单词 | 叶酸盐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 叶酸盐 noun —folate n盐酸盐 noun —chloride n盐酸盐 —hydrochloride (chemistry)See also:叶酸 n—folate n 酸盐—sulfonate 盐酸 n—hydrochloride n • hydrochloric acid n 盐酸—hydrochloric acid HCl
多次报道显示,有些蔬菜(例如叶菜 )的 硝 酸盐 含 量 处于高水平,原因可能是菜叶通常含有较多 硝 酸盐 , 而 种子或块茎则较少。 cfs.gov.hk | Higher levels of nitrate have been consistently reported in certain vegetables such as leafy vegetables. cfs.gov.hk |
对成年人而讲,年轻女性与年 老女性相比,更易有核黄素和叶酸的 摄量不足的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | For adults, younger females are more likely to have inadequate intakes of [...] riboflavin and folate compared with [...]older females. daccess-ods.un.org |
微量元素日医疗活动还包括为儿童进行发育监测以及为孕妇补充铁 和 叶酸。 unicef.org | Micronutrient Days also include growth monitoring for children, [...] and iron and folic acid supplementation [...]for pregnant women. unicef.org |
用于监测水质、营养盐、悬浮沉积物 、 叶 绿 素 和某些污染物的锚系传感器阵列,已 有多年在某些近海环境成功自动运行的历史。 unesdoc.unesco.org | These level 3 contributions also provide data on broader space and time-scales and interdisciplinary interpretation of monitoring variables. unesdoc.unesco.org |
例如, 饮食缺乏叶酸的孕 妇生下的孩子可能最终出现脑积水,这种衰弱疾病会对头脑产 生不利影响,导致儿童发育迟缓。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, expectant mothers [...] whose diets lack folic acid are likely to bear [...]children who eventually suffer from hydrocephalus, [...]a debilitating disease that adversely affects the head and leads to the stunting of the child’s growth. daccess-ods.un.org |
新的 NSSC 车间是 Koryazhma 工厂的一部分,生产漂白阔叶木硫 酸盐 浆 、 牛皮纸、瓦楞纸和胶版印刷纸,还生产化学木浆和生化产品。 metso.com | The new NSSC plant is part of a complex at the Koryazhma mill that produces bleached hardwood kraft pulp, kraftliner, fluting, offset printing paper, as well as wood chemicals and biochemical products. metso.com |
委员会强烈建议缔约国为国际公认防止注射嗜毒者之间传染的措 施,特别是利用美沙酮和盐酸丁丙 诺非替代类罂粟碱疗法,以及针头和针筒交换 方案,提供明确的法律理由及其它支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee strongly recommends the State party to provide clear legal grounds and other support for the internationally recognized measures for HIV prevention among injecting drug users, in particular the opioid substitution therapy with use of methadone and buprenorphine, as well as needle and syringe, and overdose prevention programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
动物污水和包含肥料、杀虫剂、激素及高浓度 硝酸盐的农 田排水可能会污染地下水和附近的水生 [...] 系统。 teebweb.org | Animal effluent and run-off from agricultural fields that [...] includes fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, and [...] high levels of nitrates may pollute [...]ground water and nearby aquatic systems. teebweb.org |
基于那次研究,他们确认,简单地增 加 叶酸 就 可以拯救和改善数以千计的生命。 embassyusa.cn | Based on that research, they determined a [...] simple increase in folic acid could save and [...]improve thousands of lives. eng.embassyusa.cn |
特别是与其它薄片基材(如包覆氧化铁的云母或铝颜料)以及球形无机或金属物质如铁锌 磷 酸盐 ( 硅 酸盐 或 锆 酸盐 ) 或 锌 粉的结合使用,已在实践中得到成功验证。 eckart.com.cn | Particularly combinations with other platelet substrates (e. g. with micaceous iron or aluminium pigments) as well as with spherical inorganic or metallic substances such as iron/zinc phosphates (silicates or zirconates) or zinc dust have been successfully proved in practice. eckart.net |
为 21 岁及以上的会员承保维生素 D、维 生素 K、烟酸、叶酸和铁。 kmhp.com | Vitamin D, Vitamin [...] K, Niacin, Folic Acid and Iron are [...]covered for members 21 years of age and older. kmhp.com |
因此,氟氯烃淘汰管理计 划第一阶段将淘汰连续板材行业 4 个公司所使用的 HCFC-141b,利用碳氢化合物来替代 [...] HCFC-141b ;在 11 个中型整皮和软质模化泡沫塑料公司,用甲酸甲酯来替代 [...] HCFC-141b;而在大量中小型企业,通过整皮和软质模化泡沫塑料行业的配方厂家,也利 用甲酸甲酯来替代 HCFC-141b,而在有些用途(即鞋底)中则使用 甲 酸盐。 multilateralfund.org | Accordingly, stage I of the HPMP would phase out HCFC-141b in four companies in the continuous panels sector by replacing it with hydrocarbons; in eleven medium sized integral skin (IS) and flexible moulded foam ((FMF) companies by replacing it with methyl formate, and in a large number of SMEs through systems houses in [...] the IS and FMF sector also by replacing it [...] with methyl formate and in some applications (i.e., shoe-sole) with methyal. multilateralfund.org |
提供了微量营养补充,并向学校的少女发放铁补充剂 和 叶酸 片,还向婴儿院和托儿所分发 Sprinkles牌微量营养粉。 daccess-ods.un.org | Micronutrient supplementation was provided and [...] supplements of iron and folic tablets were given [...]to adolescent girls in schools, while [...]Sprinkles, a micronutrient powder was distributed to baby homes and nurseries. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项研究使得美国食品和药品管理局强制要求所有美国强化谷物产品的制造商在他们的产品中添 加 叶酸。 embassyusa.cn | This research led the U.S. Food and Drug [...] Administration to require all U.S. manufacturers of enriched cereal grain products to fortify [...] their products with folic acid. eng.embassyusa.cn |
分析水样采用温克勒测定法,在水样中加入几种试剂,生成总量相当于样品氧 含量的碘,然后用硫代硫酸盐进行 滴定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For example, WOCE and WMO standards (with recent modifications as part of Argo and other programmes) exist for physical variables, and JGOFS standards exist for certain biological variables. unesdoc.unesco.org |
法院的判例表明,如果一个被授予有限职权 [...] 的机构逾越这些职权,其行为就是越权《国家在武装冲突中使用核武器的合法性, 咨询意见,1996 [...] 年国际法院案例汇编(I)》,第 82 页;《摩洛哥境内的磷酸盐案, 判决,1938 年常设国际法院案例汇编,A/B [...]辑,第 74 号》,第 14 页)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The jurisprudence of the Court is clear that if an organ which has been attributed a limited number of competences transgresses those competences, its acts would be ultra vires (Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed [...] Conflict, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1996 [...] (I), p. 82; Phosphates in Morocco, [...]Judgment, 1938, P.C.I.J., Series A/B, No. 74, p. 14). daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书处请工发组织澄清这 个问题,及其提出的制冷部分的费用,并请它另外提供资料说明和澄清计算增值经营费用 [...] 的方法,包括吸气处理装置可能生产的次 氯 酸盐 的 量 ,以及从将在转化过程中拆毁的现有 [...]冷风机中淘汰的 CFC-11 和 CFC-12。 multilateralfund.org | Additional information and clarifications have also been requested from UNIDO on the methodology [...] of calculating IOC, including potential [...] production of hypochlorite in the sniff [...]gas treatment unit, and on CFC-11 and CFC-12 [...]phase-out from the existing chillers to be scrapped in the process of conversion. multilateralfund.org |
这些废物往往含有放射性核素金属 化合物(如镉、铅、锌和硫酸盐)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The wastes often contain radioactive nuclides and metal compounds (e.g., cadmium, lead, zinc and sulphates). daccess-ods.un.org |
海洋来源碳酸盐的生 成在形成环状珊瑚岛和海滩方面的作用——海洋酸化 的潜在影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Role of ocean-sourced carbonate production in the formation of atolls and beaches — potential impacts of ocean acidification. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际癌症研究机构的结论是,从食物中摄入的 硝 酸盐 或 亚 硝 酸盐 如 产 生内生性硝化作用,即转化为亚硝基化合物(如亚硝胺),则可能令人类患癌(即属第2A组物质)。 cfs.gov.hk | IARC concluded that ingested nitrate or nitrite under conditions that result in endogenous nitrosation (i.e. conversion into nitroso compounds such as nitrosamines) is probably carcinogenic to humans (i.e. Group 2A). cfs.gov.hk |
镍矿在酸,水及高压共同作用下的压煮器中形成镍 硫 酸盐 溶 液 ,从该溶液过滤出的镍硫化物在高压及硫酸的作用下形成新的溶液。 bauergroup.com | The nickel ore extracted by lateritic mining is treated in a metallurgical [...] process by the use of acid, water and compressed [...]air within an autoclave. bauergroup.com |
进入卫 [...] 生站,两名医疗工作者给我看了他们工作时用的工具箱,里 面整齐摆放着叶酸、维生素A补充剂和治疗疟疾的药物。 thegatesnotes.com | Inside, two health workers showed me a well-stocked cabinet of the tools for their [...] job, including folic acid, Vitamin A supplements, [...]and malaria drugs. thegatesnotes.com |
所有与母亲和儿 [...] 童保健相关的费用都由国家医疗保险机构负担,其中还包括药品的供应,0 到 5 周岁的儿童和孕妇在门诊服用含铁和 叶酸 的 药 物将 100% 报销。 daccess-ods.un.org | This includes also supply of drugs, 100% compensated to [...] children between 0 and 5 years and of the pregnant women [...] with iron and folic acid based medicine [...]in ambulatory conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
有研究表明,亚甲基四氢叶酸还原 酶基因C677T突变导致亚甲基四 氢 叶酸 还 原酶活性改变从而引起血同型半胱氨酸水平下降。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Evidence exists that methylenetetrahydrofolate [...] reductase gene [...] C677T mutation leads to methyltetrahydrofolic acid reductase activity changes, resulting in [...]decreased homocysteine level. chinese.eurekalert.org |
截至 2009 年,58 [...] 个国家通过了立 法或法令,强制规定面粉中至少添加铁 或 叶酸 ,而 2003 年只有 33 个国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | By 2009, 58 countries had adopted legislation or decrees mandating flour fortification with [...] at least iron or folic acid, up from 33 in 2003. daccess-ods.un.org |
至 2007 年,中国环境监测总站建立了全国性的水质自动化监测网,由建在 63 条河流和 17 个湖泊里的 100 [...] 家自动监测站负责水温、PH 值、溶解氧、电导率、浊度、高锰 酸盐 指 数 、总有 机碳和氨氮的监测。 ecegp.com | By 2007, the CNEMC has established national automated water quality monitoring network comprised of 100 automated monitoring stations on the 63 rivers and 17 [...] lakes for monitoring water temperature, PH, DO, [...] conductivity, turbidity, permanganate index, TOC, and [...]ammonia nitrogen. ecegp.com |
粮农组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会秘书处还澄清,食品添加剂联合专家委员会 第二十九届会议和第三十五届会议评价了用于激活乳过氧化物酶体系的过氧化氢和硫氰 酸盐,结论是按照所使用的水平,这些化学物品对人体健康不构成危害,但如果碘摄入 量不足,硫氰酸盐可能 产生毒理作用,食品添加剂联合专家委员会这两届会议的报告已 得到粮农组织/世卫组织技术会议的考虑。 codexalimentarius.org | The FAO JECFA Secretariat further clarified that the 29thand 35th Sessions of JECFA had evaluated hydrogen peroxide and thiocyanate used to activate the lactoperoxidase system and had concluded that at the levels used, these chemicals did not pose a hazard to human health, but that thiocyanate could have a toxicological effect if iodine intake was not adequate and that the reports of these sessions of JECFA had been taken into account by the FAO/WHO technical meeting. codexalimentarius.org |
他指出最近发生的一系列食品安全突发 [...] 事件,诸如日本食品遭到放射性物质污染,德国暴发肠出血性大肠杆菌疫情,以及故 意使用邻苯二甲酸盐污染食品和饮料等事件均表明食品市场的全球化已经达到何种高 [...] 度,世界一个国家或一个地区发生的事件会多么迅速地影响到其它国家和地区。 codexalimentarius.org | He pointed out that recent food safety emergencies, such as the contamination of food with radioactive substances in Japan, the outbreak of EHEC in Germany, or [...] the intentional contamination of food and [...] beverages with phthalates had illustrated [...]how globalised the food market has become [...]and how rapidly incidents in one country or part of the world can impact others. codexalimentarius.org |
食物安全中心(中心)现正进行为期两年的计划,检测本港市面上初生婴儿及较大婴儿奶粉中的营养素含量(分别是能量、蛋白质、总脂肪、亚油酸、α-亚麻酸、总碳水合物、维生素A、维生素D3、维生素E、维生素K、维生素B1、核黄素、烟酸、维生素B6、维生素B12、 泛 酸 、 叶酸 、 维 生素C、生物素、铁、钙、磷、镁、钠、氯、钾、锰、碘、硒、铜、锌、胆碱、肌醇、L-肉碱)。 cfs.gov.hk | The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) has embarked on a two-year programme to test the nutritional composition (i.e. energy, protein, total fat, linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, total carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, pantothenic [...] acid, folic acid, vitamin C, [...] biotin, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chloride, [...]potassium, manganese, iodine, [...]selenium, copper, zinc, choline, myo-inositol, and L-carnitine) of infant and follow-up formulae available in the local market. cfs.gov.hk |