单词 | 趾疔 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 趾疔 —boil on the toeSee also:趾—toe 疔—boil • carbuncle
由于仍旧没有得到任何回答,这名警察夹断了提 交人的脚趾。 daccess-ods.un.org | When he did not get a response from the author, he brutally severed his toe. daccess-ods.un.org |
提交人的 断趾得到 了一些治疗,但他的堂兄弟却没有得到任何医治。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author received treatment for his severed toe but his cousins did not receive any medical attention whatsoever. daccess-ods.un.org |
真菌通常生长于足跖部及脚趾之间 皮肤,发作在温暖潮湿的天气和地区。 cn.iherb.com | The fungi tend to favor the warm, moist [...] areas between the toes and usually flare [...]up during warm weather. iherb.com |
膀胱癌放射治疗多是配合手术前、手术后进行,对于病期较晚,失去手术时机或拒绝手术以及术后复发的病例行姑息性放射 治 疔 也 能获得一定疗效。 asiancancer.com | General speaking, radiotherapy is applied before or after operation. To advanced stage cancer patients who have lost the chance of surgery and those who refuse to undergo surgery, or cases of postoperative recurrence, palliative radiotherapy can also get a certain therapeutic effect. asiancancer.com |
穿着高跟鞋、尖趾鞋、露趾或開 跟的涼鞋、或 過於破舊的鞋。 centraleastlhin.on.ca | Don’t wear high heels, pointed-toe shoes, open toe or open heel sandals or worn out shoes. centraleastlhin.on.ca |
凡丧失大脚趾和同 一只脚的一个或多于一个 脚 趾 , 合计百分率须以不高 于丧失一只脚的所有脚趾的百 分率为限。 daccess-ods.un.org | (5) Where there is loss of a great toe and [...] one or more other toes of the same foot, the aggregate percentage shall not be more than the percentage for the loss of all toes of one foot. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 該 人 的 照 片 、 指 紋 、 掌 紋 及 體 重 和 身 高 的 量 度 紀 錄 ; 及 (b) 該 人 的 腳 板 紋 及 腳 趾 紋,但 有 關 警 務 人 員 須 有 理 由 相 信 該 等 印 紋 有 助 於 調 查 任 何 罪 行 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (b) sole-prints and toe-prints of that person if the officer has reason to believe that such prints would help the investigation of any offence. hkreform.gov.hk |
大部分的变化都发生在直线和肩部, 趾 部 基 本保持不 变。 motion.kodak.com | Most of the change is in the straight line and shoulder of the curve, and the toe remains nearly constant. motion.kodak.com |
展会还展示了SWG091N [...] 15G所编织的各种各样成品,当中由手套,袜子, 五 趾 袜 , 和护腿袜,到帽子,围巾,领带,甚至服装如裤袜,小背心,童装以及其它针织配件等。 shimaseiki.com.cn | Also shown, SWG091N 15G demonstrates the extended capability [...] of WHOLEGARMENT knitting, ranging from [...] gloves, socks, five-toe socks, and leg [...]warmers to caps, scarves, neck-ties and even [...]garments such as leggings, tanktops, camisoles, childrenswear as well as other knitted goods and accessories. shimaseiki.com |
它可使手指和脚趾 有麻刺的感觉,嘴巴周围麻木,tunnel vision。 zeromercury.org | It can cause tingling sensations in [...] the fingers and toes, a numb sensation [...]around the mouth and tunnel vision. zeromercury.org |
其临床表现可能包括:出汗、潮红、全身颤抖、心率快、胸痛、感觉呼吸困难、窒息、恶心、呕吐、头晕、手指和 脚 趾 有 刺痛感,以及感觉周围的事物是虚幻的、害怕死去。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Symptoms may include sweating, flushing, trembling, rapid heart rate, chest pain, a sensation of difficulty with breathing, choking, [...] nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tingling [...] sensation in fingers and toes, a feeling that [...]things around them are unreal, and a fear of dying. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
Moa沒有翅膀,可是擁有強而有力的雙腳和四隻 腳 趾。 4tern.com | Moa has no wings, but has a powerful two legs with four foot fingers. 4tern.com |
若長出雞眼(腳趾上的 厚或硬皮)、足繭(腳底的 厚皮)、腳甲倒生、疣、或皮膚破裂時,應找醫生 [...] 或足部護理專家(如足科醫生、手足病醫生或有經 驗的足部護理護士)治療,切勿嘗試自行醫治。 centraleastlhin.on.ca | If you have any corns [...] (thick or hard skin on toes), calluses (thick [...]skin on bottom of feet), in-grown toenails, warts or [...]slivers, have them treated by your doctor or a foot care specialist (such as a podiatrist, chiropodist or experienced foot care nurse). centraleastlhin.on.ca |
最常见的受痛风影响的关节是大脚趾 关 节,但是其他关节也会受到影响。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The most common joint involved is the big toe, although other joints can be affected as well. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
该小册子提供很多有用的提示,例如:“在西贡 [如今的胡志明市]能租到非常好的汽车,从那里可以一直游览 交 趾 支 那 的大部分地区,道路良好,风景秀美。 wdl.org | Among other useful tips, the brochure notes: “Excellent motor cars are on hire at Saigon [present-day Ho Chi Minh City], where there is splendid excursioning over very good roads to the greater part of Cochin-China. wdl.org |
另一次他们用同样的酷刑折磨了我两个多小时,由于我的双脚 红肿,我的脚趾甲掉在地上。 daccess-ods.un.org | They poured water on the ground and asked me to jump barefoot … I could not jump because my feet had turned blue, and because I was unable to jump, they began to beat me all over my body … Another time they subjected me to [...] the same torture for more than two hours and as a result of the [...] swelling in my feet, my toenails fell out on [...]the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
持續使用夜用矯趾器及 日用功能性保護器,能有效減低不適及預防惡化。 hksh.com | Continued use of toe splint in the evening and functional orthosis during the day provides comfort and prevents deterioration. hksh.com |
将FiveFingers鞋平放在地上,把脚伸进鞋里的同时,将每个 脚 趾 头 对 准相应 的 趾 套 — 通常来说,最好是从大 拇 趾 开 始 ,然后按顺序把所有 脚 趾 头 逐 个对准相应 的 趾 套 , 最后对准 小 趾 , 在 全部 脚 趾 头 对 准 趾 套 后,逐渐把各个 脚 趾 头 慢 慢地向前伸 入 趾 套 里 面。 vibramfivefingers.cn | Place FiveFingers flat on the floor, insert your foot while gradually aligning each toe with the aooropriate toe pocket – it’s often best to start with your big toe and work down to the little toe, gradually inching forward as each toe finds its place. vibramfivefingers.cn |
胶片的趾部感度对摄影师来说代表它的 曝光不足宽容度或暗部细节包容度。 motion.kodak.com | The toe speed of a film can also be interpreted by a cinematographer as underexposure latitude or shadow detail. motion.kodak.com |
从脚踝到脚趾,让 肌肤重生,得到最佳防护。 clarinsusa.com | Renews and protects from ankle to toe. clarinsusa.com |
在腳後跟和腳趾頭上塗上優 質潤膚膏,並把多餘的潤膚 膏擦掉。 muhcpatienteducation.ca | Apply a good skin lotion on [...] your heels and toes, wiping off extra lotion. muhcpatienteducation.ca |
(6) 在 本 條 中,有 關 個 別 人 士 的 ‘ 鑑 證 資 料 ’ 是 指 該 人 的 照 片 、 指 紋 、 掌 紋 、 腳 板 紋 、 腳 趾 紋 及 體 重 和 身 高 的 量 度 紀 錄 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (6) In this section, “identifying particulars” in relation to a person means photographs, finger-prints, palm-prints, sole-prints, toe-prints and the weight and height measurements of that person. hkreform.gov.hk |
一般的足部相关问题,有如拇趾外翻 ,嵌甲和 鎚 趾。 cn.iherb.com | Common foot-related problems [...] include bunions, ingrown toenails and hammertoes. iherb.com |
任何从道德高度趾高气扬地为原则立场 自圆其说的人,确实非常需要降低高度,慢慢地走在 [...] 可被称作卑微的地面上。 daccess-ods.un.org | Anyone who seeks to rationalize a principled [...] position by riding the high horse of [...]morality very truly needs to narrow the distances [...]by treading slowly on what might be referred to as lowly grounds. daccess-ods.un.org |
在非洲,我 们有句俗话,无论你多么熟谙如何耀武扬威 、 趾 高气 扬、昂首迈进,你的头还是要在肩膀上。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Africa we say that no matter how well you know how to swagger, swing and march, your head must still shake on your neck. daccess-ods.un.org |
能够在如此重要的盛世中获得认可代表意大利创新力量,证实了Vibram在诠释了新一代人的品味方面更进了一步,也再度肯定了全球客户对Vibram产品的喜爱(Vibram ® FiveFingers ®五趾鞋被 《时代》杂志选为“2007年度最佳发明”之一,还获得2008年度“意大利创意发明奖”)。 expo2010italia.gov.it | The recognition to represent the Italian creativity in an event of this importance is a clear evidence that Vibram is one step forward in interpreting the tastes of the new generations and reaffirms once again the appreciation of the worldwide audience for its products (in 2007 Vibram ® FiveFingers ® have been selected by Time Magazine as one of the best inventions of the year and in 2008 it won the Italian Award for Creativity). expo2010italia.gov.it |