

单词 吕蒙

See also:

surname Lü
pitchpipe, pitch standard, one of the twelve semitones in the traditional tone system

External sources (not reviewed)

本公司已成立由全体独立非执行董事(张志文先生教授及叶国均先生)组成的 独立董事委员会,以就协议条款向独立股东提供意见。
The Independent Board Committee comprising all the independent
non-executive Directors, namely Mr. Cheung Chi Man,
[...] Dennis, Professor LuiTai Lokand Mr. [...]
Yip Kwok Kwan has been established to advise
the Independent Shareholders on the terms of the Agreement.
独立非执行董事张志文先生教授及叶国均先生已各自与本公司订立委任状, [...]
Each of Mr. Cheung Chi Man,
[...] Dennis, Professor LuiTai Lokand Mr. [...]
Yip Kwok Kwan, the independent non-executive Directors,
has entered into a letter of appointment with the Company for an initial term of three years commencing from 27 September 2010 with remuneration of HK$240,000 per year.
Organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government, Hollywood Love Stories – Great Romantic Film Music features the
Macao Orchestra and its Music Director and
[...] PrincipalConductorJia,as well as renowned [...]
flutist Sara Andon and violinist Paolo Morena.
Rosanne Lui),香港着名女歌手及演员,举行过多场演唱会。
Rosanne Lui isOneof the [...]
best HK female Pop singers in terms of the singing and the backing.
出席开幕礼的还有中国驻意大利大使馆文化参赞张建达先生、欧共体经贸事务香港特派代表柏志高先生、新加坡艺术馆的 Kwok Kian-chow 先生、新加坡国家艺术理事会主席 Edmund
Cheng 先生、理事长 Lee Suan-hiang
[...] 先生、澳门艺术博物馆的吴卫鸣先生、吴方洲先生、朱焯信先生、澳门艺术先生,以及多位来自香港艺术界的朋友,包括梁志和先生、黄志恒女士、Tobias [...]
Berger 先生、刘锦绫女士、艺发局行政总裁茹国烈先生。
Also joining the ceremony were Mr Zhang Jian-da, Cultural Attache of the People's Republic of China in Italy; Mr Duncan Pescod, Special Representative for Hong Kong, Economic and Trade Affairs to the European Communities; Mr Kwok Kian-chow, Director of Singapore Art Museum; Mr Edmund Cheng, Chairman of National Arts Council and its CEO, Mr Lee Suan-hiang; Mr Ung Vai-meng, Director of the Macao Museum of Art;
Mr Ng Fong Chao and Mr James Chu of Macao
[...] Museum ofArt; Mr Lui Chak-keong, artist [...]
of Macao Pavilion; Mr Louis Yu, Chief Executive
of the ADC's Administrative Office and friends of the Hong Kong arts community, just to name a few, Mr Leung Chi-wo, Ms Sara Wong, Mr Tobias Berger and Ms Catherine Lau.
The overall rankings in the past 24 months showed that nine political figures have been on the list for four times. They are Zhu Rongji in the top rank achieving an average rating of 75.4 marks, Wen Jiabao and Hu Jintao who ranked 2nd and 3rd, attaining 74.6 and 71.8 marks correspondingly, Jiang Zemin, Ma Ying-jeou and Lien Chan who ranked 4th to 6th with respective
scores of 64.9, 63.3 and 52.7 marks, while Lee
[...] Teng-hui,Lu Hsiu-lien and Chen [...]
Shui-bian at the 7th to 9th ranks, attaining
32.2, 31.6 and 30.7 marks correspondingly.
水质 - 直接由新有矿物质、无污染的水源灌溉 。
Water – the rice is directly irrigated with water which is rich in mineral and is contamination-free from Hsinwulu River drainage basin.
由於澎湖为中华台北着名之观光景点 人 们往往在假日期间 尤是夏季 造访该岛 因理也与员工协商 在夏季 旺季 减少休假 在冬季 淡季 则增加休假 另一 方理也指出 他们不仅在公司内部 管理方面努力在地化 在与当地社群的对外连 结 各种影响水族馆营运的外部因素 如物流 等方面亦付出同样的努力 例如 大东山珠宝 适应当地文化 改善当地物流基础设施 藉以 促进成长 助益於当地社群 对於在各处有分 支机构的中小企业来说 将在地化与文化调适 纳入管理考量 可协助中小企业因应不同地区 的文化差异 也能更有效地进行经营管理
As a result, Lu has negotiated with her employees to take less day off during summer (peak season), but more during winter (off-season). On the other hand, as Lu indicated, localization efforts are not only made on the internal management but also on the external links with local community as well as some external factors that could affect the operation of the aquarium, such as logistics.
董事会共9人,其中于旭波任董事会主席兼执行董事董事总经理及执行董事、岳国君任副总经理兼执行董事,宁高宁,马王军、王之盈任非执行董事,林怀汉、杨岳明、Patrick [...]
Vincent VIZZONE任独立非执行董事。
They are: Yu Xubo as Chairman of the Board &
[...] Executive Director, Lv Junas Managing [...]
Director & Executive Directors, Yue Guojun
as Vice President & Executive Director, Ning Gaoning, Ma Wangjun and Wang Zhiying as Non-Executive Directors, Lam Wai Hon, Victor Yang and Patrick Vincent Vizzone as Independent Non-Executive Directors.
理 指 出 许 多 企 业 在 初 始 时 尽 管 创业情况良好 却过於注重品牌广告以求在竞 争中提高市占率 对於品牌价值的附加却仅付 出有限努力 对许多中小企业而言 注重广告 以提高产品曝光率似乎是相当合理的做法 但 另一方面说来却也可能是高风险而耗成本的做 法 可能造成财务上的困难 甚至降低品牌价 值 对中小企业而言 真正重要的是如何向客 户传达其企业或品牌的价值
As Managing Director Lu indicated, many businesses, though had good start, spent heavily on the advertisement of brands in competing for a higher market share but with limited efforts to add value on its brands.
However, different researches may have different classifications towards the following lists and thus we need to specify as follows: The "pro-China camp" mentioned in this article includes Rita Fan and Tso Wung-Wai, while "democratic camp" includes Andrew Wong.
编号 28) ;也有伯爵珍藏所收的一作件有螺施盖的象牙烟壶,可能是雍正时期作的 (Moss 1971a, 编号 134)。
no. 28) and an undoubtedly early screw-top ivory bottle from the Count Blucher Collection that may also be from the Yongzheng period (Moss 1971a, no. 134).
In the Austro-German Tradition - Beethoven String Quartet Series I (23/3 at 8:00pm, Dom Pedro V Theatre) the Macau Orchestra surveys the trajectory of chamber music writing, from the brilliance of Mozart - whose unfinished Requiem Mass presents an enigma to this day - to the dark, serious masterpieces of Beethoven, interwoven by the lively musical world of Weber.
生,45 岁,2012 年3月获任本公司董事总经理并自2007 [...]
Mr. LVJun,aged 45, was [...]
appointed Managing Director in March 2012 and has been an executive director of the Company since January 2007.
希腊总理萨马拉斯先生率发展部部长、海运部部长、劳工部部长及财政部副部长和部分部门秘书长一行,中国驻希腊大使杜起文先生,美国驻希腊大使Daniel Bennett
[...] Smith先生携夫人,希腊国会议员,当地政府市长等60余人,惠普代表团一行及中远太平洋财务总先生等出席了仪式。
Over 60 people attended the ceremony who are the Greek Prime Minister Mr.Samaras the Minister of Development, the Minister of Shipping, the Minister of Labour Affairs, the deputy Minister of Finance and Secretary-Generals of other sections, the Chinese Ambassador Mr. Du Qiwen, the USA Ambassador Mr. Daniel Bennett
Smith with his spouse, members of the Greek Parliament, the local Mayors, HP delegation
[...] and the CFO ofCPL Mr. EddieLiu.
简介 首播日期: 2012.04.02 冲锋队女警(周丽淇)年过三十,在爱情路上起伏跌宕,当遇见一位完美男人即采取积极「追捕」行动,谁料男友的真正身份是大毒枭,二人所有的交往过程更被狗仔报记者蓝一一(谢天华)大公开成了报章头条,霏侠对一一恨之入骨。
Synopsis Release Date: 2012.04.02
[...] Thirty-somethingsergeant LUIFEI-HAP(Niki [...]
Chow) from the Emergency Unit of the Hong Kong
Police Force has been let down by love too many times.
由於新高速公路贯穿历史区 Middelzee ,「丘」(terp)的暗喻被使用创造自然连接到景观及做为景观中的地标,强调进城市的过渡空间。
Because the new highway runs through the historic Middelzee area, the metaphor of the "terp" was used to create both a natural link to the landscape as well as a landmark in that landscape to emphasize the transition to the city of Leeuwarden.
其会议口译经历包括上百场以上国际会议口译,包统与美国外交关系协会视讯会议、2007 摩根富林明全球股债市投资展望、2007台湾海洋事务与海洋法律国际研讨会、建构国防安全精湛战略研讨会、摩根富林明基金说明会、国际品牌授权论坛、2006 APEC 农业金融政策发展研讨会,跨足金融财经、外交、法律、国防及行销广告等会议议题。
His interpretation experiences include International Symposium on Renewable Energy Interconnection Standards, Web 2.0 Innovative Service Trends Forum, EBRD Syndication, Trade Finance and risk management Seminar, Taiwan International Small Fuel Cell Application Technical Forum, etc.
Foundedby Dr Lui Che-woo in 1955, [...]
K. Wah Group (“the Group”) is a multinational conglomerate principally engaged in properties
development and investment, mega entertainment and leisure resort, hospitality, and construction materials, with market presence spanning Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Southeast Asia and major cities in the US.
堡 的 克 里 斯 蒂 亲 王 (Prince Christian of Glucksburg)吞 并 什 列 斯 威 的 野 心 ﹐马 上 遭 到 法 兰 克 福 的 邦 联 议 会 的 民 族 情 绪 反 抗 。
Prince Christian of Glucksburg’s ambition to annex Schleswig immediately met with nationalistic outcry from the Bundestage of Frankfurt on behalf of Germany.




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