

单词 建筑部门

See also:

部门 n

sector n
departments pl
branch n
unit n
departmental n
section n
division n

External sources (not reviewed)

为了取缔非正式市场,尤其是农业 建筑部门 的 非正式市场――即移徙工人 百分比最高的领域,意大利最近通过了一项临时性的检查计划。
In order to eradicate informal market, in particular in the
[...] agriculture and building sectors – being areas [...]
with the highest percentage of migrants
–, Italy has recently adopted an ad hoc inspection plan.
就整个工业 和服务 部 门的比例而 言,服 装业 仍处于领先地位,紧随其后 的是旅游建筑部门。
Considering the proportion of the whole industry
and service sectors, the garment industry continued to be
[...] the leading sector followed by tourism and construction sectors.
经济增长的驱动力来自西岸的公共支出和加沙 地区建筑部门。
Growth has been led by public expenditure in the West
[...] Bank and by the construction sector in Gaza.
苏丹经济 2009 年增长率为 3.5%,比
[...] 2008 年的 7.6%有所下降,原因是外国直接投资流量减少 建筑部门 活 动 疲软。
The Sudanese economy expanded by 3.5 per cent in 2009, down from 7.6
per cent in 2008, owing to the decline in flows of foreign direct investment and
[...] weak activity in the construction sector.
之后他建筑部门工作 ,负责承接规划任务,比如高层和地下土木工程项目、建筑制图、 道路和下水道以及供水管路规划等。
He later worked in the Construction department where he took [...]
on planning tasks such as civil engineering measures, drafting,
and the planning of roads, channels and water pipes.
在建筑业,聘用外籍劳工的获得执照的人力公司有责任 建筑部门 的 特 别 “宣传册”分发到其雇用的每名外籍劳工手中,公司主管还必须向工贸和劳工部的 外籍劳工司提供一份宣誓书,声明他们履行了向每位劳工发放“宣传册”的个人职 责。
The Licensed Manpower Companies
employing foreign workers in
[...] the construction field are obligated to distribute the special “Zchuton” for the construction branch to each foreign [...]
worker they employ,
and the directors of the companies must provide the Foreign Workers Department in the Ministry of ITL with an affidavit stating that they take personal responsibility for the distribution of this “Zchuton” to each worker.
2008 年建筑部门 对国 内生产总值的贡献最大,但由于普遍的金融危机和岛上旅游建筑业与一般建 筑业低迷,2009 年建筑部门的贡献减少 58.87%。
In 2008 the construction sector was the largest contributor to GDP, but the prevailing financial crisis and downturn in tourism-related construction and construction in general [...]
on the island resulted
in a decline of 58.87 per cent in 2009.
因此农业部门的拖欠工资已经达 4 230 万 列伊(该部门的平均工资与国民经济其他活动部门相比已经是最低的了);工业部 门――1 990
[...] 万列伊,尤其是在加工行业――约 1 530 列伊;交通和通信部门――约 270 万列伊建筑部门――约 290 万列伊。
Thus, pay debts in agriculture have constituted 42.3 million lei (in this sector the average salary is already one of the lowest in comparison with other sectors of activity of the national economy); in the industrial sector – 19.9 million lei, especially in the processing industry – around
15.3 million lei; in transport and telecommunications – around
[...] 2.7 million lei; in constructions – around 2.9 million lei.
指出,为了提高劳动监察效率,检查的对象总是发生严重事故率最高 的部门( 即几乎所有查访均建筑部门为目标) 以及报告事故数量最高的企业。
ECSR indicated that, in order to improve the efficiency of the Labour inspectorate, inspection visits target those sectors with the highest rate of serious
accidents (i.e. almost all inspection
[...] visits target the construction sector), as well as [...]
businesses with the highest reported number of accidents.
国际劳工组织(劳工组织)与近东救济工程处继续协作为 500 名加沙人提建筑部门的短期培训和就业机会。
The collaboration between the International Labour Organization (ILO)
and UNRWA continued to provide short-term training and employment opportunities
[...] for 500 Gazans in the construction sector.
7 这些损失是古巴
[...] 政府、企业和公民在获取商品、服务和资金方面承担的额外费用。例如,古巴政 府报告说,2008 年 5 月至 2009 年 4 月期间,封锁造成的损失为:农业-粮食部 门 1.22 亿美元;公共卫生部门 2 500 万美元建筑部门 4 700 万美元;对外部 门 2.42 亿美元。
For example, the Government of Cuba reports that losses incurred between May 2008 and April 2009 due to the embargo
amounted to $122 million in
[...] the agro-food sector, $25 million in the public health sector, $47 million in the construction sector, and $242 [...]
million in the external sector.
2.4 在1994年或1995
[...] 年,他移居到伊斯坦布尔,7 年多里他没有登记,无常住 地址,频繁搬家,并建筑部门工作
2.4 In 1994 or 1995, he moved to Istanbul, where he stayed unregistered for
more than seven years without a permanent address, moving from one location to another,
[...] and working in the building sector.
与会者普遍接受世界绿色建筑理事会的模式,将其作为协助在一个国 建筑部门 的环 保利益攸关方共同努力、推动更加环保的建筑做法的方式,并呼吁组建一个 [...]
The conference participants generally
embraced the World Green Building Council model as a way to help environmentally friendly stakeholders in a
[...] country’s building sector to work together [...]
to promote greener
building practices, and called for the formation of a regional network of emerging green building councils in Africa.
本次赛事给波兰建筑部门带来 了最具破坏性的疤痕,这个 部门接二连三地有公司相继倒闭。
The tournament has left its most damaging scars on
[...] the country’s construction sector, which has [...]
witnessed a spate of bankruptcies.
(a) 加强环境治理和帮助社区团体有效地管理自然资源;增加穷人获得安全
[...] 饮用水和环卫服务的途径;通过清洁发展机制促 建筑部门 的 能 源效率战略和标 准;减少土地退化和防治荒漠化;进一步减少灾害风险和改善自然灾害应急系统 [...]
(a) Strengthening environmental governance and helping community groups to effectively manage natural resources; increasing access of the poor to safe drinking water and sanitation services;
promoting an energy efficiency strategy and
[...] standards in the construction sector through the [...]
Clean Development Mechanism; reducing
land degradation and combating desertification; improving disaster risk reduction and emergency response systems and capacities for natural disasters
建筑设计阶段至少需要3至6个月,才能准 备好相关的文件,到相建筑部门申 请 建筑 许可。
For the phase of architectural planning, a minimum period
of three-six months
[...] must be taken into consideration before a wellprepared document is sent to the architectural office to apply for a building permit.
略微下降至2005年的76.6% ,而建筑部门,这 个数字从2000年的6.9% 上升至2005年的7.7% ,服务部门从14.5% 上升至15.6%。
The level of manpower
[...] working in the agricultural-forestry sector decreased slightly from 78.6 per cent in 2000 to 76.6 per cent in 2005, while in construction the figure increased [...]
from 6.9 per cent
in 2000 to 7.7 per cent in 2005, and in the service sector from 14.5 per cent to 15.6 per cent.
(c) 通过帮助评估气候变化方面的脆弱性和实施国家气候变化行动计划,支
[...] 持政府应对气候变化的主动行动; 制建筑部门的适 当能源效率政策和标准以 及技术转让措施
(c) Supporting initiatives of the Government to cope with climate change through assistance in conducting a vulnerability assessment for climate change and implementing the national action plan on climate
change; formulation of appropriate energy efficient policies and standards and
[...] technology transfer in construction sector
为解决 该领土极为严重的服务业建筑部门 技 术人才日益短缺的问题,2009 年 3 月成立 了安圭拉社区学院。
The Anguilla Community College
[...] was established in March 2009 in response to the Territory’s increasing shortage of skilled personnel in the critically important sectors of hospitality [...]
and construction.
建筑部门正在 期待 得到推动,承诺的酒店业重大建设项目将在不久的将来启动。
The construction sector is anticipating a boost when promised major construction projects in [...]
the hotel industry commence in the near future.
2011 年失业率升高,特别是在不稳定 建筑部门 和 旅 游部门,主要 是受全球经济危机的影响。
Unemployment, especially
[...] in the volatile construction and tourism sectors, rose in [...]
2011, owing largely to the effects of the global economic crisis.
在本报告所述期间,经济实现了显著增长,其主要驱动力在于西岸的公共支 出和加沙地区建筑部门。
It was primarily led by public expenditure in the
[...] West Bank and construction in Gaza.
[...] 科问题和跨部门政策;适应和缓解项目;能源、运输 建筑部门 ; 林 业、农业、 土地使用和易受害地区;教育和保健;次区域办法制定
Participants stressed the importance of training in relation to the following sectors, climate change policies or projects: multidisciplinary issues and cross-cutting policies;
adaptation and mitigation projects;
[...] energy, transport and construction sectors; forestry, agriculture, [...]
land use and vulnerable
areas; education and health; the development of subregional scenarios (modelling simulation).
不过,创纪录的腰果出口建筑分 部门 的 业 绩改善抵消了这一下降,使 2009 年 的国民总产值年增长率达到 2.9%。
However, this was offset by the record volume of
cashew exports and improved
[...] performance in the construction subsector, contributing to an annual [...]
growth of 2.9 per cent of
gross domestic product in 2009.
在 2008/09 年期间,由于建造私人住宅、商用房以及一批公共工程项目建 筑部门作为 蒙特塞拉特经济活动的主要推手,重新恢复了增长。
During 2008/09, the
[...] construction sector, a major contributor to economic activity in Montserrat, resumed growth as a result of the construction of private homes [...]
and businesses and a range of public projects.
金碧公司由于遵守中国建筑设计和施工规范,保持良好的施工安全记录,在相关政 建筑部门 享 有 良好的声誉,这就非常有利于其从施工执照申请到竣工建筑安装质量验收、电气和消防验收,为工期非常紧迫的工程项目节省宝贵的时间。
This advantage greatly facilitates the construction submission process from construction permit application to final inspections on construction quality, electrical and fire service, thus saving valuable time in the usually very tight project schedules.
第二步,投资者要告建 筑管理部门,并且递交相关申请。
In the second step the
[...] investor notifies the building supervision office [...]
and submits the proper application.
在解决气候变化所 产生的问题方面,人居署由于与地方当局有密切和强大的关系,因此在下列方面具有相对优势:
[...] 帮助城市实现更紧凑的城市扩展;评估其可再生能源和绿色基础结构的潜力;确定和促进利用 尤其是能源建筑和运输部门的适 当绿色技术创新;并将这些技术创新的使用纳入规划和造房 条例中。
In addressing the challenges posed by climate change, UN-Habitat has a comparative advantage, through its close and strong relationship with local authorities, to help cities to achieve more compact urban expansion; take stock of their renewable energy and green infrastructure potentials; identify and promote the use of appropriate green
technology innovations,
[...] especially in the energy, construction and transport sectors; and integrate [...]
use of these innovations
into planning and building regulations.
在本报告所述期间,非索特派团警 部门 开 展了一系列活动,包括:翻修索马里 警部队的一些建筑;协 助索马里警察部队在其 部 建 立 联合行动协调中心,该中 心将由非索特派团和索马里警察进行 24 小时操作,以协调摩加迪沙的联合巡逻; 在 Aden Abdulle 国际机场部署一个队部;开展各种培训活动,特别是继索马里警 察部队内部设立性别平等股之后,在 6 [...]
During the period under review, the AMISOM police component undertook a number of activities, including
[...] refurbishing some buildings of the Somali Police Force; assisting the Somali Police Force in establishing a Joint Operations Coordinating Centre at its headquarters, which will [...]
be operated by AMISOM
and Somali police officers on a 24-hour basis to coordinate joint patrols in Mogadishu; deploying a team site at the Aden Abdulle International Airport; and various training activities, in particular the organization of a gender-based violence workshop in June, following which a gender unit was established within the Somali Police Force.




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