单词 | 虚构的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 虚构的 adjective —fictitiousSee also:虚构—imaginary • make up • fabrication 虚—void • emptiness • in vain • diffident or timid • abstract theory or guiding principles • empty or unoccupied • (of health) weak • humble or modest
不幸的是,哆啦A梦的机器允许虚构的 怪 兽 来现实世界中,击败了整个人类种族,使未来(大雄的时间),一个恶魔统治的世界。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Unfortunately, Doraemon’s [...] machine allowed the fictional monsters to come [...]to the real world and defeated the entire human [...]races, thus turning the future (Nobita’s time) into a demon-ruled world. en.seekcartoon.com |
通过模拟帐户交易个订单是在SWFX-瑞士外汇市场真实市场数据的基础 上 虚构的。 dukascopy.com | Orders given through a DEMO trading account are [...] executed in a fictitious manner on the basis of [...]SWFX – Swiss Forex Marketplace real market data. dukascopy.com |
此处提到的公司、产品、人员、特征和/或数据的名称 是 虚构的 , 并 不代表任何真实的个人、公司、产品或事件,除非另行声明或无需任何说明。 novell.com | The names of companies, products, people, characters and/or data [...] mentioned herein are fictitious and are in no [...]way intended to represent any real individual, [...]company, product or event, unless otherwise noted or apparent from the context. novell.com |
外国媒体还视而不见卫生部向它们呈现的事实,无视卫生部驳斥这一信息纯 属虚 构的事实。 daccess-ods.un.org | The foreign media have also ignored the facts that have been presented to them by the Ministry of Health and the fact that the Ministry has refuted this totally fabricated information. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是指作者可以选择在作品上 署名,也可以不署名(匿名),或者署 上 虚构的 姓 名 (笔名)。 wipo.int | This means that authors can choose to [...] sign their names, to not sign their names (remain anonymous), [...] or to sign a fictional name (use a pseudonym) on their works. wipo.int |
Photius,作为他的政策,自称为皇帝非常钦佩的一部分,并送他一 个 虚构的 血 统 ,显示他的后裔形式圣格雷戈里照明灯和一本伪造的的预言,预言他的伟大之处(曼西,十六,284)。 mb-soft.com | Photius, as part of his policy, [...] professed great admiration for the emperor [...] and sent him a fictitious pedigree showing [...]his descent form St. Gregory the Illuminator [...]and a forged prophecy foretelling his greatness (Mansi, XVI, 284). mb-soft.com |
然后与会者 [...] 开玩笑地扮演了失业者、飞行员或残疾人的角⾊,再⾃ ⼰判断在哪个社会领域,虚构的人物 会前来参与。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Participants then slipped playfully into the role of the unemployed, pilots or people with [...] disabilities, and then judged for themselves in which [...] social areas the fictional person could [...]come forward and participate. unesdoc.unesco.org |
它继续以随心所欲、不合常理和 虚构的 借 口或甚 至以种族主义为借口,为自己的法律责任开脱,分散 [...] 国际社会对核心问题的注意力,延长冲突和进一步加 剧当地局势。 daccess-ods.un.org | It continues to use [...] arbitrary, irrational, fictitious and even racist [...]pretexts to absolve itself of its legal responsibilities, [...]to distract the attention of the international community from the core issues, prolonging the conflict and further exacerbating the situation on the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
很多学者认为,Coreal 是一位作家虚构的名字 ,他从未真的到过像书中所描述的地点。 wdl.org | Many scholars believe [...] that Coreal was a fictitious name for a writer [...]who may never have traveled to the lands described in the book. wdl.org |
在史瑞克读取Fiona的日记和页面包含一句“夫人后 [...] 菲奥娜魅力“,哈罗德安排史莱克和驴子和他一起在一 个 虚构的 狩 猎 之旅,这确实是一个陷阱,引诱两成手中的刺客,穿靴子的猫(安东尼奥·班德拉斯配音)。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After Shrek reads Fiona’s diary and pages containing the single phrase “Mrs. Fiona Charming”, [...] Harold arranges for Shrek and Donkey [...] to join him on a fictitious hunting trip, which [...]really is a trap to lure the two into [...]the hands of an assassin, Puss in Boots (voiced by Antonio Banderas). seekcartoon.com |
把人民聚到一起,打破美国人对于中国人以及中国人对于美国人的这些旧观念、这 些 虚构的 事 、这些虚假的印象。 embassyusa.cn | To break down these stereotypes, these myths, these false impressions that Americans have about the Chinese and that the Chinese have about Americans. eng.embassyusa.cn |
在该场景中,一个虚构的未来秘书长恳请会员国投票赞 成为地球上的外星难民提供安全庇护。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) A major Hollywood science-fiction franchise shot a scene in the General [...] Assembly Hall for an upcoming feature [...] film, in which a fictional future SecretaryGeneral [...]implores Member States to vote [...]in favour of offering safe haven to alien refugees on our planet. daccess-ods.un.org |
这似乎也是如此,它的日期从梅花时间托勒密,并认为因此从第三中间的常用世纪因为,如果,正如,阿里斯铁阿斯的信函200份约公元前50年之后,梅花死亡,并与以提高法律的权威在希腊的版本,它会这么容易被接受和传播广播,如果它已 被 虚构的 , 如 果组成的时间不符合现实? mb-soft.com | It seems true also that it dates from the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus, and therefore from the middle of the third century BC For if, as is commonly believed, Aristeas's letter was written about 200 BC, fifty years after the death of Philadelphus, and with a view to increase the authority of the Greek version of the Law, would it have been [...] accepted so easily and spread [...] broadcast, if it had been fictitious, and if the time of [...]the composition did not correspond with the reality? mb-soft.com |
通过虚构的列那 狐与伊桑格里谟斯狼无休止的战斗,这本书揭示了人类的动物本性,并提出了对封建统制度的错误道路的批判。 wdl.org | Under the guise of the endless war between Reynard the Fox and Ysengrimus the Wolf, the work illustrates the animal nature of man and offers a critique of the errant ways of the feudal world. wdl.org |
谈到前南法庭网站的推出,其中一人说,上面都是片面(没有提及任何 塞族人被折磨的营地)或虚构的资料 ,这也说明信息中心将会是什么样子。 daccess-ods.un.org | Referring to the launch of ICTY’s website, one of them stated that it was full of partial (no mention of a single camp where Serbs were tortured) or fabricated information, which tells much about what could be expected from an Information Centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些故事有的是虚构的,有 的是源自她孩子环游世界的真实经历。 ycis-bj.com | Leaving the legal world, Ms. Flint has pursued her passion for writing stories based on fictional, and sometimes [...] real, adventures [...]of her children travelling the world. ycis-bj.com |
虚构的,综 合的,艺术的和概念上模式。 12manage.com | Imaginative, synthesizing, artistic, holistic and conceptual modes. 12manage.com |
正在参照柬埔寨的能力,量力而行,开 展具体行动,包括土著人民身份评估,作 为 虚构的 土 著 社区的土地登记,农村发 展部、内政部、土地管理部、城市规划和建设部准备土著社区的土地登记。 daccess-ods.un.org | Concrete actions are being taken in line with the possibilities, competence and context of Cambodia, including: conducting the identification assessment of indigenous peoples; the land registration of indigenous communities; and the preparation of land registration for indigenous communities which were prepared by the Ministry of Rural Development, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction. daccess-ods.un.org |
不要错过挪威海怪,一个没有底板的过山车, 在 虚构的 通 往 亚特兰蒂斯的旅途中遭遇海怪,相信这段通往失落世界的虚拟旅程定会让您全程心跳加速。 abgcorp.com | Don’t miss Kraken, a floorless roller coaster in the form of a mythological sea monster or Journey to Atlantis, a water coaster that will keep your heart beating fast as you visit the mythological lost city. abgcorp.com |
再一次,这个虚构的蒸汽引擎点燃了世界各处的幻想。 ba-repsasia.com | Once again the fabled steam engine has ignited imaginations across the globe. ba-repsasia.com |
关于虚构的阿塞 拜疆“反亚美尼亚情绪崛起”的种种猜测十分荒谬,招致很 多批评。 daccess-ods.un.org | Speculations on the fictitious “rise in manifestations [...] of armenophobia” in Azerbaijan are also ridiculous and beneath all criticism. daccess-ods.un.org |
您还可以在W酒廊查看他的作品《法式热吻》,或同时在SWEAT健身中心欣 赏 虚构的 人 物 与酒瓶,或杏仁饼和瑜伽训练的结合。 luxe-immo.com | You can also view his work French Kiss at the W [...] Lounge, or while training at the SWEAT Fitness [...] centre where fictional characters can [...]be seen exercising with wine bottles or doing yoga with macaroons. luxe-immo.com |
丹尼斯·W·贝克曼会透露自己高的骗子和串行行骗者通过彩 色 虚构的 名 字和复杂的网格,引诱他的读者获得金钱上的奖励,这不是他,抓住她的女熟人。 goldschadt.dk | Dennis W. Beckman would reveal themselves as high-liar [...] and serial fraudster who through the [...] meshes of colored fictitious names and intricacy [...]seduces his readers acquire pecuniary [...]incentive that was not for him and seizes her female acquaintances. goldschadt.dk |
活动类型:虚构的纺织品除了服装,箱包,手袋等皮革制品和其他材料,鞋,肥皂,洗涤剂,清洁剂,抛光剂,香水,化妆品,电器灯具及照明设备,仪器,用于接收,录制和播放声音和图像,光学器件,照片和电影设备,家具,珠宝和贵重金属和宝石,钱币,纪念章,体育用品,玩具和商品场的主要群体技术文章:电子教育游戏,玩具,电池供电的充气无线电控制和玩具及零件,设计师,风筝,消费电子和电气设备,玻璃和陶瓷,厨具,照明设备,计算器,办公室和家庭,相框,银器,鲜花,珠宝文具制造的商品,袋,雨伞,皮革制品和毛皮,时装配饰,纺织品,钟表,圣诞饰品等。 dump.lesavik.net | Type of activity: made-up textile articles, [...] except apparel, luggage, handbags and other leather goods and other materials, [...]shoes, soap, detergents, cleaners, polishes, perfumes, cosmetics, electrical lamps and lighting equipment, apparatus for receiving, recording and playback sound and image, optical devices, photo and cinema equipment, furniture, jewelry, and technical articles of precious metals and stones, coins, medals, sporting goods, toys and games main groups of goods: Electronic and educational games, toys, battery powered inflatable radio-controlled and toys and parts thereof, designers, kites, consumer electronics and electrical equipment, goods made of glass and ceramics, kitchenware, lighting equipment, calculators, stationery for office and home, picture frames, silverware, flowers, jewelry, bags, umbrellas, leather goods and furs, fashion accessories, textiles, clocks, Christmas ornaments, etc. dump.lesavik.net |
这是游戏的本质,它们可 能 是 大 脑 内 部 工 作 的 镜 子 ; 大 脑 不 断 与 大 脑 自 身 进 行 喋 喋 不 休 的 交 谈 , 这 是 Sutton-Smith(1997)称为“神经虚构”的东 西。 ipaworld.org | They may even be a mirror to the internal workings of the brain; the brain is constantly engaged in a ceaseless chatter with itself, something Sutton-Smith(1997) refers to as ‘neural fabulation’. ipaworld.org |
活动类型:虚构的纺织 物,除服装,玻璃及玻璃制品,陶瓷制品,瓷砖,地砖,切割,塑造和接收,录制和音频和视频家具播放,制造石,电灯及照明设备,仪器整理完成主要产品组:家用塑料制品,厨房用具和餐具,玻璃器皿,餐具,瓷器和搪瓷器皿,家用秤,清洁用品,浴室配件,婴儿用品,家用产品面料竹,金属制品为家,termokruzhek各类热水瓶,衣架,毛巾,雨衣,宠物用品,不锈钢,塑料,酒店用品,箱包及皮革制品,茶具,以及设备和原材料产品产品。 dump.lesavik.net | Type of activity: made-up textile articles, except apparel, glass and glass products, [...] ceramic products, tiles and slabs, [...]cutting, shaping and finishing of stone, electric lamps and lighting equipment, apparatus for receiving, recording and playback of audio and video furniture, manufacturing finishing main groups of goods: household plastic products, kitchen utensils and tableware, glassware, flatware, porcelain and enamel ware, household scales, cleaning products, bathroom accessories, baby accessories, fabrics for home products bamboo, metal products for the home, all kinds of termokruzhek, thermos, hangers, towels, ponchos, pet products, products of stainless steel, plastic, hotel supplies, cases, bags and leather products, tea sets, as well as equipment and raw materials the product. dump.lesavik.net |
但是,我们不应当把虚构的故事当成事实,把对政策论据的批评当成实际的政策,也不能只关注个别的未能实现的交易,而忽视了大量的成功的交易。 embassyusa.cn | But we should not confuse fiction for fact, exceptions for the rule, criticisms of policy arguments with the actual policies, or the occasional deals that fall through with the reality that many, many more succeed. eng.embassyusa.cn |
他的作品用幽默的、虚构奇观的方式来探究和表述人的身体、经验及认知之间的关系,同时也探讨人造现实、媒体、历史感知与身体认同之间的关系,这似乎给人一种多面的感觉,但透过这些作品会有一个清晰完整的“王郁洋”。 shanghaibiennale.org | He try to use humor, fiction and spectacle ways to explore and reflect the relation between the human body, experience and cognition, at the same time He also explore the relationship between artificial reality, the media, history perception and physical cognition. shanghaibiennale.org |
分发材料 P1 并要求不同的学生朗诵有关圣诞节停 战 的虚构 信 件中的各个段落。 peaceoneday.org | Hand out Resource P1 and ask various students to read a paragraph [...] each from the fictitious letter about [...]the Christmas Truce. peaceoneday.org |
研究发现,大脑并不会区别对待真实体验 和 虚构 出 的 情 景。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Research has shown that the brain does not differentiate much between real and imagined experiences. beijing.ufh.com.cn |