

单词 2-faden-gluehlampe






Ba Fa Quan "Eight Methods" - Martial Art
在与公民社会的伙伴关系方面,需要和议员加强关系,尤 其是在“非洲发展新伙伴关系”和“非洲议员促进教育论坛”方面。
With regard to partnerships with civil society, it was pointed out that relations with parliamentarians should be strengthened, particularly in the framework of NEPAD and FAPED.
以全面负责管理一个 40公顷的综合文化区而言,财务顾问估计需要聘用33名员工, 是偏向保守的估计。
Having regard to the responsibility for the overall management of an integrated cultural district of 40 hectares, FA's estimation of 33 staff members is on the conservative side.
环境调查机构的观察员敦促中国考虑采用替代技 术,在制冷和空调行业采用 HFC-410a 以及在泡沫塑料用途中采用 HFC-245fa,以避免继 续在过失的技术方面进行投资。
The observer for the Environmental Investigation Agency urged China to consider alternative technologies to the use of HFC-410a in the RAC sector and HFC-245fa in foam applications in order not to invest in outdated technologies.
这些项目和活动包括最终淘汰管理计划案例研究和 最终评价报告(已在进行中);冷风机项目长期案头研究和最终评价报告(案头研究已在 进行中,已提议进一步进行案例研究,并提出最终综合报告);评价制冷公司在泡沫塑料 制造和隔温泡沫塑料生产中改用碳氢化合物、水和 HFC-245fa 等非氟氯烃替代物质的经验 (新提案)。
They comprised case studies and the final report on the evaluation of TPMPs (under way); an extended desk study and final report on the evaluation of chiller projects (desk study under way and further case studies and a final synthesis report proposed); and an evaluation of experience in converting foam manufacture and foam insulation production by refrigeration companies to non-HCFC alternatives, such as hydrocarbons, water and HFC-245fa (new proposal).
教科文组织工会感谢财务与行政委员会主席,感谢他表示 愿意热切关注工作人员的处境,以及副总干事为使工作人员与高层负责人重开对话所表现出 的不可否认的毅力,本工会希望能够为真正透明和公正的人力资源管理工作奉献力量,但目 前还远远不够。
Thanks to the Chairperson of the FA Commission, whom STU thanks for the sincere interest he has shown in the distress of the staff, and to the undeniable will of the Deputy Director-General to restore dialogue between the staff and senior officials, the Union hopes to be able to continue to contribute to the establishment of genuine transparency and equity in human resources management, which is far from being the case at the present time.
(3) 公 司 独 立 董 事 已 认 真 对 照 了 证 监 发[2005]'20号《关 於 规 范 上 市 公 司 对 外 担 保 行 为 的 通 知 》、证 监 发[2003]56号《关 於 规 范 上 市 公 司 与 关 联 方 资 金 往 来 及 上 市 公 司 对 外 担 保 若 干 问 题 的 通 知 》,认 为 公 司 已 认 真 执 行 了 上 述 通 知 的 有 关 规 定,没 有 发 生 与 上 述 通 知 相 违 背 的 事 项。
(3) The Independent Directors of the Company have reviewed the Company’s transactions against the “Notice on Regulating External Guarantees made by Listed Companies” (Zheng Jian Fa [2005]No.'20)andthe“NoticeregardingCertainIssuesinFinancial TransactionsBetweenListed Companies and Connected Parties and External Guarantees made by Listed Companies” (Zheng Jian Fa [2003] No. 56) and are of the view that the Company has been in strict compliance with the relevant provisions under the Notice and are not aware of any breach of such notices.
(g) 关於条例草案第24条的拟议修正案拟稿的 修订本,政府当局同意从 第 (1)(fa)款 中删 除 “ 政府在” 的 字眼,以回 应助理法律顾问 的意见,就是 除 了 政府的法定 地 役 权以 外,尚 有 其他法 定 地 役 权。
(g) On the revised draft proposed CSAs to clause 24, the Administration agreed to delete the words “of the Government” from subclause (1)(fa) in response to ALA’s view that there were statutory easements other than those of the Government.
在 Hanna-El-Daher 大使 (黎巴嫩)的协调下,工作组由来自全部六个选举组(加拿 大、捷克共和国、巴基斯坦、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、刚果及摩洛哥)的代表再加上行政与 财务委员会主席、计划及对外关系委员会主席以及 C/4 和 C/5 起草组的两名联席主席组成。
Coordinated by Ambassador Hanna-El-Daher (Lebanon), the Working Group was made up of representatives from all six electoral groups (Canada, Czech Republic, Pakistan, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Congo and Morocco) plus the Chairperson of the FA Commission, the Chairperson of the PX Commission and the two co-Chairs of the C/4 and C/5 Drafting Group.
小组委员会在考虑专家顾问研究所得的观察 结果和意见後,与政府当局讨论财务顾问的分析及政府的拨款 模式。
The Subcommittee has taken note of the observations and comments of the Specialist Adviser in its deliberations on FA's analysis and the Government's funding model.
(2) 第(1)款所指的足额证明书或不足额证明书须依照附表 2 制备,并 须载有处长在根据第 65(1)(fa)条所订立的规则内指明的其他资料。
(2) The full certificate or qualified certificate referred to in subsection (1) shall be prepared in accordance with Schedule 2 and shall contain such other information as the Registrar may specify in rules made under section 65(1)(fa).
咨询专家对“节水”的支持受到了以下两个方面的影响,一是 TC 资金的削减,二是省级案例 研究 FA 资金账户的关闭,专家前往案例研究区工作更是一个问题。
Involvement in the support of ‘water saving’ by the consultants has been affected by both the reduction in the TC budget and also to the fact that since the FA Budget was closed at the provincial case study level, visiting the case study areas is more problematic.
非洲议员促进教育论坛副主席 Elizabeth Amukugo 博士就论坛的设立、目标以及与非洲 发展新伙伴关系在促进全民教育从而推动扶贫工作的联系等问题作了发言。
Dr Elizabeth Amukugo, Vice-Chairperson of FAPED, made a presentation on the setting up of that forum, its objectives and its interface with NEPAD in the promotion of Education for All and therefore helping towards the poverty reduction drive.
年内,根据张家口兴发出售之完成(於附注33(b)中载列),所有与该等担保有关的负债已自本集团解 除。
During the year, pursuant to the completion of disposal of Zhangjiakou Xing Fa as mentioned in note 33(b), all liabilities regarding these guarantees have been released from the Group.
(a) 认为政府当局须就私营机构 参与发展计划的不同情况进 行更详尽的研究,并且迫切需 要更多的资料以核实财务顾 问各项假设预测;他们在评论 就西九文化区发展计划提供 216亿元一笔过拨款是否合适 的做法时,曾遇上不少困难。
(a) Believing that the Administration should conduct a more detailed study on the cost-effectiveness of different scenarios of private sector involvements and badly in need of more information to verify FA's various assumptions and projections; they had considerable difficulties in commenting whether the approach of having an upfront endowment of $21.6 billion for the WKCD project was proper.
减少的资助金款额较建议中 所需增加的助学金、贷款和行 政开 支总额 为 少 ,这是因为职训局学生资助计划提供的资助额普遍较低, 而 且 不会包括贷款形式的资助。
The reduction in subvention is less than the total additional requirement for grants, loans and administrative expenses because the level of assistance under the FAS is generally lower, and does not include assistance in the form of loans.
同时,存在的一个问题 是,FA 实际节余资金可以用于这项新任务。
There was also an issue of the actual residual value of FA monies that could be made available for this new task.
但是,如果棉兰银行抢劫不是法德里所 说的小团伙单独作案,而是唯一真主游击队发起 的有组织的行动,那它就可能会对所谓“小组织 从事暴力行为,大组织争取社区支持”的理论提 出质疑。
But if the robbery were a more organised JAT operation than Fadly suggests, it might throw a spanner in the theory of leaving violence to small groups, while letting the larger organisations pursue community support.
在本双年度期间,非洲地区教育办事处和该地区各国之间的合作得到了加强。据此办 事处经常进行磋商考查,提供技术援助,并推动这些国家广泛和积极参加在地区范围内开展 的活动(非洲会员国教育部长会议,非洲议员促进教育论坛,在全民教育后续活动范围内进 行的磋商)等等。
Cooperation between BREDA and the countries of the region has increased during the current biennium as a result of the frequent consultation and technical support missions undertaken by the Office and of broad and active participation by these countries in the activities carried out at the regional level (MINEDAF, FAPED, consultations as part of EFA follow-up, etc.).
36 C/DR.21(伊朗伊斯兰共和国)涉及第 01000 1(b)段,想要在“发展与民间社 会的合作”后面添加“尤其是议会和教育方面的地区性议会论坛(亚太地区教育 议会论坛、非洲议员促进教育论坛、阿拉伯议员教育论坛和拉丁美洲及加勒比地 区教育议员论坛)”。
36 C/DR.21 (Islamic Republic of Iran) concerning paragraph 01000, 1(b), which seeks to insert after the words “developing partnerships with civil society, the following words: “especially parliaments and Regional Parliamentary Fora for Education (FASPPED, FAPED, FARPED and FLACPED)”.
来自泰国旅游管理局(TAT)和艺术部 (FAD)的专家应邀就泰国文化遗址相关的问题发表演讲。
Experts from the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) and the Fine Arts Departments (FAD) were invited to lecture about issues surrounding cultural heritage sites in Thailand.
(a) 其研究是以财务顾问的报告 及假设为基础;而鉴於时间 所限,他们无意提交另一份 财务建议。
(a) Their study was based on FA's report and its assumptions; and given the time constraints, they had no intention to put forward a separate financial proposal.
6.21 小组委员会深切关注到,即使投放了钜额资金兴建基 础设施及建立馆藏展品,M+的参观人次仍可能远低於财务顾 问的估计,以致M+更难建立其作为世界知名博物馆设施的地 位。
6.21 The Subcommittee is gravely concerned that notwithstanding the huge sum of money injected into the building infrastructure and exhibits, the patronage of M+ might be far below FA's estimates, and in turn it would be even more difficult for M+ to build up its status as a world renowned museum facility.
事实㆖,港府已逐渐失去殖民统治模式的强势政权,倘若不顺应大势 所趋,只会增加施政的困难。
As a matter of fact, the power politics prevalent in colonial rule is fading in the territory, and additional administrative difficulties would be created if the Administration does not follow the trend.
FA1、FA2 和 FA3 泵上涂有 “ 铝质中心部分 ” 字样, 可能出现腐蚀,具体视所用的清洁方案而定。
FA1, FA2, and FA3 pumps have painted aluminum center sections that may exhibit signs of corrosion depending on cleaning solutions used.
但楠榜人的口供丝毫没有提到印尼 战士组织,而且称他们在棉兰的主要联系人不是多 尼·托加尔而是“老板”和化名为瑟瑟普的亚历克 斯。
The Lampung testimonies make no mention of KMI and suggest their main contacts in Medan were not Toni Togar and Fadly Sadama but “the Boss” and Alex alias Cecep.
此外,我们亦会在《条例草案》 获通过後推行「经济资助计划」,为私营残疾人士院舍提供 资助,让该等院舍进行改善工程,以符合屋宇及消防安全方 面的发牌规定。
In addition, we will also implement a FAS after enactment of the Bill to provide subsidies for private RCHDs to carry out improvement works in compliance with the licensing requirements in building and fire safety.
请在拟索取/借用项目的空格内填上所需數量,然後把表格传真至传达资 源小组(传真号码:2787 3638)(地址:九龍旺角花园街 123 号A花园街市政大厦 8 樓; 电话查询号码:2381 6096)。
Please indicate the number of copies for each of the items you wish to receive/borrow from us, and return the completed form to our Communication Resource Unit via fax at 2787 3638 (Address: 8/F, Fa Yuen Street Municipal Services Building, 123A Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, Kowloon; telephone enquiry no.: 2381 6096).
(d) 於二零零七年三月十三日,洛阳高新技术开发区人民法院向张家口兴发发出强制执行通告,要求张家 口兴发向洛阳高新技术开发区人民法院支付合共约人民币27,500,000元的款项,以满足洛阳高新技术 开发区人民法院於二零零七年三月五日提供之审判,该等审判是有关根据二零零五年六月十五日张家 口兴发就河南龙浩从洛阳市商业银行取得人民币27,500,000元之贷款而向商业银行订立之担保,洛阳 市商业银行要求偿还约人民币27,500,000元之到期款项。
(d) On 13 March 2007, an enforcement notice was issued by the People’s Court of Luoyang High-tech Development Zone pursuant to which Zhangjiakou Xing Fa was ordered to pay a sum of approximately RMB27.5 million to the People’s Court of Luoyang High-tech Development Zone in satisfaction of a judgment rendered by the People’s Court of Luoyang High-tech Development Zone against Zhangjiakou Xing Fa on 5 March 2007 in relation to a claim by the Luoyang City Commercial Bank for the amount of approximately RMB27.5 million due under the guarantee dated 15 June 2005 provided by Zhangjiakou Xing Fa in favour of the Commercial Bank to secure the loan in the amount of RMB27.5 million from Commercial Bank to Henan Dragoncom.
有兴趣的业界可在食物及衞生局网页或中心网页下载谘询文件和单 张,又或到食环署分区办事处、民政事务总署分区办事处或中心位於花园街市政大厦8 楼的传达资源小组索取印刷本。
Meanwhile, interested traders might download the consultation document and pamphlet from Food and Health Bureau and CFS websites, or collect hardcopy from FEHD district offices, district offices of Home Affairs Department and Communication Resource Unit of CFS on 8/F, Fa Yuen Street Municipal Services Building.
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