单词 | 少刻 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 少刻 —soona short whileSee also:刻 v—carve v • cut v 刻—engrave • quarter (hour) • oppressive
请注意,这通常 大于点数,并与该变量共同定义了每个槽会占有 多 少刻 度 线。 redlion.net | Note that this is typically larger than the point count and, together with that variable, defines how many ticks each slot will take up. redlion.net |
虽然 Bakaara [...] 市场的军火商严格来讲都是商人,但许多人都与青年党过从 甚密,他们至少此刻绝对是主要购买者并设定武器和弹药价格的上限。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the arms dealers in Bakaara market are strictly businessmen, [...] many are closely affiliated with [...] Al-Shabaab, who are — at least for the time being [...]— overwhelmingly the principal buyers [...]and set price caps on the arms and ammunition.116 129. daccess-ods.un.org |
這 邊 廂 剛 說 要 派錢給大家應 付 [...] 通脹,那 邊 廂 又 擔 心 政 府來年 的收入會減 少,立刻 想 辦 法開源 。 legco.gov.hk | On the one hand, it is proposed that money be handed out to the people to cope with inflation and, on [...] the other, it is feared that government [...] revenue will be reduced in the coming year [...]and, therefore, prompt action has to [...]be taken to work out ways to broaden sources of income. legco.gov.hk |
我覺得他們投資物業市場完全是無可 厚非的,沒理由......既然他們對整體物業市場影響只是 很 少 , 刻 意限 制他們,我覺得是不公道的做法。 legco.gov.hk | I think there is nothing wrong with making investments in the property market. There is no reason …… Since they only produce a very light impact on the overall property market, I do not think that it is fair to impose any deliberate restrictions on them. legco.gov.hk |
政府當局並向委員保證,院舍內的兒童及 青 少 年 時 刻 皆 會 有人看管。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration has also assured members that under no circumstances [...] will children and juveniles be left unattended. legco.gov.hk |
在这一背景下,有必要进行程序变化,以使辩论 会少 一点刻板俗 套,而是更有益于开展讨论。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that context, it is necessary to implement the procedural changes that [...] will make debates less formulaic and more [...]conducive to discussion. daccess-ods.un.org |
很少人是刻意選擇充當照顧者角色的,但當一個家庭中,兒子、 女兒或配偶患上精神病時,家人便需要擔當起照顧者的角色。 legco.gov.hk | However, when a family is confronted with the situation that a son, daughter, or spouse has a mental illness, family members have to assume that carer role. legco.gov.hk |
在不少情況下,賣方刻意在關鍵的問題上保持緘默, 已足以形成對買方利益的損害。 legco.gov.hk | In many a case, the deliberate silence of the selling party on key issues is enough to damage the interests of the buying party. legco.gov.hk |
很多瑞士人对此感到自豪:尽管他们 人 少 , 但却 时 刻 准 备着对抗强权,如哈斯布格斯(Habsburgs)和希特勒。 swissworld.org | Many Swiss are proud that in spite of their small numbers, they have always been ready to resist powerful neighbours, from the Habsburgs to Hitler. swissworld.org |
本专题评价报告显示, 目前对维和干预行动的需求仍然很大,联合国的能力已经捉襟见肘,而且由于全 球经济危机,造成可用的资源减少, 在此 时 刻 与 区 域组织合作,不仅适当,而且 重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The present thematic evaluation report shows that cooperation with regional organizations is relevant and important at a time when the demand for peacekeeping interventions continues to be high, United Nations capacity is stretched and available resources are diminished owing to the global economic crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
但 是,獨立的司法體制確實能保持我們的法統,保障我們香港 人的權利和自由,也令香港最少到此 刻 為 止 ,跟內地城市大有分別, 而 亦 因為我們有完善的司法系統,我們才能成為金融中心。 legco.gov.hk | Nevertheless, an independent Judiciary does maintain [...] our system of law, protect our rights and [...] freedoms, and at least up to this moment, [...]leave Hong Kong with major differences from Mainland cities. legco.gov.hk |
青 少 年 作為未 來社會的支 柱,加 強青少 年發展 刻 不 容 緩 。 legco.gov.hk | Since young people are the future pillars of society, the promotion [...] of youth development should be a matter of extreme [...]urgency. legco.gov.hk |
与基于光谱仪 (OES) 的控制器相比,Sion 具有诸多优势,可与 [...] FabGuard® 集成与分析系统 结合使用,减少因蚀刻不足 或蚀刻过度导致需要清洗腔室而浪费的时间和材料。 inficonresearch...development.com | Providing a number of advantages over optical emission spectrometer (OES)-based controllers, Sion [...] works with FabGuard® Integration and [...] Analysis System to reduce the wasted time [...]and materials that result from chamber clean under- or over-etching. inficonresearch...development.com |
政府 也很少會在這個時刻仍不 知道是否能夠恢復二讀。 legco.gov.hk | No one can tell who will [...] come out the winner. Rarely has the Government ever [...]been unable to tell whether a bill can pass the Second Reading. legco.gov.hk |
这样一个时刻,一 个在历史上很少出现的时刻,已 经到来:我们正 从旧世界步入新世界,一个时代已告结束,一个 民族的灵魂在遭受长期压迫之后,终于可以扬眉 [...] 吐气”。 daccess-ods.un.org | A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the [...] old to the new, when an age ends, and when [...]the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance”. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,在及时分 [...] 发文件方面取得任何进一步改进,显然有赖于各编写文件部门改善及时提交文件 的工作,尽量减少在最后一刻提出 请求的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is therefore clear that any further improvement in timely [...] issuance depends on improving timely submission [...] of documents and minimizing last-minute requests [...]by author departments. daccess-ods.un.org |
不過,觀乎六個月來的民情發展,也教 不 少 人 得到 頃 刻 安 心。 hkupop.hku.hk | Only time can tell whether this new constitutional arrangement would be successful or not. hkupop.hku.hk |
有關今次的預算案,我向勞福局及社署提出了很多問題,當中有 不少是我刻意提問有關政府各項服務在未來5年的規劃,以應付未來 需要的。 legco.gov.hk | I have asked the Labour and Welfare Bureau and the SWD many questions regarding this Budget, and I have deliberately asked quite a few questions about the Government's plans for various services in the coming five years for meeting future demands. legco.gov.hk |
另㆒個 阻礙女性就業的原因,是政府並沒有為女性提供足夠的社會支援服務,而且 不 少 工種 待遇苛刻,直接削弱了不少女性,尤其是單親家庭母親投入就業市場的意欲,結果只 好繼續被迫充當家庭主婦。 legco.gov.hk | The lack of community support services provided by the Government has also posed an obstacle in the way of women who wish to find a job. Besides, the terms and conditions of employment offered by many jobs are very unfavourable and that has directly discouraged women, especially mothers of single-parent families, from joining the labour market. legco.gov.hk |
本组织执行广泛而错综的 特派团任务的能力已经捉襟见肘。目前对维持和平的干预行动的需求仍然很大, 全球经济危机造成可用资源的减少, 在此 时 刻 与 区 域组织合作,不仅适当,而且 重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cooperation with regional organizations was relevant and important at a time when the demand for peacekeeping interventions continued to be high and the global economic crisis had diminished available resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先,我要澄清一件事,前兩天,有 不 少 傳 媒指 我 刻 意 逃 避在星期二有 關撥款的議案中表決,說我刻意“隱形”,傳媒最近連串的含血噴人和胡亂 猜測等這種不專業的行為,是必須加以譴責的。 legco.gov.hk | The recent unprofessional conduct of the mass media in making series of unfounded accusations and wild guesses must be condemned. legco.gov.hk |
無論個人選擇是建基於尋求機會或其他,但外藉新娘的確是放棄了原國藉 而跟隨丈夫,而不少接待國家卻刻意 讓她們感到為難。 apmigrants.org | Be it a personal choice or a matter of seeking opportunities, foreign brides give up their original nationality to adopt that of the husband’s. Many host countries are making it hard for them to do so. apmigrants.org |
部分院校,即如香港城市大 學及香港浸會大學,並未按學額指標十足收生,原因是這些院校接納了教資 會的建議,刻意減少收生 ㆟數,以平衡過去幾年第㆒年學士學位課程超額收 生的情況,使學士學位課程的學生總數能夠符合政府核准的整體學生㆟數指 標。 legco.gov.hk | The under-enrolments in some of the institutions such as the City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Baptist University were deliberate following advice from the UGC to redress the balance after overenrolments at FYFD level in previous years so that the total undergraduate student numbers of these institutions would adhere to the Government's approved overall student number targets at this level. legco.gov.hk |
市民在公聽大會㆖提出有關交通的問題數目,使我留㆘ 深刻 印象,其㆗不少問題是關於如何改善新界西北的交通,以及如何改善新界居民往返多 [...] 半位於商業區內工作㆞點的情況,對於這點,我倒並不十分驚訝。 legco.gov.hk | I was struck by the number of questions that I [...] had on transport at my public [...] meetings and perhaps not surprised that so many of the questions [...]that I received were about [...]improving transport in the northwest New Territories, improving the links between those who live in the New Territories and their workplaces, very often in the downtown inner city areas. legco.gov.hk |
自 1995年起,增加的知识导致在主要养殖物种配合饲料中令人印象 深 刻 地 减 少 了鱼 粉的平均含量,并改善了饲料转化率(FCR),减少了该产业的废料量。 fao.org | Since 1995, this increased knowledge has led [...] to an impressive reduction in the average [...]inclusion of fishmeal in compound feeds [...]for major groups of farmed species as well as improved feed conversion ratios (FCRs), reducing the amount of waste from the industry. fao.org |
不過,現 時港府要求領取高齡津貼的㆟士,不得離港超過 180 日的規定,其實是過於苛刻,令 不少靠高齡津貼在內㆞生活的老㆟家,往往因為要為這數百元來回㆗港兩㆞而疲於奔 命。 legco.gov.hk | Many elderly recipients who rely on the few hundred dollars of OAA to maintain a living in China have to shuttle between Hong Kong and China. legco.gov.hk |
刪 去 建議的第 333A條而代以 — (1) 任何根據本 部 註冊的非 香港公司,均須時 刻 將 該公司最少一 名獲授 權 代表的姓 名或名稱、地 址 及 (如屬個人)身 分證號碼 (如有的話 )或 (如 沒 有 身 分 證號碼 )任何護照的號碼 及 簽 發國家 , 持 續 根據第 333(2)(e)條登記,直 至 自 該公司在香港不 再 有 營 業 地 點 的日期 起 計的 1 年 屆滿為 止 。 legco.gov.hk | (1) Any non-Hong Kong company registered under this Part shall at all times, until the expiration of a period of 1 year from the date on which it ceases to have a place of business in Hong Kong, keep registered under section 333(2)(e) the name, address and, in the case of an individual, number of the identity card (if any) or, in the absence of such number, the number and issuing country of any passport, of at least one authorized representative of the company. legco.gov.hk |
九鐵表明, 雖然該公司根據經修訂的 單 一車站方案擱置即時 [...] 在廣東道設站的計劃,但 會 繼續尋求可行的方案,即使並非立刻 進行, 至少亦 會在環境許可的情況下,例如透 過 與 [...]一些將會在廣東道合適地 點進行重 建計劃的私 人發展商合 作,在廣東道設站。 legco.gov.hk | KCRC stated that although it had dropped any immediate plan to provide a station at Canton Road under the revised One-station Proposal, it would continue to explore [...] possible options for providing a [...] station, if not immediately, at least when circumstances [...]made this possible, for example, [...]through cooperation with private sector developers undertaking future redevelopment of suitable sites along Canton Road. legco.gov.hk |