单词 | 榆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 榆—elm瘆—terrifyExamples:收之桑榆—lose at sunrise but gain at sunset (idiom); to compensate later for one's earlier loss what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts 榆林市—Yulin prefecture level city in Shaanxi 榆林—Yulin prefecture level city in Shaanxi
神华集团还与陶氏化学公司研究 在陕西省榆林市建一套CTO装置。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Shen hua Group also cooperated with Dow to consider building one CTO factory in Yulin, Shanxi province. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在陕西榆林,香港的Benefit Sales公司和中国化学工程集团公司成立一个CTO合资 [...] 企业,该项目是陕西省政府三项发展项目之一。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In Yulin, Shannxi province, HongKong [...] Benefit Sales Company and Chemical Engineering Construction Company of China (TCC) [...]cooperated to set up a CTO company, which is one of three programs Shanxi government supported. unesdoc.unesco.org |
它加强了陕京天然气管线(从陕西榆林到北京,全长585公里)的季节调峰能力。 emerson.com | It strengthens the peak-gas adjustment capacity of the Shan-jing natural gas pipeline, which extends 585 miles from Yulin, Shanxi, to Beijing. emerson.com |
在陕西,预计投资193亿元的榆林市煤制甲醇和煤变烯烃的项目也在运作当中。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In Shaanxi, the projects about coal derived methylalcohol and coal derived alkene are running with the possibility of 19.3 billion Yuan worth investment. unesdoc.unesco.org |
但亦含有美洲地榆,肉桂和姜精华来帮助收细毛孔, 而这些成分的功效在科技上并未证实有效, 更容易在敏感性皮肤上造成刺激。 lavedo.com | However it contains burnet, cinnamon and ginger to help reduce pore size, which to date does not have conclusive substantiation, and possible irritation to sensitive skin individuals. lavedo.com |
榆林市发改委项目办负责招商引资的人士表示,煤制甲醇项目尚未开工,目前 正在和几家公司谈合资合作事宜;煤变烯烃的项目目前主要在榆林下属的神木 和横山两个县进行项目的准备工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Person who’s in charge of attracting investments in the Project Office of Development and Reform Commission of Yulin City said that,the coal derived methylalcohol project hasn’t started yet, and the joint venture and cooperation matters are being discussed with several companies currently; as for the coal derived alkene project, the preparatory work is being undertaken in Shenmu and Hengshan subordinate to Yulin City at present. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因独有美洲地榆,肉桂和姜精华收细皮肤毛孔,不适合敏感性皮肤使用。 lavedo.com | It contains Burnet, Cinnamon and Ginger to help reduce pore size, thus should not be used in sensitive skin individuals. lavedo.com |
2009年2月 4 日在其陕西省佳县小石板桥村的家中被所在地榆林市警方和北京警方所属至少 七名公安人员逮捕。 daccess-ods.un.org | He was arrested on 4 February 2009 at his family home in Xiao Shi Ban Qiao Village, Jia County, Shaanxi Province, by at least seven security officers belonging to the local Yulin City Police as well as to the Beijing Police. daccess-ods.un.org |
24.7 在他们讽いヴ何人死亡,┪如狦他们ぇいヴ何一人礚︽为能力,┪瘆玻令已向他们ぇいヴ何一人作出,┪赣眀めぇ笲作受到皐癸他们いヴ何 一人ヴ何猭皘㏑令┪Τ舦诀篶硄知的纥臫,赣眀めぇ笲作(包珹矗取┪锣琵戈金┪靡ㄩ)盢砆既氨直至框篷粄靡┪︽现诀闽的獭ㄧ砆只出,┪ 砆Μ到┪︽现人员砆指﹚,┪瘆玻钡恨人┪瘆玻恨瞶竝竝长的同种已砆取眔,┪猭皘㏑令已砆秆埃,┪Τ闽的硄知已砆纪埃(如薄猵可能)。 sctrade.com | In the event that any one of them is incapacitated or if a bankruptcy order is made against any one of them or if the operatio n of the Account is affected by any order made by the Court or notice from any competent authority against any one of them, the operation of the Account (including the withdrawal or transfer of funds or securities) will be suspended until administrator or receiver is appointed or the consent of the receiver or Official Receiver is obtained or the Court order is discharged or the relevant notice is removed (as the case may be). sctrade.com |
在这里描述自然区域-榆树林,Tsirik-Narasun 松树林,“遗物橡树”地区自然保护区等独特的植物群落等古迹。 visitchita.ru | The "Important natural communities" describes the [...] nature monuments -Elm Grove, Tsirik-Narasun [...]Pine Grove, Relic Oaks State Reserve [...]and other monuments of the unique plant communities. visitchita.ru |
在 1997 年至 2000 年间, 海南省政府与海军军方、南海舰队及驻扎在西沙群 岛的榆林海军基地的官员展开了多轮磋商,最终于 2000 年成功说服他们共同向国务院和中央军委提交 联合申请,开放西沙群岛的旅游资源。 crisisgroup.org | Hainan government officials held multiple talks with the Navy, the South Fleet and officers at Yulin Base on the Paracel Islands from 1997 to 2000, finally persuading it in 2000 to submit a joint application to the State Council and Central Military Commission to open the Paracels for tourism.255 The State Council’s final approval of the plan in 2007 triggered strong protests from Vietnam, and Hainan suspended the plan shortly afterwards.256 Yet Hainan persisted in its effort to push the State Council to renew its approval of the tourism plan. crisisgroup.org |
迄今为止 这位年事已高的医生并 [...] [...] 没有将她的任何医学秘密付诸文字 她 向农业生物多样性项目的工作人员讲解了 一些植物的药效 我的知识还没被记下 来 她确信地表示 而且她尚未将这些 知识传给她的儿子林榆林榆终有一天将 继承这些知识 他常常像已经出师的医 生一样对待陌生人 目前 全世界共有10万多处自然保 护区域 占世界陆地面积的12% 作为当 今国家公园理念的先驱项目 世界上第一 [...][...]个国家公园 位于美国洛基山区的黄石 国家公园 建立于140年前 从这一点来 看 全球自然保护区域的总面积非常巨 大 然 而 自 然 保 护 理 念 存 在 的 历 史 netzhammerbreiholz.de | Neither has she, as yet, passed everything on to her son Lin Yu who one day will inherit it, and who is prone to behave towards foreigners as if he were already a healer. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
今天随着榆绥高速的建成通车,陕西不仅实现了突破4000公里的历史性跨越,通车里程更是位居全国前列,继续领跑西部,国家高速在陕西规划的8条快速通道全部建成通车,如今陕西已经成为名副其实的国家重要交通枢纽。 sdgxsz.com | Today, with Yu Sui [...] high-speed openedto traffic, [...]Shaanxi not only achieved a breakthrough 4000 kilometers is historic span, [...]mileage is ranked the forefront of the country, continue to lead the west, national high speed in Shaanxi planning 8 fast channel was opened to traffic, now that Shaanxi has become a veritable national important transport hub. sdgxsz.com |
根据107 个马鹿活动位点和572 个马鹿痕迹位点,分别用95% 的固定核空间法(Fixed kernel estimation,FKE)和100% 的最小凸多边形法(Minimum convex polygon,MCP)进行计算,结果显示保护区内的马鹿分布面积约为642.33 km2 ,占保护区总面积的33 19% ,分布范围介于小水沟和榆树沟之间,插旗口和大水沟是马鹿分布密度最大的两个区域,而人为干扰较严重的黄旗口和小口子在调查过程中没有发现马鹿实体。 mammal.cn | This method indicated that the distribution area of red deer was 642. 33 km2 ,between Xiaoshuigou and Yushugou (38°23′33″ - 38°56′22″N,105°33′36″ - 106°12′22″E);this area represents 33% of the total area of the reserve . english.mammal.cn |
应用经销商组共有34个项目获奖,其中,河南省民政厅综合办公楼项目获得了杰出应用奖,安徽合肥置地汇丰广场项目赢得最佳超低温应用奖,吉州区行政中心办公楼和赣榆县中医院两个项目则将该组别的两个一等奖揽入囊中。 emerson.com | An additional 30 projects won 2nd and 3rd prizes. Of the 34 awards in the Dealers' Group, the Award of Excellence for Application was clinched by Henan Provincial Civil Affairs Building Project while Huifeng Square project by Hefei Properties of Anhui received the best ultra-low temperature application award. emerson.com |