

单词 一家之主

See also:


the whole family
the same family
the family... (when preceded by a family name)


one of (sth)
one (third, quarter, percent etc)
one out of a multitude

External sources (not reviewed)

传统上的“男尊女 卑”、“男性一家之主“妻子及子女是男性的附属品”等观念,其实 是衍生虐妻和虐儿等家庭暴力问题的其中一个根源。
Traditional concepts about "men
being superior to women", "men being
[...] the masters of their families" and "wives and children [...]
being the properties of men" are
in fact one of the root causes leading to various forms of domestic violence such as wife and child abuse.
类似的情形还体现在仍未在该地完全消一家之主瞒家中有残疾子女 或家人的事实这一现象。
We are aware that, in the Andean highlands, there are heads of householdwho do not allow children who have a mild or moderate disability to work.
在 弱 势社 当 中一家之 主业者的家庭面临 最 大 的贫困 危 机。
Amongthe vulnerable groups, households headed by anunemployed [...]
person experienced the highest risk of poverty.
On a small mound of earth or of stones
the offering was made to the gods,
[...] often bythe head ofthe family, butin themore [...]
important and complicated sacrifices
by the priest, or Brahmin, in union with the householder.
例如,在有些国 家,作一家之主偶妇女没有财产权,包括继承与之生活多年的已故丈夫的 财产的权利。
This is the case in countries wherewomen may find themselves widowed andheads of households with no property [...]
rights, including
the right to inherit the property of their deceased husbands, which they have lived in for years.
暴力对家庭影响尤其严重,因为儿童或妇女必 须在家里照料受害人,或成为事实上一家之主
The impact is felt most strongly at the family level, where children or women have to care for victims or
[...] become de facto heads ofhouseholds.
一旦当男性失去工作,而家庭的经济由女方或其他来源支持时,男性的 自尊感便会受到重创,感到失去一家之主地位。
Once a man loses his job, or when he has to rely on his spouse or other sources for financial support, his self-respect as a man will be greatly injured, and he may thus feel that heis no longerthe "master of his own house".
在获得了近 期家庭调查数据的 56 个国家,失去双亲的孤儿入学的可能性比正常儿童低 12%, 他们往往成一家之主小年纪便肩负重任。
In 56 countries for which recent household survey data are available, orphans who had lost both parents were 12 per
cent less likely to be in school, and
[...] often becomea head ofhousehold,assuming enormous responsibilities at anearly age.
一家之主婚的儿 子及其家人及未婚女儿维持亲密的关系。
The head of the familymaintained a close relationship [...]
with his sons and their families and his unmarried daughters.
如 果一家 之 主企 业 的 CEO, 那便根 本是没 有 能 力 胡 乱 开源, [...]
难 道要去 “ 抢 ” 来 应 付 开支吗 ?
When it comes to the headof ahousehold or theCEO of a [...]
big corporation, they have no power to look for new sources of income at will.
此外,政府 亦就以下情 况向雇 主提供资助/津贴:(i)重新雇用因 怀孕、生 育 及 照 顾幼儿而辞 退原来工作的妇 女
[...] ,及(ii)聘 用 在就业保障中 心登记成为 求职者并身一家之主性。
In addition, grants/subsidies are provided to employers for (i) re-hiring women who left the previous jobs due to pregnancy, childbirth and
childcare, and (ii)
[...] employingfemale household headswho have [...]
registered with the Employment Security Centresas job seekers.
在2005年年底,约有40 000宗 综 援单亲家 长 家庭个案,其中约 83%由 女性担一 家 之 主
As at the end of 2005, there were about 40 000 CSSA
[...] single-parentfamily cases, about 83% of whichwere headed by female.
仅仅作一家之主性,在紧急事件中,只是 脱离了他们正常的社会结构角色。
Conduct cultural- and gender-awareness workshops to facilitate the equal and effective participation of women and men in discussions on
我想请问 财政司司长,假如你一家 之 主收入突 然减少 了 很 多 , 导 致 入不敷 [...]
支 , 你 会 如 何 处 理 呢?
I would like to ask the Financial Secretary, if
[...] you arethe headof ahousehold and your income [...]
has dropped drastically, so much so
that you find it hard to make your ends meet, what would you do about it?
欧阳女士又表示,综援单亲家庭个案占所有综 援 个案13.1%,而81%的 单亲家庭以 女 性一 家 之 主
Ms AU YEUNG further said that CSSA
single-parent family cases represented 13.1% of all CSSA cases, and 81% of the
[...] single-parent family cases were headed bywomen.
财务支援: 鼓勵分会会员思索各种可以在一年之中不断提供财务上协助的方式, 使你的分会在慷慨 颁赠奖金之外也提供其他形式的支援來帮助女性做一家之主多方面的需要.
Financial Support: Encourage club members to think about ways to provide ongoing financial assistance 
throughout the year to supplement your club’s generous cash award with other types of assistance to 
[...] help meet the multi‐faceted needs of female heads of household.
缔约国应修订《个人和家庭法》中关于男女不平等的规定,如男性是一家 之主规定。
The State party should amend any provision of the Personal and
Family Code that
[...] perpetuates inequality between men and women, such as the stipulation that the man is the “head of the family”.
2002 年 7
[...] 月的一份通告补充如下:在比利时居留不少于二十年的外国人;在比利时出生或 者在十二岁前来到比利时的外国人;被判处五年以下徒刑一家之主
A circular of July 2002 added the following: aliens who have been residing in Belgium for at least 20 years; those
who were born in Belgium or arrived in thecountry
[...] before the age of 12;family heads sentencedto less than five years.
另 外,身一家之主业妇 女 报读 帮 助 她 们重投就业市场或自行创 [...]
业的职 业 培训课 程,可 以 获得政府的 经 济 支 援。
[...] unemployedfemale household heads canreceive [...]
financial support fromthe government for enrolling in vocational
training programmes that train them to re-enter the job market or start up their own businesses.
在该区域,社会保护是链接中的最后一环,最初在设计时是希望通一家之 主有着正当工作的男人——已有的权利将全民纳入保护范围。
Social protection in the region, the last link in the chain, had originally been
designed in hopes of
[...] providing coveragefor the entire population through the acquired rights ofthe head ofthe family [...]
— a man with a proper job.
The existing rules relating to the domicile of children are essentially based on the Victorian
idea of the father being
[...] the head of thefamily,and I believe that the proposed change would more [...]
closely reflectmodern realities.
现行规则主要基於父亲一家 之主旧观念,我们相信我们的建议会更切实反映现今社会的实况。
The existing rules are essentially
based on the Victorian idea of the father
[...] being the paterfamilias,and webelieve [...]
that our proposals would more closely reflect modern realities.
第一类型的援 助 , 采
[...] 取一次 性付清的互助补贴的形式,一家之主60 岁以上单独生活的人和 不适合工作的残疾人提供。
The first sort of aid, which takes the
form of a lump-sum solidarity allowance,
[...] is for headsoffamilies or people living [...]
alone aged over 60 and disabled people who are unfit for work.
12况 且 , 即使妇女从 事有薪 工作,她们的 薪金一 般 较男性为少 。故此,单 强调增加就业机会的政策,作 为 对付贫穷问题的良方,未 必能够使该 类以妇女一家之主户摆脱贫穷。
Therefore, policies which simply emphasize
increasing employment
[...] opportunities as a cure to poverty may not be sufficient to lift women-headedhouseholds out ofpoverty.
除了大批流离失所者离开梅尼克农场营地之外,对于回返地 区的高度军事化情况也需要加以认真注意,因为数以千计的妇女现在成一家之 主
In addition to the large-scale movement of displaced persons out of the camps in Menik Farm, the high level of
militarization of the areas of return requires careful attention, given that
[...] thousands of women now head households on their own.
Mr Wong informed them that themost responsible and honourable thing for
[...] him to doas Chairperson of the EOC and head of hisfamily wasto resign from [...]
the post.
通过正式思考,得出了三位家之五大共(i)教学在其作品中的 地位,特别是教育、试验和学习的方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约之天性;(iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 [...][...]
治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以及(v)艺术,特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 类之间和解的理想方式。
Five majorthemes of convergence between thesethree authors were identified during that first [...]
informal reflection process:
(i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and political, economic, social and cultural exclusion; and, lastly (v) art and, in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
当国家合并或分离而形成的继承国发出通知,藉此确立其作为条约当事国或 缔约国的地位时,并且如果该条约在国家继承之日没有对被继承国生效但被继承 国是该条约的缔约国,那么该国应视为维持在用于所涉 领土的对条约的任何保留,除非它在发出通知时表示相反的意向或就该保留所涉一主项提出保留。
When a successor State formed from a uniting or separation of States makes a notification whereby it establishes its status as a party or as a contracting State to a treaty which, at the date of the succession of States, was not in force for the predecessor State but to which the predecessor
State was a contracting
[...] State, that State shall be considered as maintaining any reservation to the treaty which was applicable at the date of the successionof States in respect of the territory to which the succession of States relates, unless it expresses a contrary intention when making the notification or formulates a reservation which relates to the same subject matter as thatreservation.
本报告确认了人权高专办认为可以作为人权高专办和常 设论换意见域,包括讨论:(a) 常设论坛可以向人权高专办提 供的咨询意见性质和形式;(b) 人权高专办每年向论坛提供的资料的性质 ;(c) 论坛成员在人权高专办家一活动中可与其进行的合作;(d) 改善人权高专 办和论坛观察员(尤其是国家和土着人民组)话的方式方法 ;(e) 处理 可能在论坛届会上提出的人权申诉的妥善方法。
The present report identifies areas that OHCHR
considers could be the
[...] subject of exchangesbetween the Office and the Permanent Forum, including a discussion on (a) the nature and form of advice that the Forum can give to OHCHR; (b) the nature of the information provided annually by OHCHR to the Forum; (c) the possible cooperation of members of the Forum with OHCHR in its activities at thecountry level; (d)the ways for improving dialogue between OHCHRand observers [...]
to the Forum, especially
States and indigenous peoples’ organizations; and (e) the appropriate ways of handling human rights complaints that may arise at sessions of the Forum.




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