

单词 帳帘

See also:

hanging screen or curtain
flag used as a shop sign

External sources (not reviewed)

当一名客户向我咨询采光问题时, 我就知道室内遮阳帘是理想的选择。
When one of my customers asked for my help with a sun issue, I knew
[...] interior window shades would be the answer.
The air can be cooled additionally by means of the Pad Cooling system.
这是大荷兰人公司开发的一款简单、高效的降温系统,属于 帘 降 温 系统,其特点在于采用了创新型框架系统。
the simple and highly effective cooling system is a pad cooling system, developed by Big Dutchman, which features an innovative frame system.
陈旧的帘或因日光照射而脱色的 帘 抗 洗能力降低,因此在洗涤过程中可 能会损坏。
With older, faded curtains, the material is weaker and may be easily damaged if machine washed.
[...] 及承運商收集資料、確定其身份、核實有關資料、從貿易商 帳 戶收取有關費用,以及把資料傳送至政府的後端電腦系統,以便政府執行 [...]
多項職務,包括清關、編製貿易統計數字、管制進出口簽證及發出產 地來源證等。
In providing the front-end electronic services, a service provider collects data electronically from traders and carriers,
confirms their identity, validates such
[...] data, charges the account of the trader [...]
for the relevant fees and levies, and transmits
the data to the Government's back-end computer systems for the latter to perform a wide variety of functions, including customs clearance, compilation of trade statistics, import and export licensing control, origin certification, etc.
(n) 若閣下在任何時候就進行與交易所合約有關的交易而在吾等以外的香港期貨交易所參與者開立一 個或多帳戶, 及若香港期貨交易所委員會決定 帳 戶 的 未平倉總額為“大額未平倉持倉”,閣下應 即時向吾等或(若吾等要求)向香港期貨交易所報告該“大額未平倉持倉”,並向吾等或香港期貨交 [...] [...]
易所(視情況而定)提供其所規定的與該“大額未平倉持倉”有關的資料(包括閣下的姓名及最終受 益人或在公司或團體的情況下,則為公司或團體股本的最終實益擁有人的個人,包括透過代名人或 信託形式持有利益的受益人),及向吾等或香港期貨交易所(視情況而定)提供其所要求的任何其 他資料(視情況而定)。
(n) if you shall at any time open one or more accounts with exchange participants of the HKFE other than ourselves for the purpose of carrying out transactions relating to
Futures or Options
[...] Contracts and if the open positions in such accounts in aggregate amount to a Large Open Position [...]
as determined
by the board of the HKFE, you shall report to us, or if required by us, the HKFE immediately of such Large Open Position and provide us or the HKFE (as the case may be) with such information as we or the HKFE (as the case may be) may require in connection therewith (including your name and the ultimate beneficiary or in the case of a company or body corporate, the individuals who are the ultimate beneficial owners of the share capital of the company or body corporate, including a beneficiary holding an interest through a nominee or trust) of such Large Open Position and also provide us or the HKFE (as the case may be).
在这一背景下,必然跃入帘的问 题,是土著妇女作为妇女受到保障的权利和作为土著人受到保障的权利 究竟如何相互关联或相互作用。
A question that necessarily comes to the forefront in this context, however, is how, exactly, the human rights guaranteed to indigenous women because of their status as women, and those guaranteed because of their status as indigenous, relate to or interact with one another.
当访问Zecora接受药物的小屋,她插话牙齿,苹果布卢姆发现了“心中的渴望”花“人才映入 帘。
When visiting Zecora's hut to receive medicine for her chipped tooth, Apple Bloom finds a "Heart's Desire" flower which can make "talent come into view.
根据书的内容、演讲者的知名度和清真寺的 地点,参加新书发布的可能有几十人到几百人,女性 和男性听众由帘隔开
Depending on the topic of the book, the popularity of the speaker, and the location of the mosque, a book launch can draw anywhere from a few dozen to several hundred people, with women and men separated by a curtain.
169.3 授權任何人士代表所有有權享有權利的股東與本公司訂立協議,規定 分別向彼等配發彼等根據該資本化有權享有的 帳 列 作 繳足的任何其 他股份、債權證或其他證券,或(倘情況需要)本公司代表彼等將決 議須予資本化的股東各自部分的利潤用於繳付彼等現有股份中餘下未 繳付的股款或其任何部分,且根據該授權訂立的任何協議應對所有相 關股東有效並具有約束力。
169.3 to authorise any person to enter on behalf of all members entitled thereto into an agreement with the Company providing for the allotment to them respectively, credited as fully paid up, of any further shares, debentures or other securities to which they may be entitled upon such capitalisation, or, as the case may require, for the payment up by the Company on their behalf, by the application thereto of their respective proportions of the profits resolved to be capitalised, of the amounts or any part of the amounts remaining unpaid on their existing shares, and any agreement made under such authority shall be effective and binding on all such members.
控制几乎所有的外部设备:DVD、Blu-ray、NAS、机顶盒或苹果电视 - 甚至您的壁炉、警报器或帘,无 一例外。
Control virtually any external devices: DVD, Blu-ray, NAS, Set-Top Boxes or Apple TV - even your fireplace, alarm, or your curtains.
(C) 在不違反上述(B)項規定之前提下,當任何聯 帳 戶 持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他喪失行為能 力、或發生無力償債事件,吾等將會將所 帳 戶 中 持有的貸方餘額以及吾等在任何交易及服務下 應向聯帳戶持有人支付的所有款項及資產交予聯 帳 戶 持 有人的生存者(若所有聯 帳 戶 持 有 人全部身故,則應當交予最後生存的聯 帳 戶 持 有人的遺囑執行人或遺產管理人),而吾等就以 上所述完成的任何支付應當被視為已完全地、絕對地解除吾等針對所有聯 帳 戶 持 有人的負值 (包括已身故的聯帳戶持 有人及其繼承人),前提是吾等會要求提供身故證明文件及/或身故者 遺產的相關法律受讓文件。
(C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or mental
and/or other
[...] incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint Account holders, to the executors or administrators of the last surviving joint Account holder) and any payment by us above shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that [...]
we may require the
production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased.
Note: Different acoustic environments might be, for example, a bare wall and a heavily curtained window.
滑动电帘幕,在 LED 背光中展现 1920x1080 的全高清画面,而局部明暗调节更确保最深的黑色和最清晰的对比度。
Electronic curtains glide open to reveal a full 1920x1080 HD picture in all its direct LED backlit glory, while local dimming ensures the deepest blacks and sharpest contrast possible.
[...] 由於積金局須根據擬議第19B(1)條支付特別供款的責任似乎不屬強制 性質,如積金局沒有將特別供款存入某人的有 帳 戶 , 或誤把該筆款 項存入他人帳戶,感到受屈的有關人士未必有針對積金局的訴訟因 由。
On the legal and drafting aspects, the Bills Committee notes its legal adviser's comment that since the obligation imposed on the MPFA to pay a special contribution under the proposed section 19B(1) does not appear to be mandatory, an aggrieved person may not have a cause of action against the MPFA if
it has failed to pay the special
[...] contribution into that person's relevant account or has paid the sum to a wrong account.
珍珠光泽的玻璃马赛克,陶瓷卵石和罗马纳沃纳广场风格的装 帘 展 现给您的是“珍贵”主题的装饰在整个酒吧区域。
Pearly glass mosaics, ceramic
[...] pebbles and pelmets in Navona Travertine [...]
are among the precious features that embellish the
bar area, contributing to an atmosphere that is refined and at the same time relaxed.
作为整个发牌 制度的一部分,政府会发出实务守则供所有残疾人士院舍遵守,包括会规定所有 残疾人士院舍均需尊重住客的尊严及私隐,例如在提供个人照顾服务时,应以屏 风帘幕遮隔。
The requirement that the dignity and privacy of residents should be respected, e.g. partitions such as a screen or curtain should be used during the delivery of personal care services, will be incorporated into the Code of Practice.
贝宁格轮帘子布 、输送带帆布和线绳浸胶装置具备成熟的技术,可确保加工织物在各种应用领域中的可靠性和 最高安全水准。
Benninger tire cord and single end installation impregnation systems are technologically mature, guaranteeing total reliability and the highest possible level of safety of the treated fabrics in the most diverse areas of application.
水晶,另一个童话,映入帘的Ca rrie和泰勒,可以追溯到光泽洛杉矶,最后一个图片,肯。
Crystal, another fairy, greets Carrie and Taylor and goes back to Gloss Angeles, taking one final picture of Ken.
由于基础聚合物中的氯乙烯含量很高, 它尤其适用于给纺织品进行阻燃整理, 例如用于家具面料或居家和公共场合的遮阳篷或 帘 等 防 晒物品。
The high proportion of vinyl chloride in the base polymer makes it especially suitable for flame-retardant finishing of textiles such as upholstery fabrics and sun-protection articles, e.g. sunshades and blinds, used in the domestic and commercial sectors.
同时三边环绕的大露台提供户外就餐空间,同时起到遮阳作用而无需使用会遮挡视线的遮 帘。
A covered terrace surrounds the canteen on three sides, providing a space for outdoor dining and relaxation.
以下事件会变成家庭便饭:“Ruffles”还是幼犬的时候,它会经常扯下餐厅 帘 的 边 缘;“Babe”经常会在重要的比赛前弄坏宝贝的足球鞋;“Ferragamo”一整天藏在 Leddy 姑妈的手提包中,但全家人都会以为它跑出去了。
The stories often become family lore: "Ruffles" pulled the fringe off the dining room curtains when she was a puppy, "Babe" chewed up Bobby's football boots right before the big match, "Ferragamo" hid in one of Aunt Leddy's handbags for an entire day and the whole family was convinced she had run away.
展出内容涵盖桌布、抹布或卫生产品等消费品和 帘 布、家具面料等使用的粘结剂以及壁纸和地毯用乳液等。
The product portfolio ranges from binders for articles of everyday use, such as tableware, cleaning cloths or hygiene products, to fabrics for blinds and upholstery, through to dispersions for wallpapers and carpet tiles.
牛舍环境技术,例如通风板、帘、 循 环风扇、照明、奶牛降温、粪道清粪、粪沟清粪、干湿分离和粪便输送等,均采用简单、一体化的方式进行操作,有利于提高效率并减少对环境的影响。
Barn environment technologies like panels, curtains, circulating fans, illumination, cow cooling, alley cleaning, gutter cleaning and manure transfer are all handled in an easy, integrated way contributing to higher efficiency and lower environmental impact.
德国永诺(永诺)EIB/KNX总线智能安装系统主要功能为灯光控制、 帘 控 制 、安全防范、排风设备及HVAC设备控制等,可对设备进行各种控制如:开关控制、调光控制、分散集中控制、远程控制、延时控制、定时控制、光线感测控制、红外线遥控、移动感测控制、与其他设备系统的联动控制等,控制方式方便、灵活、易于修改、易于操作、易于维护。
Germany Jung (Jung) EIB/KNX bus intelligent installed system main function for lighting control, and curtains control, and security prevention, and row wind device and the HVAC device control,, can on device for various control as: switch control, and adjustable light control, and dispersed set control, and remote control, and delay control, and scheduled control, and light sense measuring control, and infrared remote control, and mobile sense measuring control, and and other device system of linkage control,, control way easy, and flexible, and easy to modified, and easy to operation, and easy to maintenance.




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