单词 | 吕贝克 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吕贝克noun—Lübeckn吕贝克—Lübeck, GermanySee also:贝克—Baker or Becker (name) becquerel (unit of radioactivity, symbol Bq) 克—overcome be able to Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares overthrow scold
有了这个Siegbert拉普,拉普控股公司,维尔纳· 贝克尔, 拉普系统(主任级)和马库斯·J.米勒博士,管理国际公共关系和媒体董事总经理。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | With this Siegbert Lapp, Director [...] of Lapp Holding AG, Werner Becker, [...]Managing Director of Lapp Systems (Officer) and Dr. [...]Markus J. Mueller, Manager International Public Relations and Media. en.developmentscout.com |
本公司已成立由全体独立非执行董事(张志文先生、吕大乐教授及叶国均先生)组成的 独立董事委员会,以就协议条款向独立股东提供意见。 cre8ir.com | The Independent Board Committee comprising all the independent [...] non-executive Directors, namely Mr. Cheung Chi Man, [...] Dennis, Professor LuiTai Lokand Mr. [...]Yip Kwok Kwan has been established to advise [...]the Independent Shareholders on the terms of the Agreement. cre8ir.com |
贝克在位於新泽西州 新布朗斯维克的罗格斯大 学(Rutgers University) 任政治学教授。 americancorner.org.tw | Baker is a professor of political science at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. americancorner.org.tw |
罗 斯·贝克(RossK. Baker) 主张忠实地保留美国宪法 於1787确立的选举团制 度。 americancorner.org.tw | Ross K. Baker makes the case for retaining the Electoral College as it was established by the U.S. Constitution in 1787. americancorner.org.tw |
独立非执行董事张志文先生、吕大乐教授及叶国均先生已各自与本公司订立委任状, [...] 初步任期由2010年9月27日起计为期三年,每年酬金为240,000港元。 cre8ir.com | Each of Mr. Cheung Chi Man, [...] Dennis, Professor LuiTai Lokand Mr. [...]Yip Kwok Kwan, the independent non-executive Directors, [...]has entered into a letter of appointment with the Company for an initial term of three years commencing from 27 September 2010 with remuneration of HK$240,000 per year. cre8ir.com |
但随着地铁系统不断发展,每天持续载运数百万旅客,牺牲地理距离的真正代价日益显着,尽管路线蜿蜒, 贝克依然使用直线呈现;各站之间在地图上几乎等距,可是有些车站其实极为相近,导致许多乘客习惯换乘路线才抵达目的地,却不知道步行其实更快,或是搭乘在地图上看似最短的路线,实则并非最便捷的选项。 thisbigcity.net | Beck used straight lines in place of the city’s snaking routes, and almost equidistant spacing between stations when some are strangely close to one another. The end result is that many London Underground users change lines to reach their destination when walking would be much quicker, or take routes that appear shortest on the map, but in fact aren’t the most speedy option. thisbigcity.net |
李克强、宋楚瑜及吕秀莲各上榜一次,平均分分别得54.3、45.7及35.9分,排名第十一至第十三位。 hkupop.hku.hk | Li Keqiang, James Soong andLu Hsiu-lien have [...] been on the list once with respective scores of 54.3, 45.7 and 35.9 marks [...]and occupied the 11th to 13th places respectively. hkupop.hku.hk |
出席开幕礼的还有中国驻意大利大使馆文化参赞张建达先生、欧共体经贸事务香港特派代表柏志高先生、新加坡艺术馆的 Kwok Kian-chow 先生、新加坡国家艺术理事会主席 Edmund [...] Cheng 先生、理事长 Lee Suan-hiang [...] 先生、澳门艺术博物馆的吴卫鸣先生、吴方洲先生、朱焯信先生、澳门艺术家吕泽强 先生,以及多位来自香港艺术界的朋友,包括梁志和先生、黄志恒女士、Tobias [...]Berger 先生、刘锦绫女士、艺发局行政总裁茹国烈先生。 venicebiennale.hk | Also joining the ceremony were Mr Zhang Jian-da, Cultural Attache of the People's Republic of China in Italy; Mr Duncan Pescod, Special Representative for Hong Kong, Economic and Trade Affairs to the European Communities; Mr Kwok Kian-chow, Director of Singapore Art Museum; Mr Edmund Cheng, Chairman of National Arts Council and its CEO, Mr Lee Suan-hiang; Mr Ung Vai-meng, Director of the Macao Museum of Art; [...] Mr Ng Fong Chao and Mr James Chu of Macao [...] Museum ofArt; Mr Lui Chak-keong, artist [...]of Macao Pavilion; Mr Louis Yu, Chief Executive [...]of the ADC's Administrative Office and friends of the Hong Kong arts community, just to name a few, Mr Leung Chi-wo, Ms Sara Wong, Mr Tobias Berger and Ms Catherine Lau. venicebiennale.hk |
由澳门特别行政区政府文化局主办的《情迷荷里活经典爱情电影音乐》将带来澳门乐团及其音乐总监兼首席指挥吕嘉,以及着名长笛音乐家莎拉. yp.mo | Organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government, Hollywood Love Stories – Great Romantic Film Music features the [...] Macao Orchestra and its Music Director and [...] PrincipalConductorLü Jia,as well as renowned [...]flutist Sara Andon and violinist Paolo Morena. yp.mo |
格吕 克斯堡的 克 里 斯 蒂 亲 王 (Prince Christian of Glucksburg)吞 并 什 列 斯 威 的 野 心 ﹐马 上 遭 到 法 兰 克 福 的 邦 联 议 会 的 民 族 情 绪 反 抗 。 hkahe.com | Prince Christian of Glucksburg’s ambition to annex Schleswig immediately met with nationalistic outcry from the Bundestage of Frankfurt on behalf of Germany. hkahe.com |
贝克指出,「学生上课时想着『我们』,不再只有『我』,每个人都负责特定角色,但不只是同侪领导学习,不光是天赋较高的年轻人协助他人,合作式学习的真谛并非如此,谁都不能霸占学习机会,也都不能无所事事。 thisbigcity.net | Everyone is given a specific role: it’s not as simple as peer-led learning whereby the ‘gifted’ and ‘talented’ youngsters help the others. thisbigcity.net |
他利用小制作、剪刀和拼贴,制造黑白自拍照,在虚幻景观、无尽迷宫等超现实、荒诞的情景中与时间竞赛,令人想起卡夫卡、 贝克特或马格利特的小说情节。 frenchmay.com | Using small productions, scissors and collages, he creates black and white self-portraits in unreal [...] landscapes, endless mazes, racing against time, in surreal or absurd situations that [...] remind us ofKafka,Becket or Magritte. frenchmay.com |
过去24个月的总结排名显示,九个政治人物曾经上榜四次,朱熔基排名第一,平均得75.4分,温家宝及胡锦涛名列第二及第三位,平均分分别为74.6及71.8分,江泽民、马英九及连战则分别占第四至第六位,得64.9、63.3及52.7分,至於第七至第九位的排名,依次为李登辉、吕秀莲及陈水扁,分别得32.2、31.6及30.7分。 hkupop.hku.hk | The overall rankings in the past 24 months showed that nine political figures have been on the list for four times. They are Zhu Rongji in the top rank achieving an average rating of 75.4 marks, Wen Jiabao and Hu Jintao who ranked 2nd and 3rd, attaining 74.6 and 71.8 marks correspondingly, Jiang Zemin, Ma Ying-jeou and Lien Chan who ranked 4th to 6th with respective [...] scores of 64.9, 63.3 and 52.7 marks, while Lee [...] Teng-hui,Lu Hsiu-lien and Chen [...]Shui-bian at the 7th to 9th ranks, attaining [...]32.2, 31.6 and 30.7 marks correspondingly. hkupop.hku.hk |
吕总经理 指 出 许 多 企 业 在 初 始 时 尽 管 创业情况良好 却过於注重品牌广告以求在竞 争中提高市占率 对於品牌价值的附加却仅付 出有限努力 对许多中小企业而言 注重广告 以提高产品曝光率似乎是相当合理的做法 但 另一方面说来却也可能是高风险而耗成本的做 法 可能造成财务上的困难 甚至降低品牌价 值 对中小企业而言 真正重要的是如何向客 户传达其企业或品牌的价值 apecscmc.org | As Managing Director Lu indicated, many businesses, though had good start, spent heavily on the advertisement of brands in competing for a higher market share but with limited efforts to add value on its brands. apecscmc.org |
今届参选名单中,大部份的派别划分其实十分清楚,但不同研究对下列名单的分类可能不所不同,因此须要注明,本文的「亲中派」包括范徐丽泰、曹宏威,「民主派」包括黄宏发,而黄锦辉、柳玉成、邹秉恬、查锡我、伍得良、和吕孝端名单则不作分类,亦不作分析,应该无伤大雅。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, different researches may have different classifications towards the following lists and thus we need to specify as follows: The "pro-China camp" mentioned in this article includes Rita Fan and Tso Wung-Wai, while "democratic camp" includes Andrew Wong. hkupop.hku.hk |
吕珊(Rosanne Lui),香港着名女歌手及演员,举行过多场演唱会。 hifitrack.com | Rosanne Lui isOneof the [...] best HK female Pop singers in terms of the singing and the backing. hifitrack.com |
英国伦敦地铁路网图相当着名,由伦敦地铁公司员工 贝克( Ha rry Beck)於1931年设计,为了图表呈现方便,牺牲正确地理距离,遵循严格设计规则,而对地理位置调整较有弹性,让原本可能杂乱而令人困惑的地铁图,转变为合理又易於了解的都会设施。 thisbigcity.net | The map of London’s underground network is truly iconic. Designed in 1931 by London Underground employee Harry Beck, it sacrifices geographical accuracy for a diagrammatic approach, with strict design rules that are flexible with the geographical truth transforming a potentially sprawling and confusing transit map into a logical and almost immediately understandable urban utility. thisbigcity.net |
大量医学研究显示,电磁场和很多疾病的发生有密切连系:来自环境的负能量削弱内分泌和免疫系统功能,导致过敏、哮喘、癌症、慢性疲劳综合征、头痛、 纤维肌痛症 、关节炎、失眠、 意力缺乏过动异常症 (ADHD) 、孤独症、帕金森症、老人痴呆、环境引致的疾病、和加速衰老等(引自 贝克着作, 1990 年)。 healthguard.hk | It has been well-documented that many illnesses have been linked to exposure to electromagnetic fields: weakened endocrine and immune systems which, in turn, lead to more allergies, asthma, cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, headaches, fibromyalgia, sleep disorders, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), autism,Alzheimers,Parkinsons, Environmental Illness, and a speeded-up aging process (Becker, 1990). healthguard.hk |
根据豁免项目第10项,如果未经烹煮、包装在并无载有其他配料的容器内和并 [...] 无添加其他配料,下列食品属於肉類及海产:鹿筋/鹿尾羓/鹿鞭、雪蛤膏、鳄鱼肉、 海參(遼參/秃參)、海龍、海马、螺头、螺片、花胶、元贝、鲍鱼、鱼翅和鱼翅骨。 cfs.gov.hk | Under Exemption No. 10, items belonged to meat and marine products if they were in a raw state, packed in a container which contained no other ingredient and to which no other ingredient had been added: Deer tendon, ‘Luk Mei Ba’, Lubian, Hasma, Crocodile [...] meat, Sea cucumber, Sea dragon, Sea horse, Whelk, Sliced [...] whelk, Fish belly,Scallop,Abalone, Shark [...]fin and Shark fin bone. cfs.gov.hk |
安魂曲》是莫札特(Mozart)离世时仍未完成的一部巨着,在「复活节音乐会」(30/3下午2时,玫瑰堂、1/4晚上8时,澳门文化中心)中,由澳门乐团音乐总监、首位在意大利国家歌剧院担任总监的亚洲指挥吕嘉执 棒,与乐迷一起探索并细味这位非凡作曲家所留下的不朽名篇。 macautourism.gov.mo | In the Austro-German Tradition - Beethoven String Quartet Series I (23/3 at 8:00pm, Dom Pedro V Theatre) the Macau Orchestra surveys the trajectory of chamber music writing, from the brilliance of Mozart - whose unfinished Requiem Mass presents an enigma to this day - to the dark, serious masterpieces of Beethoven, interwoven by the lively musical world of Weber. macautourism.gov.mo |
希腊总理萨马拉斯先生率发展部部长、海运部部长、劳工部部长及财政部副部长和部分部门秘书长一行,中国驻希腊大使杜起文先生,美国驻希腊大使Daniel Bennett [...] Smith先生携夫人,希腊国会议员,当地政府市长等60余人,惠普代表团一行及中远太平洋财务总监吕世杰先生等出席了仪式。 coscopac.com.hk | Over 60 people attended the ceremony who are the Greek Prime Minister Mr.Samaras the Minister of Development, the Minister of Shipping, the Minister of Labour Affairs, the deputy Minister of Finance and Secretary-Generals of other sections, the Chinese Ambassador Mr. Du Qiwen, the USA Ambassador Mr. Daniel Bennett [...] Smith with his spouse, members of the Greek Parliament, the local Mayors, HP delegation [...] and the CFO ofCPL Mr. EddieLiu. coscopac.com.hk |