单词 | 叶柄 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 叶柄 noun —petioles pl叶柄 —leafstalkSee also:叶—lobe • be in harmony • surname Ye • (historical) period 叶 n—leave n • foliage n • page n 柄 n—shank n • stalk n • butt n 柄—handle or shaft (of an axe etc) • sth. that affords an advantage an opponent • (of a flower, leaf or fruit) stem 柄—classifier for knives or blades
叶互生,达50厘米;叶柄和轴 具鳞片的或无毛; 小叶柄1-15毫 米,有时稍膨大,具稀疏或密鳞片,有时几无毛;小叶3-9,互生到近对生; 小叶叶片椭圆形,长圆形,卵状披针形,或者披针形, [...] 5-20(-30) * 2-7.5(-11.5) 厘米, [...]纸质到革质,两面无毛或正面只在中脉上具鳞片,背面只在脉上具鳞片或整个背面都具鳞片,背面中脉突出,正面背腹扁平, 次脉在中脉两边各(8-)12-15(-16),背面突出或背腹扁平,正面平坦,突出,或背腹扁平,基部圆形或一侧多少偏斜楔形且明显下延另一侧圆形,先端渐尖到钝。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves alternate, to 50 cm; petiole and rachis lepidote or glabrous; petiolules [...] 1-15 mm, sometimes slightly inflated, sparsely [...]to densely lepidote, sometimes glabrescent; leaflets 3-9, alternate to subopposite; leaflet blades elliptic, oblong, ovate-lanceolate, or lanceolate, 5-20(-30) × 2-7.5(-11.5) cm, papery to leathery, both surfaces glabrous or adaxially lepidote only on midvein and abaxially lepidote on veins only or on entire surface, midvein abaxially prominent and adaxially depressed, secondary veins (8-)12-15(-16) on each side of midvein, abaxially prominent or depressed, and adaxially flat, prominent, or depressed, base rounded or ± oblique by being cuneate and conspicuously decurrent on one side and rounded on other, apex acuminate to obtuse. flora.ac.cn |
通过开花期早落的基生叶; 0.7张-6厘米的基部和下部茎生叶具 叶柄 , 背 面和稍微棕色具长柔毛或具腺具长柔毛; 叶片心形心形到卵形, 1.6-4.5 * 1.1-3.2 厘米,背面和稍微具腺具长柔毛的棕色具长柔毛或,基部心形,先端锐尖; 上部茎生叶具叶柄1-10毫米,棕色腺体具长柔毛,叶片卵形到披针形, 1.3-3.2 * 0.5-1.7 厘米,背面和稍微具腺柔毛,正面无毛或具腺柔毛,基部楔形或圆形,先端锐尖或近渐尖; 大多数上部茎生叶具腺的具长柔毛和短腺毛在边缘。 flora.ac.cn | Basal leaves caducous by anthesis; basal [...] and proximal cauline [...] leaves with petiole 0.7-6 cm, abaxially and marginally brown villous or glandular villous; leaf blade cordate to ovate-cordate, 1.6-4.5 × 1.1-3.2 cm, abaxially and marginally brown villous or glandular villous, base cordate, apex acute; distal cauline leaves with petiole 1-10 mm, brown [...]glandular villous, [...]leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, 1.3-3.2 × 0.5-1.7 cm, abaxially and marginally glandular pilose, adaxially glabrous or glandular pilose, base cuneate or rounded, apex acute or subacuminate; most distal cauline leaf glandular villous and shortly glandular hairy at margin. flora.ac.cn |
茎淡绿到绿色, 通常成熟时成为红紫色, 叶具叶柄,上部的通常具短叶柄或近 无 柄; 叶柄0.5-4 厘米,无毛,反曲的具皮刺的沿着棱; 正面的叶片绿色,淡绿背面,宽披针形的到长圆形, 2-8.5 * 1-3 厘米,薄,背面无毛,中脉的背面的通常反曲的具皮刺的近基部, 正面无毛到密被短柔毛有贴伏的简单的多列毛,斜的托叶鞘,0.5-1.3厘米,干膜质,无毛,经常,身体虚弱纤毛的在顶部,下部1 [...] 经常撕裂。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves petiolate, upper ones often shortly petiolate or subsessile; petiole 0.5-4 cm, glabrous, retrorsely prickly along angles; leaf blade green [...] adaxially, light [...]green abaxially, broadly lanceolate to oblong, 2-8.5 × 1-3 cm, thin, abaxially glabrous, abaxially usually retrorsely prickly near base of midvein, adaxially glabrous to densely pubescent with appressed simple multiseriate hairs, base sagittate to deeply cordate with small rounded or triangular lobes, margin ciliate or eciliate, apex acute to subacute or obtuse; ocrea oblique, 0.5-1.3 cm, scarious, glabrous, often weakly ciliate at tip, lower ones often lacerate. flora.ac.cn |
叶柄淡黄 棕色,5-7毫米; 不同季节叶片二型;春天叶小的,叶片椭圆形到长圆形, 1-4 * [...] 0.8-2 厘米,薄纸质的或膜质,基部钝,边缘全缘,先端圆形的或钝;秋天叶更大,叶片长圆状倒卵形或者宽椭圆形, 6-10 * 3-5 厘米, 背面白色具棕色的小圆点,鳞片重叠, [...]多数白色, 少数棕色, 边缘流苏状撕裂到多少星状,背面幼时具绒毛,毛被为星状毛,不贴伏,侧脉在中脉每边8-10,老叶正面深凹陷。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole yellowish brown, 5-7 mm; leaf blade dimorphic [...] by season; spring leaves small, leaf blade elliptic to oblong, 1-4 [...]× 0.8-2 cm, thinly papery or membranous, base obtuse, margin entire, apex rounded or obtuse; autumn leaves larger, leaf blade oblong-obovate or broadly elliptic, 6-10 × 3-5 cm, abaxially white with brown dots, scales overlapping, mostly white, a few brown, margin fimbriate-lacerate to ± stellate, adaxially tomentose when young, indumentum of stellate hairs, not appressed, lateral veins 8-10 per side of midrib, deeply impressed adaxially in old leaves. flora.ac.cn |
叶基生,宽,硬,对开花期宿存; 叶柄离生; 叶片长圆状倒卵形, 椭圆形 通常的花序单生,大,伞房花序状的或圆锥状; 主轴圆筒状,擦亮; 轴3或4 X 分开; 小枝纤细和直立; 在分岔处上的不育枝通常无或单的和单生; 穗状花序具2-7小穗,浓密在小枝的上半部分上的簇生; 小穗1或2(或)花; 宽卵形的苞片,1-1.5毫米,边缘狭膜质; 第1 小苞片2-2.5毫米,边缘膜质。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences usually solitary, large, corymbiform or paniculate; main axis cylindrical, polished; rachis 3 or 4 X branched; branchlets slender and erect; sterile branches usually absent or simple and solitary on forks; spikes with 2--7 spikelets, densely clustered on upper part of branchlets; spikelets 1- or 2(or 3)-flowered; bracts broadly ovate, 1--1.5 mm, margin narrowly membranous; first bractlet 2--2.5 mm, margin membranous. flora.ac.cn |
叶柄粗壮,V形成和有点抱茎的在基部,1.5-2.5厘米,具角和干燥时横向起皱,那些在小枝上的顶生1或2对通常玫瑰色的;叶片发亮,椭圆形或者长圆形到长圆状披针形, [...] ( 14-)20-34 * (4-)6-12 厘米,厚革质,中脉粗壮,两面突起; [...]脉紧密,到35-40 对,在边附近弯成弓形的和网结;明显的第三脉和细脉,宽楔形的基部多少,边缘内卷,先端锐尖到钝,很少渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole robust, V-shaped [...] and somewhat clasping at base, 1.5-2.5 cm, angled and transversely wrinkled when dry, those of [...]terminal 1 or 2 pairs on branchlet usually rose-colored; leaf blade shiny, elliptic or oblong to oblong-lanceolate, (14-)20-34 × (4-)6-12 cm, thickly leathery, midvein robust, raised on both surfaces; veins dense, to 35-40 pairs, near margin arching and anastomosing; tertiary veins and veinlets conspicuous, base ± broadly cuneate, margin involute, apex acute to obtuse, rarely acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
托叶约1.5毫米,早落; 叶柄3.5-9.5厘米; 叶片卵形的或长卵形,很少椭圆形, 8-22 * 4-11 [...] 厘米, 正面几乎不发亮, 背面具苍白乳突, 每面从边缘具3-12腺体,基部的明显增大,基部锐尖到钝,很少渐狭或心形,不为耳状,边缘全缘,先端渐尖;中脉的背面突起,10-16对侧脉。 flora.ac.cn | Stipules [...] ca. 1.5 mm, caducous; petioles 3.5-9.5 cm; leaf blade [...]ovate or long ovate, rarely elliptic, 8-22 × 4-11 cm, adaxially [...]hardly shining, abaxially pale papillate, with 3-12 glands per side from margin, basal ones distinctly enlarged, base acute to obtuse, rarely attenuate or cordate, not auriculate, margins entire, apex acuminate; midvein elevated abaxially, lateral veins 10-16 pairs. flora.ac.cn |
叶长约20厘米;小叶5-9; 小叶柄5-10毫米; 轴和小叶柄具条 纹,具短柔毛或者近无毛;叶片长圆状卵形的或长圆状圆形, 6-13 * 4-5 厘米,硬纸质,基部圆形或宽楔形偏斜,靠近先端边缘疏生锯齿,先端锐尖或尾状;侧脉9-11 对,疏生被短柔毛,中脉和侧脉两面突出,特别背面。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves ca. 20 cm; leaflets 5-9; petiolules 5-10 mm; rachis and petiolules striped, shortly pubescent or nearly glabrous; blades oblong-ovate or oblong-rounded, 6-13 × 4-5 cm, rigidly papery, base rounded or broadly cuneate, oblique, margin sparsely serrate near apex, apex acute or caudate; lateral veins 9-11 pairs, sparsely shortly pubescent, midrib and lateral veins prominent on both surfaces, especially abaxially. flora.ac.cn |
叶对生,大小近等; [...] 托叶狭三角形, 3-4 * 1.5-5 毫米,在基部合生; 叶柄4-12厘米; 叶片淡绿背面,正面干燥时深绿色的,卵圆形到近圆形,很少宽卵形,有时斜卵形, [...] 8-17 * 6.5-14 厘米,草质,基出脉延长到顶端的1/5的叶片,基部心形,圆形的截形或宽楔形,边缘具圆齿,先端骤尖到短渐尖,很少渐尖,端部全缘。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves opposite, subequal in size; stipules [...] narrowly triangular, 3-4 × 1.5-5 mm, [...] connate at base; petiole 4-12 cm; leaf blade light green [...]abaxially, dark green adaxially [...]when dried, ovate-orbicular to suborbicular, rarely broadly ovate, sometimes obliquely ovate, 8-17 × 6.5-14 cm, herbaceous, basal veins extending into apical 1/5 of leaf blade, secondary veins 3 or 4 each side of midvein, reticulate veins slightly raised abaxially, abaxial surface subglabrous, adaxial surface sparsely adpressed strigose, glabrescent; base cordate, rounded truncate or broadly cuneate, margin crenate, apex cuspidate to shortly acuminate, rarely acuminate, tip entire. flora.ac.cn |
叶柄1.5-3厘米,密被灰白色短柔毛; 叶片纸质到薄革质,宽卵形或近圆形, [...] 9-12 * 5.5-8 厘米,背面带绿色,密被灰白色绢毛,正面深绿色,稍发亮,后变无毛,基部圆形或有时近心形,先端渐尖;侧脉(4或)5或6 对,平行,接近边缘网结,正面多离生。 flora.ac.cn | Petioles 1.5-3 cm, densely [...] gray-white pubescent; leaf blade papery to thinly coriaceous, ovate, broadly ovate, or subrotund, [...]9-12 × 5.5-8 cm, abaxially greenish, densely gray-white sericeous, adaxially deep green, slightly shiny, glabrate, base rounded or sometimes subcordate, apex acuminate; lateral veins (4 or)5 or 6 pairs, parallel, anastomosing near margin, more distinct adaxially. flora.ac.cn |
叶子全部基生;托叶三角形; 叶柄5-19厘 米,长硬毛状柔毛或疏生长柔毛; 叶片正面在脉间或接近脉的角上通常粉黄绿到白色,斜卵形或近圆形, [...] 5-20 * 4-13 厘米, 通常有角度地浅裂, 背面的稀少或者适中多毛的在脉上,正面具柔毛,稀少被绒毛,或者非常稀少微糙,基部5或6脉,第三脉细,随机网状,基部深心形,边缘细齿或细圆齿,先端渐尖或锐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves all basal; stipules triangular; petiole 5-19 cm, [...] hirsute-villous or sparsely villous; blade adaxially often pale [...]green to white on angles between or near veins, obliquely ovate or suborbicular, 5-20 × 4-13 cm, often angularly shallowly lobed, abaxially sparsely or moderately hirsute on veins, adaxially pilose, sparsely tomentose, or very sparsely scaberulous, basally 5- or 6-veined, tertiary veins fine, randomly reticulate, base deeply cordate, margin denticulate or crenulate, apex acuminate or acute. flora.ac.cn |
叶柄(2-)5-10(-20)毫米; 叶片椭 圆形到长圆形,很少稍卵形或倒卵形, ( 6-)9-25 [...] * (2-)3-10 厘米, 纸质或膜质,两面或一面除中脉和侧脉具短柔毛外无毛,很少背面全部稍具短柔毛,两面发亮且干燥时橄榄绿色,但通常背面较亮,基部锐尖或钝,很少圆形,先端渐尖,很少锐尖,具短尖;虫菌穴有时宿存;主脉凹陷,正面很少平,侧脉7-10对,支脉弱顶。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole (2-)5-10(-20) mm; leaf blade elliptic [...] to oblong, more rarely slightly ovate or obovate, (6-)9-25 × (2-)3-10 cm, [...]papery or membranous, glabrous except midvein and lateral veins pubescent on one or both surfaces, rarely abaxially slightly pubescent throughout, shiny and drying olive green on both surfaces but often lighter abaxially, base acute or obtuse, rarely rounded, apex acuminate, more rarely acute, mucronate; domatia sometimes present; major veins impressed, rarely flat adaxially, lateral veins 7-10 pairs, tertiary venation weakly percurrent. flora.ac.cn |
叶茎生; 托叶早落,0.8-1.4厘米×4-5毫米;叶柄2 . 5 -6 厘米,无毛; 叶片非常浅盾形(叶柄从边缘在基部那里1-2毫米),长圆状披针形的或卵状披针形的,稍不对称, [...] 4.5-14 * 1.5-4 厘米,无毛,羽状掌状脉,5-或6脉,基部圆形,边缘稀疏和稍有细锯齿,先端长渐尖或长尾状。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves cauline; stipules caducous, 0.8-1.4 cm × 4-5 mm; petiole 2.5-6 cm, glabrous; blade [...] very shallowly peltate (petiole 1-2 [...]mm from margin at base), oblong-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, slightly asymmetric, 4.5-14 × 1.5-4 cm, glabrous, venation palmate-pinnate, 5- or 6-veined, base rounded, margin remotely and minutely serrulate, apex long acuminate or long caudate. flora.ac.cn |
托叶钻形,2-3毫米,早落;2-4厘米的 叶柄 , 先 端或基部的中脉具2柄和杯状腺体;叶片卵形,卵状椭圆形,或者长圆形, 4-10 * 2-6 厘米,正面的毛逐渐的脱落,但是宿存毛粗糙,基部圆形到稍心形,边缘不清楚地有细锯齿,在齿之间有时具腺,先端钝到短渐尖;基部脉3(-5),侧脉(3或)4或5。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 2-4 cm, apex or base of midrib with 2 stalked and cupular glands; leaf blade ovate, ovate-elliptic, or oblong, 4-10 × 2-6 cm, adaxial hairs gradually deciduous, but persistent hairs rugged, base rotund to slightly cordate, margins obscurely serrulate, sometimes glandular between teeth, apex obtuse to shortly acuminate; basal veins 3(-5), lateral veins (3 or)4 or 5. flora.ac.cn |
叶柄大约 1毫米;叶片椭圆状长圆形或长圆状披针形的,老的下部枝上的叶小, [...] 5.5-7 * 1.8-2.3 厘米,在年轻的上部枝上的叶大, 8.5-12 * 3-3.8 厘米,薄革质或纸质,两面无毛,发亮,基部楔形,边缘外卷,先端渐尖,钝,或具小短尖顶部;两面的中脉突起,侧脉18-20 [...]对,脉间2-4毫米,细脉密。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole ca. 1 mm; leaf blade elliptic-oblong [...] or oblong-lanceolate, leaves on old lower branches small, 5.5-7 × 1.8-2.3 cm, [...]on young upper branches large, 8.5-12 × 3-3.8 cm, thinly coriaceous or chartaceous, both surfaces glabrous, shining, base cuneate, margin revolute, apex acuminate, obtuse, or with mucronulate tip; midrib elevated on both surfaces, lateral veins 18-20 pairs, 2-4 mm between veins, veinlets dense. flora.ac.cn |
叶柄1-3厘 米,纤细; 叶片背面灰白色,正面灰绿色的,卵形到宽卵形, 1.5-3 [...] * 1-2.5 厘米,中央裂片边缘全缘,很少稍具圆齿;侧面裂片在叶片的近中部的位置,边缘钝和全缘。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 1-3 cm, slender; leaf blade abaxially [...] pallid, adaxially gray-green, ovate to broadly so, 1.5-3 × 1-2.5 cm, abaxially [...]densely farinose, prominently 3-veined, adaxially not or only slightly farinose, base broadly cuneate, margin usually 3-lobed, apex obtuse or acute and mucronate; central lobe margin entire, rarely slightly crenate; lateral lobes positioned near middle of leaf blade, margin obtuse and entire. flora.ac.cn |
叶柄1-3厘米的,正面宽具槽,通常具糙伏毛至少在凹槽上具毛;叶片背面的淡绿,干燥时黑色,正面深绿色,发亮,长圆形或倒披针形, ( 7-)10-15(-24) * 2-4.5(-6) 厘米,薄革质,金色具糙伏毛,成熟时的背面无毛, [...] 中脉通常黄,背面突出,通常具长硬毛,侧脉6-8 [...] 对,弧曲的上升,网状远离边缘,背面很明显突起,通常具长硬毛,基部楔形,先端长渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 1-3 cm, adaxially broadly sulcate, commonly strigose at least in grooves; leaf blade abaxially [...] light green, black [...]when dry, adaxially dark green, shiny, oblong or oblanceolate, (7-)10-15(-24) × 2-4.5(-6) cm, thinly leathery, golden strigose, abaxially glabrous at maturity, midvein usually yellow, abaxially prominent, commonly hirsute, lateral veins 6-8 pairs, arcuate ascending, reticulate far from margin, abaxially very conspicuously prominent, often hirsute, base cuneate, apex long acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
奇数羽状复叶,通常聚生在茎顶部;轴被微柔毛; 叶柄1.5-4 厘米,被微柔毛; 小叶(3或)5-9(或更多),8-12厘米; 小叶叶片长圆形,卵形,椭圆形,倒卵形,或者近圆形, 0.5-7.5 * 0.3-3 厘米,基部小叶最小,小叶尺寸沿叶轴到先端增大,顶端小叶显著大,膜质到厚纸质,背面疏生微柔毛,但脉上密生微柔毛,正面无毛或在腺间具非常稀疏糙硬毛,沿腺具微柔毛,次腺在中脉两边各约5,纤细,基部偏斜,楔形到圆形,边缘全缘或具稀疏钝牙齿或浅羽状裂;侧 小 叶 近 无 柄 , 比 顶生小叶小,先端圆形,钝,或渐尖;顶生小叶具 小 叶柄 , 通常基部和顶部小叶较侧小叶狭窄。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves odd-pinnate, usually aggregated apically on stem; rachis puberulent; petiole 1.5-4 cm, puberulent; leaflets (3 or)5-9(or more), 8-12 cm; leaflet blades oblong, ovate, elliptic, obovate, or suborbicular, 0.5-7.5 × 0.3-3 cm, basal ones smallest and increasing in size along rachis to apex with apical leaflet distinctly larger, membranous to thickly papery, abaxially sparsely puberulent but more densely so along veins, adaxially glabrous or very sparsely hispid between veins and puberulent along veins, secondary veins ca. 5 on each side of midvein and slender, base oblique and cuneate to rounded, margin entire or with sparse obtuse teeth or shallowly pinnately lobed; lateral leaflets subsessile, smaller than terminal [...] leaflet, apex rounded, [...]obtuse, or acuminate; terminal leaflet petiolulate, usually basally and apically more attenuate than lateral leaflets. flora.ac.cn |
每根干茎生叶10-20,(1.5-)2.5-7.5(-9)厘米 * (1.5-)4-14(-17)毫米; 叶柄无的 或很少到2毫米; 顶生小叶狭倒卵形,长圆形,或很少宽卵形, ( 2-)3-8(-9) * (0.5-)1.5-5(-7) 毫米,小叶柄0.5-2 毫米,钝的基部楔形或很少,边缘不明显1-3齿在每边,先端锐尖,近具短尖; 侧生小叶(6或)7-12(-15)对, 线形的或狭长圆形,不对称,稍小于顶生的裂片, 有对0.5毫米的一小叶柄的无 梗或很少, 最近的对侧生小叶auriclelike,恰好在节上面附着在或,通常给抱茎叶基部的出现。 flora.ac.cn | Cauline leaves 10-20 per stem, (1.5-)2.5-7.5(-9) cm × (1.5-)4-14(-17) mm; petiole absent or rarely to 2 mm; terminal leaflet narrowly obovate, oblong, or rarely broadly ovate, (2-)3-8(-9) × (0.5-)1.5-5(-7) mm, petiolule 0.5-2 mm, base cuneate or rarely obtuse, margin obscurely 1-3-toothed on each side, apex acute, submucronate; lateral leaflets (6 or)7-12(-15) pairs, linear or narrowly oblong, asymmetric, slightly [...] smaller than terminal lobe, sessile [...]or rarely with a petiolule to 0.5 mm, base oblique, proximal margin 1- or 2(or 3)-toothed, distal margin entire or rarely obscurely 1- or 2-toothed, apex acute; proximal pair of lateral leaflets auriclelike, attached at or just above node, often giving appearance of amplexicaul leaf base. flora.ac.cn |
叶柄2.8-6 厘米,无毛; 叶片背面的淡绿,正面绿色,比长稍微宽, 5-13 * 7-16 [...] 厘米,薄纸质,主脉5, 两面的水平, 不离生的侧脉,正面无毛,背面无毛除了腋生束毛和主脉上具短柔毛或无毛外背面无毛,通常5裂或很少7裂,基部楔形或宽心形;裂片卵形或长圆形,小的基部裂片,边缘有细锯齿,先端锐尖到尾状渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 2.8-6 cm, glabrous; leaf blade abaxially [...] light green, adaxially green, somewhat broader than long, 5-13 × 7-16 cm, [...]thinly papery, primary veins 5, level on both surfaces, lateral veins not distinct, adaxially glabrous, abaxially glabrous with exception of axillary tufts and pubescent or glabrous on primary veins, usually 5-lobed or rarely 7-lobed, base truncate or broadly cordate; lobes ovate or oblong, basal lobes smaller, margin serrulate, apex acute to caudate-acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
可选购的圆形带锁尼龙或不锈钢手柄 成 套件内包含一个 手 柄, 锁罩, 扣环, 标签, 垫片, 锁紧螺母和说明书。 swagelok.com.cn | Optional round lockable nylon or stainless steel handle kits contains a handle, lock shield, retaining ring, label, washer, lock nut, and instructions. swagelok.com.cn |
如 果前端松脱或者锁环没有牢固拧紧到 手 柄 上 , 不要操 作喷枪。 graco.com | Do not operate gun if front end is loose or lock ring is not snug against handle. graco.com |
如果已卸下,要装上新的 U 形杯,让其唇缘朝 向喷枪手柄 (17)。 graco.com | If removed, install the new one with its lips facing into the gun handle (17). graco.com |
它们注意到 法律将相互同意的成人之间的同性性关系定为刑事犯罪, 什 叶 法 对 相互同意的同 性恋性行为规定了死刑。 daccess-ods.un.org | They noted the laws criminalizing same-sex relations between consenting adults and the sharia law providing for the death penalty for consenting homosexual sex. daccess-ods.un.org |
五岁的叶思明 和她的母亲及兄弟在家里。 unicef.org | Five-year-old Jasmeen, at home [...] with her mother and brothers. unicef.org |
(b) 并包括(a)款(1)或(2)项内所提到的任何武器的任何部件,此 种武器经过设计或改造以减低武器发射时所造成的噪音或火 光的任何配件,以及任何利用炸药操作的电动工具、冲头、杆 柄或利 用空气压力操作的任何扣钉枪;(c) 但不包括仅为发射 鱼叉而设计或改造的器具。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) and includes any component part of any weapon mentioned in paragraph (a) (i) or (ii), any accessory to any such weapon designed or adapted to diminish the noise or flash caused by firing the weapon and any explosive-operated power tool, ramset, hilt or fire nail fastener operated by pneumatic pressure; (c) but does not include an article designed or adapted solely to discharge a spear for spearing fish. daccess-ods.un.org |
它为从用代码打开的窗口上获得句柄 提 供 了支持;为在一个部件层次定位部件提供支持;为在部件中发起事件(例如按一个按钮)以及以线程安全方式处理部件测试提供支持。 javakaiyuan.com | It is from the open window with the code you get the handle on providing support; to locate components in a component -level support ; initiating event in the parts (such as pressing a button ) as well as thread-safe approach to component testing to provide support. javakaiyuan.com |
直到第四世纪中叶出现 ,但出现了一个拉丁之父为受教育者的拉丁基督教精神读书,这是自然的stichometry,编辑(也许是半官方)根据教宗利比里奥对于书商的价格控制,给出了圣塞浦路斯工程以及拉丁圣经的书籍。 mb-soft.com | Until the middle of the fourth century there had appeared but one Latin Father for the spiritual reading of the educated Latin Christian, and it is natural that the stichometry, edited (perhaps semi-officially) under Pope Liberius for the control of booksellers' prices, gives the works of St. Cyprian as well as the books of the Latin Bible. mb-soft.com |
人权观察社强调阿富汗政府应将女童的教育列为当务之急,加强预防侵害 [...] 妇女的暴力的措施,促进关于童婚一类问题的宣传,避免在法律中载入对妇女的 歧视性习俗,例如《什叶个人 地位法》,据称,经修订的该法有许多极其恶劣的 [...]条款。 daccess-ods.un.org | Human Rights Watch underlined the need for the Government to make girls’ education a priority, strengthen measures to prevent violence against women, promote awareness-raising on issues such as child marriage, and avoid entrenching in [...] the law discriminatory practices against [...] women, such as the Shia personal status [...]law, which in its amended form allegedly [...]included many egregious articles. daccess-ods.un.org |
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 [...] [...] 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)、花椰菜、阔叶 苣 、 苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 [...]花椰菜、白菜头、牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒和玉米中的氯氰菊酯(146)。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins [...] (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and [...] peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, [...]broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, [...]milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16. codexalimentarius.org |