单词 | 喷嘴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 喷嘴 noun —nozzle n (almost always used)nozzles plless common: tip n 喷嘴 —extrusion nozzleExamples:满嘴喷粪—talk bullshit See also:喷 n—nozzle n • spray n • printhead n 喷—spurt • puff • spout • (classifier for the ordinal number of a crop, in the context of multiple harvests) • peak season (of a crop) • (of a smell) strong 嘴—nozzle • spout (of teapot etc) 嘴 n—nozzles pl • mouth n • beak n • muzzle n
如果模式仍不够窄,略微增加喷枪空 气压力或使用尺寸不同的喷嘴。 graco.com | If pattern is still not narrow enough, increase air pressure to gun slightly or use different size tip. graco.com |
使用真空吸尘器或带喷嘴的压 缩空气罐清除切纸器刀片周围的灰尘或碎屑。 printronix.com | Use a vacuum or can of [...] compressed air with a nozzle around the area [...]of the cutter blade to remove any dust or debris. printronix.de |
福伊特冲击式水轮机可采用多种不同的转子叶片设计方案,实际应用时可根据需要,在水平方向或垂直方向安装 1 至 6 个喷嘴,以获取最优效率。 voith.com | Depending on the [...] application, 1 to 6 jets can be installed and [...]positioned either horizontally or vertically, thus optimizing the degree of efficiency. voith.com |
使用静电擦轻拍打印头通常可以敞开阻塞 的 喷嘴。 graphics.kodak.com | Dabbing the print head with a Staticide wipe will [...] often open clogged jets. graphics.kodak.com |
然而为了保护加热元,风箱需要继续 运转直到没有热气从喷嘴中喷出( 见4.1)。 lucobit.de | To protect the heating elements, however, the blower has to continue running until no more [...] warm air comes out of the nozzle (see 4.1). lucobit.de |
此外,还要检查清洗头或清洗喷嘴和 驱 动 喷嘴 , 必 要时,每年还要定期更换2-4次。 voith.com | Independently of this, the cleaning heads or [...] the cleaning and drive nozzles should be checked and, [...]if necessary, replaced at regular [...]intervals between 2 and 4 times per year. voith.com |
达到检出喷嘴全闭时压力的位置,根据油缸结构的不同存在容许差。 kosmek.co.jp | There is certain tolerance with regard to the position where the pressure for fully closing the detection nozzle is reached as per the clamp structure. kosmek.co.jp |
多关节机器人或支架与多个喷嘴和喷 枪 结 合,可在多种轴中使用,处理具有复杂几何结构的零件,以此种方式,可以实现内外表面的同时强化。 wheelabratorgroup.com | A polyarticulated robot or carriage [...] combined with multiple nozzles and lances can operate [...]in a variety of axes to process parts [...]with complex geometries, in this manner simultaneous shot peening of external and internal surfaces can be achieved. wheelabratorgroup.com |
本仪器是全金属构架,定量蒸馏水通过标准喷头以45°喷淋 在 喷嘴 下 方 150mm处待测试样,测试后试样表面与标准图卡进行对照、评级。 garmentworld.com | Comprising a metal framework allowing distilled [...] water to be sprayed through a nozzle onto a test specimen at 45 degrees and 150mm below the nozzle. garmentworld.com |
如果在没有拆卸整个枪体的情况下卸 下 喷嘴 (4),要避免损坏针头 (6),则需逆时针完 全旋转液体调整旋钮 (11),以在重新装配 喷嘴前移除针头所受的压力。 graco.com | To avoid damage to the [...] needle (6) if the nozzle (4) is removed without full gun disassembly, turn the fluid adjustment knob (11) fully counterclockwise to remove pressure from the needle before reassembling the nozzle. graco.com |
它的优点 [...] 是可以维持热流道系统的热膨胀和防 止喷 嘴区域长时间加热后引起的材料损耗。 synventive.com | The primary benefits include maintaining the integrity of the manifold seal by [...] controlling heat expansion and preventing material degradation [...] caused by excessive nozzle heater material [...]residence time. synventive.com |
这两种类型的释 [...] 放装置在大多数轻型飞机和直升机上都可以使用, 但较大型的飞机则使用压力喷嘴。 itopf.org | Both types of discharge unit can be used on most light aircraft and helicopters but larger [...] aircraft use pressure nozzles. itopf.org |
精密混合头 MK 400 和 MK 600 [...] 的专利高压水冲洗系统、流量控制技术以 及免维护的喷嘴紧锁 系统, 这些技术创新加之模块化的结构和可靠的工艺流 [...] 程, 都高度保证了您的投资将有高的回报率。 sonderhoff.com | Technical innovations such as our patented high-pressure water rinsing system of the Sonderhoff precision mixing heads MK 400 and MK 600, our [...] flow control system, and our drip- and [...] maintenance-free nozzle closure system, [...]modular design and reliable procedures all [...]ensure a profitable return on your investment. sonderhoff.com |
切勿过度用力,因为这将刮花喷 嘴区域。 graphics.kodak.com | Do not apply excessive force as it [...] could scratch the nozzle area. graphics.kodak.com |
仅使用带喷嘴真空清洁器和具传导性并接地的管道以排除静电沉积。 printronix.com | Only use a vacuum [...] cleaner with a nozzle and hose that [...]are conductive and grounded to drain off static build up. printronix.de |
液压控制回路的快速反应能够使生产过 程中喷嘴的打开与关闭的操作更方便、 更优化。 staubli.com | The rapid response times of the hydraulic control circuits facilitate and optimize the opening and [...] closing of the nozzles during production. staubli.com |
目前,NUM 正在推 [...] 广新的切割功能,着手采用“倾斜 喷嘴管 理 ”,该功能可以实现锥形切割束的自动 [...]补偿(如图所示)。 numroto.com | NUM is now introducing new cutting functions, starting [...] with ‘tilted nozzle management’ that [...]automatically compensates for the conical [...]shape of the cutting beam (see figure). numroto.com |
宝华的气体喷嘴为钢 制并且适用于所有的气辅成型工艺。 bauer-compresseurs.com | These elements are made in stainless [...] steel. Our gas injectors meet the whole [...]gas injection applications. bauer-compresseurs.com |
级联稀释器具有稀释液驱动的专利设计,以同轴文丘里管为基础,通过数个阶段以及内部流 量 喷嘴 尺 寸 对稀释比率进行控制。 malvern.com.cn | The cascade diluter is a diluent driven patented design based on a [...] coaxial venturi in which dilution ratio is controlled by the number of stages and the [...] dimensions of internal flow nozzles. malvern.com |
喷嘴直径 、流动细胞的几何形状、流速、液滴大小、检测器位置都会影响到结果。 labome.cn | Nozzle diameter, flow cell [...] geometry, flow rate, droplet size, and detector placement can affect results. labome.com |
选择 »Rainbow [...] Stars 彩虹跳泉«的最大安装深度,使水平面低 于 喷 泉 喷嘴。 oase-livingwater.com | Select the maximum insert depth of the »Rainbow Stars« so that the water surface is [...] below the water jet nozzles. oase-livingwater.com |
此组合含有三个更换方便的喷嘴附件(非英国款型,可单独使用),以产生极具魅力的水景(Vulkan、Lava [...] 和 Magma)。 oase-livingwater.com | This set includes three [...] conveniently changeable nozzle attachments (not [...]UK, available separately) that generate highly attractive [...]water effects (Vulkan, Lava, and Magma). oase-livingwater.com |
细胞分拣仪制造商有一点不能达成共识,激光检测是在细胞通 过 喷嘴 后 的 液滴中(空气中的蒸汽),还是液滴形成前的流动细胞内,完成效果最好。 labome.cn | One place where the cell sorter manufacturers disagree is on whether laser interrogation is best [...] done on droplets (stream in air) after the cells [...] pass through the nozzle, or in a flow [...]cell prior to droplet formation. labome.com |
锁紧喷嘴和减 少过流面积可以被避免.然而,需要避免装配是凡士林油在表面过度流 动. sauer-danfoss.com | Locking nozzles and throttle areas [...] can therefore be avoided. Nevertheless, avoid overflow of the petroleum jelly between surfaces during assembly. sauer-danfoss.com |
注意:只有在用这个喷嘴时才 能均匀焊接。 lucobit.de | Caution: Consistent, uniform welding [...] is only possible using this nozzle. lucobit.de |
在喷气和湿喷中,喷嘴都可以安装在固定位置,或者通过手动或自 动 喷嘴 机 械 手或机器人进行操作。 wheelabratorgroup.com | In both air and wet blasting the blast nozzles can be installed in fixed positions or can be operated manually [...] or by automatic nozzle manipulators or robots. wheelabratorgroup.com |
用户可以查看不同的喷头设置,如产品方向、 水平和垂直喷印密度、缺陷喷嘴个数 以及所附喷头状态等。 wolke.com | The user can view the different printhead [...] settings like product direction, horizontal and vertical print densities, [...] number of defective nozzles and head attached status. wolke.com |
所有的喷嘴被固 定在卡件设备上从而可以在少于 五分钟内被更换掉而不需要任何 [...] 额外的工具。 kd-group.dk | All nozzles are fitted with click-on [...] devices making it possible to replace them in less than five minutes without use of tools. kd-group.dk |
通过使用这种新型喷嘴喷雾清洗工艺,我们不仅提高了产品质量和产量,而且也提高了能源利用效率。 reports.wacker.com | The new cleaning process, which involves spraying atomized [...] rinsing water from nozzles, has also improved [...]production quality and increased [...]throughput, thus increasing energy efficiency. reports.wacker.com |
使用杜邦™ Zytel® HTN [...] 高性能聚酰胺完成的巧妙设计包含一个集成式“误加燃料抑制器”,该抑制器的颈部带有开口和装了弹簧的止动装置,仅允许针对特定车辆的正确燃 料 喷嘴 进 入。 dupont.cn | Ingenious design using DuPont™ Zytel® HTN high performance polyamide has an integrated “Mis-Fuel Inhibitor” involving a [...] neck with an opening and spring-loaded detents that allow entry of only [...] the proper fuel nozzle for a particular [...]vehicle. www2.dupont.com |