

单词 补选

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External sources (not reviewed)

如某一理事国在任期期满前不再为有关理事会的理事国,应于 大会下届会议单独举补选,以选出 一 理事国在其未满的任期内继 任。
Should a member cease to belong to a Council before
its term of
[...] office expires, a by-election shall be held separately [...]
at the next session of the General Assembly to elect a member for the unexpired term.
在这个关键时刻,在即将举补选的 时 候, 至关重要的是所有缅甸人,包括从监狱释放的人能够在政治和公共生活中发挥积 [...]
In this critical period, and in the
[...] leadup to the by-elections, it is fundamental [...]
for all in Myanmar, including those released
from prison, to be allowed to play an active and constructive role in political and public life.
在 2009 年 11 月的蒙特塞拉 特州参议补选之后 ,利比里亚国家警察对其表现进行了评估,以便将经验教训 [...]
纳入 2011 年选举的业务规划。
Following the November 2009 Montserrado County
[...] senatorial by-election, the Liberian [...]
National Police assessed their performance
in order to incorporate lessons learned into its operational planning for the 2011 elections.
[...] 是特别会议,还要指出关于政府间委员会席位数量上限的决定只能在其余 6 个委员补选之前做出。
It should be clarified whether an ordinary or an extraordinary session was necessary, noting further that a decision on the
upper limit of seats in the Intergovernmental
[...] Committee only after the election of the remaining 6 [...]
members was not in order.
大会通过了决议草案 1.GA 5B,决议决定在执行局第一七五届会议期间在教科文组织总
[...] 部举行大会特别会议,目的是从所有缔约国当 补选 政 府 间委员会的 6 个委员国,但 条件是根据《公约》第 [...]
6.3 条之规定,通过抽签决定其中一半委员国在有限任期内担任 委员国职务。
The General Assembly adopted Resolution 1. GA 5B by which it decided to convene an extraordinary session of the General Assembly at UNESCO Headquarters during the
175th Session of the Executive Board with
[...] the purpose of electing six additional [...]
States Members of the Intergovernmental
Committee among all States Parties, with the understanding that half of them will be chosen by lot to serve a limited term of office, in the spirit of Article 6.3 of the Convention.
另一项积极的动态是,有一名女竞选者在科诺区 议会主补选中出 胜,成为该国第一名也是唯一的区议会女主席。
On another positive
[...] note, the by-election for the District [...]
Council Chair in Kono was won by a female contestant, who became
the first and only female District Council Chairperson in the country.
除上述宣传措施外,当局亦在本地报 章刊登广告,公布是补选的有 关资料及安排。
Advertisements were also placed on local newspapers to publicise the relevant information and
[...] arrangements about the By-election.
国际法院空补选日期 秘书长关于填补国际法院空缺的选举日期的说 明(S/2012/38)
Note by the Secretary-General concerning
[...] the date of an election to fill a vacancy [...]
in the International Court of Justice (S/2012/38)
担忧在一个更自由公正的选举环境中他们自身的命 运或政党的前途;一些政客和裙带商人可能会担心 改革会威胁他们的经济利益;有强烈民族主义情结 的人可能会对所谓的对西方世界的妥协行为感到不
[...] 安;其他一些人可能会反对与昂山素季及民盟达成 和解,尤其是在议补选之后
For example, some USDP members now likely have concerns about their fate or their party’s in a more free and fair electoral environment; some politicians and crony businessmen may have concerns that some reforms will threaten their economic interests; those with a strong nationalistic disposition may feel uncomfortable with what they might classify as concessions to the
West; others may object to reconciliation with Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD, particularly
[...] in the wake of the by-elections.
如 果 NLD
[...] 取得压倒性胜利的代价是少数民族只获得 很少席位——最近补选和 1 990 年的选举都表明 这个可能性很大,那么政府和少数民族之间的协议 [...]
If an NLD landslide comes at the expense of minority ethnic
representation – as the results of the
[...] recent by-elections and the 1990 elections suggest it [...]
well might – those deals might start to unravel.
11 月 48 个立法席位补选将考 验政府准备在确保更加具 有包容性的政治进程方面走出多远。
The by-election for 48 legislative [...]
seats in November would test how far the Government was ready to go towards ensuring
a more inclusive political process.
同样重要的是,决议提到的是暂时取消在 人权理事会的成员资格,而不是剥夺一国在人权理事会
[...] 这个联合国主要人权机构的成员资格,而且正如非洲联 盟的发言指出的那样,利比亚在人权理事会的席位并未 空出,因而不会举补选以填补任何 这种空缺。
It is also important that the resolution refers to the suspension of rights of membership in the Human Rights Council, and not to depriving a country of its membership in the major human rights body of the United Nations; and that, as noted in the statement of the African Union, Libya’s
seat in the Human Rights Council is not vacant, and that
[...] there will be no additional elections to fill any such vacancy.
Some also expressed concerns on whether the scale of
[...] publicity for the by-election had been reduced.
补选,新 当选委员的任期为其前任任期的剩余部分。
In elections to be held due to unexpired tenure, the member elected completes [...]
the rest of the tenure of his predecessor.
按照《法院规约》第十四条,安全理事会在 2012 年 1 月 19 日举行的 6704 次会议上通过第
[...] 2034(2012)号决议,决定该空缺补选应于2012 年 4 月 27 日在安理会的一次会议和大会第六十六届会议的一次会议上进行。
Pursuant to Article 14 of the Statute of the Court, the Security Council decided, by resolution 2034 (2012)
adopted at its 6704th meeting on 19
[...] January 2012, that the election to fill the vacancy [...]
would take place on 27 April 2012 at
a meeting of the Security Council and at a meeting of the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session.
选举宣布取消后,2009 年 12 月 6 日在洛亚蒂群岛省举行了领土议会和省议 会部分议补选。
As a result, a new by-election to Congress and to the Provincial Assembly of the Loyalty Islands was held on 6 December 2009.
该国还有其他令人不安的迹象,例如去年 9 月发 生了袭击反对派总统候选人的事件,随后反对派成员 损害了执政党的财产,有关方面以备受争议的方式实
[...] 施为期三个月禁止政党集会的法令,反对派在弗里敦 市议会议补选中获胜一事引发了暴力,最近有人闯 入一家批评政府的报社。
There are other worrying signs, such as the attack on the opposition presidential candidate in September of last year, which was followed by an attack by members of the opposition on property of the governing party, the questionable imposition of a threemonth ban on all political party
rallies, violence surrounding a win by
[...] the opposition in by-elections for the Freetown City [...]
Council and the recent break-in into
a newspaper critical of the Government.
如有任何选手被取消了获奖资格,Wiggle有权决定 补选 手。
In the event that any entrant is disqualified
from the Competition, Wiggle Limited in its sole discretion may decide whether a replacement
[...] contestant should be selected.
如委员会中因任何原因出现空缺,应在空缺之日起的一个月内进 补选 ; 如空缺之日土耳其大国民议会正处于假期,应在议会假期结束之日起的一个月内采取同样方式进 补选。
Two months
[...] before the end of office, if there is a membership vacancy for any reason, an election is held through the same procedure within a month following the date of the [...]
vacancy or
the end of recess (if the Assembly is in recess).
票数获得确认后,加上在 2009 年底的部补选中成 绩斐然, 同时也是卡纳克工联创始人的党魁路易·科特拉·乌雷盖伊在政治上的受关注程 度得到加强。
This score was confirmed and the political standing of the party leader, Louis Kotra Uregueï, also founder of the USTKE, was enhanced, especially following his good showing in the provincial by-elections of late 2009.
[...] 的一切限制,包括修改相关法律,并且确保以参与式、包容和透明的方式举行即 将举行补选,同 时确认现已公布的对选举法的修改,这些修改将会允许更广泛 [...]
the Government of Myanmar to lift all restrictions imposed on the representatives of political parties as well as on other political and civil society actors in the country, including by
amending the relevant laws, and to ensure that
[...] the upcoming by-elections are held in a participatory, [...]
inclusive and transparent
manner, while recognizing the announcement of changes in the electoral law that would allow for wider participation, and urging that they be put into effect
如果只有一个空额有待通选举填补 , 而 在第一轮投票时没有候选人获得所 需过半数票,则应专门就两名得票最多的候选人进行第二轮投票。
If, when only one elective place is to be [...]
filled, no candidate obtains in the first ballot the majority required, a second
ballot shall be taken, confined to the two candidates having obtained the largest number of votes.
当有一个或一个以上的选任职位须在同样条件下同时填补时,每一有权投票 的代表可在所投的票选举与需填补 的 职 位同数的 选 人 ; 在第一次投票中获得 过半数选票且得票最多的候选人选 , 其人数不得超过 补 职 位
When one or more elective places are to be filled at one time under the same conditions, each delegation entitled to
vote may cast a vote for as many
[...] candidates as there are places to be filled, and those candidates, in a number not exceeding the number of such places, obtaining in the first ballot a majority of the votes cast and the largest number of votes shall be elected.
此外,委员会的东欧国家成员仍有一个空缺未 补 , 其 任期从 选 之 日开始, 至 2013 年委员会第五十一届会议闭会时届满(见理事会第 [...]
2009/201 C 号决定)。
In addition, there is one unfilled vacancy on the Commission from
Eastern European States for a term
[...] beginning on the date of election and expiring at the close [...]
of the fifty-first session of
the Commission, in 2013 (see Council decision 2009/201 C).
在此类情形下有两补救措施可选 择 : 向 法院提出申请——大家都知道不仅难以找到适当的 管辖法院而且难以找到这样做的法律依据;或者按 [...]
照第 4 段规定的有利于仲裁的方式以特别方式解决 这个问题。
There were two options for redress in such cases: [...]
to apply to the courts — and the difficulty of finding both the appropriate
jurisdiction and the legal basis for doing so was well known; or to resolve the matter in an ad hoc manner in the pro-arbitration fashion set out in paragraph 4.
如果有两个或两个以上空额要在同样情况下同时通 选 举 填 补 , 并如果在第 一轮投票中得到所需的过半数票和得票最多的候选人的人数若不超过空额数,则 [...]
When two or more elective places are to be [...]
filled at one time under the same conditions, those candidates, in a number not
exceeding the number of such places, obtaining in the first ballot the majority required and the largest number of votes, shall be elected.
这 4 个指标来自:㈠ 全球工作人员 调查,采用其中报告的工作人员对工作环境满意状况的总体反馈意见;㈡ 执行
平衡计分卡和人力处数据库,采用国际专业人员一级和高级管理人员(D1及以上) 一级的女性工作人员的百分比;㈢
[...] 产品和服务调查,采用工作人员对可利用的 学习和发展机会的质量和范围的总体满意程度;㈣ 人力处的数据库,采用补 定期任用空缺、包括从选人才库填 补 国 家 主任、副驻地代表、国家副主任和业 务经理的职位平均花费的时间。
They are drawn from: (i) the Global Staff Survey on overall staff feedback reported therein on staff satisfaction with the work environment; (ii) the executive balanced scorecard and OHR database on the percentage of female staff at the international professional level and the senior management level (D1 and above); (iii) the Products and Services Survey on overall staff satisfaction with the quality and scope of available learning and staff development opportunities; (iv) and the database of the OHR
on the average time
[...] taken to fill vacant fixed-term appointments, including those from candidate pools for country [...]
directors, deputy
resident representatives, deputy country directors and operations managers.
[...] 2008(LX)号决议和大会第 42/450 号决定,理事会 需提名 20 名成员,由大会第六十六届会选出 ,以 填 补 方 案和协调委员会下列 成员在 2011 年 12 月 31 日任满后出现的空缺:阿根廷、亚美尼亚、白俄罗斯、 [...]
克斯坦、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦、南非、西班牙、乌克兰和乌拉圭,以及西欧和其 他国家的 3 名成员,其席位仍为空缺。
In accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 2008 (LX) and General Assembly decision 42/450,
the Council is to
[...] nominate 20 members for election by the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session to fill the vacancies in [...]
the Committee for Programme
and Coordination that will occur on 31 December 2011 upon the expiration of the terms of the following members: Argentina, Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, Central African Republic, Cuba, Guinea, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and Uruguay, as well as three members from Western European and other States, whose seats remain vacant.
如果一名或多名达到竞选门槛的竞选者未获得自身有权获得的所有授权, 选举局通过适当增加该选区授权数,向在预定清单中排序靠前且在参选的实名制 选举团中未获得授权的选者候选人 补 充 分 派授权。
The mandates are assigned supplementary to the candidates of the electoral competitors better placed in the preordained list that did not receive a mandate in the uninominal college in which they stood as candidates by the adequate increasing of the number of mandates in that constituency.
然而,其中一些建议由于之后的活动和新的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管理股的设立而时过境迁,该
[...] 到预防大流行病规划和其他非信息和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和补 编第A/64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划而引起迁移的情 [...]
况下建立 1 个新的二级数据中心的需要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。
However, some of those proposals have been superseded as a result of subsequent events and the emergence of new requirements, in particular the establishment of a central business continuity management unit to address business continuity issues on a broader, Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planning and other non-information and communications technology aspects
(see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8
[...] in the present supplement), as well as the [...]
requirement for a new secondary data
centre in the context of the relocations due to the capital master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1).




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