

单词 月薪

月薪 noun, plural ()

monthly salaries pl

月薪 ()

monthly income (in kind)


月薪酬 n

monthly remuneration n

月薪金 n

month's salary n

See also:


salary n
fuel n

External sources (not reviewed)

如該公務員選擇後者,“額外退休金”的金額 會根據該人員受傷時月薪及喪 失賺取收入能力的百分率計 算。
If he or she chooses the latter, the "additional
pension" amount will be calculated with
[...] reference to his or her monthly earnings at the time [...]
of injury and the percentage of loss of earning capacity.
(c) 低 層 薪金級別:總
[...] 薪級表第10點 以下或同等薪 點 ( 包 括第一標薪級), 即 月薪15,520港 元 以下。
(c) Lower Band: below MPS Point 10 or equivalent (including
[...] Model Scale One) i.e. below HK$ 15,520 per month.
本公司按員工月薪資總 額百分之 二提撥員工退休基金,交由勞工退休準備金監督 委員會以該委員會名義存入中央信託局之專戶。
The pension fund is managed by an independently administered pension fund committee and deposited in the committee’s name in the Central Trust of China.
就此, 庭长提议,从 2010 年 1 月 1
[...] 日起,根据国际法院法官的年薪调整法庭法官的年 薪,经调整后,法庭法官的月薪酬与 2009 年大致相同。
In that regard, the President proposed that, effective 1 January 2010, the annual remuneration of the members of the Tribunal be adjusted in line with that
of the members of the Court, as a
[...] result of which the monthly remuneration of judges of [...]
the Tribunal would remain approximately the same as in 2009.
月薪依据 各维和特派团的均值,本国专业干事的指示性级别是 NOB/1,一般事务职等是 [...]
Monthly salary rates are derived from [...]
the average across peacekeeping missions with indicative grades of NOB/1 for National
Professional Officers and GS-4/6 for General Service levels.
(d) 关于向工作人员赔付相当于 6 个月薪金甚至更多赔偿的详细资料,同时 列明所涉部厅、这些部厅的所在地以及案情细节。
(d) Detailed information on payments of compensation to
[...] staff equal to six months of salary or more, with an [...]
indication of the offices or departments
concerned, the location of these offices or departments and some details of the facts of the case.
歐陽慧女士享有75,000港月 薪,乃 參考當前市場薪金水平及其對本公司事務付出的時間、努力及專長而釐定。
Ms. Au-Yeung
[...] Wai is entitled to a monthly salary of HK$75,000 which [...]
was determined by reference to the prevailing market
rate and his time, effort and expertise devoted to the Company’s affairs.
如该行为发生在体育或文化设施内,犯罪人还应处以当前法定最 月薪 五 (5 ) 至十(10)倍的罚款,并禁止进入该体育或文化设施,禁入期限为六(6)个月至三 [...]
If the act is committed in a sports or cultural facility, the offender shall also be liable to a fine of between
five (5) to ten (10) times the
[...] current minimum statutory monthly wage and prohibited [...]
from entering the sporting or cultural
facility for a period of between six (6) months and three (3) years.
月薪额是 根据相应级别的工作 人员的净基本工资予以计算的,并考虑到只有工作人员才能享受的某些福利,如年假,因而 有所增加。
These rates are calculated on the basis of the net base salary for staff members [...]
in the corresponding grade, increased to
take account of certain benefits granted only to staff members, such as annual leave.
對適用該條例之員工,本公司每月 負擔之員工退休金提撥率,不得低於員工 月薪 資 百 分之六。
For employees, the Company shall make
[...] monthly contributions to individual pension accounts on a basis no less than 6% of the employees’ monthly wages.
由 2010 年 4 月起,我們在合約訂明,中介公司支付 予他們的中介公司員工的薪金,在有關的服務合約的整段期間,均不得低於
[...] 邀請競投時,政府統計處最新出版的《工資及薪金總額按季統計報告》所公 布的「所有選定行業其他非生產級工人」的平 月薪。
Since April 2010, we specified in the contracts that the EAs must pay their agency workers wages no less than the average monthly wage of miscellaneous non-production workers in all selected industries published in the latest Census and Statistics Department’s Quarterly Report of Wage
and Payroll Statistics at the time when
[...] tenders were invited for the whole duration of the concerned [...]
service contracts.
根据现行法律,以无限期合同雇用残疾毕业生(其学业由国家预算资助,尚 未分配到工作)连续 18 个月按月获得津贴,对每名被雇用残疾毕业生的津贴相当 于其最月薪;这类雇主还可获得就业和再就业津贴。
According to the legislation in force, employers that employ graduates with disabilities on a indefinite period contract, the studies of which have been financed by the state budget and which have
not been assigned a
[...] job, receive a monthly allowance for 18 consecutive months, for each employed graduate with disability, equal to a minimal monthly salary; these categories [...]
also benefit from professional
integration and reintegration allowances.
我国政府在头 50 天内以公开、透明的方式向我 国部队士兵支付了第一月薪。
Within our first 50 days, our Government has openly and transparently
[...] completed our first monthly payment of stipends [...]
to our soldiers.
l 計劃為每月薪不超 過 10,000 元而擁有強積金戶口的僱員和自僱人士一次過注入 6,000 元。
with immediate effect. l Propose to make a one-off injection of HK$6,000 into the MPF accounts of those who earn not more than HK$10,000 each month.
由 於 現 任 唯 一 執 行 董 事 周 先 生 將 辭 任 董 事 職 務 , 為 確 保 本 集 團 業 務 之 持 續 性 , 現 建 議 根 據 收 購 守 則 第 25 條 有 關 特 別 交 易 之 規 定 , 周 先 生 將 與 本 公 司 訂 立 服 務
協 議 , 以 委 任 其 擔 任 本 公
[...] 司 之 顧 問 , 自 服 務 協 議 日 期 起 為 期 兩 年月 薪 150,000 港 元 , 與 其 現 時 任 職 執 行 董 事月 薪 相 同 , 另 就 其 根 據 該 服 務 協 議 擔 任 顧 問 於 [...]
任 職 日 起 計 各 週 年 日 額 外 獲 付 150,000 港 元 。
Since Mr. Chow, the existing sole executive Director, will resign as a Director, for the purpose ensuring continuity of the Group’s business, it is proposed that subject to compliance with the requirement under Rule 25 of the Takeovers Code with respect to special deal, Mr. Chow will enter into the Service Agreement with the Company in relation to his appointment as a consultant of the Company for a term of two years commencing from
the date of the
[...] Service Agreement with a monthly fee of HK$150,000, which is the same as his current monthly salary as an executive Director, [...]
and an additional
payment of HK$150,000 on each anniversary of his commencement of service as consultant under such the Service Agreement.
問13 :月薪僱員 在一工資期內,因補假或其他編更安 排,放取了較多或較少的休息日,僱主在計算最 [...]
Q 13 : If a monthly-rated employee takes extra [...]
(or fewer) rest days in a wage period because of substituted rest days or
duty roster arrangement, how should the employer count the total number of hours worked in computing minimum wage?
(d) 公司秘書何漢明先生之基月薪由 2012 年 1 月 1 日起增加至 81,900 港元。
(d) The monthly basic salary of Mr. Ho Hon Ming, John as Company Secretary was increased to HK$81,900 per month with effect from [...]
1 January 2012.
(b) 就該月須支付予僱員的工資: 6,234元[8,500元-1,133元(4天休息日薪酬)
[...] -1,133元(4天全薪病假的疾病津貼)]3 在這例子中,由於(b)不少於(a),因此他 月薪 8,500元已符合最低工資的要求。
(b) Wages payable to the employee in respect of this month: $6,234 [$8,500 - $1,133 (pay for 4 rest days) - $1,133 (sickness allowance for 4 days of full-paid sick
leave)]3 In this example, since (b) is not
[...] less than (a), his monthly wage of $8,500 has [...]
met the minimum wage requirement.
貸 款 額 高 達 HKD800,000月 薪 8 倍(5) ( 以 較 低 者 為 準 ) [...]
, 還 款 期 長 達 60 個 月(6)。
Loan amount of up to HKD800,000
[...] or 8 times your monthly salary(5) (whichever is [...]
lower), flexible repayment periods up to 60 months(6).
口译员和笔译员月薪净额 由首协会秘书处计算并公布。
Monthly net rates for interpreters [...]
and translators are calculated and published by the CEB secretariat.
任何人未经相关部门许可,擅 自生产、分发、供应或推销有害健康的化学产品或物质,应处以五(5)
[...] 年以上十一(11)年以下的有期徒刑、当前法定最 月薪 二 百(200)至一 千五百(1 500)倍的罚款,并取消服刑期间担任公职或从事任何专业、 [...]
Anyone who, without permission from the relevant authorities, produces, distributes, supplies or markets chemical products or substances harmful to health shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of between five (5) and eleven (11) years, a fine of between two hundred (200) and one thousand
five hundred (1,500) times the
[...] current minimum statutory monthly wage and disqualification [...]
from holding public office or
carrying out any professional, artistic or commercial activity for the duration of the sentence.
月薪是12 ,000元,是全港薪水最高的DJ!無論怎麼看,這也是正確的決定。
I was making $12,000 a month, which made me the [...]
highest paid DJ in Hong Kong at the time!
包括生产和预算部门在内并按经济活动分列的国民经济雇员平 月薪 动态 列于附件 1 表 10。
The dynamics of the average monthly salary of an employee of the national economy, including the production and budgetary sectors and disaggregated on economic activities, is presented in Table No. 10 from Annex No. 1.
黎先生有權收取月薪金港幣 206,153.85 元、額外之定額花紅(金 額相當於其過往 12 個月於本公司的平均月薪金(若少於 12 個月,則按比例計 算))、董事會薪酬委員會不時批准之酌情花紅(此乃按他於本公司之責任、本公司表 現及市況而釐定)及股東於股東週年大會釐定之董事袍金。
Mr. Lai is entitled to a monthly remuneration of HK$206,153.85, a fixed bonus equivalent to his average monthly salary for the past 12 months with the Company [...]
(or if less than 12 months, on a pro rata basis), a discretionary bonus as approved by the compensation
committee of the Board from time to time with reference to his duties and responsibility with the Company, the Company’s performance and the current market situation, and is entitled to the Directors’ fees as determined by the shareholders at its annual general meeting.
根据这一拟议的决定,法庭法官 2010 年月薪酬将与 2009 年 12 月几乎相 同。
On the basis of this proposed
[...] decision, the monthly remuneration of judges would remain almost the same for 2010 as for December 2009.
61%受訪者習慣性超時工作,月薪港 幣 10,000元或以下的僱員工作時數最長。
Those with a monthly income of HK$10,000 [...]
or less worked the longest number of hours while 61% of employees regularly worked overtime each week.
同時, 依 據 中 國 相 關 法 規,本 集 團 參 與 相 關 政 府 機 構 推 行 的 社 會 保 險 計 劃,根 據 該 計 劃,本 集 團 按 照 僱 員月 薪 一 定 比 例 繳 納 僱 員 的 社 會 保 險。
In accordance with applicable PRC regulations, the Group participated in social insurance contribution plans organised by the relevant
government authorities,
[...] under which we paid monthly contributions towards each employee’s social insurance in an amount equivalent to a specified percentage of his/her monthly salaries.
[...] 用特定的薪級點作為分界線,規定政府在聘用 人員擔任薪點月薪不少 於總薪級表第 30 點所 訂金額(在一九七四年十二月三十一日為 [...]
3,380 元)的職位時,必須徵詢委員會的意見。
The Commission’s advice was required
on all appointments to fill posts
[...] attracting a maximum monthly salary which was [...]
not less than the amount specified at MPS
Point 30 (i.e. $3,380 as at 31 December 1974).




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