

单词 统治

统治 ()

rule (a country)






统治的 adj

ruling adj


supreme power

See also:


research v
punish v

treat (a disease)
wipe out (a pest)
harness (a river)

External sources (not reviewed)

然 而,一些国家通过建立政府电子平台等机制 统治 领 域 内已经取得了很大进步,这样使公民 能够更方便地利用政府提供的信息和服务。
Some countries however have made great
[...] improvements in the field of governance by developing mechanisms [...]
such as e-government platforms,
thus providing the population with easier access to government information and services.
因此,设立共产党罪行研究所的目的是保存完 整的记忆,并告诉子孙后代人们在该政 统治 下 遭 受的苦难。
Accordingly, the establishment of the Institute for the Crimes of Communism served to keep intact the memories, and to inform new generations, of the suffering under that regime.
厄立特里亚不愿意赞同在伊加特的大伞下进行的入侵 统治 , 不 愿意成为对 索马里人民采取的有悖正义和真理的暴行的当事方。
For its part, Eritrea is not willing to endorse
[...] invasion and domination under the umbrella [...]
of IGAD and be party to the atrocities
perpetrated against the Somali people in contravention of justice and truth.
[...] 议,例如必须修订或在必要时废止有利于对专 统治 时 代 所犯罪行有罪不罚的法 律,以及改进监狱制度,尤其是对未成年人采取剥夺自由之外的替代措施。
It noted with satisfaction some recommendations, such as the importance of revision and, if necessary, the derogation of laws
that favoured impunity for crimes committed
[...] during the dictatorship, as well as [...]
the improvement of the prison system, specifically
the alternative measures to liberty deprivation for minors.
为此,我们对国际社会包括安理会将履行在巴勒 斯坦问题上所承担的法律、政治和道义责任充满希 望,这些责任自大会通过第181(II)号决议,将巴勒 斯坦委统治地一 分为二以来就一直未得到履行,对 它来说,现在是一个最终履行责任,确保巴勒斯坦人 民正义与自由的历史性契机。
We are thus hopeful that the international community, including the Council, will uphold the legal, political and moral responsibilities towards the question of Palestine that have remained unfulfilled since the General Assembly’s adoption of resolution 181 (II), which partitioned Mandate Palestine, and for which there is now an historic opportunity to finally fulfil towards ensuring justice and freedom for the Palestinian people.
公元前189年,罗马人开统治石灰 岩构造的爱奥尼亚岛,但它于1864年重回希腊的怀抱。
The Romans ruled the limestone Ionian [...]
Island from 189 BC, but it was reintegrated into Greece in 1864.
如果我们查阅有关委任制度和托管制度的大量专家著作,特别是那些熟悉这 些制度运作的专家的著作,我们会发现:(a) 私法类比,因为这些司法机构的设 立是从私法中得到启发;(b) 监督机制的设立(委任制度和托管制度下的领土), 在国际一级(可向前常设委统治委员 会和前托管理事会提出申诉);(c) 国内和 国际法律秩序的互动;(d) 单位分类(委统治和托管领土);(e) 各制度的工作 方式。
If we go through the bulk of expert writing on the mandates and the trusteeship systems, especially those who were familiar with the operation of those systems, we detect: (a) analogies of private law wherefrom inspiration was drawn for the establishment of those juridical institutions; (b) devising of mechanisms of supervision (of territories and
mandates and in the trusteeship system), also at international level (recourse to the former
[...] Permanent Mandates Commission and the former Trusteeship Council); (c) interactions between the domestic and international legal orders; (d) classification of units (mandates and trust territories); (e) modus operandi of the respective systems.
[...] 承诺还不够,强调“我们的人民在历届政府和各种 体制统治下饱 受苦难,人民将以实际成就来评价 [...]
He also acknowledged that words were not enough, noting that “our
people have suffered under various governments
[...] and different systems, and the people [...]
will judge our government based on its actual achievements”.
[...] 继续掌权的唯一办法是动用大规模暴力来对付本国 人民的时候,他就失去统治的合 法性,就需要做对 他的国家来说是正确的事情,也就是立即下台。
As President Obama said today, when a leader’s only means of staying in power is to use mass violence
against its own people, he has lost the
[...] legitimacy to rule and needs to do what is right [...]
for his country, by leaving now.
当时设立的习 惯和宗教法庭是在殖统治下民 众可用的唯一正式的司法体系,其宗旨是运用习 惯法和穆斯林法解决有关婚姻、家庭事务以及个人地位,与普通法院并行不悖。
The customary and sharia courts therefore constituted a single formal legal system available to the populations under colonization that aimed to apply customary and Islamic laws to resolve differences involving marriage, family affairs and personal status in parallel with ordinary courts.
我们重申在《约翰内斯堡执行计划》、《2005 年世界首脑会议成果》和 2010
[...] 年关于千年发展目标的大会高级别全体会议成果文件中表达的承诺,要进一步采 取有效措施和行动,按照国际法,为生活在殖 统治 和 外国占领下的人民充分落 实自决权排除障碍,这些障碍继续对他们的经济和社会发展以及环境产生不利影 响,与人的尊严和价值不相容,必须予以打击和根除。
We reiterate our commitment, expressed in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, the 2005 World Summit Outcome and the outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals of 2010, to take further effective measures and actions, in conformity with
international law, to remove the
[...] obstacles to the full realization of the right of self-determination of peoples living under colonial and foreign [...]
occupation, which continue
to adversely affect their economic and social development as well as their environment, are incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human person and must be combated and eliminated.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球 统治 者 犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist),
will in the guise of the Son of God perform
[...] miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit [...]
unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
为生活在农村偏远地区和前红色高 统治 区 的 女孩开展的活动特别受重 视。
A particular emphasis was put on activities for girls, living in remote, rural areas and former Khmer Rouge strongholds.
不应将直布罗陀 从委员会名单中删除,因为这样做将损害联合国在 一种所谓的现代宪法关系基础上建立的进程,事实 上,这无异于“经同意的殖民主义”,其中的同意 是指管理国而非遭受殖统治的人 民,即西班牙人 民的同意;这种同意既不符合决议的精神,也不符 合其文字。
Gibraltar should not be removed from the Committee’s list, since doing so would jeopardize the process established by the United Nations on the basis of a so-called modern constitutional relationship that was in fact no more than “colonialism by consent”, in which the consent was that of the administering Power and not the colonized people, the people of Spain, and did not comply with either the spirit or the letter of the resolutions.
[...] 法表示遗憾,虽然这些国家对草案所列某些情况下 特别是外国占领统治或是 国家民主、宪法秩序被 破坏的情况下人权卫士遭受侵犯的行为表示坚决反 对。
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela lamented the selective approach of the sponsors, who had strongly opposed the inclusion of examples of the violations suffered by human rights defenders in certain
situations, particularly in cases of foreign
[...] occupation or domination, or when the [...]
democratic and constitutional order of a State had broken down.
这对缅甸政府和国家安保系统将是一 个严峻考验,因为他们需要在维护法律和秩序的同 时避免重新唤起民众对于昨日专 统治 历 史 的回 忆。
This will represent a major test for the government and security services as they seek to maintain law and order without rekindling memories of the recent authoritarian past.
[...] 作的时候,他对英国人对待印度人的态度感到惊 骇,并为争取印度从英国统治中独 立出来而开 始奋斗。
He became a lawyer and, while working in South Africa, he was
appalled at the way Indians were treated by the British and began to work for the
[...] independence of India from British rule.
委员会还建议缔约国切实调查指控对儿童犯下的酷刑和任意拘留案件,将肇 事者绳之以法,并在下次定期报告中提供资料,说明对独 统治 期 间 对儿童犯下 的酷刑和任意拘留事件的指控开展的所有调查情况。
It also recommends that the State party effectively carry out investigations on alleged cases of torture and arbitrary detentions committed against children and bring perpetrators to justice, as well as provide information in its next periodic report on all the investigations carried out on allegations of torture and arbitrary detentions committed against children during the dictatorship.
美国具有各种针对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的战争计划和设想,比如“5029 号行动计划”、“5030 号行动计划”、“5012 号行动计划”等等;所有这些计划都
[...] 是为了实现武装入侵朝鲜民主主义人民共和国并建立军 统治。
scenarios targeting the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, such as “OPLAN 5029”, “OPLAN 5030”, “OPLAN 5012”, etc.; all
these plans are for an armed invasion of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the setting
[...] up of its military rule.
在来自阿拉伯和波斯的叙述中最有启发性的事实之一是,在马尔代夫改信伊 斯兰教之前,妇女经常担任马尔代 统治 者。
One of the most enlightening facts illustrated by the
Arabian and Persian sources indicate that women often
[...] served as rulers of the Maldives, [...]
before its conversion to Islam.
[...] 遗憾的先例,可被帝国主义随意拿来对付任何企图改变 统治 政 策 的南方国家。
The unilateral and illegal military aggression of NATO against a country which did not carry out a single act of war sets an unfortunate precedent which could be
used at the convenience of the empire against any nation of the South that gets in
[...] the way of its policy of domination.
Ayurveda is the ancient healing system of India.
这所学校曾在第一,但几个特点,它遵循Augustinism(柏拉图),而当 统治 神 学 ,并获得通过(不只是世俗的神职人员在巴黎教授威廉属于奥弗涅,根特的亨利等),但还等突出的教师,多米尼加基尔沃比令(罗兰的克雷莫纳,罗伯特Fitzacker,罗伯特)。
This school had at first but few
peculiarities; it followed Augustinism
[...] (Platonism), which then ruled theology, and which [...]
was adopted not only by the Parisian
professors belonging to the secular clergy (William of Auvergne, Henry of Ghent, etc.), but also by prominent teachers of the Dominican Order (Roland of Cremona, Robert Fitzacker, Robert of Kilwardby, etc.).
重申大会以往关于普遍实现人民自决权利的各项决议,包括 2009 年 12 月 18 日第 64/149 号决议,
又重申其载有《联合国千年宣言》的 2000 年 9 月 8 日第 55/2 号决议,并回 顾其载有《2005 年世界首脑会议成果》的 2005 年 9 月 16 日第
[...] 60/1 号决议,其 中除其他外,支持处于殖统治和外 国占领下的人民的自决权利
Reaffirming its previous resolutions on the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination, including resolution 64/149 of 18 December 2009, Reaffirming also its resolution 55/2 of 8 September 2000, containing the United Nations Millennium Declaration, and recalling its resolution 60/1 of 16 September 2005, containing the 2005 World Summit
Outcome, which, inter alia, upheld the right to self-determination of peoples
[...] under colonial domination and foreign occupation
在1972年2月于亚的斯亚贝巴举行的安理会会议期间,非洲统一组织(非统组织)请求安全理事会采取行动,执行其涉及纳米比亚、南罗得西亚局势、南非种族隔离问题、葡萄 统治 下 殖 民地问题的相关决议以及大会关于自决权问题的第1514(XV)号决议。
During Council meetings held in Addis Ababa in February 1972, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) requested the Security Council to take action to implement its relevant resolutions as well as General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) on the right to self-determination with regards to the situations in Namibia, Southern Rhodesia, the question of the apartheid in South Africa, and the territories under Portuguese administration.
根据 2001 年 5 月 3 日第 121-XV 号法律通过关于为某些类别人口提供补充 性社会保护的 2007 年 4 月修正案后,国家月津贴受益人数量有了进一步增加(第 二次世界大战期间法西斯德国及其盟 统治 时 代 的前被拘留人员和从 AEP 公司 切尔诺贝利核电站的死亡区域迁来的残疾人)。
By means of the amendments of April 2007 adopted by Law No. 121-XV from 3.05.2001 on the supplementary social protection of certain categories of population, the number of beneficiaries of monthly state allowances was extended (former detainees during the fascist Germany and its allies during the Second World War and persons with disabilities moved from the dead zone of the AEP Chernobyl).
这一点明显反映在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占巴勒斯坦领土当前局势上,在那 里,以色列所执行的非法政策继续对巴勒斯坦民众生活的各个方面造成不利影 响,在占领国统治下, 巴勒斯坦民众继续忍受着痛苦,特别是死亡、受伤、财 产被剥夺和流离失所。
This is starkly reflected in the current situation on the ground in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, wherein the illegal policies of Israel continue to detrimentally affect every aspect of life for the Palestinian civilian population, who continue to endure, inter alia, death, injury, dispossession and displacement at the hands of the occupying Power.
虽然世界银行的方法没有得到全面评价(尽管进行了一些细致的辩 论),但正是这种治理定义引发了最多的批评,因为它被认为与任何“政治制度” 或“政治”的定义一样宽泛,涵盖了公共权力的取得问题和行使问题,把与当局
[...] 政治正当性有关的问题与关于其有效领导 统治 一 个社会的能力的问题混为一 谈,而且最后还是从主要在意于经济增长的政府角度看待治理。
While the World Bank methodology has not been fully evaluated (even if fine debates take place), it is the governance definition that triggers most of the criticism, as it is regarded as being as broad as any definition of “political regime” or “politics”; covers issues of access and issues of exercise of public
power; mixes up questions
[...] related to the political legitimacy of [...]
authorities with questions related to its capacity to lead and rule a society effectively; and finally
maintains a governmental perspective of governance interested mainly in economic growth.




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