

单词 逆水



lit. a boat going against the current (idiom); fig. you must work harder


like rowing a boat upstream, if you stop moving forward you fall back [idiom.]


Study is like rowing upstream: no advance is drop back

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

所以,特 區政府應該深刻體會逆水行舟,不進則退的大道理。
Therefore, the SAR Government should understand very well the fact that "a boat sailing against the current must forge ahead or it will be driven back".
眾所周知,要在競爭劇烈的國際社會上生存,心中須時刻保持危機意 識,否則便會有逆水行舟 般,不進則退。
As we all know, we should maintain a vigilance against crisis in order to survive in the highly competitive international community.
旦孩子的觀念已經確立,要用社區教育去改變他既定的觀念, 就逆水行舟,事 倍功半。
Once a child has taken on certain values, any attempt to change his values through community education is just like making bricks without straw.
可逆式机组由一个电动发电机和一个 逆 式 水 泵 水 轮 机 组成,水泵水轮机根据旋转方向可作为泵或水轮机使用。
Reversible machine sets consist of a motor-generator and a reversible pump-turbine [...]
that works either as a pump or as a turbine
depending on the direction of rotation.
政府以往不願意做,便說我們沒有共識,但現在有了共識, 政府仍是不願意做;再加上有這種令政 逆水 行 舟 的不良形象,當局是 否明白問題所在?
Now that a consensus has been reached, the Government is still unwilling to exercise regulation; and now there is also this undesirable impression, which has caused the Government to be doing something like sailing a boat against the currents.
不管是逆式水泵水轮机 ,还是水轮机和泵组,经证明这些设备都是非常耐用的。
Whether a reversible pump-turbine, or a turbine and pump combination, [...]
these machines have proven to be extremely durable.
發展局局長曾表示,“基於 社會上對於香港地產界的公眾形象,特區政府的工作是有 逆水行 舟 ”。
The Secretary for Development has remarked that "owing to the public image of the real estate sector in Hong Kong, both the Government and I might be doing something like sailing a boat against the currents".
劉慧卿議員: 主席,我的質詢其實很簡單,便是說社會上有這種印象, 當然,在這數十年來,最有錢的人皆是地產商,而林鄭月娥局長也說, 公眾有這個看法,令政府做逆水行 舟,我便問當局有否作出分析,找 出原因,而不是問他做過些甚麼。
Over these few decades, the richest people are surely all real estate developers, and Secretary Carrie LAM also remarked that owing to this public image, the Government might be doing something like sailing a boat against the currents.
The company’s state of the art technological level is being constantly worked on and includes latest developments on variable-speed technology and wide head range applications.
雖然有逆水行舟 ,形勢比人弱, 但仍然要頂天立地,堅守承諾,因為本人深信民主,所以相信市民的 判斷,選擇了在爭取民主的路上與市民同行。
Although we are sometimes the underdog who must go against the tide, we still need to stand upright and hold true to our promises because I firmly believe in democracy and hence, the people's judgment.
雖然今天的議題有如逆水中行 舟,但我希望大家以後能多從企業精神的角 度出發,而不是從賺錢的角度來看待事物。
Though the proposal in today's motion seems to sail against the current, I hope Members will take a different perspective in future, considering everything from the angle of entrepreneurial spirit but not in terms of money.
我明白,今天提到任何與地產發展有關的工作時,基於 社會對於香港地產界的公眾形象,我或特區政府的工作會有 逆水行 舟 ,我們要用很大的努力向大家證明,我們是為了廣大市民的利益,亦 是為了維護小業主的權益而進行這項工作。
I understand that when mention is made of work related to real estate development, owing to the public image of the real estate sector in Hong Kong, both the Government and I might be doing something like sailing a boat against the currents.
[...] 4 套完整机组,每套额定功率都为 255 MW,其中包括逆式水泵水轮机 、电动发电机、控制系统和球阀。
In a joint effort, Voith in China, Japan and Germany provided four
complete machine sets each rated at 255
[...] MW, including reversible pump-turbines, motor-generators, [...]
control systems and spherical valves.
1998 年至 2001
[...] 年期间,欧元和日元相对美元贬值大约 25%,此后,这种趋 势发逆转,对捐水平产 生了积极影响。
Between 1998 and 2001, the euro and the Japanese yen depreciated about 25 per cent against the
United States dollar, a trend that has since reversed in the other
[...] direction, with a positive impact on contribution levels.
由于空间有限,两台机组都使用逆 转 的 水 泵 水 轮 机,水可以正向或反向流经转轮,这取决于需要使用泵还是水轮机。
Due to their extremely compact measurements, both machine sets
[...] are fitted with reversible pump turbines. These can [...]
work in both directions and, depending
on the direction of rotation, function as either a pump or a turbine.
隨著新版本的INUS科技的軟件為RapidForm異的,有一些新的功能,以提高自動 水 平 和 效率 逆 向 工 程過程中。
With the new version of the software Rapidform XOR of Inus Technology There are several new features to increase the level of automation and the efficiency of the reverse engineering process.
此外,Tynes湾污水处理厂,一家 水逆 渗 透工厂最近竣工。
Additionally, there has been the recent completion of
[...] the Tynes Bay water treatment facility, a seawater reverse osmosis plant.
問題: 當局可否告知本委員會:過去一年(即 2010-11
[...] 年度)本港食水供應來源 (即本地收集雨水和購買東江水)的比例為何;最新本地收集雨水、購自 內地東水和利用逆滲透技術生產再 水 的 成 本的比較?
Could the Administration advise this Committee: the proportion of the sources (i.e. locally collected rainwater and purchased Dongjiang water) of fresh water supply in Hong Kong in the past year (i.e. 2010-11); the latest cost comparison between the locally
collected rainwater, Dongjiang water purchased from the Mainland
[...] and the production of reclaimed water using reverse osmosis technology?
[...] 术、高效短流程前处理工艺、冷轧堆一步法前处理工艺、染色一浴法新工艺、 水位 逆流漂洗工艺和高温高压小浴比液流染色工艺及设备;研究开发高温高压气流染色、 [...]
Popularize the use of highly effective water conservation auxiliaries. Popularize the use of biological enzyme treatment techniques, highly efficient short-range pre-treatment techniques, cold
rolling pre-treatment techniques, dye-bath
[...] new techniques, low-water up-stream rinsing [...]
techniques and high-temperature high-pressure
small bath-ratio liquor-stream dye-bath technology and equipment.
摩尔多瓦:全球经济和金融危机的影响,使摩尔多瓦处于在社会经济发展方面经历负 增长的危险,人们日益担心形逆转 , 在实现千年发展目标方面尤其如此。
Moldova: The impact of the global economic and financial crisis places Moldova at risk of experiencing negative performance in its socio-economic development with an increasing fear of reversal in particular with regard to the MDGs.
相互关联的多重全球危机和挑战,如粮食不安全加剧、不稳 定的能源和初级商品价格以及全球金融和经济危机,部 逆 转 了最不发达国家多 年来取得的发展成果。
Multiple, interrelated global crises and challenges, such as increased food insecurity, volatile energy and commodity prices, and the global financial and economic crisis partly reversed development gains that least developed countries achieved over the years.
本 委員會要求 政府當局放寬現行對 曾 領取政 府 ‘ 房屋福利’ 人士在出售物 業後終 生 不能申 請 出租公屋的限 制,讓 曾 領取政府‘房屋福利’的人 士 , 在出售物 業後兩 年 ,若符合輪候冊的 入息 及資產 限 額 ,便可申 請 出租公屋,而房屋署列 舉的特殊情況,包括破產、領取綜援、家庭環逆轉及 家庭面對健康或個人問題的人士, 在 出售物 業後,則可即時申 請 出租公屋。
That this Panel requests the Administration to relax the current restriction on past recipients of ‘housing benefits’ from the Government to apply for public rental housing (PRH) for life after selling their flats, so that past recipients of ‘housing benefits’ from the Government who meet the income and asset limits for the Waiting List may apply for PRH two years after the sale of their flats, and in the case of those who face the special circumstances as cited by the Housing Department, including bankruptcy, receipt of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, adverse changes in family conditions as well as medical problems in the family or personal problems, they should be allowed to apply for PRH immediately after the sale of their flats.
一般規例 內 12部涵蓋的事宜包括規管本地船隻到達和駛離有關的程序規定、本 地船隻在香水域內 航行、停泊和使用浮標及碼頭、乘客登船和離船、 處理貨物的安全規定、使用及展示燈光及訊號、對某些在中國內地或 澳門註冊的船隻的規管及管制、可透過高頻無線電話通訊運作的報告 系統的船隻航行監察服務及對香水 域 內 某些活動(例如賽事、 水、 捕魚及供給燃料活動)施加管制,以及提升本地船隻航行安全的雜項規 定。
The 12 Parts of the General Regulation cover matters from the procedural requirements governing the arrival and departure
of local vessels, the
[...] navigation in the waters of Hong Kong, the berthing of, and use of buoys and piers by local vessels, the embarkation and debarkation of passengers, the safety requirements for handling of cargo, the use and display of lights and signals, the regulation and control of certain vessel registered in Mainland or Macau, the vessel traffic service permitting a report system operated through high frequency radiotelephone communication, and the imposition of control over some activities (such as racing events, water-skiing, fishing and bunkering activities) in waters of Hong Kong, and [...]
miscellaneous requirements
enhancing the navigation safety of local vessels.
需要注意保证起草工作具有最高水准, 确保在各国政府和专家之间进行充分的磋商,以便为获得广泛的批准创造最佳的条 件。
Care needed to be taken to ensure the highest standards in the drafting process and full governmental and professional consultations with a view to creating the best possible conditions for broad-based ratification.
[...] 这特别包括:获得足够营养丰富的食物和清 水 的 权 利;适足住房权;获得良好 卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 [...]
权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥有财 产的权利。
Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution include,
inter alia: the right to adequate,
[...] nutritious food and clean water; the right to adequate [...]
housing; the right to a good standard
of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage and family; the right to education; the right to work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life; and the right to enjoy property.
应当重视提高该地区各国在以下方面 的能力:确保可持续安全饮水的供 应,城 水 资 源 的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边水和卫 生相关的问题,恢复恶化了 水 生 态 系统,对正在消失 水 资 源进行研究、预防 和解决水资源 问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地 水 观 察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to
secure sustainable and
[...] safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, [...]
research in the sustainability
of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.




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