

单词 不可逆转

See also:

不可逆 n

irreversibility n



逆转 n

reversal n
turn n
downturn n
inverse n

External sources (not reviewed)

塞 内 加尔欢迎博茨瓦纳接 受 大 部分建议,并鼓励 博茨瓦纳使 现 已 取 得 的进步 成不 可 逆转。
Senegal welcomed the fact that Botswana has accepted most of the
recommendations and encouraged Botswana to put them into
[...] practice in order to make the progress already achieved irreversible.
这一条中提到,“尊 重人权”是共和国的一条基本 不可逆转 的 原 则。
Referred to in this article, “respecting human rights” is one of the
[...] basic and one of the irreversible tenets of the Republic.
如果当事人的愿望无法确定或不可行、或不可靠,有关的数据和生物标本则 不可逆转 地切断与当事人的关联或加以销毁。
If the person’s wishes cannot be determined or are not feasible or are unsafe, the data and biological samples should either be irretrievably unlinked or destroyed.
We strongly hope that all other states possessing nuclear
weapons will follow suit, while applying the
[...] principles of irreversibility, verifiability [...]
and transparency to the nuclear disarmament process.
[...] 视在冲突后重建社会时伸张正义和实行法治,视之为 旨在实现和解、稳定与持久 不可逆转 和 平 的建设和 平战略的一种全面做法的组成部分。
Finally, I would like to reiterate the importance that Bosnia and
Herzegovina attaches to justice and the rule of law in rebuilding post-conflict societies, as parts of a comprehensive approach to peacebuilding strategies aimed at achieving reconciliation,
[...] stability and lasting, irreversible peace.
这些原因包括生命权的根本 性质;死亡以及在某些情况下致残 不可逆转 性 ; 发生事实和判断失误的可能性; 无辜旁观者被杀或受伤的可能性;对警察和国家的合法性的影响;当暴力造成生 [...]
These include the fundamental nature of the
[...] right to life; the irreversible nature of death, [...]
and in some cases, disability; the potential
of errors of fact and judgement; the possibility that innocent bystanders may be killed or wounded; the effect on the legitimacy of the police and the State; and the trauma suffered by everyone involved — which could include the police officers concerned — when a life is ended through violence.
[...] 团呼吁所有核武器国家采取具体、透明、可核查不 可逆转的步 骤,消除仍然数以万计的各类核武器。
Furthermore, the Group calls on all nuclear-weapon
States to take concrete, transparent,
[...] verifiable and irreversible steps to eliminate [...]
all types of nuclear weapons, which
still number in the tens of thousands.
在此背景之下,他们吁请美国和俄罗斯联邦对此类裁 减适用透明不可逆转和可 核查原则,并进一步削减核武库,包括弹头和运载 [...]
In this context they called on the United States and the Russian
Federation to apply the principles of
[...] transparency, irreversibility and verifiability [...]
to such cuts, to further reduce their
nuclear arsenals, both warheads and delivery systems, thus contributing to the fulfilment of their nuclear disarmament obligations and facilitating the realisation of a world free of nuclear weapons at an earliest date.
敦促俄罗斯联邦和美美利坚合众国紧急完成这一谈判,以便进一步大力削减 它们的战略战术核武器,并强调这种削减应当 不可逆转 、 可 核查和透明的
Urging the Russian Federation and the United States of America to conclude such negotiations urgently in order to achieve further deep cuts in their
strategic and tactical nuclear weapons, and stressing that
[...] such cuts should be irreversible, verifiable and [...]
如果设备在打印 头敞开的情况下长期不用,打印头可能会 出不可逆转的堵塞。
If the machine is left unused with the printing heads uncapped for a prolonged period, the
[...] printing heads may become irreversibly clogged.
(a) 应当事人要求,为诊断和公共卫生目的以及医学和研究目的收集的其基因数据和 生物样本,如不再需要,应予以销毁,除非这些数据已 不可逆转 地 与当事人切 断关联或国家法规认定为了公共利益和/或医学 -- 法律目的必须予以保留。
(a) If the person concerned so requests, his or her genetic data and the biological samples collected for diagnostic and health care purposes and for medical and research purposes should be destroyed when they are no longer necessary, unless such data are irretrievably unlinked to the person concerned or a national law or regulation makes such provision for their preservation as necessary in the public interest and/or for medico-legal purposes.
已经取得了显著进展, 但仍然需要在这不可逆转的进 程中做很多工作, 它是厄瓜多尔和平、民主革命的主轴线之一。
Much progress had been made, but much remained to
[...] be done in that irreversible process that was [...]
one of the main axes of the peaceful,
democratic revolution in Ecuador.
作为框架公约,该公约可包括以下方面:禁止生产、发展 及使用或威胁使用核武器;所有防御理论都应否认核武器的威慑作用;防止在任
[...] 变材料;在议定时限内宣布所有武器级裂变材料库存以及彻底销毁这些材料;宣 布所有弹头并以可核查的方式解除其戒备状态;在规定时间内按计划逐步 不可 逆转的方式消除核弹头。
This convention could be a framework treaty encompassing the following areas: banning the production, development and the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons; renouncing the deterrence values of nuclear weapons in all defence doctrines; preventing the deployment of nuclear weapons in all areas, namely on the ground, underwater, in space and outer space; banning the production of fissile material for military purposes; declaring all stocks of weapons-grade fissile material and their elimination in an irreversible manner within an agreed timetable; declaring all warheads and de-alerting them in a
verifiable manner; eliminating nuclear warheads in a phased
[...] programme and in an irreversible manner within a specific [...]
time frame.
在这方面,集团坚定地认为所有尚未这样做的国家应尽早在可行的时间内, 以透明不可逆转和可 以核查的方式,关闭和拆除任何其余的核爆炸试验场及其 有关基础设施,并禁止核武器的全面研究和发展,也不要进行核武器爆炸试验或 任何其他核爆炸,其它方式的核武器爆炸试验,以及采用新技术将现有核武器系 [...]
In this regard, the Group is of the firm
view that all States
[...] parties that have not yet done so shall close and dismantle, as soon as feasible and in a transparent, irreversible and verifiable manner, [...]
any remaining sites
for nuclear-test explosions and their associated infrastructure, and prohibit completely nuclear weapons research and development, and also refrain from conducting nuclear-weapon test explosions or any other nuclear explosions, nuclear-weapon test explosions in alternative ways, as well as the use of new technologies for upgrading the existing nuclear weapons system, which would defeat the object and purpose of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.
不可逆转的气 味进化系统地伴随着酒的颜 色的变化:红葡萄酒变得橙色,白葡萄酒变得黄色/ 蜂蜜的颜色。
This irreversible change in wine aroma is always accompanied [...]
by a color change: red wines turn to shades of orange, and
white wines acquire yellow/honey-colored hues.
我们 敦促各国,特别是核武器国家,完全履行它们关于以 透明不可逆转和可 进行国际核查的方式实现核裁军 的承诺和义务,以及它们关于核不扩散所有方面的承 [...]
We urge States, particularly the nuclear-weapon States, to fulfil completely their pledges and
obligations on nuclear disarmament in
[...] a transparent, irreversible and internationally [...]
verifiable manner, and on nuclear
non-proliferation in all its aspects.
[...] 然后努力确保所有非武器用的裂变材料被用 不可逆转 且 经 核实的非 爆炸性用途;并且由于同意削减武器而从拆除武器过程中获得的裂变 [...]
On the question of pre-existing stocks, a phased approach should be adopted, with the first priority a cap
on production; then an effort to ensure that all fissile material other than in weapons
[...] becomes subject to irreversible, verified non-explosive [...]
use commitments;
and with fissile material released through dismantlement being brought under these commitments as weapon reductions are agreed.
b) 我们目前的生产和消费体系不可持续,正在造成资源的迅速枯竭、污染、生态 系统退化和气候变化的威胁,可能产 不可逆转 的 灾 难性后果,其中一些已经 正在发生中,特别是对发展中国家的贫穷人群,正在造成其生活更加艰难
b) Our current systems of production and consumption are unsustainable and are causing rapid resource depletion, pollution, degradation of
ecosystems and the threat of
[...] climate change, with potentially irreversible and disastrous consequences, [...]
some of which are already
being witnessed and are causing further hardship, in particular to poor communities in developing countries
[...] 结果是多么不明朗,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国人民已经让他们的国家走上 不可逆转 的变 革之路,我们有责任帮助他们以和平方式实现变革。
However unclear the outcome is at this point, the people of the Syrian
Arab Republic have placed their
[...] country on a path of irreversible change, and we have [...]
a responsibility to assist them in
implementing change in a peaceful way.
试烧是表现窑炉特性和不可逆转及 无 害环境的 方式销毁废物的能力的一个好办法,但试烧设计和条件均至关重要。
Trial burn is a good way of demonstrating a
kilns performance and ability to
[...] destroy wastes in an irreversible and sound way, [...]
but the design and the conditions of the trial is very crucial.
吴 登盛认为目前的转变是“有目共睹而 不可逆转 的” ,他声明,缅甸正在“摆脱过去的政府专制统 [...]
治制度”,并且“鼓励基于容忍和对话的新政治氛 围”。
Describing the changes as
[...] “tangible and irreversible”, he stated that [...]
the country was “leaving behind the system of authoritarian
government” and “fostering a new political culture of patience and dialogue”.
在生态系统脆弱的地区,旅游业对环境的负面影响可不可逆转,突 显了防止负面影响的必要性。
In locales with fragile ecosystems, tourism’s negative environmental
[...] impacts can be irreversible, stressing the [...]
need for the prevention of negative impacts.
在核裁军核查措施方面,除俄罗斯联邦和美国之间达成的更新 2000 年《美
[...] 钚及相关合作的协定》的协定以外,国际原子能机构在制定具有法律约束力的适 当核查安排,以确不可逆转地消 除被认定不再需要用于军事用途的裂变材料 [...]
In terms of nuclear disarmament verification measures, besides the agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States to update the 2000 Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the Management and Disposition of Plutonium Designated as No Longer Required for Defence Purposes and Related Cooperation, no further progress has been made in the development of appropriate legally binding verification arrangements, in the context of
the International Atomic Energy
[...] Agency, to ensure the irreversible removal of fissile [...]
material, particularly weaponsgrade
highly enriched uranium, designated as no longer required for military purposes.
法国不再拥有让它进行核试验的设施,而 且是唯一作出这不可逆转姿态 的核武器国家。
France no longer has facilities
that would allow it to conduct nuclear tests, and is the only nuclear-weapon State
[...] to have made this irreversible gesture.
回顾《美利坚合众国和俄罗斯联邦关于削减进攻性战略力量的条约》(《莫 斯科条约》)9
[...] 的生效,这是它们朝着削减已部署的战略核武器方向迈出的一大步, 同时呼吁进一不可逆转地大幅度削减它们的核武库
Recalling the entry into force of the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions (“the Moscow Treaty”) between the United States of America and the Russian Federation9 as a significant step towards
reducing their deployed strategic nuclear weapons, while
[...] calling for further irreversible deep cuts in their [...]
nuclear arsenals
为了避免今后对海洋环境造 不可逆转 的 破 坏,并考虑到《公约》第 165 条(d)、(e)和(h)款以及《“区域”内多金属结核探矿和勘探规章》第 [...]
31(2)条的 规定,委员会第十五届会议期间举行的会议认为,克拉里昂-克利伯顿断裂带多 金属结核资源的开发,必须根据已有的最佳科学知识,制定全面合理的区域整体 环境管理计划。
At its meeting during the fifteenth
session, the Commission concluded that
[...] to prevent future irreversible damage to the marine [...]
environment, and taking into account
its mandate under article 165, paragraphs (d), (e) and (h), of the Convention, and regulation 31(2) of the Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Nodules in the Area, the development of polymetallic nodule resources in the Clarion-Clipperton fracture zone demanded a rational and comprehensive environmental management plan for the region as a whole, based on the best available scientific knowledge.
[...] 时和充分全球减排的延误将导致缓解和适应两方面大大增加代价,制约在较低水 平上实现稳定的可能性,并增加发生大规模、突然 不可逆转 影 响 以及突破关键 气候阈值的风险
Recognizing that the adverse effects of climate change are already evident and widespread, particularly in vulnerable regions of the world, and that a delay in prompt and sufficient global emission reductions will lead to significant additional cost for both mitigation and adaptation, constrain opportunities to achieve lower stabilization
levels and increase the risk of
[...] large-scale, abrupt and irreversible impacts and breaches [...]
of critical climate thresholds
(b) 在 2010 年 11 月 19 日至 20 日里斯本首脑会议上,北约/安援部队的国
[...] 家元首和政府首脑一致认为,他们正在同阿富汗政府一起进入协作的新阶段,这 种协作有助于创造条件,使阿富汗能 不可逆转 地 过 渡到全面承担安保责任和领 导。
(b) At the Lisbon Summit meeting of 19-20 November 2010, Heads of State and Government of NATO/ISAF nations agreed that together with the Government of Afghanistan they are entering a new phase of the joint
effort, which allows helping to set the
[...] conditions for irreversible transition to full [...]
Afghan security responsibility and leadership.
享有国际声誉的小说家玛格 丽 特·德·默 尔(M a r g r i e t de Moor)的作品《灭顶》 讲 述了一 个 关 于 1 9 5 3 年 荷 兰大洪水的故事,这场可怕 的灾不可逆转地改变了许 多人的生活。
The Drowned, a novel by the internationally acclaimed novelist Margriet de Moor, tells the story of the disastrous flood that occurred in the Netherlands in 1953 and changed many human lives forever.
毫无疑问,受共同货币影响最直接的就是新的货币政策概念:共同货币将货 币政策的大权交到了欧洲中央银行的手中,这一点已经 不可逆转 的。
The most immediate implication of the creation of the common currency was undoubtedly the new conception of monetary policy, whose oversight was irreversibly assigned to the European Central Bank (ECB), with the Bank of Spain thereby losing its direct autonomy in the design of monetary policy.




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