

单词 法源



Fayuan or Source of the Law temple in Beijing

External sources (not reviewed)

制定 这种准则的法源于苏 丹问题专家组的中期报告,此后,安理会第 1891(2009) 号决议欣见维和部宣布编制了这样一个文件。
The idea of such guidelines had originated in the midterm report [...]
of the Panel of Experts on the Sudan, following which,
in resolution 1891 (2009) the Council had welcomed the announcement by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the preparation of such a document.
这个法源自受 骗上当的人会“上钩”并泄露他们的个人信息,并且这些信息可能会被使用到信用卡或其他严重破坏个人隐私的欺诈行为中去。
The term
[...] relates to the idea that people [...]
will ‘take the bait’ and disclose personal information, which can be used for credit
card fraud and other serious violations of privacy.
法 源 於 新 西 蘭 的 《 1 9 0 8 年 [...]
證 據 法 令 》 ( Evidence Act 1908) 第 2 0 條 所 載 的 規 定 , 該 條 已 由《 1 9 5 0 年 證 據( 修 訂 )法 令 》( Evidence
Amendment Act 1950)第 3 條 取 代 , 而 後 者 訂 明 ‚ 如 果 法 官 或 其 他 審 裁 官 信 納 取 得 供 認 的 手 段,事 實 上 不 可 能 導 致 作 出 供 認 者 虛 假 地 承 認 自 己 有 罪 , 則 不 得 以 曾 有 允 諾 或 恐 嚇 或 任 何 其 他 誘 因 ( 並 非 施 以 暴 力 、 武 力 或 其 他 形 式 的 逼 迫 )作 出 或 施 加 於 作 出 供 認 者 為 理 由 , 不 接 納 在 刑 事 法 律 程 序 中 提 出 以 作 為 證 據 的 供 認 。
This approach is derived from [...]
that contained in the 1908 Evidence Act, New Zealand, Section 20 as substituted by Section
3 of the Evidence Amendment Act 1950 which provides that "a confession tendered in evidence in criminal proceedings shall not be rejected on the ground that a promise or threat or any other inducement (not being the exercise of violence or force or other form of compulsion) has been held out 46 or exercised upon the person confessing if the judge or other presiding officer is satisfied that the means by which the confession was obtained were not in fact likely to cause an untrue admission of guilt to be made.
[...] 列条件,便直接影响国内法:表述清晰完整;要求比利时政府要么不做要么坚决 去做;能够被个人作法源援引,并且此行为无需任何国内补充立法。
In Belgium, it is generally recognized that an international provision produces direct effects when it is clear and comprehensive, when it requires the Belgian State either to refrain from action or to take
some specific action, and when it may
[...] be invoked as a source of law by individuals [...]
without the need for any additional domestic legislation.
各位阁下, 女士们,先生们, 联合国教科文组织各科学计划(国际地质科学计划、国际水文计划、政府间海洋学委员会和人 与生物圈计划)主席会议的法源于 1 992 年在里约热内卢举行的联合国环境与发展会议。
The idea of the meetings of the Chairs of the UNESCO scientific programmes – the International Geoscience Programme, the International Hydrological Programme, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and the Man and the Biosphere Programme – came as a direct follow-up to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.
為積極落實「援外政策白皮書」揭櫫之各項原則,並釐 訂我國援外工作之法制基礎,外交部依據我國國情並參酌世 界潮流,研擬「國際合作發展法」(國合法)草案,於 99 年 5 月 18 日經立法院三讀通過,並於同年 6 月 15 日由總統公 布施行,奠定我援外工作法源,使 我援外政策之目標、策 略及作法,更臻法制化、專業化、透明化及多元化。
To implement the principles specified in the White Paper on Foreign Aid Policy and establish a legal basis for Taiwan’s foreign aid efforts, MOFA took into account the situation in Taiwan as well as international trends in drafting the International Cooperation and Development Act (ICD Act), which was passed by the Legislative Yuan on May 18, 2010 and promulgated and entered into force on June 15 of that same year.
税法、土地法和水源法中都包含针对土 著人民的优惠条款,另外一些包含土著人民优惠条 [...]
Draft legislation under consideration [...]
would allow indigenous peoples to enjoy a number of benefits already provided for
in the tax, land and water resources codes.
A few examples of environmental laws are the Ground Water Act, the
[...] Fisheries and Marine Resources Act and the Noise [...]
Prevention Act.
在拉丁美洲,智利 2008 年通过了非常规可再生源法,适 用于诸如地热 风能和潮汐能等可再生能源。
In Latin America, Chile adopted
the Non-Conventional
[...] Renewable Energy Law in 2008, which applies to renewable energy sources such [...]
as geothermal, wind and tidal energies.
乃至今天,仍然有非常相似的方法被建议应用在主要的源法案(H .R. 6)中,该法案被考虑但是2004年没有被国会采纳。
Even today a nearly
[...] identical approach was proposed as part of a major energy bill (H.R. 6) [...]
that was considered but not
adopted by the U.S. Congress in 2004.
尽管 近期的源法草案 让人们看到了希望,但是,这 部法律切实得以执行尚需时日,而且急需更细致 [...]
While the recent draft energy law shows promise, [...]
it is years from implementation and will require more detailed administrative
regulations to supplement its broad guidelines.
在建筑设计人员提交的关于能效水平的文本文件中,有约一半的文本采用了这些方 法,但是仅在源法规要 求的部分得到应用,而在结束了能源检查后没有应用(尽管它们 可以应用)。
These are used in some 50% of the energy code compliance documents submitted by building designers, but are
only used in the
[...] context of code compliance and are not available after the energy inspections [...]
have been completed (although they could become available).
案例可追溯至它们近期对源法草 案的干预。
An example can be traced to their recent
[...] intervention on a draft of the energy law.
尽管美国参议院共和党领导人和政府要员极力使 源法 案(H.R.6,全称为2003年源安全法)在 参议院获得通过, 但因支持结束辩论的票数不足,参议院将其暂时搁置起来, 到2004年初再继续辩论。
Despite strong efforts from U.S. Senate Republican Leadership
and the White House, the
[...] Senate was unable to come up with the votes necessary to end debate on the Energy Bill (H.R. 6, titled "The Energy Security Act of 2003.") [...]
As a result, the Senate
has set aside further consideration of the measure until early 2004, leaving the prospects for final passage unclear.
某些挑战尚待应对,例 如以团结全体伊拉克人的方式审查《宪法》;以有助 于维护伊拉克统一和领土完整的方式解决有争议的
内部行政边界问题,特别是基尔库克的地位问题;以 在多国部队撤出后不使该国出现权力真空的方式向 伊拉克安全部队和平移交安全责任;以营造有利于投
[...] 资环境和有助于伊拉克人从本国战略能源中充分获 益的方式通过早该通过的油气源法 ; 以 及以提高伊 拉克人民族团结意识的方式就收入分配安排达成协 议。
There are certain challenges that remain to be addressed, such as reviewing the Constitution in a way that will unify Iraqis as a whole; settling the issues of the disputed internal administrative boundaries and, in particular, the status of Kirkuk in a way that will help preserve the unity and territorial integrity of Iraq; peacefully transferring security responsibilities to the Iraqi Security Forces in a way that will not create a power vacuum in the country after the withdrawal of the multinational force; adopting the long-overdue hydrocarbon resources law in a way that will create an investment-friendly environment and help all Iraqis to benefit fully
from their country’s
[...] strategic energy resources; and reaching an [...]
accord on income-sharing arrangements in a way that will strengthen the sense
of Iraqi nationhood and union.
在塞内加尔,海洋保护区的概念依然是大量讨论的主题,涉及 其目标、源、法律地 位、有关机构以及设计和实施办法。
In Senegal, the concept of MPAs continues to be the subject of numerous discussions
with regard to their
[...] objectives, origin, legal status, relevant institutions, and design and implementation approaches.
挪威说,该国《海洋源法》涉 及管制公海渔船问题,其中纳入了 “真 正联系”概念。
Norway noted that control of fishing vessels on the high seas was
[...] addressed in its Marine Resources Act, which incorporated [...]
the “genuine link” concept.
但鉴于这种处理方式已在本领域广泛采用,且许多国家级遗传源法规也要求这样处理,所以利益相关者呼吁就遗传资源获取和利益分享协议中的相关 知识产权事项制定指导方针。
[...] since this approach is already widely used in the field, and is required under many national genetic resource regulations, [...]
stakeholders have called
for guidelines on the IP aspects of contracts concerning access and benefit-sharing.
其他支援服務負責人 力源、法律服 務、公關、財務和資訊科技等範疇的工作。
Other supporting
[...] services include human resources, legal services, public [...]
relations, financial and information technology etc.
以下发展中国家通过了新的可持 续源法律和 政策规定:巴西、智利、埃及、墨西哥、菲律宾、南非、叙利亚和 乌干达。
New laws and policy provisions for renewables were adopted in [...]
developing countries: Brazil, Chile, Egypt, Mexico, the Philippines,
South Africa, Syria and Uganda.
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家; (d)探討有何法可盡 量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 撥款,因為現時有迫切需要實現西九文化區計劃的願景。
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a
reasonable and fair
[...] distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing [...]
and administrative
expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.
这项信息将包括呈送给源法院 的证据的[实质内容][要点]。
Such information would include the [essence] [gist] of evidence
[...] presented to the originating court.
瓦克博格豪森、农特里茨和世创电子材料在博格豪森、弗莱贝格的能源管理系统在报告期内首次由外部审核人员根据德国可再生 源法 ( E E G) 进行了ISO 14001认证审核。
In the period under review, the energy management systems of WACKER’s Burghausen and Nünchritz sites as well as Siltronic’s Burghausen and Freiberg sites were audited for
the first time by an external auditor and certified to ISO 14001 in accordance with the
[...] German Renewable Energy Act (EEG).
您可利用 Veeco 源法兰为超高真空 (UHV) 反应腔增加分子束外延 (MBE) 类型的沉积能力。
You obtain the ability to add molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)-type deposition capabilities to ultra-high vacuum (UHV) reactors with Veeco Source Flanges.
如 指控属实,内部审计和调查小组则此后向人力 源法 律 干 事提交调查报告,供其 采取适当行动。
If the allegations are substantiated, the Internal Audit
and Investigations Group then submits an investigation
[...] report to the Human Resources Legal Officer for appropriate action.
(d) 建议的中心体制结构符合 33 C/19
[...] 号文件的指导原则(注:大会第三十三届会议 批准了类似的安排和运作方式:国际水文计划--水文学为环境、生命和政策服务 国际水源法律与 政策中心以及国际水灾与危害管理中心--见 33 C/28 和 33 C/31 号决议)。
(d) The proposed institutional structure of the Centre is compatible with the guidelines of document 33 C/19. (Note that a similar arrangement and modus operandi were approved at the 33rd session of the General Conference for the
IHP-HELP International
[...] Centre for Water Law and Policy and for the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management ICHARM [...]
– see Decisions 33 C/28 and 33 C/31).
政府除 了研究技術 和財務事宜 外,亦 會考慮其他重要因 素,包括對㆟力源、法 例及 規 管 架 構可能 做 成的影響; 公營部門與 私㆟營辦商的配合問題,以 [...]
及有興趣 的 團 體 和市民的反 應。
Apart from the technical and financial aspects, Government will also take into consideration other important factors,
including potential
[...] implications for human resources, possible impact on the legislative and regulatory [...]
framework, the interfacing
issues between public and private service operators and the feedback from interested parties and the public.
[...] 其成员国来说,是一个令人鼓舞的迹象,因为这显示,商业部门正在对过去 13 年中建立起来的有秩序开发“区域”内 源法 律 制 度逐步建立起信心。
This is an encouraging sign for the Authority and its member States, because it suggests that the commercial sector is developing confidence
in the legal regime for the orderly
[...] development of the resources of the Area that [...]
has been put in place over the past 13 years.
经初步审查或初步评估发现,6 起案件(占已结案件的 40%)证据不足,无需 进一步调查;另外 2 起案件已移交其他联合国组织(占已结案件的
[...] 13%);1 起案 件在调查人员通知管理层不建议移交人力 源法 律 办 公室之后结案(占已结案件 的7%)。
As a result of the initial review or the preliminary assessment, 6 cases (40 per cent of cases closed) were found to be unsubstantiated and did not require further investigation; 2 other cases were referred to other United Nations organizations (13 per cent of cases closed); and 1 was closed after
investigation informing management that no
[...] referral to the Human Resources Legal Office was recommended [...]
(7 per cent of cases closed).




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