

单词 前院

External sources (not reviewed)

y 廣場的用途應與文化中心前的廣場一併考慮 / 更改文化中心臨梳士巴利道前 院,作更好的用途。
y Consider the uses of the piazza together with the
[...] open space in front of the Cultural Centre / convert the forecourt of Cultural [...]
Centre facing Salisbury Road for better use.
礼拜堂入口前院,右 侧为通往社交小院的门洞。
The door of the
[...] church and the forecourt, the opening on the right leads to the series of courtyards.
L型布局将室外空间属性明确,分 前院 和 后院两部分,围合同时也阻隔邻院和街道的干扰。
The L-shaped form divides the outdoor space into
[...] two parts as a front and back courtyard.
On cross-examination by Mr Lee SC, Professor
Grossman said that
[...] at a dinner with the former Dean of the Faculty of Education at CUHK, the former Dean told him that in his first meeting with [...]
Professor Li, who was then VC
of CUHK, the first thing Professor Li said to him was “when are we going to take over HKIEd?
二次世界大戰之後,交通逐漸等同於開車,興建眾多高架橋、交流道、高速公路、交通號誌、郊區、停車塔、市郊購物商場,人們捨 前院 、 改建車庫,政府核發駕照,制定各項罰則與高速公路法規,限制駕駛行為,也同時形塑社會對開車的潛在文化期望,具有自己的公民與道德秩序。
It’s been a time over which we’ve built flyovers, gyratorys, motorways, traffic lights, suburbs,
multi-story car-parks, out-of-town retail
[...] centres, paved over front gardens and built garages [...]
for parking; created the driving
licence, invented a host of criminal offences and written the highway code to regulate people’s behaviour whilst developing a plethora of much less noticeable cultural expectations around diving – it has it’s own citizenship and moral order (ever notice talk of the good driver?).
[...] [...] Location」等計畫無法推展,但這種想法如今太過奢侈,若有選擇,沒有人想生活在密集的高樓大廈中,不過這是都市化時代的唯一可行辦法,歐洲與西方世界於19世紀開始都市化,拉丁美洲與亞洲始於20世紀,非洲則在這個世紀急起直追,週遭地區逐漸從貧民窟改造為摩天大樓,我們的城市將快速成長,如同上海或布宜諾斯艾利斯,一城人口如同一國,我們必須覺醒,提早為現實狀況規劃,不能再想像過時的郊區生活,每一戶都有車庫 前院。
We think it’s “in our culture” not to want to live on top of one another, and to want a house with tons of space around it – and that has stopped projects like Red Location from working well.
小组委员会建议,移交院前的初始拘留最多48 小时的法律规定必须与法 院开庭制度相匹配,使这一法定时限在实践中得到遵守。
The SPT recommends that the provision in law
of a maximum of 48 hours in
[...] initial custody before presentation before a court must be matched [...]
by a system of court sessions
enabling this legal time limit to be respected in practice.
如果您在院前 2 天以上時間簽署通知,則會在計劃 院前 再 收 到一份通知。
If you sign the notice more
[...] than 2 days before the day you leave the hospital, you will get another copy before you are scheduled [...]
to be discharged.
首先,法院指出,在《1926 年 12 月 1
[...] 日希腊-土耳其协定(最后议定书,第四条) 的解释,咨询意见》中,国际院前 身 常 设国际法院偏离了向其所提问题的语言 文字,因为措辞没有充分说明在法院看来是意图提出的问题(咨询意见,第50段, [...]
年常设国际法院案例汇编》,B 辑,第 16 号)。
First, the Court notes that in Interpretation of the Greco-Turkish Agreement of 1 December 1926 (Final
Protocol, Article IV), Advisory
[...] Opinion, its predecessor, the Permanent Court of International [...]
Justice, departed from the
language of the question put to it because the wording did not adequately state what the Court believed to be the intended question (Advisory Opinion, paragraph 50, citing 1928, P.C.I.J., Series B, No. 16).
醫護人員會在病人院前先作準備,包括先安排物理 治療師和職業治療師檢查家居環境,確保環境適合病人康 [...]
Before the discharge of the patient, [...]
health care staff will make pre-discharge preparations by arranging physiotherapists
and occupational therapists to assess the home environment of the patient to ensure that the environment is conducive to the rehabilitation and daily activity of the patient.
索马里与东道国的协议,以批准在东道国国土上设立一个索马里境外 法庭,并确定东道国与索马里之间的责任分 配 ( 前 往 法 院 和 从 法 院前 往索马里境内关押地点的运输途中的责任;审前拘留和审判期间的责 任)
an agreement between Somalia and the host State authorizing the establishment of a Somali extraterritorial court on the territory of the host State
and determining the
[...] allocation of responsibilities between it and Somalia (during transport to the court and from the court to the place [...]
of imprisonment in
Somalia; during pretrial detention and during the trial)
医护人员会在病人院前先作准备,包括先安排物理 治疗师和职业治疗师检查家居环境,确保环境适合病人康复和日常活动。
Before the discharge of the patient, [...]
health care staff will make pre-discharge preparations by arranging physiotherapists
and occupational therapists to assess the home environment of the patient to ensure that the environment is conducive to the rehabilitation and daily activity of the patient.
MPOWER 卡 學 生 卡 只 適 用 於 就 讀 下 列 院 校 或 其 附 屬 學 院 頒 發 之 證 書 或 以 上 課 程 ( 毅 進 計 劃 除 外 ) 之 全 日 制 大 學 / 大 專 學 生 , 包 括 本 地 認 可 之 大 學 、 香 港 教 育 學 院 、 珠 海 學 院 、 職 業 訓 練 局 、香 港 專 業 教 育 學
院 、 恒 生 商 學 書 院 、 恒 生 管 理 學 院 、 香 港 演
[...] 藝 學 院 、 明 愛 專 上院 ( 前 稱 明 愛 徐 誠 斌 學 院 ) 、 [...]
明 愛 白 英 奇 專 業 學 校 、 香 港 科 技 專 上 書 院 及
香 港 專 業 進 修 學 校 。
MPOWER Card Student Card is only applicable to full-time University / Tertiary students attending certificated-level or above course (exclude Project Yi Jin) offered by following accredited education institutions and their subsidiaries, including accredited universities in Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Vocational Training Council, The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Hang Seng School of Commerce, Hang Seng Management College, Hong Kong Academy for
Performing Arts, Caritas Institute of
[...] Higher Education (formerly known as Caritas [...]
Francis Hsu College), Caritas Bianchi
College of Careers, Hong Kong Institute of Technology or Hong Kong College of Technology.
最高法院裁定,在重 新考虑案子的时候,上诉法院没有对最高 院前 一 次 判决中的某些建议给以足够 的考虑,并且还违反了一些程序规定。
The Supreme Court found that, when reconsidering the case, the Appeal Court did not sufficiently take
into account some
[...] recommendations of the previous decision of the Supreme Court and also breached [...]
some procedural provisions.
贸易组织、伊朗-美国索赔法庭、国际投资争端解决中心法庭、北美自由贸易区 法庭)、国际人权制度(欧洲人权法院、美洲人权法院、《公民权利和政治权利国
[...] 际公约》下属人权事务委员会)以及其他制度(海洋法国际法庭、国际刑事 院、 前南斯 拉夫和卢旺达国际刑事法庭、欧洲联盟法院)下的判例。
The Chairman’s second report covers the jurisprudence under certain international economic regimes (World Trade Organization, Iran-US Claims Tribunal, International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes tribunals and North American Free Trade Area tribunals), international human rights regimes (European Court of Human Rights, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), and other regimes (International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, International
Criminal Court, International Criminal
[...] Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and [...]
Rwanda, and Court of Justice of the European Union).
(2) 如文書應於提交院前,先予以送達者,負責送達之機關收受該文書時,但 以原告就使其文書提交於法院,依規定應採行之步驟,嗣後並未怠於採行者為限。
(2) if the document
[...] has to be served before being lodged with the court, at the time [...]
when it is received by the authority
responsible for service, provided that the plaintiff has not subsequently failed to take the steps she/he was required to take to have the document lodged with the court.
[...] 年;卫生组织的《基本创伤护理准则》;卫生组织的《基本创伤护理项目:创伤 护理能力调查清单》;卫生组织的《 院前 创 伤 护理系统》;红十字委员会的《武装冲突和 [...]
设立和经营外科医院的实务准则》;以及红十字与红新月联会的《改善社区中的医疗照 顾》。
See for example the WHO’s programme for Integrated Management on Emergency Essential Surgical Care - E-learning tool kit, 2007, the WHO’s Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care; WHO’s Essential Trauma Care Project:
Checklists for Surveys of Trauma Care
[...] Capabilities; WHO’s Prehospital Trauma Care Systems; [...]
ICRC’s First Aid in armed conflicts
and other situations of violence; ICRC’s Hospitals for war-wounded: a practical guide for setting up and running a surgical hospital in an area of armed conflict; and IFRC’s Improving Health Care in the Community.
牛津經濟研院(前稱牛 津經濟預測中心)成立於1981 年,專為政府及企業的經濟學家和規劃人員提供度身訂制的獨立預測和分析。
Oxford Economics – formerly Oxford Economic Forecasting [...]
– was founded in 1981 to provide independent forecasting and analysis
tailored to the needs of economists and planners in government and business.
咨询委员会由七名成员和一位主席组成,主席由最高 院前 任 法官 E. 戈 德堡先生担任。
The Advisory Committee comprises seven members and one
[...] chairperson, former Supreme Court Justice Mr. [...]
E. Goldberg.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6
个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员),
[...] 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是 前 的 一 级诊所;病人 从三级院出院后在 他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 [...]
合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now
functioning at level I-plus
[...] rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are [...]
regularly visited in the
11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
大会第六十二届会议请秘书长对收集的国际性 院 、 法 庭和其他机构提及条 款的裁判予以更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的实践的资料;还请 秘书长在第六十五届会议前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六委员会的一个工作 组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国际不法行为的责任公约或采取 其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the
compilation of decisions of
[...] international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth [...]
session; and decided
to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of a convention on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).
2007 年 9
[...] 月,教育部成立了一个公共委员会,由最高 院前 法官 Dalia Dorner 领导,负责审查以色列的特殊教育学校体制。
In September 2007, the Minister of Education
established a public committee, headed by the
[...] retired Supreme Court Justice Dalia [...]
Dorner, to examine the special education school system in Israel.
这是第一次举行此类会议,国际刑事 院 、 前 南 问题国际法庭、卢旺达问题国际 刑事法庭、塞拉利昂特别法庭以及黎巴嫩问题特别法庭的高级官员和专家,以及 该区域许多国家包括阿尔及利亚、巴林、埃及、科威特、摩洛哥、黎巴嫩、卡塔 [...]
The conference was the first of its kind and brought
[...] together senior officials and experts from the International Criminal Court, the International [...]
Tribunal for the
Former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon with their colleagues from many countries in the region, including Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco, Lebanon, Qatar, the Sudan and Tunisia.
4.2 缔约国提出,根据《外国人法案》第14和16 章,可以针对移民局的决定 上诉至移民法院,还可以进一步上诉至移民上诉 院 , 前 提 是上诉许可获得批 准。
4.2 The State party submits that under chapters 14 and 16 of the Aliens Act, the Migration Board’s decision can be appealed to a Migration Court with a further appeal to the Migration Court of Appeal, subject to leave to appeal to be granted.
秘书处还与第三世界科院前执行主任 Mohamed Hassan 先生和新任执行主任 [...]
Romain Murenzi 博士会面,并向他们简要介绍了南方科学、技术和创新联合会大会筹备情况。
The Secretariat
[...] also met with the former Executive Director [...]
of TWAS, Mr. Mohamed Hassan, and the newly appointed Executive
Director of TWAS, Dr Romain Murenzi, and briefed them on the stage of the preparation of the General Conference of COSTIS.
坐落于大屏障森林公園內,毗鄰觀瀾湖高爾夫球會東莞會所最受歡迎的高爾夫球場,辛迪瑞高爾夫學院傳播著辛迪瑞高爾夫的執行總裁,索格拉斯 TPC
[...] 锯齿草球场 PGA 巡迴賽 高爾夫院 前教學 總監辛迪瑞普受國際尊重的教學理念。
The Cindy Reid Golf Academy features the internationally respected
teaching philosophy of Cindy Reid, CEO of Cindy
[...] Reid Golf and former Director of Instruction [...]
at the PGA TOUR’s TPC Sawgrass.
大会还决定,国际院、前南斯 拉夫问题国际法庭和 卢旺达国际刑事法庭法官的薪酬、养恤金以及其他福 [...]
利问题将在大会第六十五届会议上审议,包括有关确 定福利型以及确定固定缴款办法的备选办法。
Ad litem judges, however, had been excluded [...]
from that scheme. The Assembly had further decided that the emoluments, pensions,
and other conditions of service of the members of the International Court of Justice and the judges of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda would next be reviewed at its sixty-fifth session, including options for defined benefit and defined contribution pension schemes.
婴儿分娩医术学认为可以在院前对 婴儿作第一次健康检测,父母会 得到一份婴儿的重量和高度正常、听觉和视觉以及神经功能都没有严重病 [...]
情的干扰、以及当时不存在任何特殊的畸形状况的普通健康状况信息资 料。
Just before leaving the hospital the neonatologist [...]
will do the first health evaluation of the newborn baby and the parents
will receive information on his or her health, on the normalcy of weight and length, on the absence of any important disturbances in hearing and sight, on the neuromotor functions, and in general on the absence of any evident malfunctions present at the time.
計劃另設有多種不同的延續惠益,例如 院前 門 診 諮詢、化療 及電療費用賠償、門診透析費用、人體免疫力缺乏病毒/愛滋病治療惠益(由第 5 個保單周 年後開始)及精神疾病或神經疾病惠益,並提供「美國國際支援服務」(“AIAS”) 的環球緊急 醫療服務。
The plan also provides various extended benefits including prehospitalization outpatient consultation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy benefit, outpatient dialysis benefit, HIV / AIDS treatment benefit (starting after the policy’s 5th anniversary) and mental or nervous disorder benefit.




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