

单词 女皇





Queen's University (Belfast)

See also:


emperor n

surname Huang

External sources (not reviewed)

多產藝術家,他的畫在國際廣受歡迎,在白宮和在英國菲力普親王 (伊莉莎女皇的丈夫) 的收藏中都有他的作品。
Prolific artist. His paintings are in great demand internationally and can be found hanging in the White House and in the Prince Phillip's (husband of Queen Elizabeth) collection in Britain.
想一睹Dita Von Teese 的風睬和其著名的22 吋小蠻腰,就不要錯過這次誘女皇 的 華 麗登場。
Showing off her 22-inch waist in legendary closets,  Dita Von Teese will be bringing her famous signature martini glass and carousel acts to Macau, are you ready for some “teese’?
根据《宪法》,英女皇保留 按照枢密 院的咨询意见制定蒙特塞拉特和平、秩序和善政的法律的权力。
Under the Constitution, the British Crown reserves the power, with the advice of the Privy Council, to make laws for the peace, order and good government of Montserrat.
武则天,是中国历史上惟一的一女皇 帝。
Wu Ze Tian (武则天)
[...] (624-705), was the only woman in the Chinese history to assume the title of Empress Regnant.
議各項藉適應化修改建議作出修訂的條文,並參 考了《釋義及通則條例》(第 1章 )所載有關英國駐
[...] 香港軍隊的權利、豁免及義務,以及 對" 女皇陛 下 "、 "皇室"、 "官方"、 [...]
"英國政府"及 "國務大臣" 等提述的釋義原則;政府當局的法律適應化計劃 的指導原則;以及《中華人民共和國香港特別行 政區駐軍法》。
Mr IP Kwok-him reported that the Bills Committee had examined in detail the provisions to be amended by the adaptation proposals, and had made reference to the interpretative principles as set out in the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) relating to the rights, exemptions and obligations of military forces stationed
in Hong Kong by the United Kingdom, and
[...] references to "Her Majesty", "the Crown", [...]
"the British Government" and "the Secretary
of State"; the guiding principles for the Administration's adaptation of laws programmes; as well as the Garrison Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
卷首插图使用红色及黑色印刷,同时带有铜版刻印的奥地 女皇 玛 丽 亚·特蕾西亚(Maria Theresa,1717-1780 [...]
The frontispiece is printed in red and black with a copperplate
[...] engraving of Empress Maria Theresa [...]
of Austria (1717–80), to whom the work is dedicated.
委員要求政府當局提供資料,說明在回歸前甚麼禁區或 其他地方屬英軍佔用,或為官方的其他目的而憑藉聯合王女 皇陛下政府的權力被佔用,以及有關香港駐軍最高指揮官或任 何獲他授權的解放軍人員向任何人發出許可證以准許該人進入 及離開禁區的安排。
Members have sought information on the closed areas or other places occupied by Her Majesty's forces or for other purposes of the Crown in right of Her Majesty's government in UK before the Reunification, and the arrangements for the Commander of the Hong Kong Garrison or any member of CPLA authorized by him to issue to any person a permit to enter and leave the closed area.
為 了 表
[...] 揚 警 隊 在 1 9 6 7 年 暴 亂 中 發 揮 的 作 用 ,女 皇 在 1 9 6 9 年 頒 授 ‚ 皇 家 香 港 警 務 處 ‛ 的 榮 銜 。
In 1969, in recognition of its role during the 1967
disturbances, the Force was honoured by the granting
[...] of the title “Royal Hong Kong Police Force” (RHKPF”) by Her Majesty the Queen.
女皇请联 合国发挥主导作用,不仅是在打击恐 怖主义和气候变化方面,而且应该拿出更多的热情、 [...]
激情和更大的决心,为我们所有人带来和平、安全、 稳定和繁荣。
The Queen asked the United [...]
Nations to take leadership, not only to fight terrorism and climate change but also with more
enthusiasm, inspiration and greater determination to bring peace, security, stability and prosperity to all of us.
1982年4月,在渥太華國會山,英 女皇 伊 麗 莎白二世和加拿大總理特魯多(Pierre [...]
In April 1982, in a public ceremony on Parliament Hill
[...] in Ottawa, Queen Elizabeth II and Prime [...]
Minister Pierre Trudeau signed the Constitution
Act, marking the end of a process that was so unusual that a word had to be invented to describe it.
就在昨天,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国君主伊 莉莎女皇二世陛下提醒国际社会注意,自联合国创 [...]
立以来,由于人民的愿望,出现了繁荣以及人类和社 会行为的变化,技术也在进步。
Only yesterday, the sovereign of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
[...] Ireland, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, [...]
reminded the United Nations community that since
the United Nations was created, prosperity and changes in human and social behaviour, as well as advances in technology, have arisen because the people wanted them.
根据 1990 年 2 月生效的 1989 年《蒙特塞拉特宪法令》,蒙特塞拉特设有一 位由英女皇任命 的总督,有一个行政委员会和一个立法委员会。
Under the Montserrat Constitution Order 1989, which came into force in February 1990, Montserrat has a Governor appointed by the British monarch, an Executive Council, and a Legislative Council.
59 陆军法律署署长女皇任命 ,担任陆军 起诉局局长,该署长“负责决定是否指示对军事指挥系统提交的所有案件进行审 [...]
判,负责军事法庭、常设民事法庭和最高上诉法庭审理案件的起诉,并负责在军 事法庭上诉法庭和上议院提出上诉。
59 The Director of Army Legal Services (ALS), who is
[...] appointed by the Queen as the APA, “has [...]
responsibility for decisions on whether
to direct trial for all cases referred by the military chain of command, and for the prosecution of all cases tried before courts-martial, the Standing Civilian Court and the Summary Appeal Court and for Appeals before the Courts-Martial Appeal Court and the House of Lords.
如您在購物旅程後需要稍事休息,倫敦 女皇 御 用 雜貨商 Fortnum and Mason [...]
是享用香茶糕點的好去處,至於豪華的 Harvey Nichols 亦不遑多讓。
If you're in need of refreshment after a
[...] shopping trip, the Queen's grocer Fortnum [...]
and Mason in London is a lovely setting for
tea and cakes as is the luxurious store, Harvey Nichols.
一九五三年六月二日,女皇伊利 沙伯二世於倫敦西敏寺正式加冕,儀式由坎特伯雷大主教Geoffrey [...]
Her coronation on June 2, 1953 in [...]
Westminster Abbey was conducted by Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury.
赢得正式独立 30 年后,我国仍然保留英国女王为我们 的国家元首,我国的最高司法上诉要由我国海岸送至 联合王国,提女皇陛下 會同樞密院裁决。
Thirty years after gaining formal independence, we retain the Queen as our Head of State, and our highest judicial appeals travel from our shores to the United Kingdom to be decided by Her Majesty in Council.
DAKS 亦先後獲頒授皇家認證,包括1956年的愛丁堡公爵皇家認證、1962年的 女皇皇 家 認 可證及1983年的威爾斯親皇皇家認證。
DAKS was granted the Royal Warrant of Appointment for HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh in 1956, for Her Majesty The Queen in 1962, and for HRH The Prince of Wales in 1982.
[...] Lanvin開創了自己的時裝品牌LANVIN — 把女性化闡述女皇風格
Jeanne Lanvin launched the original LANVIN label in 1889, a label that
[...] boasted grand female presence.
事實上許多極富盛名的「紅寶石」都是尖晶石,如鑲嵌於英國皇冠上的黑王子 紅寶石,重l70克拉;俄女皇凱薩琳二世皇冠上的尖晶石,重414.30克拉,現 [...]
收藏于莫斯科的珍寶博物館;另一頭是重105克拉的Côte deBretagne, 是公爵夫人安妮的嫁妝。
Most legendary “rubies” are in fact spinels: the Black Prince’s Ruby, part of the British crown jewels and weighing 170 carats;
another weighing 414.30 carats that was set in
[...] the crown of Empress Catherine II [...]
of Russia and can now be seen in the armories
museum in Moscow; and the 105-carat “Côte de Bretagne”, sculpted to resemble a dragon which was part of Duchess Anne of Brittany’s dowry.
瑞典的Gustav國王致贈給俄女皇凱薩 琳二世一個 重達250克拉的紅碧璽,目前由莫斯科的鑽石基金會收藏。
King Gustav of
[...] Sweden presented Empress Catherine II [...]
of Russia with a rubellite weighing 250 carats, still conserved in the Diamond Fund in Moscow.
行政部门还包括总督( 国家首 脑 ) ,他女皇的代表。
Also included in the Executive Arm is the Governor General (Head of State) who
[...] represents the Queen of England.
故事根據女皇之父 佐治六世的史實改編,英皇次子伯特(Colin Fifth飾)臨危登位,可惜自小患有口吃毛病,令他和皇后伊莉沙伯(Helena Bonham Carter飾)飽受困擾。
Based on the true story of King George VI, the British monarch who suffered from a stammer, the film tells the story of Bertie (played by Colin Fifth) and Queen Elizabeth (played by Helena Bonham Carter) seeking help from an avant garde speech therapist Lionel Logue (played by Geoffrey Rush).
而此酒店也經常接待各方尊貴名流雅士,其中包括了英 女皇。
This world-renowned hotel is one of the worlds’ most luxurious and has entertained many notable guests –
[...] including the Queen of England.
此外,Blackstone 还就制订商业计划以确定可靠的独立重组方案为该公司提供顾问服务,并指引与包括三方监管 (Tripartite Authorities)(英格兰银行女皇陛下 财政部及英国金融服务局)在内的其他重要利益相关者及评级机构进行的谈判。
Blackstone also advised the Company in the development of a business plan for a credible standalone restructuring solution and led negotiations with other key stakeholders including the Tripartite Authorities (the Bank of England, Her Majesty’s Treasury and the UK Financial Services Authority) and ratings agencies.
這裡也見證了 16 個皇室婚禮,包括女皇與 H RH 愛丁堡公爵的婚禮,以及近期的劍橋公爵及公爵夫人的婚禮。
It has also seen 16 royal weddings, including the Queen’s marriage [...]
to HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, and most recently, the
wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
这座巴洛克风格教堂建成于 1754 年,女皇伊丽 莎白(Empress Elizabeth,1709-62 年)将基辅选定为俄罗斯帝国南部皇家居所后,由意大利建筑师巴托洛梅奥·拉斯特雷利(Bartolomeo Rastrelli,约 1675-1744 年)设计的。
The baroque church, completed in 1754, was designed by the Italian-born architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli (circa 1675–1744) for the imperial family, after the Empress Elizabeth (1709–62) chose Kiev for a royal residence in the south of the empire.
本 人 奉 國 務 大 臣 之 命 謹 此 通 知 各 位女 皇 陛 下 的 皇 座 法 庭 ( Queen's Bench Division)法 官 已 尌 警 方 的 進 行 詰 問 及 錄 取 陳 述 事 宜 訂 立 新 的 規 則 。
I am directed by the Secretary of State to inform you that new Rules have been made by Her Majesty's Judges of the Queen's Bench Division [...]
with regard to
interrogation and the taking of statements by the police.
胡爵士獲頒的獎項及榮譽包括:克羅地亞The Order of Croatian Danica with figure of Blaz Lorkovic勳章(二零零七年);比利時Officer of the Order of the Crown勳章(二零零七年);香港特別行政區金紫荊星章(二零零四年);二零零三年當選《星島日報》及《英文虎報》傑出領袖(商業/金融); 女皇 聖 米 迦勒及聖喬治勳爵級司令勳章(一九九七年);獲美國Independent Energy選為Industry All-Star(一九九六年);以及獲美國喬治華盛頓大學選為「國際最佳行政總裁」(一九九六年)。
Sir Gordon’s awards and honors include: Order of Croatian Dancia with figure of Blaz Lorkovic by The Republic of Croatia (2007); Officer of the Order of the Crown by the King of the Belgians (2007); Gold Bauhinia Star by HKSAR (2004); Leader of the Year in the Business/Finance category by the Sing Tao Daily/The Standard (2003); Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George for Services to British Exports by the Queen of England (1997); Industry All-Star by Independent Energy USA (1996); and International CEO of the Year by George Washington University (1996).




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