

单词 驮轿

See also:


a sedan chair
a palanquin
a litter

External sources (not reviewed)

想象一下,一个机械化驮骡能 够跋涉多岩地带、蹚过泥坑、滑过冰层、钻过灌木丛并攀上陡峭的山丘。
Imagine a mechanized pack mule that can trudge through rocky terrain, wade across mud puddles, skid over ice sheets, wiggle through underbrush and climb steep hills.
2007年,中国首家国有汽车制造商一汽集团将紧凑 轿 车 (由 天津一汽夏利汽车股份有限公司生产)送往澳大利亚接受OBD(车载诊断)挑战。
FAW Group, China’s first state-owned automaker, sent compact cars (made by FAW Tianjin Xiali Automobile) to Australia in 2007 to undergo the OBD (on-board diagnostics) challenge.
在当地向导的带领下,我们和七驮 马 一起进入山地,沿著一条路前行,接近数个村子。
Assisted by local guides, we travelled into the foothills with seven packhorses, following a trail that took us close to several villages.
在纳布卢斯地区巴勒斯坦人的 Ainabus 村,来自非法定居点“Yitzhar”
[...] 的以色列定居者进入村庄,毁坏一栋房屋的围栏,并放火焚烧一 轿 车。
In the Palestinian village of Ainabus, in the Nablus area, Israeli
settlers from the illegal settlement of “Yitzhar” entered the village, breaking the fence of a
[...] home and setting a car ablaze.
只要大多数富裕消费者 将轿车和 高资源使用与高社会地位相联系,小型节能汽车的推销就将面临严峻 [...]
的挑战。19 一些国家规定了必须在汽车销售中向消费者提供信息,说明燃油经济 性标签,以培养更多对燃油经济性的消费偏好。
As long as the majority of affluent
[...] consumers associate sizeable cars and high [...]
resource use with elevated social status,
the marketing of small fuel-efficient vehicles will face formidable challenges.19 A number of countries have mandated that consumers be provided with information on describing the fuel economy labels of cars for sale in order to create a greater consumer preference for fuel economy.
为增加电轿厢空 间和提高承载量,专门设计了 XL机型。
The XL version is especially designed to provide you with greater space and load.
标准配置:交通雪糕筒4只,叉车专用垫板一个,遥控桌面叉车一辆,多弁钼局 驮 @ 个 ,小纸箱一个 套壑@∶交通雪糕筒4只,叉车专用垫板一个,遥控桌面叉车一辆,多弁钼局 驮 @ 个 , 小纸箱一个,9V电池一个(遥控器使用) 小巧精致的桌面起重机,具有非比寻常的操控性能,能帮你拿名片,手机,名片等。
Standard configuration: four traffic cones, dedicated forklift
pallets a forklift one
[...] of the remote desktop, multi-Bian the molybdenum 局 hanging pack @ a set of small cardboard box sink @ 4: Traffic cones, forklift special plate, remote desktop [...]
forklift a multi - functional
molybdenum 局 hanging pack @ a small cardboard box, 9V battery a (remote control) compact desktop crane, with extraordinary handling characteristics, can help you with your business card, cell phone, business cards, etc. .
全球有很多城市的流动问题出现危机,这已不是什么新鲜事:不可持续的用 地,加上城市密度低,以及私轿车 和摩托车的使用,不仅导致交通堵塞,事故 率迅速上升,政治家们还日益面临严重的地方空气污染及其市民和社区的有关健 康问题。
Unsustainable land use with low urban densities and the use of private cars and motorcycles have not only led to traffic congestion and a rapid increase in the accident rate. Politicians are also increasingly facing severe local air pollution and related health problems for their citizens and communities.
非价格 标准既有交付和担保条款等简单标准,也有较复杂的标准( 轿 车 排 放量);上 文第 11 条的评注[**超级链接** ]中载有关于何谓价格标准和其他标准及如何用 总价格的百分比表示这些标准的进一步指导意见。
Non-price criteria may vary from simple criteria such as delivery and guarantee terms to more complex criteria (such as the level of emissions in cars); further guidance on what constitutes price and other criteria, and their expression as a percentage of the total price, is to be found in the commentary to article 11 above [**hyperlink**].
例如,上海交通大学车辆工程专业方向,根据现代汽车 轿 车 的 发展动向,不 断调整课程设置,近年来陆续开出了《汽车工程最新进展》、《汽车与环境》、《汽车 与能源》、《汽车车身制造工艺学》等选修课程,拓宽学生的视野。
According to the development direction for modern automobiles, it has opened such elective subjects as New Advancement in Automotive Engineering, Automobiles and Environment, Automobiles and Energy Resources, White Body Manufacturing Process for Automotives, so as to widen the horizon of students.
Like the Quattroporte, its chassis design is based around a rigid and extremely secure steel safety cell that employs an array of different steel and aluminium alloys to deliver precise strengths and minimal weight.
雅加达办事处拥有三辆车辆,用于领导及其团队的官方使用,包括一辆豪 轿 车 和两 辆小型面包车。
The Jakarta Office had three vehicles for official use by the Director and staff: one limousine and two minivans.
格里森引以自豪地向用户提供的600HTL TURBO型锥齿轮研齿机,在研齿加工方面,展示了全新的功能特点与加工能力,此台高速、适应能力极强的机床, 轿 车 、卡车以及其他工业行业,将研齿的生产效率,推上了新的水平。
Gleason is proud to offer the 600HTL TURBO LAPPER® Bevel Gear Lapping Machine, bringing a new dimension of features and process capability to the lapping process.
该机构认为,冷藏卡车的生产应该继续遵守为商业制冷规定的成本效益阈 值,文件应该仅限于在卡车和轿车 上安装和维修空调设备的活动,并应该把冷藏排除 在范围之外。
UNDP considered that the production of refrigerated trucks should remain under the cost effectiveness threshold for commercial refrigeration, that the paper should be restricted to the installation and servicing of air-conditioning in trucks and buses and that cold storage should be deleted from the scope.
[...] 或通过行使专利权生产出来的;(b)牛仔服可能带有商标 轿 车 可 能带有含版权 软件拷贝的芯片;(c)光盘可能载有软件程序;(d)热力泵可能包含专利产品。
For example: (a) a tangible asset may be manufactured according to a patented process or through the
exercise of patented rights; (b) jeans may
[...] bear a trademark or cars may contain [...]
a chip that includes a copy of copyrighted
software; (c) a compact disk may contain a software programme; or (d) a heat pump may contain a patented product.
捷豹(Jaguar)推出自己的第一款配备全轮驱动的全尺寸车型:从2012年最后一个季度开始,美国和加拿大等寒冷地区的客户可以在选购E级XF跑车以及豪华型、铝结构XF豪 轿 车 时 指定选装全轮驱动(AWD)功能。
Jaguar has launched its first-ever full-sized models with all wheel drive: from the final quarter of 2012 customers in cold-weather regions such as the US and Canada will be
able to specify an AWD option on the E-segment XF sports sedan
[...] and the prestige-class, aluminum-construction [...]
XF limousine.
在 Ayn Tarma 镇,几名武装恐怖分子乘坐一辆牌照号不明的银色 Sham 车, 盗窃了残疾人 Khalid Salah Daybara 拥有的经特别改装的尼轿车, 牌照号为 0127(大马士革)。
In the town of Ayn Tarma, a number of armed terrorists in a silver-coloured Sham vehicle, licence plate No. unknown, stole a specially adapted Nissan car, licence plate No. 0127 (Damascus), from its disabled owner, Khalid Salah Daybara.
轿车、 卡车和重型设备应用中,路博润的车辆齿轮油高性能添加剂配方重点帮助减少摩擦和解决散热问题,而极压抗磨添加剂则可防止磨损、点蚀、层裂、刮擦及其他可导致设备故障和停机的问题。
For passenger cars, trucks and [...]
heavy equipment, Lubrizol's automotive gear oil performance additive packages focus on friction
reduction, heat removal and extreme pressure anti-wear additives to prevent wear, pitting, spalling, scoring, scuffing and other types of distress that can result in equipment failure and downtime.
在伊巴尔河以南,影响少数民 族社区的轻度事件比前一报告期间略有减少,包括恐吓、殴打、盗窃、财产相关
[...] 的问题、捣毁塞尔维亚东正教教堂和墓地以及在各族裔混居地区和主要是科索沃 阿族居住区的塞尔维亚车牌轿车。
South of the Ibër/Ibar River, there was a slight decrease from the previous reporting period in the number of low level incidents affecting the minority communities, including intimidation, assault, thefts, property-related issues and the
vandalizing of Serbian Orthodox churches and
[...] cemeteries, as well as cars with Serbian [...]
licence plates in mixed and mainly Kosovo Albanian areas.
该杂志对全新Quattroporte总裁系列精英版自动挡也进行了报道,称其“真正称得上是豪 轿 车 中独一无二的艺术杰作,堪比超级跑车”,而“与这款车珠联璧合”的全新自动变速箱也让许多潜在客户期盼已久。
The British magazine also makes a feature
of the new Quattroporte Automatic, “the
[...] only limo-sized saloon that truly cuts [...]
it as a work of art and surrogate supercar”
and to its new automatic transmission “so worthy of the car” remarking that this is the answer many potential customers have been waiting for.
轮椅使用者可透过预约“易轿车” ,获得24 小时全天候的个人化交通服务,便利他们与家人及社区的接触,促进他们全面融 入社会。
Wheelchair users could use the round-the-clock personal transport services by appointment. Such services could facilitate their contact with families and the community and promote their full integration into society.




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