

单词 何以



how can this be endured! [idiom.]


how can one be sure?


without rules, how can anything be done (idiom); one must follow some rules

External sources (not reviewed)

It was recommended that it be clarified why (and how) those cases of armed conflict should as such affect the operation of the treaty.
为了进行更加全面的保护,鼓励各国根据国际法采取各种适当的措施与其他有关国家进行合 作,以便确立有关的司法管辖权,并对那些犯有或下令犯有上述行为(VII.个人的刑事责任)并在 该国领土被发现的个人(不论其国籍 何以 及 该 行为在何处发生)予以有效的刑事制裁。
For the purposes of more comprehensive protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate measures, in accordance with international law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a view to establishing jurisdiction over, and providing effective criminal sanctions against, those persons who have committed or have ordered to be committed acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal responsibility) and who are found present on its territory, regardless of their nationality and the place where such act occurred.
在 2009年 6 月 1 日的會議後,存保委員會提供了補充資料 (附錄I),說明存保基金的投資策略、持有不受保障存款的存戶所 佔的百分比、在保障額提高至20萬元或50萬元這兩種情況下受保 障存戶所佔的百分比分別何,以及 在 有限制牌照銀行及接受存 款公司開立的存款帳戶數目。
Subsequent to the meeting on 1 June 2009, the Board provided supplementary information (Appendix I) on the investment strategy of the DPS Fund, percentage of depositors holding a non-protected deposit, percentage of depositors covered under the respective scenarios of raising the protection limit to $200,000 and $500,000, and the number of deposit accounts in restricted licence banks and deposit-taking companies.
於股東週年大會上,本公司將提呈普通決議案,授予董事無條件一般授權(即一般授 權)以配發、發行及處理未發行股份或本公司之相關股份(不包括透過供股或按照為本公司 僱員或董事及╱或其任何附屬公司而設立之購股權計劃或按照 何以 股 代 息計劃或根據組 織章程細則配發及發行股份以代替股份之全部或部分股息之類似安排)或作出或授出可能需 要行使該項權力之建議、協議、購股權及認股權證,總面值最多為授出一般授權日期之已發 行股份之20%。
At the AGM, an ordinary resolution will be proposed such that the Directors be given an unconditional general mandate (i.e. the General Mandate) to allot, issue and deal with unissued Shares or underlying shares of the Company (other than by way of rights or pursuant to a share option scheme for employees of the Company or Directors and/or any of its subsidiaries or pursuant to any scrip dividend scheme or similar arrangements providing for the allotment and issue of Shares in lieu of whole or part of the dividend on Shares in accordance with the Articles of Association) or make or grant offers, agreements, options and warrants which might require the exercise of such power, of an aggregate nominal amount of up to 20% of the issued Shares as at the date of granting of the General Mandate.
我们认为,秘书长的报告(S/2012/50)表明,禁 毒办、开发署和索马里沿海海盗问题联络小组和其它
[...] 利益攸关方的专家们清楚地知道起诉海盗行为的问 题和需要,知道何以最佳 方式满足这些需要。
We believe that the report (S/2012/50) of the Secretary-General demonstrates that the experts of UNODC, UNDP, the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia and other
stakeholders understand clearly the problems and needs with respect to piracy
[...] prosecutions and how best to address [...]
those needs.
[...] 劃、探討其他可行的辦法以改善援助基金的財政狀況、進㆒步減低行政費用、以及 努力研究何以可行 的方法,使保險業亦可向基金提供收入。
Meanwhile, as I undertook just now, we will continue to keep the Scheme under review and to explore all possible ways to improve the financial position of the Fund, to
reduce the administrative cost, and to
[...] vigorously consider how in practical ways [...]
the insurance industry could contribute to the Fund.
[...] 临的结构、经济、文化或法律问题,并且开始考虑 何以 帮 助 妇女及其家庭成 为自身发展主人翁的方式为他们提供服务。
By engaging in a dialogue with women and their families, healthcare providers have the opportunity to understand better the structural, economic, cultural or
legal problems faced by families and can
[...] begin to consider how their services [...]
can be rendered in a way that empowers women
and their families to be the protagonists of their development.
此外,部长们可能还想商议教科文 组织应何以最佳 方式解决重大的部门间和学科间问题——通过开展部门工 [...]
作和部门间工作的五部门传统结构或者为特定的高优先部门间主要议题创设 专门的工作组。
Moreover, Ministers may also
[...] wish to deliberate how best major intersectoral [...]
and interdisciplinary issues should be addressed
by UNESCO – through the traditional structure of five sectors pursuing sectoral and intersectoral work or the creation of dedicated task teams for specific high-priority intersectoral themes.
董事會可不時將其認為適當之全部或任何董事會權力交託或賦予董事 長、副董事長、董事總經理、聯席董事總經理、副董事總經理或執行董事,惟有關董 事必須根據董事會不時訂定及施行之有關規則及限制行使所有權力,而上述權力可於 任何時間被撤回、撤銷或修訂,惟 何以 真 誠 行事及未獲通知有關撤回、撤銷或修訂 之人士概不受影響。
The Board may from time to time entrust to and confer upon a President, Vice-President, Managing Director, Joint Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director or Executive Director all or any of the powers of the Board that it may think fit provided that the exercise of all powers by such Director shall be subject to such regulations and restrictions as the Board may from time to time make and impose, and the said powers may at any time be withdrawn, revoked or varied, but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of such withdrawal, revocation or variation shall be affected thereby.
[...] 化因素是主要原因,例如必须为养活家庭而工作的压力,这或许说明 何以 一些 行动区入学率低和辍学率高。
Needs assessments point to socio-economic and cultural factors — such
as the pressure to work to support a family — that may explain lower enrolment
[...] levels and drop out rates in some fields.
关于第四项建议,以下方面的问题仍然存在:对尽早淘汰采取奖励措施的 必要性何,以及这 些措施是否包括首先处理消耗臭氧潜能值值较高的氟氯烃,尽管就此 有与会者指出中国是生产此种物质、特别是 HCFC 141b 的唯一第 5 条国家。
As for the fourth recommendation, issues remained on the extent to which incentives for early phase-out would be necessary and whether they would cover first addressing HCFCs with a higher ODP value, although it was pointed out in that respect that China was the only Article 5 country producing such substances, notably HCFC-141b.
(b) 董事局依據(a) 段的批准配發或有條件或無條件同意 配發(不論其為依據認購權或以其他形式配發)的 任何類別股份面值總額,(不包括(i) 因供股或(ii) 任何以配發 股份代替公司全部或部分股息的以股代 息或其他類似安排配發的股份)不得超過本決議案 獲通過當日已發行的該類別股份面值總額20%,惟 根據本決議案可以全數收取現金配發(或有條件或 無條件同意配發)的任何類別股份面值總額不得超 過本決議案通過當日已發行的該類別股份面值總額 的5%;及
(b) the aggregate nominal amount of shares of any class allotted or agreed conditionally or unconditionally to be allotted (whether pursuant to an option or otherwise) by the Directors pursuant to the approval in paragraph (a), otherwise than pursuant to (i) a Rights Issue or (ii) any scrip dividend or similar arrangement providing for the allotment of shares in lieu of the whole or part of a dividend on shares, shall not exceed the aggregate of 20 per cent of the aggregate nominal amount of the shares of that class in issue at the date of passing this Resolution provided that the aggregate nominal amount of the shares of any class so allotted (or so agreed conditionally or unconditionally to be allotted) pursuant to this Resolution wholly for cash shall not exceed 5 per cent of the aggregate nominal amount of the shares of that class in issue at the date of passing this Resolution; and
De Beers 1994年才開始在中國行銷鑽石,人口眾多、中產階級快速發展的中國亦迅速採行西方以鑽戒作為訂婚信物的習俗,因此不難理解鑽石 何以 認 為該國市場的成長潛力相當可觀。
Considering that De Beers only started marketing diamonds in China in 1994, and that China’s large population with a fast growing middle class is also fast adopting the western practice of giving diamond rings for engagements, it is easy to understand why the diamond industry sees the huge growth potential in this market.
(d) 会议请协调委员会对2011 年常设委员会的为期一周的会议作出很好的 安排,以便能够给联合主席、个别缔约国以及其他方面分配足够的时间,使其能 够探索何以新的 方式利用闭会期间工作方案,更好地侧重于各国的实际情况, 或以富有创意的方式为《卡塔赫纳行动计划》的实施提供支持。
(d) The Meeting requested the Coordinating Committee to organise the week of meetings of the Standing Committees in 2011 in such a way that time is allocated for CoChairs, individual States Parties and others to experiment with the new ways of using the Intersessional Work Programme to more intensively focus on national contexts or to otherwise creatively support progress in the application of the Cartagena Action Plan.
因此,有必要密切关注 这些共同问题,并制定战略性指导意见,说明 何以 决 策 者和有关人士可以便 利地使用的方式向他们提供信息。
Thus, there was a need to give close attention to these common issues and develop strategic guidance on making information available to decision makers and relevant communities in a form that they could use expediently.
专家们不仅向设备操作员传授相关知识,还向 他们展示何以最佳方式操作系统。
They share
[...] their know-how with the employees and show them how to make optimum [...]
use of the system.
此 外,已完成了州一级的协商,其目的是讨论 何以 最 好的方式协调利比里亚的非 正式和正式法律制度,将于今年晚些时候把协商结果提供给一次全国传统司法会 [...]
In addition, consultations at the county level have
[...] been completed on how best to harmonize [...]
Liberia’s non-formal and formal legal systems,
the results of which will feed into a national conference on traditional justice later in the year to assist the larger national policymaking process.
(k) 對已簽立文件之提述包括以親筆或印鑑或電子簽署或任何其他法律
[...] 上可接受之方式簽立之文件之提述,而對通告或文件之提述包括何 以數碼、電子、磁力或其他可取用形式或媒介紀錄或儲存之通告或文 [...]
(k) references to a document being executed include references to it being executed under hand or under seal or by electronic signature or by any other legally acceptable method and references to a notice or
document include a notice or document
[...] recorded or stored in any digital, electronic, [...]
electrical, magnetic or other retrievable
form or medium and information in visible form whether having physical substance or not.
任何董事會會議或任何該等委員會會議或 何以 董 事 身份行事的人士真 誠地作出的一切行為,即使其後發現在委任任何該等董事或在委任任何人士如前 述般行事方面有任何欠妥之處,或發現彼等或彼等當中的任何人士已喪失資格, 仍屬有效,猶如每名該等人士均經妥為委任及具有資格擔任董事或該委員會成員 一樣。
All acts bona fide done by any meeting of the Board or by any such committee or by any person acting as a Director shall, notwithstanding that it shall be afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of such Director or persons acting as aforesaid or that they or any of them were disqualified, be as valid as if every such person had been duly appointed and was qualified to be a Director or member of such committee.
何 以此方 式送達的通知或文件對於沒有登記或電子地址的股東 (視情況而定)或地址不正確的股東而言是充份的送達,惟此 (B)段的內容概不得詮釋為規定本公司須向並無提供登記地址 或電子地址(視情況而定)以向其或並非名列本公司股東登記 [...]
Any notice or document served in the manner so described shall be sufficient service as regards [...]
shareholders with no registered
or electronic address (as the case may be) or incorrect addresses, provided that nothing in this paragraph (B) shall be construed as requiring the Company to serve any notice or document on any shareholder with no or an incorrect registered address or electronic address (as the case may be) for the service of notice or document on him or on any shareholder other than the first named on the register of members of the Company.
(c) 在不減損何以前授 予的現有股份持有者的特別權利的情況下,將 股份分拆為數個類別,相應附屬優先、遞延、合資格或特別權利、 優先權、有條件或有限制,倘本公司於股東大會並無作出有關決定, 董事可以予以決定,惟倘若本公司發行不附表決權的股份,則需在 相關股份的表述中加入「無表決權」一詞;如股本包括不同表決權 的股份,則需在各類別股份(具優先表決權的股份除外)的表述加上 「有限制表決權」和「有限表決權」一詞
(c) divide its shares into several classes and without prejudice to any special rights previously conferred on the holders of existing shares attach thereto respectively any preferential, deferred, qualified or special rights, privileges, conditions or such restrictions which in the absence of any such determination by the Company in general meeting, as the Directors may determine provided always that where the Company issues shares which do not carry voting rights, the words “non-voting” shall appear in the designation of such shares and where the equity capital includes shares with different voting rights, the designation of each class of shares, other than those with the most favourable voting rights, must include the words “restricted voting” or “limited voting
将服务纳入多边贸易制度和区域贸易安排的做法引起了对以下方面的关 切:服务自由化与监管之间的潜在冲突;以及贸易规则对国家监管自主性的影 响,即贸易协定是否会限制监管者的监管能力,如果是,限制程度 何 , 以 及这 种限制是否合理。
The inclusion of services in the multilateral trading system and regional trade agreements (RTAs) has raised concerns over the potential conflict between the liberalization and regulation of services and the impact of trade rules on national regulatory autonomy, i.e. whether trade agreements limit regulators’ ability to regulate, if so to what extent and whether such interaction is justifiable.
有一种观点认为,卫星运营者会欢迎每天关于空间气象危害和相应风险的 信息,而 B 专家组和 C 专家组应考虑卫星运营者以何种手 段获得空间气象信 息,及交流轨道参数,从而得以进行最准确的风险分析。
The view was expressed that satellite operators would welcome information on space weather hazards and conjunction risks on a daily basis and that expert groups B and C should consider means by which satellite operators could access space weather information and exchange orbital parameters to allow the most accurate risk analysis possible to be performed.
理事会将考以何模式设立技术援助信托基金,以支助最不发达国家和 小岛屿发展中国家参加理事会第十九届会议的工作。
The Council will consider modalities for the establishment of a technical assistance trust fund to support the participation of least developed countries and small island developing States in the work of the Council at its nineteenth session.
总务委员会在审议有关大会议程的事项时,不应讨论任何项目的 实质,除非在某种程度上因影响到总务委员会是否应建议将某一 项目列入议程、拒绝列入请求还是将其列入将来某届会议的临时 议程,以及应给予提议列入议程的项 以何 种 优先次序而必须进 行一定的讨论。
In considering matters relating to the agenda of the General Assembly, the General Committee shall not discuss the substance of any item except insofar as this bears upon the question whether the General Committee should recommend the inclusion of the item in the agenda, the rejection of the request for inclusion or the inclusion of the item in the provisional agenda of a future session, and what priority should be accorded to an item the inclusion of which has been recommended.
在限制前述一 般性的情况下,客户代表其自身及代为行事的任 何第三方就本协议无条件及不可撤销地向 PCGS 转 让、传达、出让客户或任何有关第三方可能于或 对资料及图像(无论有关图像在什么媒体 以何 种形 式重现或发表)拥有的现有及此后获得的任 何及全部权利所有权及权益(包括但不限于,版 权、专利、商业秘密及商标的权利)。
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Customer, on behalf of itself and any third party for whom Customer may be acting with respect to this agreement, unconditionally and irrevocably transfers, conveys and assigns to PCGS any and all current and any hereafter acquired rights, title and interests (including, without limitation, rights in copyright, patent, trade secret and trademark) that Customer or any such third party may have in or to the Data and the Images (on whatever media or in whatever form such Images may be reproduced or published).
[...] 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值1 0% 或 以 上 任 何 類 別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 [...]
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or
indirectly, interested in 10% or more of
[...] the nominal value of any class of share capital, [...]
or options in respect of such capital,
carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.




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