

单词 笃信好学

See also:


devout in one's faith
believe firmly


diligent in study


eager study


follow good examples

External sources (not reviewed)

笃十四写信给Agnesi说,他研究了 学 时 , 他很年轻,可以看到,她的工作将信贷向意大利和科学院博洛尼亚。
Pope Benedict XIV wrote to Agnesi saying that he had studied mathematics [...]
when he was young and could see that her work would
bring credit to Italy and to the Academy of Bologna.
(d) 继续评估制度定期进行评估、听取反馈并要求动手,使学 学 得 更 好, 树信心,并能自觉好好学习。
(d) The Continuous Assessment Scheme, with its merits of regularity, feedback
and performance-based tasks,
[...] will make students become better learners, develop self-confidence and perform autonomously.
您应确保所选择的学中介是拥有 好信 誉 的 合法经营商。
Ensure that any education agent you approach is a legitimate operator with a good reputation.
表演艺术部主管Beth Kerzee女士表示:“我们信,作 为主动 学 习 者 , 学 生 会平 衡 好学 业 和 乐器学习。
Head of Performing Arts Department
[...] Ms. Beth Kerzee has said, “We are confident that our students will live up to their [...]
reputation as active
learners to balance their academics and instrumental learning.
以色列社会某些阶层仍然存在未成年结婚的情况,包 括过笃信东正 教的犹太人,来自格鲁吉亚的犹太人和阿拉伯人。
The phenomenon of underage marriage still takes place in certain segments of Israeli society, including those of the UltraOrthodox Jews, Jews originating from Georgia and Arabs.
来自机会更好的家庭的儿童,可以在业余 好学 校 或 学校开办的各种业余爱 好圈子中发现种种活动。
Children from families with better opportunities can find activities in hobby schools or in various hobby circles operating in schools.
毛里求斯一向显示出为全 体民众提供教育机会的高度承诺,因为毛里求斯 信 , 如 果幼儿方案为儿童提供 初等教育以及强化和补充家里的教学经历的机会,同时帮助克服语言和社会方面 的不利因素,那么,初等和中等教育也为培养各方面能力奠定基础,并为年轻人 终身好学习和 成为社会的有用成员做好准备。
Mauritius has systematically shown a high level of commitment to the provision of
educational opportunities for
[...] all, based on the conviction that, if early childhood programmes prepare children for primary education and provide opportunities to enhance and complement their educational experiences at home while helping to combat linguistic and social disadvantages, primary and secondary education for their part lay the foundation for the development of a broad range of competences and prepare young people to become lifelong learners and productive [...]
members of society.
该办事处将 吸取经验教训,从有好信誉的学术 和 研究机构获取技术援助。
Based on lessons learned, the Office will acquire technical
[...] assistance from reputable academic and research institutions.
格林纳达坚笃信人类 价值的高尚,造物主赋予每个人以平等和不可 剥夺的权利、理智和良知;在人的每一项社会和政治活动中,权利和义务都是相 [...]
(i) That Grenada firmly believes in the dignity of [...]
human values and that all men are endowed by the Creator with equal and
inalienable rights, reason, and conscience, that rights and duties are correlatives in every social and political activity of man, and that while rights exalt individual freedom, duties express the dignity of that freedom.
我们得到的通俗语言编辑的例子作为教皇哥尼 信 , 用 Mercati在这里和那里,为第三个世纪,或在圣 笃 在 沃 尔夫林的或DOM蒙娜丽莎的版本为第六届,规则。
We get examples of the vulgar tongue here
[...] and there in the letters of Pope Cornelius as edited by Mercati, for the third century, or in the Rule of St. Benedict in Wölfflin's or [...]
Dom Mona's editions, for the sixth.
如果取得成就,无论 其性别、社会出身、种族背景、身体有缺陷 笃信 何 种 宗教,都应予以奖励和推 广。
Achievement should be rewarded and promoted, irrespective of gender, social origin, ethnic background, physical impairment or religion.
本组织的愿景是在人权和民主的基础上,加强所有妇女组织作为同盟开展的斗 争、团结和合作笃信上帝 、独立、尊严、平等和公正。
The organization’s vision is strengthening the struggle, unity and cooperation of
all women’s organizations as a
[...] federation, with a strong belief in God, independence, [...]
high dignity, equality and justice,
based on human rights and democracy.
今天的美国人依笃信宗教 ,证明了建国先贤们的智慧--在这个国度中,不同信仰的民族能够和平共处、互相尊重,与世界上一些地方宗教冲突持续不断的状况形成鲜明对比。
And it is a testament to the wisdom of our Founders that America remains deeply religious — a nation where the ability of peoples of different faiths to coexist peacefully and with mutual respect for one another stands in stark contrast to the religious conflict that persists elsewhere around the globe.
以下页面不位于本维基上,但是包含了很多用于开 学 习 如 何编写Blender脚本 好信 息。
The following pages are not located on this wiki, but
[...] contain a lot of good information to start learning how to write [...]
scripts for Blender.
[...] 使用狩猎工具的黑猩猩)的存在激发了对该保护区特有的 学好 奇 心 ,为该分地 区提供了一个促进生态旅游、以环境问题巩固和平的绝佳机遇。
Furthermore, the presence of great apes
(chimpanzees using hunting tools), which
[...] constitute a unique science attraction, affords [...]
the subregion a splendid opportunity
to promote ecotourism and to incorporate environmental issues for the purposes of consolidating peace.
最好的环境加上ACIA强而有力的推动产业间各式国际性的论坛、策展、比赛 学 术 交 流 等活动,使创意产业的精粹与精英在一个受保护与保证下的平台上碰撞与磨合,为创意产业预备更多元化的发展路线;创意产业中的广告传媒,定期的将 好信 息 普及,落实到消费者的生活形态中,提高人民生活素质与水平,进一步提升知识产权在价值上的共同认知,在城市中、在社会上取得良性的循环。
With the best environment and various international activities such as
forums, exhibitions,
[...] competitions and academic exchanges between industries strongly driven by ACIA, the excellent products and elites of creative industries will be able to exchange and integrate with each other on a protected platform, so as to prepare a more diversified development path for creative industries; the advertising media in creative industries regularly popularize and implement favorable information in the life [...]
of consumers, improve
people’s life quality and level, further enhance the common recognition on the value of intellectual property and realize virtuous circles in cities and society.
为此,联合国儿童基金会一直致力于与政府及合作伙伴携手推广“儿童 好学 校 ”,帮助儿童完成学业,并为他们提供安全的环境。
In response, UNICEF has been working with the government and partners to implement Child Friendly School initiatives that help keep children in school and provide them with a protective environment.
此外,《科威特宪法》 第 35 条至 39 条及第 43 条至 45 条都规定应加强和保
[...] 护各种自由和权利,包括信仰自由和举行宗教仪式的 自由,为这些群体完全自由地举行仪式 笃信 自 己的 信仰提供了保障。
Furthermore, the Kuwaiti Constitution, in articles 35 to 39 and 43 to 45, provides for the strengthening and protection of freedoms and rights, including the freedom of faith and the freedom to
hold religious ceremonies, guaranteeing to these communities the exercise of their
[...] ceremonies and beliefs in total freedom.
该所提供的好信息是 关于学海洋学和沉 积物性质的信息(唯一属于 E 级或以上的类别)。
The best information provided by the Institute was on chemical oceanography [...]
and sediment properties (those being the only
categories at level E or above).
这种天性和人道是 神的馈赠,笃信真主 的圣灵的外现,因为真主是整 个宇宙的造物主和设计师,永生不灭,他的言行流露 出同情、大度,公正和正直;也是因为人类在追求尊 严,使自身臻于完美无缺,又渴望升华自身的物质和 精神境界,向往实现自由;不畏压迫、腐败和歧视并 力图支持被压迫者;为所有人谋求幸福和持久的繁荣 与安全。
As everyone knows, the superiority of human beings and their dominance over other creatures lie in the very nature and the truth of humankind, which is a divine gift and a manifestation of the divine spirit embodying faith in God, the everlasting Creator and Planner of the entire universe who shows compassion, generosity, justice and integrity in both words and deeds; the quest for dignity to reach the pinnacles of perfection, the aspirations to elevate one’s material and spiritual status and the longing to realize liberty; defying oppression, corruption and discrimination and trying to support the oppressed; seeking happiness and lasting prosperity and security for all.
按照儿童好学校倡 议,儿童基金会与教育部合作,正通过当地社区团体和 [...]
非政府组织建造和修复 50 所学校,使 4 000 名儿童受益。
In the context of the
[...] Child-Friendly Schools Initiative, UNICEF, [...]
in partnership with the Ministry of Education, is building
and rehabilitating 50 schools, benefiting 4,000 children, through local community groups and non-governmental organizations.
露洁-棕榄公司 200 多年以来一贯秉承诚信和诚实的理
[...] 念开展业务,同时通过以尊重为本的领导之道,将我们 的价值观贯彻到行动当中,从而展现出我们 笃信 不移 的价值观和原则的承诺。
olgate-Palmolive Company has for over 200 years consistently demonstrated a commitment to our deeply held values
and principles by conducting business
[...] with integrity and honesty, while putting [...]
our values into action by leading with respect.
所有的文化都有没有被逾越的界限:人 笃信 的 偏 见和不容辩驳的实事。
All cultures have lines that are just not crossed: prejudices that are clung to and truths that can’t be broached.
但是一定程度的保护是好的,并不意味着更大程度的保护就会好......学究们越来越怀疑,国家强加的专利特权是否在帮助诸如因特网之类的正在快速 [...]
发展的市场 ˇˇ 经济学家目前在问的问题是,扩大专利保护是否有什么好处?
But just because some protection
is good, more isn't necessarily better…There is growing
[...] skepticism among academics about whether such [...]
state-imposed monopolies
help a rapidly evolving market such as the Internet…The question economists are now asking is whether expanded patent protection will do any good.
不仅对该网 络的效率和能力进行了评估,而且评估了该网络在促进实现《达喀尔行动纲领》的第六项目 标(全面提高教育质量,确保人人都 学好 , 在读、写、算和基本生活技能等方面都能达到 一定的标准)方面所起的作用,并根据所得结论起草了建议。
Not only was the Network’s effectiveness and capacity to be reviewed, but the role of ASPnet in contributing to the sixth goal of the Dakar Framework for Action (“improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so that recognized and measurable outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills”) was to be assessed and proposals drafted in response to conclusions drawn.
他曾服务过的项目包括辉瑞制药有限公司、康菲石油公司、国家石油公司、美国退休人员协会、费城自由图书馆、阿卜杜拉国王科技 学 、 SA P公司、塔塔咨询服务公司、卡塔尔 信 、 好 事 达公司和美国银行。
His work includes programs for Pfizer,
Aramco, AARP, the Free
[...] Library of Philadelphia, the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, SAP, Tata Consultancy [...]
Qatar Telecom, Allstate and Bank of America.
欣赏他的职业道德、谦恭有理、廉洁奉公,以及“wa”的精神 笃信 和 睦 相处并通过协商一 致耐心开展工作,他向本组织以及多年来有幸与其共事的所有人灌输了这种精神
Appreciating his professionalism, humility
and integrity, together with the spirit of wa
[...] – the strong belief in harmony and [...]
in working patiently through consensus –
which he has imparted to the Organization and to all those who have had the honour to work with him over the years, 11.
修道开始在埃及与保罗和安东尼,并蔓延到叙利亚从埃及;圣亚他那修它带来了知识向西方,以及杰罗姆和奥古斯丁,Honoratus和马丁,科伦 笃 和 西 方monachism,总是望着以东,安东尼和帕科谬斯和伊拉里,尤其是进入罗勒,其最完美的模型。
Monasticism began in Egypt with Paul and Anthony, and spread from Egypt to Syria; St. Athanasius brought the knowledge of it to the West, and the Western
monachism of Jerome and Augustine, of
[...] Honoratus and Martin, of Benedict and Columba, always [...]
looked to the East, to Anthony and
Pachomius and Hilarion, and above all to Basil, for its most perfect models.
同年7月15日,笃十三建立学,法 学 , 医 学 , 数 学 系 , 的Universitas Studii是一般;年4月13日1753皇帝弗朗西斯斯特凡诺我的哈布斯堡王朝的奥延伸度的有效性从卡梅里诺神圣罗马帝国全境,并赋予校长腭计数的标题。
On the 15th of July of
[...] the same year, Benedict XIII founds the Universitas Studii Generalis with the faculties of theology, jurisprudence, [...]
medicine and
mathematics; On April 13 th 1753 the emperor Francesco Stefano I of the of Habsburg Lorena extends the validity of the degrees from Camerino to the whole territory of the Holy Roman Empire and confers to the rector the title of palatine count.




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