

单词 猪流感



swine influenza virus (SIV)

See also:


porcine n


External sources (not reviewed)

2009年,瓦克除了提供接种季节性流感疫苗之外,也提 猪流感 ( H 1 N1)疫苗接种服务。
Besides the seasonal flu vaccination, vaccination
[...] against the so-called swine flu (H1N1) was offered [...]
in 2009.
然而,总干事仍然认为,拟议的修正旨在增强地区和国家防治 流感 和 猪流感病 毒 的能力,更多的属于世界卫生组织和粮农组织{FAO}的任务范畴。
The Director-General is nonetheless of the opinion that the proposed amendment, which aims at strengthening regional and
national capacities for protection
[...] against avian and swine influenza viruses, would [...]
fall more appropriately within the mandates of WHO and FAO.
非典型肺炎、流感和猪流感的肆 虐已造成全球经济约2000亿美元的损失。
The pandemics of SARS, avian, and swine influenza [...]
have cost the global economy an estimated $200 billion.
香港近年常受病毒侵袭,较严重的有1997年的禽流感,2003年的非典和今年的 H 1 N 1 猪流感。
Some of the more serious cases include the
[...] avian influenza in 1997, the SARS in 2003 and the H1N1 swine flu this year.
猪型流感是由 甲型流感/H1N1病毒引起。
Human swine influenza is caused by the influenza [...]
A/H1N1 virus.
各位部长进一步表示极为关切甲 猪流感 ( H 1 N1)疫情出现和蔓延带来的 威胁;请世界卫生组织和国际金融组织向受影响国家提供充分的后勤和财政支 [...]
助,以便迅速有效地抑制该流行病的传播,并向受影响国家提供充分援助,以 防该疾病进一步爆发。
The Ministers further expressed deep
concern over the threat posed by the
[...] emergence and spread of Swine flu A (H1N1); and [...]
requested the World Health Organization
and the International Financial Organizations to provide full logistical and financial support to the affected countries, in order to combat this epidemic promptly and effectively as well as provide adequate assistance to affected countries to prevent further outbreak of this disease.
决议草案 70(埃及)提到第 02000 2 (b)分段,请求在工作重点 2 下增加新的预期成果
[...] 9,内容如下:“通过提供必要的资金和给予防治这些疾病方法方面的科学培训,来增强地 区和国家防治流感和猪流感病毒 的能力,并限制它们的影响”。
Draft resolution 35 C/DR.70 (Egypt) addresses subparagraph 02000 2(b) and requests the addition of a new expected result 9 under Main Line of Action 2, as follows: “Regional and national capacities for protection against avian and swine influenza viruses strengthened by providing the necessary funding and grants for the training
of scientists in methods for protection
[...] against and prevention of these diseases, and the limitation [...]
of their effects”.
摄氏70度或以上的温度可猪型流感 病 毒 杀死。
The swine influenza virus is killed by temperature [...]
of 70°C or above.
食物业处所应遵行什么措施以预防人 猪 型 流感?
What measures should food premises take to prevent
[...] against Human Swine Influenza?
猪流感病毒 正在各个大陆传播,威胁 着整个人类社会。至于目前的状况以及这种危险的流行病,无人知道危机何时能够结束,这 [...]
With regard to the current situation
[...] and the dangerous epidemic which threatens [...]
all human societies following the spread
of the swine influenza virus in different continents, no one knows when the crisis will end which means that it could become a pandemic and a source of concern threatening to affect the world.
The symptoms of human swine influenza include fever, [...]
lethargy, loss of appetite and coughing, which are similar to those of human seasonal influenza.
猪型流感在人 与人之间的传播途径相信与季节性流感相同,主要是通过咳嗽或打喷嚏。
[...] transmission of human swine influenza is thought [...]
to occur in the same way as seasonal influenza. It is spread
mainly through coughing or sneezing.
面对一般的旅游放缓,由于全球金融危机,目前A H1 N1 ( 猪流感 ) 恐 慌的持续影响,菲律宾2009年的头三个月的市场表现依然强劲,张贴月与上月增长率42%,2月份,3月份的74%,45%在4月和5月在25%。
Amid the general travel slowdown due to the lingering effects
of the global financial crisis, and the
[...] current A-H1N1 (swine flu) scare, the Philippine [...]
market performance for the first
trimester of 2009 remains strong, posting month-on-month growth rates of 42% in February, 74% in March, 45% in April and 25% in May.
( 疯牛病) 、鸡蛋和猪肉中的二恶英、奶 制品( 婴幼儿牛奶) 中的三聚氰胺猪流感。还 出现了含真菌毒素的农粮、含沙门 氏菌的花生制品及植物中农药残留水平超标等令人恐慌的卫生问题。
There have also been cases of mycotoxin in agrifoods, salmonella in peanut products and pesticide residue levels in plants, among other health scares.
按照医生和卫生署的资料,甲型H1N1 流感 ( 人 类 猪 型 流感 ) 主 要是透过打喷嚏或咳嗽的「飞沫」(唾沫)和接触过「飞沫」的对象(包括手指等)而传播。
According to the information provided by
doctors and the Department of Health,
[...] Influenza A (H1N1)[Human Swine Flu] is mainly transmitted [...]
through droplets expelled during
sneezing or coughing and through objects in contact with these droplets, such as fingers.
作为粮农组织/世界动物卫生组织关于跨界动物疾病渐进控制全球框架倡议 的一部分,以下疾病成为优先关注对象:手足口病 猪 瘟 、 流感 ( 高 致 病禽流 感/H5N1 病毒、A 型流感(H1N1 病毒)、马流感)、新世界螺旋蝇(Cochliomyia hominivorax)、疯牛病和狂犬病。
As part of the FAO/World Organization for Animal Health initiative on the Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases, priority has been given to the following diseases: foot-and-mouth disease, swine fever, influenzas (HPAI /H5N1, influenza A (H1N1), equine influenza), New World screwworm (
秘书长的报告第四节阐述了 2009 年第二季度防范甲流感(H1N1)病 毒的对策。
Section IV of the report of the Secretary-General describes the response to the
[...] outbreak of influenza A (H1N1) virus [...]
in the second quarter of 2009.
来自不同社区的妇女参加由拉各斯地方政府组织的预防 流感 宣 传 会议。
Women from different
[...] communities attend a bird flu awareness meeting [...]
organized by the Lagos local government.
运用管道检测仪表(PIGs)检测缺陷:新的管道检测仪表系统审核程序,最佳管 猪流 程 选 择,管道猪检测结果评估。
Detection of defects using Pipeline
[...] Inspection Gauges (PIGs): Approval procedure of new test-pig systems, selection of suitable test-pig procedures, evaluation of results obtained by test-pig runs.
由於該病毒是具潛在危險的病原體,因此化驗室如出現 人類豬型甲流行性感冒(H 1亞型)病毒逸漏事故,必須受法定呈 [...]
報規定所管制,以便及早偵察有關事故,並及時採取適當的控制 措施,以保障化驗室人員的健康和防止疾病蔓延。
As the virus is a potentially dangerous pathogen,
it is important for incidents of leakage
[...] of human swine influenza A virus (subtype [...]
H1) from laboratories to be subject to
the statutory notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.
市民亦关猪只可能会感染这 种病毒,并担 猪 肉 和猪肉产品的安全。
There are concerns about
[...] the possibility of this virus infecting pigs and the safety of pork and pork [...]
[...] 际公共卫生的威胁,尤其是艾滋病毒/艾爱滋病和甲型 H1N1 流感、自 然灾害、通 过我们的水域运送放射性材料等,特别是这些威胁对美洲和加勒比的影响,必须 [...]
由主管部门和实体在尊重各国的主权、各国的国内法律和国际法的框架内有机地 加以解决。
Consider that new threats to security, such as all forms and manifestations of terrorism, the global problem of drugs and related crimes, organized transnational crime, illicit arms trafficking, common crimes that affect civic security, threats to international public health,
particularly HIV/AIDS and H1N1, natural
[...] disasters, the shipment of radioactive [...]
material through our waters, among others,
and especially their effects in Latin America and the Caribbean, must be tackled by competent authorities and entities in an integral manner through effective, articulated and joint international cooperation within the framework of respect for the sovereignty of the States, each country’s internal legislation, and international law.
中国代表团支持欧共体的立场,指出中国是最大 猪 肉 生产和消费大国,建议进 行进一步研究以全面评估莱克多巴胺的安全性。
The Delegation of China, supporting the position of the European Community, stated
that China was the largest producer and
[...] consumer country of pig meat and recommended [...]
further research to fully evaluate the safety of ractopamine.
由于传播病原体的 H5N1,严重急性呼吸系统综合症等动物源 (SARG) 2002年-2003 年和流感由已合并元素的流感、 猪和人 类起源病毒引起的 2009 年的大流行 H1N1 的速度,美国国际开发署发起了"新出现大流行的威胁"其程序 [...]
Due to the speed with which spread pathogens of animal origin such as H5N1, the acute respiratory syndrome severe
(SARG) in 2002-2003 and
[...] influenza pandemic H1N1 in 2009, caused by a virus that had combined elements of avian, porcine and human origin, [...]
USAID launched its program
of "Emerging pandemic threats" (EFA, by its acronym in English).
自 從 亞洲地 區 相繼爆 發流 感之後, 市 民 對 食 用 鮮 活 [...]
家 禽 的 信 心 大 減 , 令 鮮 活 家 禽 及 相 關行業的從 業員生計大受打擊 ,本會促 請 政 府在 繼續採取嚴 謹的防 疫 措施之餘,也 應同時 設
法 恢復市 民 對 食 用 鮮 活 家 禽 的 信 心 , 並要為受影響的 攤 販 或 商 戶 作出恩恤措施, 包括酌 情 減 免 租 用 政 府 物業的攤 檔 或 商 戶 的 租 金 , 以 及提供低息貸款 予 業 界 , 以 助 業 界度過 難 關 , 直 至 恢復正常營 業 為 止 。
That, as the successive
[...] outbreaks of avian flu in various parts [...]
of Asia has caused the public's confidence in consuming
live poultry to sag drastically, dealing a severe blow to the livelihood of those engaged in the live poultry and other related trades, this Council urges the Government, while continuing to adopt rigorous measures to prevent the outbreak of the disease, to make every effort to restore the public's confidence in consuming live poultry, and provide compassionate measures for the affected stall or shop operators, including granting discretionary rent reduction or waiver to the tenants of stalls or shops in government premises and offering low interest loans to the trades concerned, so as to tide them over the difficult times until their normal business resumes.
在緊接句號之前加上“;本會亦對行政長官在政府庫房有大筆盈餘的 情況下,投放在改善長者醫療服務方面的資源微不足道,不足以照顧
低下層長者的醫療需要,深表失望;本會促請行政長官及政府採取措 施及投入更多資源,改善長者的醫療服務,包括將醫療券的受惠對象 擴展至所有 65
[...] 歲或以上的長者、增加每名長者所獲的津貼金額、為 所有長者提供公營醫療半價優惠、設立基金津貼長者的牙科服務,以 及為所有長者提供免流感防疫 注射等”。
To add "; this Council also expresses deep disappointment that, despite a huge surplus in the government treasury, the Chief Executive only deploys a meagre amount of resources to enhance the medical services for the elderly, which is hardly sufficient to meet the medical needs of the elderly in the lower class; this Council urges the Chief Executive and the Government to adopt measures and devote more resources to enhance the medical services for the elderly, including extending the beneficiaries of the health care vouchers to all senior citizens aged 65 or above, increasing the amount of subsidy for each elderly recipient, offering half-fee concession for public medical services to all senior citizens, setting up a fund to subsidize dental services for the
elderly, and providing all senior citizens with free
[...] vaccination against influenza, etc" immediately before the full stop.
在同一届会议上,委员会还获悉,根据联合国的决定和采取的措施, 流感 特 设 工作 组以东道国有关当局制定的政府计划为基础,制定了一项教科文组织特别计划,包括一整套 [...]
措施预案,一矣出现 H5N1 病毒导致人类间传染的疫情,本组织即可将该计划付诸实施,它
At the same session, the Committee was also informed that, in accordance with the
decisions and measures taken by the United
[...] Nations, the avian flu task force had [...]
drawn up a special UNESCO plan based on the
governmental plan prepared by the competent authorities of the host country, which set out measures which the Organization must implement in case of an epizootic due to the H5N1 virus leading to human contamination, both in terms of prevention and reactive treatment and care.
例如,中国建 信基金管理公司的上证社会责任指数交易基金(建 信上证社会责任ETF)就是根据每股社会贡献价值评 选出100家具有良好社会责任表现的沪市上市公司。
For example, the China Construction Bank SSE Social Responsibility Index Exchange Traded Funds (CCB SSE Social responsibility Index ETF), is based on the top 100 ranked companies according to their SCVPS.




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