

单词 掩口费

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

但只有增加资金支付直接开 支,主要口译费用,才有可能做到。
Doing so, however, will only be possible if enhanced funding is made available
[...] for any direct costs, mainly for interpretation.
由此可見,這些賠償是為掩口,是為了避免在法庭暴露銀行一些推銷雷曼兄弟迷你債券的不良 (甚至可能是欺騙的)手法。
This shows that the compensation mentioned above is just meant to silence the victims, to avoid exposing banks' unscrupulous (or even deceptive) practices in marketing Lehman Brothers minibonds.
对于 每个区域,则使用私人自付支出与政府人均支出的比率计算 费 者 在 人 口 活 动 方面的支出。
For each region, the ratio of private out-of-pocket
versus per capita government expenditures was used
[...] to derive consumer expenditures in the case of population activities.
他表示, 財政司司長只是堆砌口,掩飾他 不願意照顧社會 上的"N無人士"的態度。
He said that FS was
[...] only putting up excuses to disguise its [...]
unwillingness to care for the "N have-nots" in the community.
南苏丹政府不断提出的有关苏丹共和国在其境内进行用飞机进行轰炸的指 控只是一个口,用以掩盖它 对苏丹的侵略和为侵略寻找理由。
The continuous allegation by the Government of South Sudan, accusing the Republic of Sudan of
aerial bombardment inside their territory
[...] is nothing but a pretext to disguise and to [...]
justify their aggression against Sudan.
根据巴拿马刑法规定,凡接收、储存、交易、转换或转让资金、证券、财产 或其他财政资源,且明知它们源自与贩毒、诈骗、非法武器贩运、贩运 口、 绑 架、勒索、贪污、腐蚀公职人员、恐怖主义行为、盗窃或国际贩运车辆有 关的活动,而且其目的是隐藏掩盖 其 非法来源或协助逃避此种犯罪的法律 后果的,应处以 5 至 12 年监禁和 100 至 200 天的罚款。
Anyone who receives, deposits, trades in, converts or transfers money, securities, property or other financial resources in the knowledge that they are derived from activities related to drug trafficking, fraud, illicit
arms trafficking,
[...] trafficking in persons, kidnapping, extortion, embezzlement, corruption of public servants, terrorist acts, theft or international trafficking in vehicles, as provided for under Panamanian criminal law, with the aim of hiding or concealing their illicit origin or of helping to [...]
evade the legal consequences
of such crimes shall be sentenced to 5 to 12 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100 to 200 days.
然而,种植者报告称,在托盘由项目提供时,使用浮动托盘系统效果很好, 但这项技术已经落入了能够承接 口费 用 的大型农民手中。
Growers nevertheless reported very good results with the floating tray
system when trays had been provided by the projects, but having the technique reduced to
[...] large-scale farmers who can afford imports.
发展中国家的渔业严重依赖发达国家,不仅作为产品的出路,还作为 当地费的进口品( 主要是低价小型中上层种类以及提供给新型经济体的高价渔 业物种)或加工业的供应国。
The fishery industries of developing countries rely heavily on developed
countries, not only as
[...] outlets for their exports, but also as suppliers of their imports for local consumption [...]
(mainly low-priced
small pelagics as well as high-value fishery species for emerging economies) or for their processing industries.
宗旨: 要帮助战士和他们的家庭开发和维护现实预算,改进他们的信用,减少未偿债务、决心 费 者投掩护为家庭补充工作津贴(FSSA)。
Objective: To help soldiers and their families develop and maintain a realistic budget, improve their credit, reduce outstanding debts, resolve consumer complaints, and screening for Family Supplemental Subsistence Allowance (FSSA).
我相信大家 都 會 同 意 , 現 時 的 情況已 是 到 了 失
[...] 控 的程度 , 因 為無論 是 何 時 上 街 , 我 們 也掩 口 。
Life is very important in Hong Kong and I believe everybody now agrees
that the situation is running out of control because we
[...] have to cover our mouths whenever we venture [...]
out to the street.
所以,在這個制度下,有時候......當然,在現時的情況下,如果 事主可申請法援,並有表面證據成立、有專家報告等,醫管局根本便會
[...] 依照“投降者輸一半”的做法,最少也要作出一點賠償,並把發出的賠償 當作所謂掩口費”,因為它是完全不想把個案披露。
Therefore, under this system, sometimes …… of course, under the current circumstances, if the complainants are eligible for legal aid and with the support of established prima facie evidence and expert reports, the HA will basically adopt the approach of "giving in to cut the loss
by half" and offer some compensation to be
[...] the so-called "hush money", because [...]
the HA absolutely would not wish to disclose such cases.
況且,更有一點,銀行家可用錢收買 人,即付掩 口費” ,銀行如果認為事態很嚴重,便會與人私下和解,和 解後,便不准人說出箇中原因,對嗎?
If the banks think that the situation is serious, they can reach settlements privately with those people and after settlements are reached, prohibit those people from disclosing the reasons, can they not?
认识到社会安全网能帮助政府提升生产者价格,促使供给方做出反应,同时 在危机发生时保障贫困人口的粮食安全,会议敦促成员国加强社会安全网计划,使 其成为危机发生时保障贫困口消费 的 一 种方式。
Recognizing that social safety nets allow governments to let producer prices to rise and bring about supply responses while protecting the food security of the poor in crises, the Conference urged member countries to strengthen social safety net programmes as a means of protecting the consumption of the poor during crises.
但这些学生已经在高中参加了至少一 年的宗教宣传活动和课外学习小组,他们在遇到 阿托克时,已经被激进化了,所以阿托克并不需 要费口舌来拉他们入伙。
But they had already been radicalised for at least a year through dakwah (religious outreach) activities in high school and extracurricular study groups, so that by the time they encountered Atok, it did not take much to convince them to sign up.
此外,对研究所公务所用的设备、日常 用品和材料,一律免征进口费税。
Furthermore, the Institute shall be exempt from the
payment of any fees or taxes with respect to equipment, supplies
[...] and material imported or exported for its official use.
缔约方第二十一次会议要求“执行委员会依照第 XX/7 号决定继续审议第 5 条缔约 方的其他试点项目,并从这个意义上考虑当前销毁活动范围内的一次性 口费 用 , 以便解 决那些原产缔约方无法使用的低量消费国家的出口和以环保方式处置臭氧消耗物质库问 题”(第 XXI/2 号决定第 [...]
2 段)。
The Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties requested “the Executive Committee to continue its consideration of further pilot projects in Article 5 Parties pursuant to decision
XX/7 and, in that
[...] context, to consider the costs of a one-time window within its current destruction activities to address the export and environmentally [...]
sound disposal
of assembled banks of ozone-depleting substances in low-volume-consuming countries that are not usable in the Party of origin” (decision XXI/2, paragraph 2).
我知道我说的话是费口舌,秘书处也不会做 些什么,但有时候想到什么就说什么总是好的。
I know that what I said was a waste of breath and that the Secretariat will do nothing, but sometimes it is good to say what we think.
在此期间,这些公司还支付了出口 2 675.5 立方米木材的口费 133 758 美元(见附件六)。
Those companies had also paid
[...] $133,758 in export fees on the 2,675.5 cubic metres of wood exported during [...]
that period (see annex VI).
例如下列情况:禁止酷 刑公约的一缔约国试图在一项解释 掩 盖 下把某种类型的酷刑合法化,或者如果 《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》的一缔约国将公约解释为不包括某些类型的灭 绝――即使已经有人指出,在这些事例中,这些所谓的“解释”可能被视为保 留,从而可能属于准则 3.5.1 的范围。
Such would be the case, for example, if a State party to the Convention against Torture sought to legitimize certain forms of torture under cover of an interpretation, or if a State that was a party to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide interpreted it as not covering certain forms of genocide – even though it has been pointed out that, in these examples, these so-called “interpretations” could be considered reservations and could fall within the purview of guideline 3.5.1.
這構 成漏洞, 讓一些以商業模式經營的動物繁殖者能夠以私人寵物飼 養人士的名義作掩飾,逃避發牌條件的規管,當中包 括畜舍設施、處所衞生及用作繁殖的母狗健康狀況的規 管。
This has created a loophole for some commercial animal breeders to operate under the disguise of PPOs, thereby circumventing regulation through licensing conditions, including requirements on housing facilities, hygiene of the premises and the health status of the breeding dogs.
当观众移动时,这些口还会彼此掩 映。
These “windows” will form varied overlapping [...]
effects when the viewer moves.
事實 ㆖,政府只是掩了另㆒問題,這就是出租的公屋於短時間內未能增加,原因在於出 租公屋的數目不足。
Indeed, the Administration has only covered up another problem: its failure to increase public rental housing within a short period, to relieve the shortage of public rental housing.
早前,廖局長回答我有關收集鄉間污水的渠務工程受到延誤的質詢時, 承認目前新界八百多條鄉村中,只有百多條鄉村的污水可接駁排污系統,並 以技術及資源困難作口,掩飾部 門辦事不力。
Earlier on, Dr LIAO, in answering my question on the delays in drainage works in the rural areas, admitted that only 100 or so of the some 800 villages in the New Territories have their wastewater directed to a sewerage system.
最后,制裁无论系何人以何种口或 掩 盖 实施, 都仍属非法,徒劳无益,只会产生错误的惩罚效果。
In conclusion, sanctions, whosoever imposes them and
[...] under whatsoever pretext or guise, remain illegitimate, [...]
futile and misguidedly punitive.
我们认为,医疗产品的成本是发展中国家的一个重要问题,因为这些国家的大多数贫穷口 都是自费买药 ,而其国家供应的药品通常是有选择的,取决于资源的丰富程度。
We regard the cost of pharmaceutical products as an important concern in developing
countries because most poor people in
[...] developing countries pay for their own drugs, [...]
and state provision is normally selective and resource-constrained.
人口基金对以下四个已计费用的人 口 活 动 支出进行监测:(a) 计划生育服 务;(b) 基本生殖健康服务;(c) 性病/艾滋病毒/艾滋病防治活动;(d) 基础研 [...]
UNFPA monitors
[...] expenditures for population activities in the following four costed categories: (a) [...]
family planning services;
(b) basic reproductive health services; (c) STD/HIV/AIDS activities; and (d) basic research, data and population and development policy analysis.
在全球一级,内陆发展中国家参与了世界贸易组织(世贸组织)的贸易便利化 谈判,特别是旨在改进关于过境自由的第五条、关于进 口费 用 和手续的第八条、 关于公布和实施《1994 年关税及贸易总协定》贸易法规以及特殊和差别待遇的第 [...]
At the global level, landlocked developing countries are engaged in negotiations on trade facilitation at the World Trade Organization (WTO), particularly those aimed at improving relevant aspects of article V, on
freedom of transit;
[...] article VIII, on fees and formalities connected with importation and exportation; [...]
and article X, on publication
and administration of trade regulations of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 and special and differential treatment.
减少的主要原因是不再向部队派遣国补充付款,因为只核定 2011/12 年度补充付 款;轮费、口粮费和特派任务生活津贴降低;对联合国警察采用了 4%的延迟部 署因数(与 2011/12 [...]
The decrease is due mainly to the discontinuation of the provision for supplemental payments to troop-contributing countries, which was approved for the 2011/12
period only, lower troop
[...] rotation costs, rations costs and mission subsistence allowance costs, and the [...]
application of a 4 per
cent delayed deployment factor for United Nations police (as compared to the assumption of full deployment during the 2011/12 period).
在這幾年中,我們說由於警察打人而導致民事索償,即我們所謂的 掩口 費” 的案件是有幾宗,而正正就是這幾宗個案,警監會要求了幾年,也皆因 法律專業保密權的緣故而不獲提供資料。
Over the past few years, there were a number of police assault cases involving civil claims, which were the few cases involving the paying of the so-called "hush-money".




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