单词 | 榔 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 榔noun—hammern榔—tall tree (archaic)Examples:榔槺—cumbersome awkward and clumsy 桄榔—arenga or sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) 榔头n—hammern
用无火花榔头重重击打星形防松螺母 (G),使其 紧固。 graco.com | Tighten star-shaped locknut (G) by hitting firmly with a non-sparking hammer. graco.com |
若有 必要,用榔头轻击,使其完全就位。 graco.com | If necessary, use a hammer to tap it in place completely. graco.com |
如果阀座难以卸下,颠倒罩,用榔头和黄铜 棒敲出阀座。 graco.com | If seat is difficult to remove, turn housing upside down and drive seat out using a hammer and brass rod. graco.com |
用手拧紧防松螺母 (86),然后用一把榔头将螺母再拧紧 1/8 至 1/4 圈或用 75 磅英尺 (101 N·m)的扭力拧紧螺母。 graco.com | Hand tighten jam nut (86), then tap 1/8 to 1/4 turn with hammer or torque to 75 ft-lb (101 N·m). graco.com |
用冲子和榔头轻击销针 (26),使其脱离泄压阀手 柄 (25)。 graco.com | Using a punch and hammer, tap pin (26) out of drain handle (25). graco.com |
用无火花榔头重重击打防松螺母 (G),使其松开。 graco.com | Loosen locknut (G) by hitting firmly with a non-sparking hammer. graco.com |
用榔头和 黄铜棒,小心地在活塞柱上继续 向上敲进阀组件,直到其到达止挡为止。 graco.com | Useahammer and a brass rod to carefully drive valve assembly further up rod until it reaches the stop. graco.com |
5) 杠杆压板的拆装 ●利用榔头敲 击插入连接销时,一定要用比销子卡簧槽部直径小一 些的销丁垫一下,请勿用榔头直接击打。 kosmek.co.jp | When using a hammer to insert the pin, always use a cover plate with a smaller diameter than the snap ring groove on the pin. kosmek.co.jp |
用榔头和黄铜棒松开耦 合螺母 (4)。 graco.com | Use a hammer and brass rod to loosen the jam nut (4). graco.com |
无火花榔头或塑料槌 graco.com | Non-sparking hammer or plastic mallet graco.com |
为Ross Paterson在九月十一至十四日前来槟榔屿的 访问行程,以及他在各教会的讲道祷告。 amccsm.org | Pray for the visit of Ross Paterson to Penang from 11 to 14 September and for his speaking engagements in the churches. amccsm.org |
槟城意为“槟榔树之岛”,一直以来都是令商务旅客和休闲游客心驰神往的旅游胜地。 shangri-la.com | Pulau Pinang, the 'Island of the Betelnut', has long been an inviting destination for traders and travellers. shangri-la.com |
a) 用圆头木棍轻轻敲松端头的支撑板,禁止使用榔头类等金属物 codeline.com | Do not use a metal component to tap the bearing plate. codeline.com |
不管怎样,工作人员协会认为,如果要前进,而不是像现在这样东一榔头西一棒子地 因重新定级而搞晋升,就不应该再把重点放在用个人的职位说明来定级别上,而是更加重视 根据要完成的任务、才干和能力等与职位有关的要求方面。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In any event, ISAU considers that to progress otherwise than on a case-by-case basis, as is the case now that there are more promotions through post reclassification, emphasis should no longer be placed on individual post descriptions when determining grades, but greater importance should be attached to post requirements in terms of tasks to be accomplished, skills and capacities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在 越 南 人 [...] 的 精 神 生 活 中,吃槟榔不只是 一 种 习 俗,也 [...]是 传 统 文 化 价 值 的 构 成 元 素,是 婚 嫁、待 友 会 客 不 可 或 缺 的 物 品。 vietnam.vnanet.vn | In the spiritual life of the Vietnamese [...] people, chewingbetel is not only a [...]habit and a custom but also an element of the traditional cultural values. vietnam.vnanet.vn |
例如,红色香料路可以像槟榔叶,熏鲑鱼或鸭咖喱的东南亚菜肴和功能社区的座位。 zh.melbournehotel.com | For example, Red Spice Road serves Southeast [...] Asian disheslikebetel leaf with smoked [...]salmon or duck curry and features communal seating. melbournehotel.com |
此项评估:此项评估是文化遗产管理和旅游项目第四阶段的最后一项活动,包括 (i) 八 个试验点的利益相关方编写自我评估报告,尤其要说明项目在有关试验点的影响;(ii) 2003 年 1 月 15-18 日在马来西亚槟榔屿举行评估与主流化研讨会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It consisted of: (i) the preparation of self-evaluation reports by the stakeholders of each of the eight pilot sites, covering in particular the impacts of the projects in the said sites; and (ii) the holding of an evaluation and mainstreaming workshop in Penang, Malaysia from 15 to 18 January 2003. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Pasir Putih 森严级戒备监狱内,死牢房内的绝大多数被拘留者 报告了发人深省的细节,如他们是如何遭到死亡威胁、如何受到用榔头的击打、 如何遭受长时间的毒打等酷刑直到他们签署提交给法院的供认为止。 daccess-ods.un.org | In his study on the phenomena of torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in the world, which included an assessment of conditions of detention (A/HRC/13/39/Add.5) the Special Rapporteur noted the widespread use of evidence obtained under torture, including in cases for which suspects had been convicted to death; in Pasir Putih Maximum Security Prison in Indonesia, for example, the vast majority of detainees on death row had reported with compelling detail how they had been tortured, including by death threats, being hit with hammers, and severe beatings for prolonged periods of time, until they had signed a confession that was later presented in court. daccess-ods.un.org |
父母把一条白色的床单铺在地上并 在上面摆着不同的物件:一支笔、一把榔头、一本书、一只电话、一些金钱、一 把螺丝刀、一瓶香水等等,这些东西每 一件都象征着一种职业。 stranieriincampania.it | The women of the family lay a white sheet on the floor on which they place various objects: a pencil, a hammer, a book, a telephone, some money, a screwdriver, a bottle of perfume, etc., each object symbolically representing a profession. stranieriincampania.it |
因此,Y C H已经在计划在亚洲的 其它地方实施从槟榔屿设施获得的经验 和技术——他们非常感谢能够有Intermec 这样一个具有全球信誉的合作伙伴陪伴 他们前行。 intermec.com.cn | As such, YCH is already planning to implement the learning and technology from the Penang facility in other Asian locations – and values having a globally trusted partner in Intermec on this journey. intermec.com.br |