单词 | 榍 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 疡—ulcerssoresExamples:溃疡n—ulcerspl ulcerationn 胃溃疡n—peptic ulcern gastric ulcern 溃疡—ulcerate
利用血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂 (ACE) 也可以延迟糖尿 病肾病的病发及延缓病程进展,而且减少其他糖尿病的并 发症,如糖尿病视网膜病变及脚溃疡。 genre.com | Use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors may also delay the onset and progression of diabetic nephropathy and reduce other diabetic complications, such as retinopathy and foot ulcers. genre.com |
勿让双手不洁、衣服肮脏、身有未癒合溃疡或绷带的顾客,自行在散装食物容器中拿取食 物。 bccdc.ca | Do not allow customers with unclean hands, dirty clothing, open sores or bandages to serve themselves from bulk food containers. bccdc.ca |
幽门螺旋杆菌的带菌者有较高机会患上慢性胃炎,因而导致十二指肠或胃溃疡,甚至恶化为癌症。 hksh.com | Helicobacter pylori carriers have a high tendency of developing chronic gastritis, which may progress to duodenal or gastric ulcers and eventually carcinoma. hksh.com |
患有慢性疾病的人士:多种癌症及慢性肾病会引致红血球不足,而胃溃疡或肠癌引致的慢性失血,可能令铁质的贮量减少,引致缺铁性贫血。 hsbc.com.hk | Various cancer and chronic kidney problems can lead to a shortage of red blood cells while chronic blood loss from a stomach ulcer or cancer of bowel can deplete your body's store of iron, leading to iron deficiency anaemia hsbc.com.hk |
(2) 采用较撒玛利亚基金宽松的资助门槛,资助未能受惠 於撒玛利亚基金的强直性脊椎炎、风湿科病症、溃疡 性结肠炎及克隆氏症患者使用生物制剂,以减轻他们 的经济负担。 communitycarefund.hk | (2) To adopt less stringent criteria than those of the SF in processing subsidy application for the use of biological agents by patients (not covered by the SF) who suffer from ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatic diseases, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease so as to alleviate their financial burden. communitycarefund.hk |
因发现幽门螺杆菌及其在胃炎和胃溃疡病中的作用而荣获诺贝尔奖。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Sir Howard Walter Florey (1898–1968)—awarded the prize in physiology or medicine in 1945 ‘for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect in various infectious diseases’. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
在向已确诊或疑似患有炎性肠病(IBD)的病患讲解结 肠镜检查结果时,应考虑到因肠道准备而引发粘膜溃疡的可能性。 suprepkit.com | The potential for mucosal ulcerations resulting from the bowel preparation should be considered when interpreting colonoscopy findings in patients with known or suspect inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). suprepkit.com |
起保後180日内发生的以下疾病: 尿道结石或胆结石,高血压或心血管疾病,白内障,需动手术的鼻腔病变,痔疮,胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡,子宫内膜异位,需动手术的扁桃腺病,糖尿病,甲状腺机能亢进,肺结核,皮肤或肌肉组织肿瘤、骨肿瘤或血液或骨髓的恶性病。 ing.com.hk | The following illnesses occurring in the first 180 days of cover: Stones in the urinary or biliary systems, Hypertension or Cardio-Vascular Diseases, Cataracts, Nasal condition requiring surgery, Haemorrhoids, Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers, Endometriosis, Tonsils requiring surgery, Diabetes Mellitus, Hyperthyroidism, Tuberculosis, Tumor of skin or muscular tissue, bone tumors or malignancies of blood or bone marrow. ing.com.hk |
静脉剥离是一个非常广泛的做法,通常适合严重疼痛或皮肤有溃疡的患者。 lavedo.com | Vein stripping is a very extensive procedure, and it is usually reserved for patients who are experiencing a lot of pain or who have skin ulcers. lavedo.com |
因糖尿病导致视力减退或失明、心脏血管疾病、肾脏疾病、神经损伤或足部或皮肤溃疡等情况。 hksh.com | Harmful effects of diabetes such as damage to the eyes, heart and blood vessels, kidneys, nervous system or feet and skin. hksh.com |
由於长期服用阿司匹灵有可能导致胃部不适、溃疡甚或胃出血等副作用,因此病人可饱肚服用、选择有肠衣保护的阿司匹灵或同时服用胃酸抑制剂如法莫替丁(Famotidine)等。 hongkongbankfoundation.org | Since long term administration may lead to side effects like gastric upset, ulcer or even bleeding, patients can take it with food, use enteric coated aspirin or co-administrate with gastric acid reducer like famotidine. hongkongbankfoundation.org |
口疮或口腔溃疡 - 口疮 是口腔内的脸颊、牙龈或舌头上的白色小型伤口。 colgate.com.tw | Canker or mouth sore - canker sores are small white wounds inside the mouth on the cheek, gums or tongue. colgate.ca |
此外,动脉粥样硬化的加速 过程导致周围动脉疾病,伴有跛行、溃疡及坏疽,意指糖 尿病是仅次於周围动脉疾病导致足腿施行截肢术的主因。 genre.com | This results in 60% of diabetics dying of heart attack and 25% from stroke. In addition, this process of accelerated atheroma causes peripheral artery disease with claudication, ulceration and gangrene meaning that diabetes is a leading cause for foot and leg amputations, secondary to peripheral artery disease. genre.com |
御元素 XP-180含超过180类益菌,益菌中包括23类乳酸菌,一般市民都知道乳酸菌营养丰富,而且可用作治疗各种疾病之用,特别对於改善消化系统功能如便秘、肠胃病、十二指肠溃疡及一般的消化系统毛病等都非常有效,亦能有效治疗真菌增生,如念珠菌,香港脚,皮肤癣等。 organicmama.com.hk | XP-180 Blastolyn contains more than 180 types of beneficial probiotics including 23 types of Lactobacillus, that have been used for improving digestive problems such as constipation, gastrointestinal diseases, duodenal ulcer etc. Besides, they are also effective in the treatment of fungal infection, such as Candidiasis, athlete's foot, tinea etc. organicmama.com.hk |
主治 肝 肾 不 足 、 其 阴 亏 损 、 精 血 枯 竭 、 憔 悴 赢 弱 、 腰 痛 足 酸 、 自 汗 盗 汗 、 水 泛 为 痰 、发 热 咳 嗽 、 头 晕 目 眩 、 耳 鸣 耳 聋 、 遗 精 便 血 、 消 渴 淋 沥 、 失 血 失 音 、 舌 燥 喉 痛 、 虚火 牙 痛 、 足 跟 作 痛 、 下 部 疮 疡 等 。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | Yin deficiency of liver and kidney, consumption of essence and Blood manifesting as emaciation, lumbago, sore feet, spontaneous sweating and night sweating, phlegm induced by water flood, fever, cough, dizziness, tinnitus or even deafness, seminal emission or haematochezia, consumptive-thirst, terminal dribbling, loss of blood, aphasia, dry tongue with sore throat, toothache caused by the deficiency fire, ankle pain, sores and ulcers in the pubic region. balancemedicalsupplies.com |
传统用法 苦参属於清热类中药,是豆科植物苦参的根,性味苦寒,归心、肝、胃、大肠、膀胱经,有清热解毒、杀虫利尿的功能,常用於治疗湿热所致的腹痛泻痢、带下阴痒、湿疹疮疡等。 vitagreen.com | Traditional Use Kushen is a cold, bitter herb made from the roots of the sophora plant that enters the heart, liver, stomach, large intestine and bladder meridians. vitagreen.com |