

单词 登出


be published
appear (in a newspaper etc)
log out (computer)





appear (in print)


dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)

See also:

put on (shoes or trousers) (dialect)
scale (a height)
step or tread on
be gathered and taken to the threshing ground (old)
press down with the foot
enter (e.g. in a register)
publish or record

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 2012/13 年度的其他投资费用包括购入/登出训中心所需 200 台电脑的 110 [...]
(c) Other investment costs for 2012/13 include $1.1 million for the purchase of 200
[...] computers for check-in/check-outandfor the training centre.
请代 表们参看《气候公约》网登出议概况和会议过程中印发的每日活动编排 表,以便了解履行机构工作的详细、最新时间安排。
Delegates are invited to refer to the overview of the session and the in-session Daily Programme posted on the UNFCCC website for a detailed and up-to-date schedule of the work of the SBI.
如果已透过 Seagate Dashboard 登入任何社交媒 体帐户,则停用
[...] Share (共用)和 Save (储存)功能会使登出帐户。
If you had logged into any social media accounts through Seagate Dashboard, disabling the Share and
[...] Save features logs you out of them.
4 此外,你可以用第 9 和第 10 页里面说明的做法浏览现登 出房屋。
4 Alternatively, you can browse
[...] the available properties using the previous [...]
instructions on pages 9 and 10.
请参阅‘专 题’的单独部分,那登出详细的讨论情况。
Please refer to the separate section on ‘Features’ for a more detailed discussion.
当您要離开电脑一段时间,您可以利用本产品设定在某个时间将电脑关闭或让您的电脑进 入待命/休眠、关机、離开应用程式登出态。
This option allows you to put your computer in Stand
By / Hibernate mode, power off, exit the
[...] application or log off fromthe computer while you are away from the computer.
It includes a server component
used to manage files and version history ,
[...] dealingwithlogin , logout ,etc.and other [...]
commands ; a client component used to
process requests to the server and file system management on the client file .
履行机构在第1 次会议续会上审议了这个分项目,主席在会上提请注意《气 候公约》网站登出议工作方案。
The SBI considered this sub-item at the resumed session of its 1st meeting, at which the Chair drew attention to the proposed programme of work posted on the UNFCCC website.
关于透明度,委员会在其网站登出180 个 获得委员会批准的国家汇报表,以及有关 1540 委员 会成员和专家近年来参加的外联活动的情况说明。
With regard to transparency, the Committee posted on its website approximately 180 Committeeapproved country matrices, as well as Information Notes on the outreach activities in which 1540 Committee members and experts have participated during recent years.
The Exclusive Economic Zone in International Law (Oxford University Press/ Clarendon Press).
编制并在内联网“布告 栏登出月度会议安 排表,每两周调整更新一 次
Presentation and fortnightly updating of a monthly meeting schedule on the Intranet under the link “Announcements”.
请缔约方参看《气候公约》网站登出议概况并查阅会议期间公布的每 日活动安排,以便了解特设工作组详细、最新的工作安排。
Parties are invited to refer to the overview of the session posted on the UNFCCC website and to consult the Daily Programme, published during the session, for a detailed and up-to-date schedule of the work of the AWG-KP.
If a minor has provided Gilman with data without parental or guardian consent, the parent or guardian should contact our customer support to remove and unsubscribe the relevant data.
7在这 方面,劳动部创建了利比里亚专业人员数据库,使该数据库对雇主而言容易存 取,并要求所有雇主就专业空登出广,还设立了一个视察委员会和一个罚款 制度,以确保不就合格的利比亚人能够担任的职位向外国人颁发劳动工作许可 证。
In this regard, the Ministry of Labor has created a database of Liberian professionals and made it easily accessible to employers, has required all employers to advertise professional vacancies, andhas set up an inspection committee and a fining system to ensure that labor work permits are not issued to aliens for positions qualified Liberians can occupy.
你可以右击 在 e-Cert
[...] 管理软件,树狀检视中的 电子证书 图示,然後选择登入登出始及停止使用你的智能卡。
You log in and log out of your smart
card by right-clicking the e-Cert icon in the tree view of the e-Cert Control Manager and
[...] selectingeitherLogin or Logout.
通 过一家与伊斯兰教祈祷团有关联的克登出,他 融入了一个更加激进的社群并成为秘密暗杀的信徒。
He fell in with a more radical crowd through a
[...] JI-linked publishing housein Klaten andbecame [...]
committed to the idea of ightiyalat.
音像资料馆对音像资料档案进行处理、编索引和目录,并在网登出30 个有关非殖民化的音像资料,包括第四委员会和特别委员会在 2009 年 6、10 和 11 月召开会议的录音。
The Audio Library processed, indexed, catalogued, and published on the Web approximately 30 audio files on decolonization including audio recordings from the Fourth Committee and the Special Committee meetings in June, October and November 2009.
软体特性包括:(1) 判断是否帐入/登出(2) 通讯讯息的拦截与解码 (3) 通讯讯息的即时修改 (4) 同步 AIM 序号及 ID (5) 完美复制出一模一样的字型样式与外观,令对方难以判别 (6) 透明地加入通讯讯息的名单中,不会显示在会议视窗 (7) 得以与 ARP/DNS 欺骗方式整合。
The features are: (1) sign-on/off detection; (2) message interception/decoding; (3) message injection into arbitrary conversations; (4) synchronization of AIM sequence numbers and fnac ids; (5) cloning of font styles/screenname formatting to avoid detection; (6) selective muting of conversation participants; (7) integrated ARP/DNS spoofing.
(E) 董事可於任何情况下决定,本公司细则第(A)段项下的选择权及股份配 发,不得向任何登记地址位於未出登明或完成其他特别手续而在 该地区提呈有关选择权或股份配发的要约即属或可能属违法的任何地区 [...]
(E) The Directors may on any occasion determine that rights of election and the allotment of shares under paragraph (A) of this Bye-Law shall not be made available or
made to any members
[...] with registered addresses in any territory where in the absence of aregistration statement or [...]
other special formalities
the circulation of an offer of such rights of election or the allotment of shares would or might be unlawful and in such event the provisions aforesaid shall be read and construed subject to such determination.
在澳门特区缔结的婚姻必须出登在澳门之外其他地方缔结的婚姻如 无明显违反澳门特区公共秩序之情形,也可以
Marriages held elsewhere that do not contravene the public order of the MSAR may alsobe registered upon application.
(E) 董事会可在根据本细则第(A)段作出决定的任何情况下,议决将根据 上述决定发行的股份的股份配发及选择权,不得向任何登记地址位於未出登明或完成其他特别手续而在该地区提呈有关该等选择权或股份配发之要约即属 或可能属违法的一个或多个地区的任何股东提供或作出,在此情况下,上述条文 [...]
应按该决议理解及解释,而任何位於上述地区的股东仅可以现金收取将於派付或 宣派的股息。
to paragraph (A) of this Bye-law, resolve that no allotment of shares or rights of election for shares to be issued pursuant to such determination shall be made available or made to any shareholders
with registered
[...] addresses in any particular territory or territories where the allotment of shares or the circulation of an offer of such rights of election [...]
would or might, in
the opinion of the Board, be unlawful or would or might, in the opinion of the Board, be unlawful in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities, and in such event the provision aforesaid shall be read and construed subject to such resolution and the only entitlement of shareholders in any such territory or territories shall be to receive in cash the relevant dividend resolved to be paid or declared.
任何股份遵照本章程细则被没收,须随即向该股份的持有人或因股份转移而对股份享有权利的人 士(视乎情况而定)发出没收通知,并随即在股东登记册内就该股份出登注明已发出该项 通知及已作出没收,并注明没收日期;但本项章程细则的条文仅属指引性质,纵使遗漏或疏忽於 按上文所述发出通知或出登也不会在任何方面使没收失效。
When any share has been forfeited in accordance with these Articles notice of the forfeiture shall forthwith be given to the holder of the share or the person entitled to the share by transmission as the case may be and an entry of such notice having been given and of the forfeiture with
the date thereof shall
[...] forthwithbe made in the Register opposite to the share; but the provisions of this Article are directory only and no forfeiture shall be in any manner invalidated by any omission or neglect to give such notice or to make such entry [...]
as aforesaid.
(4) 董事会可於任何情况下决定,本细则第(1)段下的选择权利及股份配发,不得向
[...] 董事会认为在任何登记地址位於未出登明或完成其他特别手续而在该 地区提呈有关该等选择权利或股份配发之要约将会或可能违法或不可行之地 [...]
(4) The board may on any occasion determine that rights of election and the allotment of shares under paragraph (1) of this article shall
not be made available or made to any
[...] shareholders with registered addresses in [...]
any territory where, in the absence of a
registration statement or other special formalities, the circulation of an offer of such rights of election or the allotment of shares would or might, in the opinion of the board, be unlawful or impracticable, and in such event the provisions aforesaid shall be read and construed subject to such determination.
法庭表示:(a) 已经启动一个项目,以便为档案和记录管理组制订电子邮件 管理政策提供资讯,涉及这些事项的工作目前正在进行中;(b) 应急和灾害复原 规划工作组已于 2012 年 2 月成立,预计将于 2012 年 12 月 31 日前交付一份计划, 其中包括有关工作人员培训的规定;(c) 两个保管库没有出登簿的原因是库 里并没有档案,里面存放的是等待销毁的材料;其它两个保管库没有出登簿的原因是工作人员必须在保管员的陪同下才能入库。
The Tribunal stated that: (a) a project was initiated to inform the development of an e-mail management policy by the Archives and Records Management Unit and the work on these issues was ongoing; (b) a working group on emergency response and disaster recovery planning was established in February 2012, and the group expected to deliver a plan by 31 December 2012, which would include the provision for staff training; and (c) two vaults did not have an access logbook because they were not archives, although they contained material to be destroyed, and two vaults did not have an access logbook because staff had to be accompanied by the custodian in order to enter the vault.
(9) 如付运人持有商业登记并希望同时以代理人(公司)身分出登可向香港海关递交付运人(公司)和代理人(公司) 合并登记表格(表格(SA(C))。
(9) If a shipper that holds a Business Registration wants to registeras an agent (company) as well, it can submit a Combined Registration Form for Shipper (Company) and Agent (Company) (Form SA(E)) to the Customs and Excise Department.
个人资料保护办公室亦有权限接受个人资料处理的通知, 并出登审批许可申请、接受、调查及处理有关侵犯个人资料方面的投诉, [...]
It is also competent to
[...] receiveand register notices on personal [...]
data processing, screening and handling applications for
authorizations, accepting, inquiring into and processing complaints on the violation of protected data and applying the corresponding administrative penalties.
董事可在任何情况下决定,倘在任何地区未经出登明或其他特定手续而传递第 141 [...]
条所述 的选择权或配发股份或分派资产的要约,将会或可能受到该地区的法律限制或需要遵守该地区相 关监管团体或证券交易所的规定,或董事认为,确定适用於上述要约或接纳上述要约的法律及其
他规定的存在与范围所产生的成本、开支或可能的延误,与本公司的利益不成比例,则无须向登 记地址位於该地区的任何股东,提供或作出上述的选择权、股分配发、及/或资产分派,如有任何 该等情况,上述条文的阅读与诠释,以该等决定为准。
The Directors may on anyoccasion determine [...]
that the rights of election, allotment of shares, and/or distribution of assets
as referred to in Article 141 shall not be made available to or made to any members with registered addresses in any territory where in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities the circulation of an offer of such rights of election, or allotment of shares or distribution of assets would or might be subject to legal restrictions under the laws of that territory or the requirements of the relevant regulatory body or stock exchange in that territory, or where the Directors consider the costs, expenses or possible delays in ascertaining the existence or extent of the legal and other requirements applicable to such offer or the acceptance of such offer to be out of proportion to the benefit of the Company, and in any such case the provisions aforesaid shall be read and construed subject to such determination.
案文可随附一份术语表,界定与登记处有关的法律和技术术 语;一份清单,出登的实施所涉问题和所涉步骤的顺序;以及一份书 目,列出进一步的资料。
This text could be accompanied by a lexicon defining
legal and technical terms
[...] relevant to the registry, by a checklist setting out the issues [...]
and the sequence of steps involved
in the implementation of a registry, and by a bibliography listing further resources.
[...] 或以其他方式於与任何股份有关之股东名册出登收取不超过 2 港元(或香港联 合交易所有限公司当时批准之较高金额)之费用。
the time being be approved by The Stock Exchange of
Hong Kong Limited) may be charged -17by
[...] the Company for registering any transfer, [...]
or other document relating to or affecting
the title to any share, or for otherwise making any entry in the Register of Members relating to any share.




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