

单词 夫妻



man and wife fall out (idiom, from Book of Changes); marital strife


popular Sichuan cold dish made of thinly sliced beef and beef offal


family-run shop

See also:

(classical) this, that
he, she, they
(initial particle, introduces an opinion)
conscripted laborer (old)
(exclamatory final particle)
manual worker


wife n

marry off (a daughter)


man n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 定,分居或离婚的妇女如果在婚姻期间有固定工作,则有权获 夫妻 财 产 的一 半,如果没有工作有权获得三分之一的财产。
The law entitles a woman who separates or divorces to
[...] one half of the couple’s property if [...]
she had regular employment during the marriage
and one third of the property if she had not been employed.
根据现行法律,在雇员死亡的情况下,包括未休假 期的津贴在内的津贴付给其夫(妻子 )、 子女或父母以及(如果他们都不在)付给 其他继承人。
In case of death of the employee, the
allowance, including for the unused leave, is
[...] paid to his/her husband (wife), children or parents, [...]
and in their absence – to other
inheritors, in accordance with the legislation in force.
Each spouse may practise any profession or activity without the other’s consent.
夫妻的子女要登记成为东耶路撒冷居民,其过程依然漫长而又艰巨(见 A/66/356, [...]
The registration of the
[...] children of such couples as residents of [...]
East Jerusalem remains a long and arduous process (see A/66/356, para. 38).
同一天夫妻俩被 逮捕,登记了一个虚假案件,但 俩人随后被尼甘布治安法院保释释放。
The same day, the couple were arrested, and [...]
a false case was registered against them, but they were subsequently released
on bail by the Negombo Magistrate Court.
夫妻关系以相互尊重和相互帮助以及共同维持家庭和 照顾与教育子女的义务为基础。
The relations between husbands are based on respect [...]
and reciprocal help, on common obligations to maintain the family, of
caretaking and education of children.
夫妻在差 不多同一时 候退休,由于妻子一般比丈夫年轻,所以妻子要提早退休。
There seems to be a tendency for spouses to retire near the same time, with wives retiring earlier as they are usually younger than their husbands.
簡 單地說 , 不 管 兩 人 是 否夫 妻 關 係 , 如果女 子 是 不 同 意 的 話 , [...]
而 那 名 男 子 明 知 她 是 不 同 意,或不理會她 是 否同意,仍 強 行與她 性 交,便 是 強 姦。
To put it simply, disregarding whether the man
[...] and the woman are husband and wife, it constitutes [...]
rape if the woman does not consent
to the sexual intercourse, and the man, who knows that she does not consent to it or simply does not care whether she consents to it, has sexual intercourse with the woman against her will.
家庭新建 住房的所有权应该夫妻共有 ,除非这个家庭是单亲家庭。
Title to new housing for families should be joint, except where the household is headed by a single parent.
采用安全可靠的避孕药具是影响生育率的因素之一,因为妇女 夫妻 能 够决 定怀孕的时间、间隔和数量。
The use of safe and reliable contraceptives is one of the
several factors influencing fertility, by
[...] allowing women and couples to decide the timing, [...]
spacing and number of pregnancies.
警 方 披 露 有 關 資 料,獲 分 區 法 院 和 上 訴 法 院 同 樣 視 為 尌 該 案 件
的 情 況 而 言 屬 適 度 的 做 法,尤 其 是 因 為 以 侵 擾 性
[...] 較 低 的 辦 法 促 請 該夫 妻 他 遷 均 告 失 敗 , 而 鑑 [...]
於 復 活 節 假 期 即 將 來 臨 , 預 計 會 有 兒 童 前 往 該 旅 行 用 拖 車 場 地 。
The police's disclosure of information was considered both by the Divisional Court and the Court of Appeal to be a proportionate step in the circumstances of that case,
particularly because less intrusive measures
[...] to encourage the couple to move elsewhere [...]
had failed and children were expected
at the caravan site given the impending Easter holidays.
提高男子参与度的战略包括,倡 夫妻 平 等 和共同负责预防意外怀孕,并改善男 女沟通。
Promoting equitable
[...] relations between husband and wife and mutual responsibility [...]
for the prevention of unintended pregnancy
and improving communication between men and women are strategies for increasing the engagement of men.
认可收养 权,便是认可与之关联的众多因个别情况产生的问题,如同 夫妻 一 方 人工授精 或单亲收养。
The right to adoption raises questions about the recognition by law of many de facto situations, such as the insemination of one of the partners or single-parent adoption.
即使妇女最终能够获得丈夫的同 意并购买了土地,如果她是夫妻共 同 财产制下结婚,她对该财产的所有权和控 [...]
制权也几乎不复存在,因为土地不能以她的名字进行登记,而要登记在她丈夫的 名下。
Even where a woman is ultimately able
[...] to secure her husband’s consent and [...]
the land is purchased, if she is married in community
of property her ownership and control over the property is virtually removed as the land cannot be registered in her name but is registered in her husband’s name.
重编面向专业人士的手册“打夫妻 内 部 暴力行为,专业人士的作 用”。
Reissuing the pamphlet for professionals, “Combating intimate partner violence: the role of professionals”.
利 於 另 一 方 的 資 料 , 至 於 不 利 的 通 訊 則
[...] 會 利 用 這 項 特 權 來 加 以 隱 瞞 ; 另 一 方 面 , 要夫 妻 一 方 不 喜 歡 其 配 偶 的 話 , 便 會 利 用 這 種 特 權 透 [...]
露 不 利 於 配 偶 的 通 訊 而 隱 瞞 有 利 的 通 訊 。
It is a mystery to me why it was decided to give this privilege to the spouse who is a witness: it means that if that spouse wishes to protect the other he or she
will disclose what helps
[...] the other spouse but use this privilege to conceal communications if they would be injurious, [...]
but on the other
hand a spouse who has become unfriendly to the other spouse will use this privilege to disclose communications if they are injurious to the other spouse, but conceal them if they are helpful".
2001 年中国颁 布的《婚姻法》修正案重申男女平等基本原则,强 夫妻 地 位 平等和婚姻家庭权 利义务平等,有针对性地补充了禁止实施家庭暴力、禁止重婚等有利于维护妇女 [...]
The amended Marriage Law promulgated in China in 2001 reiterated the basic principle
of gender equality, emphasized
[...] the equal status of husband and wife as well as the equality [...]
of their rights and obligations
in marriage and the family, and provided a focused enhancement of the articles focused on the protection of women’s rights, such as those prohibiting domestic violence, bigamy and the like.
(iv) 現 時 全
[...] 國及各 省份分別有多 少 宗夫 妻 團 聚 為 理 由 提 出 的 單 [...]
程 證 申 請等待審批,以 及 當中得 分 介乎 182.4 至 328.4 之 間 及 在 182.3 或 以 下的個 案 數目分別為何
; 及 (二 ) 據 悉 , 當 局 在 來 港 與 配 偶 團 聚 的 內 地人士抵 港 時,只 會 要求他 們 填 報分居 期 是 “ 1 0 年 或 以 上 " 還 是 “少於 1 0 年 " , 鑒 於這 類 人士的分 居 期有縮 短 趨 勢 , 當 局會否要求他們填 報 較準確 的 資料,例如少於 5 年 、 5 至 1 0 年及 10 年 以 上 ?
(iv) the respective national and provincial
numbers of applications for OEPs on grounds of
[...] reunion with spouses that are pending [...]
and, among them, the respective numbers
of cases with 182.4 to 328.4 points and 182.3 points or below; and (b) as it is learnt that persons entering Hong Kong from the Mainland for reunion with their spouses are only required to reveal whether they have been "separated for 10 years or more" or "separated for less than 10 years" upon arrival, and given that the length of separation of these persons is decreasing, will the Administration require them to provide more precise information in this regard, such as less than five years, five to 10 years and more than 10 years?
在美國 所有公司中,有75%無僱員,而在婦女擁有 的公司中,有81%屬單人或家庭經營的小企 業,即所謂夫妻店(Mom-and-Pop)。
While 75 percent of all U.S. firms do not have employees, an eye-popping 81 percent of woman-owned firms are single-person or “Momand-Pop” operations.
其中包括控股 公司和其他社团的信息、股东大会的参会通知 夫妻 共 同财产的分割、对债权人的通告及法 院的破产判决。
It contains, among other things, information about shareholding companies and other associations, notices to attend shareholders’ meetings, divisions of joint property between spouses, notices to creditors and adjudications of bankruptcy.
與此同時,夫人特威迪很快意識到,這 夫妻 的 農場失敗和讀取目錄上一個含糊不清的方法增加利潤夫婦的農場。
Meanwhile, Mrs. Tweedy soon realises that the couple’s farm is failing and reads a catalogue on an ambiguous method of increasing profits at the couple’s farm.
与此同时,夫人特威迪很快意识到,这 夫妻 的 农场失败和读取目录上一个含糊不清的方法增加利润夫妇的农场。
Meanwhile, Mrs. Tweedy soon realises that the couple’s farm is failing and reads a catalogue on an ambiguous method of increasing profits at the couple’s farm.
a. 培育组织(例如香港公教婚姻辅导会、香港明爱家庭服务部)宜设立机制,鼓励新婚夫妇在婚后数年内继续与这些曾为他们提供婚前培育的组织联络,以接受婚后延续培育,重点包括:如何在家中建立良好的人际(包括姻亲)关系及沟通;保 夫妻 之 间 的良好沟通及亲密感;学习接纳、体谅并以宽恕心怀对待配偶,互相扶持 夫妻 性 生活的协调;认 夫妻 性 格 上的特点及不同婚龄阶段的特色,好能互相适应和配合;重 夫妻 灵 修,一起成长成圣。
a. The organizations which have provided marriage and family life formation for couples (e.g., CMAC and Caritas Family Service) are recommended to set up mechanisms which can facilitate the contacts between them and the newly married couples in the first few years of their marriage, with a view to receiving ongoing formation, and the key points of which include: Ways conducive to sound interpersonal (including the parents-in-law) relationships and communication; maintaining
sound communication and
[...] intimacy between husband and wife; learning to accept, to give support to, and to show understanding towards the other party with a forgiving heart; maintaining a harmonious sexual life; getting to know the characteristics of each party's personality and the distinctive features of different stages of marriage, with a view to becoming more well adjusted with each other; paying special attention to the spirituality [...]
of married life so that
both parties may grow and attain sanctity together.
如今,地中海邮轮欢迎所有类型乘客登船体验,蜜 夫妻 可 以 享受到我们额外的服务,送入舱房的巧克力、开胃酒到全天候的大餐。
Honeymooning couples take advantage [...]
of all our extra services, from in-cabin chocolates to aperitifs and à la carte dining.
委员会促请缔约国通过和实施目前正在议会待审的拟议《保留地家园 夫妻 权益 法》,不要再有任何拖延,以便第一部落妇女享有在财产、婚姻和继承方面的权 利。
The Committee urges the State party to adopt and implement the
proposed Family Homes on Reserves and
[...] Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act presently [...]
under consideration before Parliament,
without further delay, in order to allow the enjoyment by First Nations women of their rights in the areas of property, marriage and inheritance.
承租人预先书面通知房主后,可以在房内进行一些必要的施工,以便使房屋适合 自己或者与其共居的配偶、事夫妻 或 家人的残疾状况,合同结束时,如果出租人 提出要求,承租人应将房屋恢复到原始状态。
The lessee, previous notification in writing to the owner, will be able to realize in the housing those necessary and indispensable works to adapt the housing to his handicapped person’s condition or to that of his spouse, unmarried couple or relatives who live with him.
在這趟魔幻寫實的行程裡,我們前往過往穆 夫妻 在 史 塔頓島生活的地點,水岸探險讓我發現許多寶藏,例如石造鋼琴、鹽山、舊房屋、愛國壁畫、公共階梯連結的秘密公園、聖喬治劇場等。
As a part of the magical realism tour I was led to
a series of stillspots that were a part of
[...] Antonio and his wife Esterre’s life [...]
in Staten Island.  The waterfront adventure
led me to treasures like the stone piano, mountains of salt, historic homes, patriotic murals, a hidden park at the top of a public staircase and the St. George Theater.
还有,关于乡村妇女问题,签发 40 万夫妻拥有土地的土地共同所有权证 的承诺(对 [...]
2004 至 2007 年从第一个国家妇女政策计划得益的所有家庭),已经实 现有余,因为在“安置项目”获得照顾的妇女已达 415 653 人。
Also on the issue of rural women, the commitment to
issue 400,000 joint land titles to plots of
[...] land owned by couples — to all the [...]
families that benefited from the agrarian
reform between 2004 and 2007 under PNPM I — was more than met; 415,653 women benefited from the Settlement Project.
此外,国际公务员制度委员会(ICSC)最近决定敦促各组织“为配偶 就业制订适当的解决方案,例如通过驻地协调员与东道国商定协议,及消除关于配偶同时就 职于同一机构的行政障碍(前提 夫妻 在 工作上不存在上下级关系)”(A/65/30,第 27 (a) vi 段)。
Furthermore, the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) has recently decided to urge Organizations to “develop appropriate solutions for spouse employment such as negotiating agreements with host countries through Resident Coordinators and removing restrictions on spouses being employed in the same organization as long as there is no reporting relationship between spouses”(A/65/30, paragraph 27 (a) vi).
[...] 最重要的地税是对企业的征税: 已夫妻和单 亲父母如果满足了某些条件, [...]
有权利进行单独或联合缴纳所得税,但要排 除一方按线性所得税纳税的情况。
Married couples and sole parents are [...]
entitled to tax their income individually or jointly, if certain conditions are met,
excluding the case in which one of them is taxed by the linear rate.




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