

单词 自动提款



bank autoteller

See also:

自动 n

auto n
automation n




withdraw money
take money out of the bank

External sources (not reviewed)

绝大多自动提款机也 接受其他银行发行的银行卡,并与国际网络相联通。
Most ATMs accept cards issued by other [...]
banks and are linked to international networks.
澳新银行、联邦银行、国民银行、西太平洋银行等银行及其附属行的分支机构遍布澳大利亚全国,且许多分行都设有 24 小自动提款机(ATM)。
Branches of the ANZ, Commonwealth,
National, Westpac and affiliated banks are found all over Australia, and many
[...] provide 24-hour automated teller machines (ATMs).
Most shopping centres have
[...] automatic teller machines (ATMs).
也就是即使在到 期日全数清偿,您仍将提款 自动提款机的现金金额被收 取利息。
This means that even if you pay in full by the due date, you will still be charged
[...] interest on that cash amount taken from the ATM.
自动提款机 24 小时都可进行存取款业务。
These can be used for deposits and withdrawals 24 hours a day.
Visa 和 MasterCard 等信用卡也广为接受,包括在银行柜台 自动提款 机 上 预支现金。
Credit cards such as Visa and MasterCard are widely accepted for everything, including
[...] getting cash advances over the counter at banks and from many ATMs.
自动提款机仍 然是一种陌生的概念,开办中国的银行帐户也是一件费时费力的事情。
ATMs were still a foreign concept [...]
and opening a Chinese bank account turned out to be a long-drawn-out affair.
一旦通知扣款卡、信用卡自动提款 卡 遗 失或遭窃,对于之后发生 的未经授权交易,您并无任何责任。
once you report the loss or theft of your debit, credit or AtM card, you are not responsible for additional unauthorised transactions occurring after that.
此外,一些免费服务如 Citi Alerts,通知您最近交易明细,或在每次您的 信用卡自动提款卡使 用时收到客制化警示。
There are also free services such as Citi alerts, which allow you to view recent transactional details, or receive customised alerts each time your credit or ATM card is used.
您还可以使用该卡在 190 万自动提款机即时提现。
You can also use it
[...] to withdraw cash instantly at 1.9 million ATMs.
信用卡自动提款机、互联网诈骗 通常可以预防。
Credit card, Internet and other types of fraud can often be prevented.
自动提款机: 方便使用,设于北草坪大楼第一和第二层。
Automatic teller machines, easily accessible, are located on the first and second floors of the North [...]
Lawn Building.
多数的信用额度让消费者可以使用支票簿或 自动提 款机动用资金。
With most lines of credit,
[...] customers can make withdrawals using their cheque books or at ATMs.
有了提款卡、通过登记过的密码在 ATM 机自动提存款机)上提款、存款、 汇款、查询余款等。
With a bankcard you and a registered PIN (Personal Identification
Number), you can withdraw or deposit cash, transfer money, or check your
[...] account balance at any ATM(Automatic Teller Machine).
若要进行银行交易,请使用花旗网上银行和花旗手机银行的相应功能,播打800-830-1880(中国境内)或(8620)38801267 致电24 小时花旗电话银行,访问银行分支行或者通 自动提款 机 进 行客户的银行交易。
For banking transactions, please use the appropriate functions within Online Banking and Mobile Banking, contact
the Bank’s staff at
[...] 24-Hour Toll-free hotline at 800-830-1880 (within China) or (8620) 38801267, visit the Bank’s branches or an ATM to conduct the [...]
Customer’s banking transactions.
[...] 致电24 小时花旗电话银行,或者访问银行各分行,或者通 自动提款 机 进 行客户的银行交易。
In the event of such unavailability, the Customer may call our 24-Hour Toll-free hotline at 800-830-1880 (within China)
or (8620) 38801267 to contact us, or visit the
[...] Bank’s branches, or an ATM to conduct the Customer’s [...]
banking transactions.
为谨慎起见,您不妨在出门前写下所前往目的地的电话号码Visa全球紧急服务中心,并且运用Visa全 自动提款 机 搜索器,寻找最近 自动提款 机 ,一切自然更安心。
For good measure, note down the Visa Global Customer Assistance number for your destination before leaving home, and check out our ATM Locator to find the nearest ATMs.
第 41 条第 1(b)款(《仲裁示范法》第 34 条第 2(a)㈡款)规定,如果证明 提出申请的一方未能陈述案情,可撤销仲裁裁决,此外,法院 自动提 出 理由 (第 41 条第 2 款)。
It referred in particular to article 24, paragraph 1, of the Arbitration Act (MAL art. 18), which states that “the parties shall be treated with equality and each party shall be given a full opportunity of presenting his case”, and article 41, paragraph 1 (b) (MAL art. 34, para. 2 (a) (ii)), which states that an arbitral award may be set aside
if it is proved that
[...] the party making the application was unable to present his case, grounds that, moreover, may be raised by the court of its own motion (art. 41, [...]
para. 2).
委员会第二十八届会议通过了第 28COM19.2 号决定,回顾了《世界遗产公约》款 5 提及的缔约国的责任即“促进建立或发展有关保护、保存和展出文化 自 然 遗产的国家或地 区培训中心,并鼓励这方面的科学研究”,表示欢迎中国政府在中国建立世界遗产培训与研 究中心的动性, 并邀请中国就这一提案在 2004 年第七届特别会议上报告进展。
The World Heritage Committee at its twenty-eighth session adopted 28 COM/Decision 19.2, which recalled the responsibility of the States
Parties, in accordance
[...] with Article 5 of the “World Heritage Convention”, “to foster the establishment or development of national or regional centres for training in the protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage and to encourage scientific research in this field”, welcomed the initiative of the Government [...]
of China to establish
a World Heritage Training and Research Institute and invited China to present a progress report on this subject at its seventh extraordinary session in 2004.
例如,“信托基金”是以一个捐助者为一项/多项特定 动提 供 的 捐款为基础 的,特别账户是由多个捐助者为专题 动 捐 款 , “ 自 利 信托基金”则是由某个捐助国为实施 有益于本国的预算外项目提供的。
For example, “Funds-in-Trusts” are based on contributions generally made by
one donor towards a
[...] particular activity/activities, Special Accounts involve multiple donors contributing to thematic activities, and “Self-benefiting Funds-in-trusts” [...]
are provided
by a specific donor country for extrabudgetary projects implemented for the benefit of that country.
这里总的挑战是急需运转的有效的监察系统 和必要自动化,从而提高报 告编制进程的效率,包括各种集合。
The overall challenge here is the urgent need for
functional and effective monitoring systems
[...] and the necessary automation to improve efficiency [...]
in the reporting process, including various aggregations.
然而,政府没有对下列款提出保留:第 2 条,该 条责成政府尊重和确保在其领土之内和管辖范围内的所有个人享有《公约》承认 的权利,不得在宗教基础上加以区别;第 20 条,该条责成政府依法禁止动民 族、种族或宗教仇恨,这些构成动 歧 视、敌对或暴力;第 26 条,该条禁止基 于宗教原因的歧视;以及第 27 条,该条规定成员享有信奉和实自 己 的 宗教的 权利。
The Government did not, however,
enter reservations to:
[...] article 2, which obliges the Government to respect and to ensure the rights recognised in the Covenant to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction without distinction on the basis of religion; article 20, which obliges the Government to prohibit by law the advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence; article 26, which prohibits discrimination on religious grounds and article 27, which provides for the right of members to profess and practice their own religion.
各国应根据 第 8 条第(2)款,提供有 效机制,以防止“旨在或实际上剥夺他们土地、领土或 资源的动”;第 20 条第(1)款规定 ,土著人民有权安稳地“享 自 己 的 谋生和 发展手段”,有自由地 从事“他们所有传统的和其他经济活动”;第 26 条第(2) 款规定土著人民有权拥有、使用、开发和控制“因他们传统上的占有或使用而持 有的,以及他们以其他方式获得的土地、领土和资源”。
States shall, according to article 8, paragraph 2, provide effective mechanisms
[...] for prevention of “any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources”; article 20, paragraph 1, states that indigenous peoples have the right to be secure in “the enjoyment of their own means of subsistence and development” and to engage freely in “all their [...]
traditional and other
economic activities”; while article 26, paragraph 2, establishes the right for indigenous peoples to own, use, develop and control “lands, territories and resources that they possess by reason of traditional ownership or other traditional occupation or use”.
这些资金可部分自提高下 一个双年 度的预算最高限额,以及在 C/5 范围内所作的调整数额,从而确保全民教育 动 的 关 键性内 容得到优先考虑和获得追加预算款。
These may come in part from a
[...] raising of the budget ceiling during the next biennium, along with further adjustments within the C/5 document to ensure that key aspects of EFA action are prioritized and receive additional budgetary allocations.
本人確認:(i)會就使用自動增值服務及 / 或個人八達通遵守本申請款、自動 增 值協議及八達通發卡條款;(ii)知悉及同意於本申請獲批核後, 本人之個人資料將連繫至本人持有之八達通;(iii)已細閱、明白及同 自 動 增 值協議 款第 3 3 至 40 關於個人資料(私隱)條例的通知;(iv) 同意及 授權恒生可將閣下於申請表提供及 留存於恒生其他紀錄之個人資料披露予八達通卡有限公司;並同意此授權將於取消自動增值服務或八達通或 個人八達通後繼續生效。
I confirm that I agree: (i) to be bound by the Terms of Application, the AAVS Agreement and the Conditions of Issue of Octopus in the use of the AAVS and/or the Personalised Octopus; (ii) acknowledge and agree that upon the approval of the Automatic Add Value Service, my personal data provided in this application will be associated with my Octopus; (iii) agree that I have read, understood and agreed with the notice relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance contained in clauses 33 to 40 of the AAVS Agreement; (iv) agreed and authorised Hang Seng to disclose the Octopus Cards Limited your personal data set out on the Application form and your data which Hang Seng may have from its other records, and agreed that this authorization shall survive, and continue after, the cancellation of the AAVS or cancellation of the designated Octopus or Personalised Octopus.
大会第六十四届会议请秘书长按照第 63/128 号决议第 5 段的规定,注意到 其报告(A/64/298)第 97 段的内容,提交其关于联合国法治 动 的 下 一年度报告; 邀请国际法院、联合国国际贸易法委员会和国际法委员会在 自提 交 大 会的报告 中对其目前促进法治的作用发表评论;邀请法治协调和资源小组和法治股继续定 期与会员国互动,特别是举行非正式通报会;邀请各会员国在第六委员会于大会 第六十五届会议期间的辩论中重点就“会员国实施国际法的法律和实践”这一分 专题作出评论(第 64/116 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit his next annual
report on United Nations
[...] rule of law activities pursuant to paragraph 5 of resolution 63/128, taking note of paragraph 97 of his report contained in document A/64/298; invited the International Court of Justice, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and the International Law Commission to continue to comment, in their respective reports to the [...]
Assembly, on their current
roles in promoting the rule of law; invited the Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group and the Rule of Law Unit to continue to interact with Member States on a regular basis, in particular in informal briefings; and invited Member States to focus their comments in the Sixth Committee debate at the sixty-fifth session on the sub-topic “Laws and practices of Member States in implementing international law” (resolution 64/116).
鉴于国际进行的反海盗努力以及本法令第 4 条第 13 款提及的军事人员参加动,又 联系 2008 年 11 月 10 日理事会第 2008/851/PESC 号欧洲联盟联合行动, 在等待联合国国际海事组织海事安全委员会的导则批准之前,授权在未建立第 1 款所述分遣队和符合第 5 款、5 之二、5 [...]
之三规定限度的情况下,在悬挂意大利 旗帜通过第 1 款所述国际海域的商船上,部署
1931 年 6 月 18 日第 773 号皇家法 令批准关于公共安全的统一法律案文第 133 和 134 条核可的“宣誓卫兵”,以保 护所述船舶。
In the context of international efforts for counter-piracy and the
participation of military
[...] personnel in the operations referred to in article 4, para. 13 of this decree, and also in conjunction with the European Union Joint Action 2008/851/PESC [...]
of the Council, of
10 November 2008, and awaiting the approval of the guidelines of the Maritime Safety Committee of the United Nations within the International Maritime Organization (IMO), it is authorized — whereas the detachments referred to in para. 1, are not established — and in any case within the limits established in paras. 5, 5-bis, 5-ter, the employment of “sworn guards”, authorized under articles 133 and 134 of the Unified law text on Public Security, approved with Royal Decree 18 of June 1931, No. 773, on board merchant ships flagged in Italy transiting in international waters referred to in para. 1, for the protection of the said ships.
部 长理事会在 1980 年通过的在欧洲理事会范围内缔结的公约和协定的最后条款范本提议了关于 保留效果对等性的下列条款:“已对 [有关协定 ]的 款提 出 保 留的当事方 不得要求任何其他当 事方适用该条款;但是,如果保留是部分的或有条件的,只要 自 己 已 经予以接受,就可以 要求予以适用” (第 e 条,第 3 段)。
The Model Final Clauses for Conventions and Agreements Concluded within the Council of Europe adopted by the Council of Ministers in 1980 proposes the following provision relating to reciprocity of the effects of reservation: “A Party which has made a reservation in respect of a provision of [the Agreement concerned] may not claim
the application of that provision by any
[...] other Party; it may, however, if its reservation is partial or conditional, claim the application of that provision insofar as it has itself accepted it” (art. e, para. 3).
其中最为重要的是粮食价格 持续上涨并导致营养缺失;过去四年商品价格极度 动 对 增 长造成负面累积影 响,并威胁到来之不易的发展成就,特别是导致在其他方面采用健全宏观经济政 策的最不发达国家出现通货膨胀;国际金融危机及其后续调整的延续性影响;以 及通过预算款提高债 务水平和降低许多最不发达国家的增长预期,使债务可持 续性遭受损害。
Among the most important are the secular rise in food prices and the resulting
nutrition scarcity; extreme
[...] volatility in commodity prices during the past four years, which has had negative cumulative effects on growth and has threatened to unwind hard-earned developmental successes, not least by inducing inflation in least developed countries that were otherwise following sound macroeconomic policies; lingering effects of the international financial crisis and subsequent adjustments; and undermining debt sustainability by increasing debt levels through borrowing for [...]
budgetary support, and by lowering
growth prospects for many least developed countries.
亚太信通培训中心希望在下列领域获得经社会的支持:(a) 在各 个成员国内对信通技术司和亚太信通培训中心的方案开展宣传;(b) 为信 通技术司能力建提供预算拨款,并 推 动 为 国家和地方政府提供信通技术 培训;(c) 为亚太信通培训中心政府领导人信通技术基础知识学院这一核 心方案的开展、以及最佳实践个例研究的收集和记录寻求潜在合作伙伴; (d) 在资源、专家和教员的分享方面鼓励开展区域合作,尤其是重视妇女 的参与。
APCICT seeks support from the Commission in (a) advocating for ICTD and APCICT programmes in individual member countries; (b) allocating budgets for ICTD capacity-building and promoting ICT training for national and local governments; (c) identifying potential partners for the roll-out of the APCICT core programme, the Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders and the collection and documentation of case studies of good practices; and (d) encouraging regional cooperation in the sharing of resources, experts and trainers, with particular focus on the participation of women.




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