单词 | 蕾丝花边 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蕾丝花边 —lace border (loanword)See also:蕾丝—lace (loanword) (textiles) 蕾丝边—lesbian (slang) (loanword) 花边 n—gossip n 花边—decorative border
优雅,性感和调皮的高腰白色比坚尼配蓝 色 蕾丝花边, 绝对是Ermanno Scervino的浪漫诱惑! ermannoscervino.it | Elegant, sexy and fun are the characteristic of the high waisted white bikini with blue lace details, which remark the romantic allure of Ermanno Scervino. ermannoscervino.it |
每年七月下旬的劳马蕾丝花边周,包含多种有趣项目和珍贵的展览。 visitfinland.com | The annual Lace Week event, held in late July, features a variety of interesting happenings and unique exhibitions. visitfinland.com |
它是芬兰全国第三古老的城镇,特别以活泼的区域方言、悠久的编 织 蕾丝花边 传 统 、和保存完好的旧劳马木建筑而闻名于世。 visitfinland.com | It is especially known for its colourful regional dialect, its long tradition in bobbin lace-making and the well-preserved wooden buildings of Old Rauma. visitfinland.com |
蕾丝花边周其 中一个特别吸引项目是一场友谊比赛,看看谁是劳马的最 快 蕾丝花边 编 织 者。 visitfinland.com | One of the highlights of Lace Week is a friendly battle in which contestants vie for the title of the town's fastest lace-maker. visitfinland.com |
按历史显示,劳马的蕾丝花边纺织 源自1740年代,那时 的 蕾丝花边 周 只不过是一群熟练 的 蕾丝花边 编织 工人示范精巧手艺,自此却发展成为大型社区活动。 visitfinland.com | Initially, Lace Week was a set of exhibitions during which skilled bobbin lace-makers could display their works, but it has since developed into a wide-ranging communal event. visitfinland.com |
其中一张,她穿着黑色半透明花朵 蕾丝 上 衣 搭配亮黄色丝绒连衣裙。 ba-repsasia.com | In one, she is standing in a sheer black floral lace top over a bright yellow taffeta dress. ba-repsasia.com |
在冬季花园的 中心,占据大厅的是两件绝美的绿色长袍和一件黑 色 蕾丝 裙 , 都是由Françoise Tournafond设计。 luxe-immo.com | And in the very [...] centre of the winter garden La Verrière which dominates the hall are two fabulous green gowns and a magnificent black lace dress, all designed by Françoise Tournafond. luxe-immo.com |
单词的混合和花纹设计让婚纱看起来 像 蕾丝 一 般。 ba-repsasia.com | The mixture of [...] the words and the floral and paisley designs on the dress give it [...]the appearance of lace. ba-repsasia.com |
透视网纱白色花边装饰和白色缎质丝 带。 bloomnine.com | Revealing mesh co-stars with white lace trim and white satin ribbons. bloomnine.com |
他们采用的布料包括缎、雪纺、网、 花边 、 纱、宋吉锦布和泰 国 丝 绸。 systematic.edu.my | The fabrics used included [...] satin, chiffon, net, lace, organza, songket and Thai silk. systematic.edu.my |
黑醋栗花蕾提取物帮助舒缓肌肤。 clarinsusa.com | Blackcurrant bud extract helps [...] soothes skin. clarinsusa.com |
我们目前在与Karl Mayer合作测试一种新品机器,通过这个机器我们可以生产powernet结构 的 蕾丝。 interfiliere.com | Cooperating with Karl Mayer, to test a new type of machine to produce laces with powernet structures. interfiliere.com |
退化雄蕊和雄蕊2轮: [...] 外轮有(2-)3显著的花瓣状退化雄蕊,通常红色或者黄色;内轮具有一个反折的退化雄蕊(唇瓣),比外轮的退化雄蕊狭窄,和一个能育的雄蕊;花丝瓣状; 花药1室,贴生于花丝顶端的边缘。 flora.ac.cn | Staminodes and stamen in 2 whorls: outer whorl with (2 or)3 conspicuous, petaloid staminodes, usually red or yellow; inner whorl with a reflexed staminode (labellum), [...] narrower than outer staminodes, and a [...] fertile stamen; filament petaloid; anther 1-loculed, adnate to apical margin of filament. flora.ac.cn |
蕾丝的特点是让女人看起来更美丽端庄,优雅高贵。 interfiliere.com | The appeal of lace is that it can make a woman pretty, graceful and glamorous. interfiliere.com |
被我们称为“light shape”的新型蕾丝不仅 平整,而且在设计上也更简洁高雅。 interfiliere.com | New shaping lace called Light Shape is flat and has a simple elegance in its design. interfiliere.com |
LISANZA,欧洲优雅风格家居服睡衣领导品牌,将女性特制与浪漫外观用羊毛与丝绸完美结 合,细节精致的薄纱,使用列韦斯 花边 或 丝 缎。 interfiliere.com | LISANZA (booth1D14), a European leader in elegant homewear and sleepwear, [...] will feature feminine and romantic looks [...] in wool and silk, with exquisite detailing in tulle, Leavers lace or silk satin. interfiliere.com |
和平、民主和增强人民权能有着千丝 万 缕 的联系;和平是人道发展的组成部 分;全球和平是地方和区域和平之和;不消除压迫、不平等和贫困的一切根源, 和平就无从谈起;在富裕的世界上,不减缓并最终消除贫困及经济差距,和平就 无从谈起;不在人权、宪法权利和司法方面进行机构建设,和平就无从谈起;不 真正地从政治、经济和社会三方面增强妇女权能,和平就无从谈起;不具备世俗 的心态,不维护多样性和多族裔性,和平就无从谈起;不 把 边 缘 化 的群体包括进 来,和平就无从谈起;不创造就业机会,和平就无从谈起;政府没有透明度,不 对公民负追究责任,不全面尊重法治,和平就无从谈起。 daccess-ods.un.org | that peace, democracy and empowerment of the people are inextricably linked; peace is integral to humane development; global peace is the sum total of local and regional peace; peace is impossible without the removal of all sources of repression, inequality and deprivation; peace is impossible without alleviation [...] and eventual eradication of poverty and economic disparity in a world of opulence; peace is impossible without institution-building on human rights, constitutional rights and justice; peace is impossible without true empowerment of women, political, economic and social; peace is impossible without a secular mindset and embracing diversity and multi-ethnicity; peace is impossible without including the marginalized; peace is impossible without job creation; peace is impossible without transparency and accountability of Governments to citizens and a total respect for the rule of law. daccess-ods.un.org |
无论是在小圆机上生产丝袜、 袜子,或在大圆机和横机上生产衣裤,还是在拉舍尔经编机上生产最精细 的 花边 , 格 罗茨-贝克特的产品总能为您提供最佳的解决方案。 groz-beckert.pl | The product range offers optimal solutions for [...] manufacturing seamless and socks on small circular knitting machines, outerwear and underwear and also products of the finest lace on Raschel machines. groz-beckert.pl |
花边工业的历史可追朔到几个世纪以 前。 groz-beckert.pl | The production of lace is traced back over centuries. groz-beckert.pl |
如果没有使 用扭矩扳手,则应验证螺丝头下和盖 板 边 沿下 是否有缝隙。 graco.com | If a torque wrench is not used, verify there [...] are no gaps under the screw heads and no gaps under [...]the cover flange. graco.com |
通过这种方法,可高效率的完成刀具轨迹,并向模型的表面区域提 供 花边 , 高 倾斜区域提供水平线。 evget.com | By this method, highly efficient finishing toolpaths can be achieved by applying lace finishing to shallow areas of the model and Waterline to steeper areas. evget.com |
摩纳哥是名流富贾的游乐场,是格 蕾丝 王 妃 的前居住地,也是詹姆斯•邦德喜爱的赌场所在地。 msccruises.com.cn | Those with an interest in royalty and glamour will want to leave the ship for the outing to Monaco, playground of the rich and famous, former place of residence of the Princess Grace and home to the famous Casino favoured by James Bond! msccruises.com.eg |
他们在夏威夷的一个海滩上结婚,科本穿着一套绿色格纹睡衣,而柯特妮则身着一条女演员弗朗西斯·法默(Frances Farmer)穿过的白色复古蕾丝裙。 catwalkyourself.com | The relationship progressed into a family [...] where they married on a beach in Hawaii, Kurt wearing pyjamas and [...] Courtney, a vintage lace dress worn [...]by Frances Farmer. catwalkyourself.com |
JIN YOUNG 是一家领先的蕾丝供应 商,我们主要生产电 脑 蕾丝 , 圆 桶针织布,及经编产品等。 interfiliere.com | Producing various functional, high quality laces including computer lace, circular knit, tricot fabric etc. Presenting their new competitive collection at Interfiliere Shanghai. interfiliere.com |
有些时候你需要完全将 iPhone 从保护框中取出,如使用后备电池或连接 Lightning 插坐的周边器材 ,你都希望一下子便能将 iPhone 取出,但上述的铝质保护框均未能做到,并且当你每次拆卸和装崁时都有机会 刮花 iPhone 或将螺丝失掉,增加不必要的风险。 tunewear.com | There are times you just want to drop the iPhone into a [...] dock or a battery case, and the [...] attachment and detachment of the case must be easy. None of the above solutions are easy and every time you disassemble and reassemble, you risk either damaging the iPhone, losing the screw or weakening the hinges. tunewear.com |
叶鞘无毛; 叶片线形披针形或线形,有白霜, 10-30 * 0.5-1 厘米,无毛,粗糙的边缘,基部圆形 , 丝 状 的 先端; 叶舌0.5-1.5毫米Spathate 圆锥花序狭窄,疏忽,6-20厘米; spatheoles红棕色,2-2.5厘米; 总状花序红 棕色到略带紫色,1.5-2厘米; 在边上的轴节间和花梗白 色纤毛虫; 使膨胀的同性花的对的花梗,桶形或者宽专栏,发亮,熔化成节间在基部。 flora.ac.cn | Spathate panicle narrow, lax, 6–20 cm; spatheoles reddish brown, 2–2.5 cm; racemes reddish brown to purplish, 1.5–2 cm; rachis internodes and pedicels white-ciliate on margins; pedicel of homogamous pair swollen, barrel-shaped or broadly columnar, shiny, fused to internode at base. flora.ac.cn |
花序轴4-10厘米; [...] 总状花序5-20,4-8厘米,上升; 偶有,小穗通常配对不过第2残迹的单身提出; 浓密重叠; 轴具宽翅,(1.5-)2-4毫米宽,略带紫色,有显眼长得紧靠在一起牙齿粗糙 的 边; 花梗粗糙。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence axis 4–10 cm; racemes 5–20, 4–8 cm, ascending; spikelets normally paired, occasionally single but 2nd vestigial spikelet present; densely overlapping; [...] rachis broadly winged, (1.5–)2–4 mm wide, [...] purplish, margins scabrous with conspicuous close-set teeth; pedicels scabrous. flora.ac.cn |
玫瑰花蕾,心 的錶盤展現在無數的彩色藍寶石和鑽石的光束包圍的紅寶石表圈的長棍麵包,配上褶性感的一個紫色的緞面錶帶。 zh.horloger-paris.com | As a rosebud, the heart of the dial unfolds in the beam of a myriad of colored sapphires and diamonds encircled by a bezel of ruby baguettes and topped with a violet satin strap pleated voluptuous. en.horloger-paris.com |
毛茛(gen)叶层叠交错环绕,并以卷须 花蕾 夹 杂 其间,看起来像是一个花枝招展的花篮被置于圆柱顶端,其风格也由爱奥尼亚式的秀美转为豪华富丽,装饰性很强,但是在古希腊的应用并不广泛,雅典的宙斯神庙(Temple of Zeus)采用的就是科林斯柱式。 kunlunslate.com | Buttercup ( Gen ) leaf laminated staggered around, and bud punctuated with tendrils, looks like a blossoming flower basket is placed on top of the cylinder, its style from the Ionian beautiful to opulent, adornment sex is very strong, but in ancient Greece is not widely spread, the temple of Jose ( Temple of Zeus Corinth ) is used. kunlunslate.com |