的 作法的报 告确认,暴力管教方法的使用率很高,但也承认,这种做法与非暴力管教方法并 存;每 10 个儿童中就有近 9 个儿童受过体罚和心理侵害,在男孩、5 至 9 岁儿童 及亲容忍 体罚和存在家庭暴力的家庭里,这种情况的 生 率 更高;相反,在照 顾者较常与儿童开展教育和娱乐活动的情况下,暴力管教的发生率较低。
The forthcoming 2010 UNICEF report
[...] on parental child disciplinary practices in a range of low- and middle-income countries confirms the high prevalence of violent disciplinary methods, but also recognizes that this practice coexists with non-violent discipline; close to 9 in 10 children experience physical punishment and psychological aggression, with higher rates among boys, among children between 5 and 9 years of age and in households where mothers condone corporal [...]
punishment and domestic
violence; conversely, violent discipline was less prevalent when caregivers were engaged in greater levels of educational and play activities with their children.
他还 指出,根据穆斯林传统,再婚妇女的 女 只 有 在获得其 亲 新 丈夫的许可后才能 与新家庭一起生活,且摩洛哥男子一般不承担养育其新妻子与前任丈夫 生子女 的责任。
He also states that according to Muslim tradition the
[...] children of women who remarry cannot live with the new family unless permitted by the new husband, and that in general men in Morocco do not accept the responsibility to support the children of their new wife’s [...]
previous marriages.
委员会敦促缔约国采取措施,处理法律上没有 亲 的 人 面临的问题,由于是 非生子女,他 们受到各种法律,包括关于家庭生活、土地所有权和继承问题的 法律的负面影响。
The Committee urges the State party to take measures to address the problems faced by the legally fatherless who, by virtue of having been born out of wedlock, are negatively affected by various laws including the laws governing family life, land ownership and inheritance.
四位在不同领域表现卓越的女将,在家 生 活 里 也扮演好 子 、 母 亲 、 女 儿 及 朋友的角色。
The four outstanding ladies have been exemplary in their respective fields
[...] and juggled multiple roles of being a wife, mother, daughter and friend.
但是,对非婚生儿童的歧视依然存在,同时由于消极的社会态度, 对单身亲的歧视同样存在,这些对儿童都产生了消极影响,而消极影响的具体 表现特别包括遗弃非婚生儿童的比率很高,而且在一些情况下存在杀死非 生子 女的案例。
It remains concerned, however, that discrimination against children born out of wedlock continues to exist, as does
[...] against single mothers owing to negative social attitudes, which has a negative impact on children as demonstrated, inter alia, by the high rate of abandonment and the existence of some cases of infanticide of children born out of wedlock.
为护理生病子 女,如果因为某种原因(需文件证明),母亲或 亲 不 能照 顾 子女(生 病 、暂时离 开、养育权被剥夺等情况下),医疗证明也可发放给其他家庭成员(祖父母、其他 就业家庭成员或监护人)。
For nursing the sick child the medial certificate may also be issued to another
member of the family
[...] (grandparents, other employed family members, to the tutor or curator), if because of certain [...]
reasons, confirmed by
documentation, the mother or the father cannot take care of the child (in case of illness, temporary absence, dismissal from parental rights, etc).
委员会极其关注连续生对单亲母亲 及 其 子女 的 袭 击,且这些行为没 有受到任何制裁,这些罪行的受害者与其子女一 生 活 在 恐怖和极其贫困之中, 缔约国没有向其提供任何支持;和 (b) 社会排斥和侮辱往往使未婚怀孕妇女与女孩冒着生命危险进行秘密堕 胎,遗弃其子女或流落街头,他们没有任何其他机遇,只有靠卖淫来养活其子 女。
The Committee is extremely concerned that attacks against single mothers and their children continue to be committed with impunity and that victims of these crimes [...]
live with their children in situations
of fear and extreme poverty without support being provided by the State party; and
新《民法》(2002年) 除其他外特别规定:在家庭中男女完全平等;确定平 等分割婚姻期间所获得的财产为一项既定的财产规则;赋予婚姻内外 生子女同 样的继承权;允许亲父母 领养儿童,并载有各类禁止侵害妇女暴力的条款。
New Civil Code (2002), inter alia, establishes full equality of men and women within a family, sets the equal division of property acquired during marriage as a default property regime, gives equal inheritance rights to children born out of wedlock, allows single parents to adopt children and contains various clauses to prevent violence against women.
监狱的制度应当具有足够的灵活性,满足怀孕的女性、哺乳的 亲 以及子女的女性的需求。
The regime of the prison shall be flexible enough to respond to the needs of
[...] pregnant women, nursing mothers and women with children.
第 5753-1993 号《病假薪酬法(因子女生病而 缺勤)》近期修正案(2008 年 3 月 18 日)修正案延长了单身父亲或单身母亲或独自照顾 女 的 父 亲 或 母 亲带薪病 假的天数,将用于照生病子女的 12 天假期延长至 16 天(标准规定为 8 天)。
A recent
[...] amendment to the Sick Pay Law (Absence from Work due to a Child’s Sickness) 5753-1993, (18.3.2008) extended the number of days for which a single parent or a parent who has sole care of his child may receive sick pay, from 12 to 16 days leave to tend to a sick child (compared to [...]
the standard 8 days).
经济、社会、文化权利委员会和2003年59 儿童权利委员会感到 关注的是,除其他事项外,尤其在乡村和城市中心社区很大比例的牙买加家生 活贫 困;家庭就业的困难状况及其对家庭的不良影响,例如,“儿童轮班制”的 做法,以及父母中一方或者双方向外移徙,将 子 遗 留 在原地的情况;几乎半数 的家庭户主是亲女性, 而她们的贫困状况,又使这些家庭中的儿童尤其容易面 临权利遭侵犯的风险。
CESCR in 200158 and CRC in 200359 were concerned about, inter alia, the large proportion of Jamaican families living in poverty especially in rural and inner-city communities; the difficult domestic
employment situation
[...] and its negative influence on the family situation, e.g. the practice of “child shifting” and situations where one or both parents migrate, leaving children behind; the fact that almost half of all families were headed by female single parents and that their related poverty [...]
placed children of
these families at particular risk of violations of their rights.
如与未成年子女已确亲子关系之父母在子女出生后仍未结婚,则由照顾子女的一方行使亲权,并 推定由母亲照顾子女,此推定仅可透过司法途径予以推翻。
In case parents living in a de facto union or common law marriage, the exercise of parental responsibility belongs to both when they so declare at the civil registry.
在允子女在狱中陪伴亲的情 况下,还应为监狱工作人员提供关于儿 童成长的进一步知识和儿童保健方面的基本培训,以便他们能在需要时和紧急情 [...]
Where children are allowed to stay with their mothers in prison, [...]
awareness-raising on child development and basic training
on the health care of children shall also be provided to prison staff, in order for them to respond appropriately in times of need and emergencies.
国家应为女提供 生育保健服务,而不是向她们宣传虚妄的幻想,认为毁 亲生 骨 肉 能让自 己的子过得更好。
What nations must offer women is life through procreative care, not the false hope that destroying their children will make their lives better.
按照該兩條條文,㆒名女性的子 女,包括了其最後㆒任丈夫與另㆒名女子在所締結的有效婚姻㆗ 生 的 子女 , 以及 凡提及任何㆟的兄弟姊妹,即指該兄弟姊妹是該㆟的同㆒父親的子女。
These are that a child of a female includes a child of a valid marriage to
which her last
[...] husband and another female were parties and that references to a brother or a sister of a person mean a brother or sister who is a child of the [...]
same father as that person.
最不发达国家仍 有一半以上的女和男子生活在 赤贫中。
More than half the women and men in LDCs still [...]
live in abject poverty.
下列人员可在迁出后得到其他居住空间的情况下迁居:(一) 无正当理由自 行与企业、事业单位、国民经济最重要的行业组织(原单位给他们提供有住所)终
止雇用关系,或因违反工作记录或因犯罪而被上述雇用单位开除的工人和公务人 员(以及与他们同居的家属);(二) 在集体农场有住房但自己主动从集体农场退出
[...] 的公民;(三) 剥夺父母亲权但仍与其被剥夺的父 亲 权 相关 的 子女 住 在 一起的 公民;(四) 被剥夺子女教育权的父母-养父母;(五) [...]
May be evacuated with a subsequent offer of another living space: (i) workers and servants (along with the persons that live with them) that have discontinued their employment relations with the enterprises, institutions, organisations of the most important branches of the national economy, which offered them the living space, as a result of own initiative discontinuation of the employment relations without justified reasons, or which have been dismissed for breaching the employment discipline or as a result of an offence; (ii) citizens that have received living spaces in the houses of collective farms, if they have been excluded from the collective farm as a result of their own initiative; (iii) citizens that have been deprived of
their parental rights, if they live
[...] together with their children in relation to whom [...]
they were deprived of their parental
rights; (iv) parents-adopters, if they have been deprived of the education of the children; (v) other cases.
凡非生子女的父 親在嗣後與該子女的母親結婚之日,以 香港為其居籍,則該子女會獲確立婚生地位。
If the father of an illegitimate child is domiciled in Hong Kong at the date of his subsequent marriage with the mother of the child, the child will be legitimated.
委員關注到, 根據家長的定義 ,該詞將會 包括 學生的監護 人,以 及並非學生的父母或監護 人 但卻實 際 管 養 該生的人,故 此生可能有 超 過 兩名家長或監護 人 ; 而部分家長 如 有 超 過一子女在同一學校就讀 ,或 會 比 其 他家長有更多票。
Members expressed concern that under the definition of parents, which would include a guardian of the pupil and a person who was not the parent or guardian of the pupil but had the actual custody
of the pupil, a pupil might have more
[...] than two parents or guardians and that some parents might have more votes than others if they had more than one child studying in the same school.
家长教育涵盖的内容包括了子女在 不同 发展阶段的需要、有效的管教技巧 亲子 关 系的培育、儿童的照顾及督导技巧、 家长压力管理等。
Areas covered in parent education programme include understanding the needs of children at different developmental stages, effective parenting skills, enhancement of parent-child relationship, child care and supervision skills, stress management for parents, etc.
就在她被发现并嘲笑她的同学,另外两个雌缺乏可爱,Scootal oo , 亲 爱 的 美 女 , 站 起来,为苹果布鲁姆,保证她仍然有巨大的潜力在她 生 活 中,其余的社交聚会常客,很快采取更多的在苹果布鲁姆和她的新朋友比钻石头饰和银勺的兴趣。
Just as she is discovered and teased by her classmates, two other fillies who lack cutie marks, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, stand up for Apple Bloom, assuring that she still has lots of potential in her life; the rest of the partygoers soon take more interest in Apple Bloom and her new friends than Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.
第 12 条:为法医或在民事、刑事和其它法律诉讼中采 生 物 样 本 在为法医学或因民事、刑事和其它法律诉讼的需要,包 亲子 鉴 定 ,而采集人类基因 数据时,只有在符合与国际人权法精神一致的国家法规法规定的情况下,方可要求进行活体 或尸体生物样本的采集。
When human genetic data
[...] are collected for the purposes of forensic medicine or in civil, criminal and other legal proceedings, including parentage testing, requests [...]
for the collection
of biological samples, in vivo or post-mortem, should be made only in accordance with national legislation or regulation, consistent with the international law of human rights.
[...] 致受害人死亡,则为受害人的配偶或伴侣、四等以内直系血亲或两等以内旁亲 属、收养子女和(或 )父母遗嘱继承人;受犯罪之害的法人;如果犯罪影响集体 利益或广泛利益,则为依法设立的基金会和协会,条件是基金会或协会的宗旨与 [...]
The Code of Criminal Procedure defines the various categories of victims: persons directly affected by a crime; spouses or partners, blood
relatives up to the fourth
[...] degree of consanguinity or second degree of kinship, adoptive children and/or parents’ [...]
testamentary heirs,
where the crime results in the death of the victim; legal persons affected by the crime; and legally constituted foundations and associations, where the crime affects collective or widespread interests, provided that the purpose of the foundation or association has a direct bearing on those interests.
我国政府于 2005 年启动了防止幼儿经母体感染 艾滋病毒/艾滋病的国家方案,重点在于提高青年和
[...] 母亲的认识,援助面临感染风险的孤儿和儿童,扩大 全国抗逆转录病毒疗法普及范围,向受感染 亲生下 的孩子发放 牛奶,并为感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病的孕妇 提供安全分娩服务。
Our Government launched a national programme to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS in 2005, focusing on awareness-raising for young people and mothers, assistance to exposed orphans and children, expanded national coverage for
antiretroviral therapy, milk
[...] distribution to children born of infected mothers, and safe [...]
childbirth for pregnant women with HIV/AIDS.




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