

单词 浩劫

See also:

vast (water)

seize by force


object n
matter n
thing n

External sources (not reviewed)

巴勒斯坦人民继续承受浩劫的苦 难,他们继续在整个区域及散居地沦为难 民,或者自 1967 年以来在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土上生活在好战的 占领国以色列的军事占领下,被迫忍受占领国对其基本人权的系统侵犯和战争罪 的蹂躏,长达近 44 年之久。
The hardships of Al-Nakba continue for the Palestinian people as they continue to live either in exile as refugees throughout the region and the Diaspora or under the belligerent military occupation of Israel, the occupying Power, since 1967 in the Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, forced to endure the systematic violation of their fundamental human rights and war crimes at the hands of the occupying Power for nearly 44 years.
1948 年浩劫的后 果是大多数巴勒斯坦人被彻底 赶出家园——近 500 万人现在是巴勒斯坦难民,从那 时到以色列 1967 年对历史上的巴勒斯坦的剩余部分 和其他阿拉伯领土的军事占领以至今天,这一决定引 发的冲突一直严重影响着巴勒斯坦人民的生活及区 域和全球和平与安全的前景。
From the 1948 Al-Nakba, which resulted in the uprooting of the majority of the Palestinian people from their homeland — nearly 5 million are now Palestine refugees — to Israel’s 1967 military occupation of the remainder of historic Palestine and other Arab lands, and on to the present day, the conflict born of that decision has continued to gravely impact the lives of the Palestinian people and the prospects for peace and security regionally and globally.
决议草案 35 C/DR.30(法国)力图修正第 01000 段 2(b),在预期成果 10 后插入增补的 预期成果 11,内容如下:“进一步采取行动,保留对纳粹大屠杀的记忆,通过开展教育制 止抹去记忆一切行为,以便有效地禁止反犹太主义行为,特别是青年人的这种行为” 总干事欢迎这一举措的精神,因为其目的是强调教育对制止反犹太主义和对纳 浩劫 所持 历史修正主义态度以及教科文组织在这方面工作的作用。
11. Draft resolution 35 C/DR.30 (France) seeks to amend paragraph 01000 2(b) by inserting an additional Expected Result 11 after Expected Result 10 containing the following text: “Deepen actions undertaken aiming to conserve the memory of the Holocaust and to combat all forms of denials of this latter, in order to fight effectively against anti-Semitism, particularly in young people, through education”.
我们的目标仍然是在自 1967 年以来被占领的巴勒斯坦领土上实现独立的巴勒斯坦国,以东耶路撒冷为首 都,并公正解决巴勒斯坦难民的困境,结束他们自 62 年前浩劫以来遭受 的苦难和不公正。
Our goal remains the achievement of the independence of the State of Palestine on the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and a just solution for the plight of the Palestine refugees that will bring an end to the tragedy and injustice inflicted on them over 62 years ago in Al-Nakba.
大会重申,《条约》认识到一场核战争将使全人类遭 浩劫 , 对 使用核武器 造成的灾难性人道主义后果深表关切,并宣称,所有国家在任何时候都必须遵守 适用的国际法,包括国际人道主义法。
Reiterating the Treaty’s recognition of the devastation that would be visited upon all of humanity by a nuclear war, the Conference expressed its deep concern at the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and asserted the need for all States at all times to comply with applicable international law, including international humanitarian law.
然而,這所涉的是整套的價值觀,他不單是評價 我國十年浩劫所做 的一切,而且是評論美國一個州郡的選民如何控制當地 政府。
He was not only making comments on what had been done during the decade-long disaster of our country, but also making comments about how voters in a state of the United States are controlling their government.
不扩散核武器条约》的缔结是朝着拯救人类免遭核武 浩劫 迈 出 的巨大一 步。
The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons was a major step towards sparing humankind the scourge of nuclear weapons.
浩劫使大 多数巴勒斯坦人民被驱逐或逃离家园,成为没有 国家和流离失所的人民,其中近五百万人继续过着悲惨的流亡生活,栖身 于该区域各地的难民营,构成世界上最大的难民人口和持续时间最长的难 民问题。
by which the majority of the Palestinian people were expelled or fled from their homeland, becoming a stateless, dispossessed people, nearly five million of whom continue to tragically live in exile in refugee camps throughout the region, constituting the largest refugee population and most protracted refugee problem in the world.
(b) 12 月份,该部同南加利福尼亚州大学纳 浩劫 基 金 会视频历史和教育研 究所及怀念大屠杀殉难者和英雄机构 [...]
Yad Vashem 合作,为高中学生制作了一个 教育研究指南和 DVD,标题为“妇女与大屠杀:勇气和同情心”。
(b) In December, the Department,
in partnership with the University of
[...] Southern California Shoah Foundation Institute [...]
for Visual History and Education and
Yad Vashem, The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority, produced an educational study guide and DVD for high school students entitled “Women and the Holocaust: courage and compassion”.
我们通过该项方案 时,我们是在迈出痛苦和非常艰难的一步,特别是对 我们当中一些人而言,包括我自己;这些人在 1948 年浩劫中只 携着些许随身物品,带着悲痛和记忆以 及家门钥匙被迫离开家园和城乡,来到流亡和散居的 营地。
When we adopted that programme, we were taking a painful and very difficult step for all of us, especially those of us, including myself, who during the 1948 Al-Nakba were forced to leave their homes and their towns and villages, carrying only some of our belongings — along with our grief and our memories and the keys to our homes — to camps of exile and diaspora.
当时否决权是必要的,因为在那个两极世界中存在发 生浩劫灾难的恐惧,否决权为安理会成员提供了确 [...]
At that time, the right to veto was necessary,
because in that bipolar world, with the fear
[...] of a nuclear holocaust, that right [...]
gave to Council members the balance necessary
to ensure the security of humankind.
不扩散核武器条约》仍然是保持我们世界安 全,使其免遭浩劫的一根支柱。
The NPT remains a pillar for keeping our
[...] world safe from nuclear holocaust.
在主席声明中,安理会还对武装冲突造成 浩劫 和 痛 苦表示关切,强调需要 防止冲突,并在已经发生冲突时恢复和平。
The presidential statement also expressed the Council’s concern over the devastation and suffering caused by armed conflict and emphasized the need to prevent conflict and, where conflict had broken out, to restore peace.
最显著地提醒人 们注意这一普遍概念的莫过于目睹艾滋病毒/艾滋病 流行病造成的毁灭性影响——其毁灭程度不亚于以 往在战争或其他灾难中遇到的任 浩劫。
No clearer reminder has there been of that universal concept than witnessing the devastating impact of the HIV and AIDS pandemic — as destructive as any holocaust previously encountered in a war or other catastrophe.
委员会还感到关切的是,不可 再生地下水储浩劫。
The Committee is also concerned about the depletion of non-renewable groundwater reserves.
因此,我们与小岛屿发展中国家一样对气候变化 造成的短期和长期后果及其在人类不采取任何措施 缓解这些致命后果的情况下可能带来 浩劫 感 到严 重关切。
We therefore share the grave concern of small island developing States about the short- and long-term consequences of climate change and the havoc it will bring if nothing is done to mitigate these pernicious consequences.
法西斯侵略 者给世界带来巨大灾难,给人类文明造成空 浩劫。
The fascist invaders wreaked tremendous havoc on the world and inflicted untold devastation on human civilization.
政府一直作出旨在击退这浩劫的重 大政治和体制努力; 要实现这一目标则需要全社会各部门的全面和统一参与,因为暴力是社会各部门 都存在的一个问题。
The latter have been making significant political and institutional efforts to combat this scourge; this requires a comprehensive and unified solution and the participation of all sectors of society for violence is a problem in all sectors of society.
人 類 世 界 經 過二次 大浩 劫 , 普遍承 認 戰 爭 的 罪 行 及 作出賠償,德國便 是一個好 榜 樣。
Following the catastrophe experienced by mankind during the Second World War, those responsible were generally willing to admit their war crimes and pay compensation, one notable example being Germany.
此外,5 月 15 日和 6 月 5 日有人在观察员部队行动区举行浩劫”和 “惨 案”的周年纪念活动,活动导致人数未经证实的平民伤亡并危及长期保持的停火。
In addition, on two occasions, on 15 May and 5 June, demonstrations in the UNDOF area of operations commemorating the anniversaries of Al-Nakba and An-Naksa resulted in an unconfirmed number of civilian casualties and put the long-held ceasefire in jeopardy.
當 香港人千辛 萬苦, 捱 畢董建 華 的 10浩劫, 還 要 染 上 董 建 華 的“民主蝸 牛 病 ”。
After the people of Hong Kong have just experienced the untold hardship during TUNG's 10-year calamities, they are forced to contract TUNG's snail-paced democratization disease.
此外,他以黒沢清导演的『X圣治』(97)荣获东京国际影展最佳男主角、以今村昌平导演的『鳗鱼』(97)拿下坎城影展的金棕榈大奖、以青山真治导演的『人造天 堂 ( 浩劫 余 生 )』(01)囊括坎城影展国际影评人联盟大奖以及Ecumenical奖、以今村昌平导演的『红桥下的暖流』(01)赢得芝加哥国际影展最佳男主角等等,不但有多部参与国际影展的作品而且获奖多数。
In addition, a lot of films that he appeared on were exhibited at international film festivals, and he won many prizes including the Best Actor Prize in a Leading Role at Tokyo International Film Festival by Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s “Cure” (‘97), the Palme d’Or Prize at Cannes Film Festival by Shohei Imamura’s “The Eel” (‘97), the FIPRESCI and Ecumenical Prize at Cannes Film Festival by Shinji Aoyama’s “Eureka” (‘01) and the Best Actor Prize in Leading Role at Chicago International Film Festival by Shohei Imamura’s “Warm Water Under a Red Bridge” and so on.
它们是各国 能够建立一个安全和免遭浩劫严重 威胁的社会的 基石。
They are the cornerstones on which nations can build a society that is secure and free from the
[...] grave threat of a nuclear holocaust.
近东救济工程处体 现了对巴勒斯坦难民的困境承担的国际责任,这些难 民是 1948 年浩劫的受害者。
UNRWA embodies the international responsibility with regard to the plight of Palestine’s refugees, who are the victims of Al-Nakba, the catastrophe that occurred in 1948.
国家和平与和解协定》(2001 年)最终为使该国经历十年的冲浩劫 确 定了 和平解决方式。
The 2001 peace and national reconciliation accords finally brought a peaceful end to the conflict that had devastated the country for 10 years.
该部继续支持联合国各新闻中心的外联活动,与法国纳 浩劫 纪 念馆合作制 作了一个题为“欧洲的大屠杀”的巡回展览。
The Department continued to support the outreach activities of United Nations information centres by partnering with Le Mémorial de la Shoah to produce a travelling exhibition entitled “The Holocaust in Europe”.
[...] 布琼布拉新闻中心、达喀尔新闻中心和雅温得新闻中心、教科文组织、 纳浩劫纪念馆、基加利卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭以及大屠杀与联合国 [...]
Africa : Students in Africa took part in an educational videoconference with United Nations Information Centres in Antananarivo, Brazzaville,
Bujumbura, Dakar, Lomé, Yaoundé; UNESCO; le
[...] Memorial de la Shoah; the International [...]
Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in Kigali;
and the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme.
[...] 足珍贵,超出任何人的想象,因为这种支持使他们感 到有人在倾听他们的诉说,而且他们曾经遭受的可怕 悲剧浩劫和占领不再被漠然视之。
The General Assembly may rest assured that such support for our people is more valuable to them than anyone can imagine, for it makes them feel that someone is
listening to their narrative and that their
[...] tragedy, the horrors of Al-Nakba and the occupation, [...]
under which they have suffered
terribly, are not being ignored.
但是,要保留“政府山”的建築物作某些用途,特別是我早前提及興建 的董建華八浩劫博物 館,我對此是贊成的。
However, I support the idea of conserving the "Government Hill" buildings for certain purposes, particularly for constructing a "TUNG Chee-hwa Eight-Year Catastrophe Museum", as suggested by me before.




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