单词 | 喜出望外 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 喜出望外—overjoyed at the turn of eventsless common: be pleased beyond one's expectations [idiom.] See also:外出v—go outv 外出n—outingn 出外adj—outboundadj 出外v—go outv
在同一个拘留所,令代表团成员 喜出望外的是为 6 个月至 3 岁的儿童提供 了与外界任意一所幼儿园相媲美的幼儿教育设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same facility, the members of the [...] delegation were pleasantlysurprisedby the [...]early-childhood education facility available [...]for children aged 6 months to 3 years, which was on a par with any nursery school in the outside world. daccess-ods.un.org |
该酒丰满高贵,与其年份相符, 它会让喜爱圆润均衡口感的葡萄酒爱好者喜出望外的。 chateau-olivier.com | A rich, generous wine overall, typical of this vintage, which will be enjoyed by those who like roundness and balance. chateau-olivier.com |
随着湿婆驱逐舰有关联的可怕,嗜血,神奇的女神杜尔加,或卡利,前身为受害的人们喜出望外,现在山羊和水牛牺牲姑息。 mb-soft.com | With Siva the destroyer there was associated the terrible, [...] blood-thirsty, magical goddess Durga, or [...] Kali, formerly delighting in humanvictims, [...]now appeased with sacrifices of goats and buffaloes. mb-soft.com |
我还从 Dina 身上学到了一个词“欣喜若狂”以及另一个词“喜出望外”。 specialolympics.org | Another word I have learned from Dina is ‘overwhelmed. specialolympics.org |
AUDI投放在开发R8的资源,得到了让人喜出望外的回报。 think-silly.com | AUDI invested in R8 heavily, with tremendous rewards in return. think-silly.com |
设计酒店Klaus K 每个房间都有自己独立的特别设计;更令人喜出望外,是酒店的早餐有新鲜出炉的面包供应。 visitfinland.com | However, the best part is definitely the fresh and delicious breakfast. visitfinland.com |
安装铆钉是我们设计方案中最费时费力的一道工序,但因为有博世电钻的给力支持,我们可以从更多角度进行打孔工序,大大提高了制作工效,令我们喜出望外。 bosch.com.cn | Due to the support of the Bosch power tools, we could punch holes from more angles. bosch.com.cn |
所有的这一切,真是让我们这些走南闯北的摄影师喜出望外啊!我很早就听说过Kata的产品在摄影界享有极高的声誉,而实际使用的感受,则让我彻底明白了为什麽Kata在世界专业顶级摄影包领域享有如此高的至尊地位。 tw.evershooting.com | I'm heard about Kata products enjoy a high reputation in the photography world, and the actual use of the experience, so I completely understand why Kata enjoy such a supreme position in the world's top professional camera bag,. evershooting.com |
此外,在某些国家,希望出庭的被告有时需争取出庭许可。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, in certain countries, a defendant wishingto appeal may [...] sometimes be required to seek permission to do so. daccess-ods.un.org |
就如他喜爱的文学家杜斯妥也夫斯基的精神一样,Cucinel li希 望出一份力,令世界变得更美丽。 iwc.com | Very much in the spirit of [...] Dostoevsky, hisfavourite literaturealongside Socrates and St. Francis, Cucinelli wants to helpto make theworld [...]a more beautiful place. iwc.com |
它注意到战争、恐怖主义和极端主义导致暴力和动荡,表示希望,除其他外,阿富汗将在不远的将来有能力应对这些问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | It noted that war, terrorism and extremism [...] produced violence and insecurity [...] and expressed the hope that, inter alia, Afghanistan [...]would be able to cope with these problems in the near future. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们希望你会喜欢第24 期待“纺纱 革新”,也和以前一样,欢迎提出宝贵意见。 suessen.com | We hope, you willenjoy this 24th issue of our SPINNOVATION, and as usual, wewelcome your comments on thearticles. suessen.com |
我们如果不希望出现进一步延迟,还将需要制定 审案法官新名册,以防又有犯人被捕或是现任法官因意外原因而不能审案的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | We will also need a new roster of ad litem judges [...] to be appointed in case there are new arrests or unexpected unavailability of the currently serving judges if we do not want to risk additionaldelays. daccess-ods.un.org |
出于费用和内部掌控方面的考虑,教科文组织不希 望外部第三方介入 系统的维护与安全。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For reasons of costs and internal ownership, the [...] Organization does not wish to entrust the system’s maintenance andsecurity to outsiders. unesdoc.unesco.org |
以上是从我房间窗外望出去的情景。 4tern.com | This is my room window view. 4tern.com |
Optimal集团(纳斯达克股票代码:OPMR)旗下的WowWee公司日前宣布零售推出可爱的WowWee Alive幼仔品种、Alive睡袋美眉(TM)和Alive迷你幼仔,这些都是国内外一 些令人喜爱的、栩栩如生的长毛绒宠物,这些宠物可以对爱心和关怀作出反应。 tipschina.gov.cn | WowWee, an Optimal Group company [...] (NASDAQ: OPMR), has announced theretail launch of the new paw-sitively adorable WowWee Alive Baby Animal species, Alive Sleeping Cuties(TM), and Alive Minis, a huggable and life-like collection of domestic and exotic plush pets that respondto love and attention. [...] tipschina.gov.cn |
这就带出一个 不大不小的问题:曾俊华除了未能填补唐英年离任工商及科技局局长时的民 望外,就连起步点也远远落後於一年前的唐英年(正面评价差距19个百分比)。 hkupop.hku.hk | Thisbringsout a smallproblem which should nevertheless not be neglected: Not only did Tsang fail to fill up the popularity vacuum left by Tang, his start point also fell way behind that [...] of Tang one year ago [...](by a difference of 19 percentage points in their positive appraisal). hkupop.hku.hk |
随着云彩行动一步一步的扩展,受助人数逐渐上升,我就像亲自建 [...] 立了一个大家庭;而这个大家庭里:有失去父母照顾及关爱的孤儿 、有在贫困山区读书的贫苦学生、有甘愿面对各样委屈困难,全心 全意为他们的残障孩子付出一切的伟大母亲、也有对生命充满盼望 喜乐, 在云彩工场工作的残障青年人,每个人在我心里都是看为宝 贵的。 thesilverliningfoundation.org | Our hope is to setup support centres at different provinces, starting from Guanxi; supporting [...] the needs of the poor [...] through loveand action, in order to help them overcome poverty, as well as rebuilding hope and dignity in [...]their life. thesilverliningfoundation.org |