

单词 名家



famous painter

External sources (not reviewed)

如果已知一个人或名家庭成 员曾做出有利于以色列国利益的行为,该项 法律规定,内政部部长和某些安全官员有权对该地区居民收入许可证。
In cases where a
[...] person or a family member has been known to act for [...]
the benefit of the State of Israel, the Law enables
the Minister of the Interior and certain security functionaries to grant permits to a resident of the area.
委員關注到, 根據家長的定義 ,該詞將會 包括 學生的監護 人,以 及並非學生的父母或監護 人
[...] 但卻實 際 管 養 該學生的人,故 此學生可能有 超 過名家長或監護 人 ; 而部分家長 如 有 超 過一名子女在同一學校就讀 [...]
,或 會 比 其 他家長有更多票。
Members expressed concern that under the definition of parents, which would include a guardian of the pupil and a person who was not the parent or guardian of the pupil but had the actual custody of the
pupil, a pupil might have more
[...] than two parents or guardians and that some parents might have [...]
more votes than others if they
had more than one child studying in the same school.
(i) 此人的姓氏、全名、稱謂、以往任何 名 、 家 庭 住 址、出生日期、出生地和出生國家,以及目前任何辦公 地址、辦公電話或傳真號碼,或此人出於通訊目的而告知蘇格蘭當局的任何電子郵件地址
(i) the surname, all forenames and title, any previous surnames and forenames, home address, date, place and country of birth of the person and any current business address, business telephone or fax number or any email address which has been notified by that person to the Scottish Ministers for communication purposes
拟定家名单的 目的并非是为了设立任何封闭型的专家组 或者专家组的其他平行或附属机构。
The development of the list of experts is not intended [...]
to create any closed-ended expert group or other parallel or subsidiary bodies of the expert group.
详细审查决议所涉经费问题后,现已确定,人权理事会通过第 14/1 号决议 后,共需经费估计数为 483 800 美元,以执行下列活动:(a) 第 2 款(大会和经 济及社会理事会事务和会议管理)下用于口译和文件的费用(147 000
美元);(b) 第 23 款(人权)下用于专家、工作人员和证人的差旅费(242 800 美元),聘用 1
[...] 个月咨询人的费用,包括 1 名法医病理家、1 名军事专家和 1 名海洋法专家 (67 600 美元)和一般业务费用(26 [...]
400 美元)。
Following a thorough review of the implications of the resolution, it has been determined that the adoption of resolution 14/1 by the Human Rights Council gives rise to total estimated requirements of $483,800 to implement activities under (a) section 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management, for the costs of interpretation and documentation ($147,000); and (b) section 23, Human rights, for the travel of experts, staff and witnesses ($242,800), consultants for a period of one month consisting
of one forensic pathologist,
[...] one military expert and one law of the sea expert ($67,600) and [...]
general operating expenses ($26,400).
在第 13/COP.7
[...] 号决定第1 段中,缔约方会议鼓励缔约方通过其国家联络点 修订和更新其已经列在独立家名册 上的专家数据库,并且为了更好地代表所有 有关学科、社会科学工作者、妇女、非政府组织以及在荒漠化领域拥有专门知识 [...]
In decision 13/COP.7, paragraph 1, the COP encouraged Parties, through their national focal points, to revise and update the database on their
national experts
[...] already on the roster of independent experts, and to propose new candidates in order to [...]
achieve better representation
of all relevant disciplines, of social scientists, of women, of nongovernmental organizations, and of all individuals with expertise in the field of desertification.
作为此战略的一部分,政治事务部调解支助股为联合国待命专 家组征聘了一名性别平等和调解专家,并将高级调解员、调解团队成员和专题调 解家名单的女性候选人比例提高至 33%。
As part of this strategy, in 2011 the Mediation Support Unit of the Department of Political Affairs recruited a gender and mediation specialist in the United Nations Standby Team of Mediation Experts and increased the
proportion of women
[...] candidates in its rosters of senior mediators, mediation team members and thematic mediation experts to 33 per cent.
(d) 编制家名册, 满足联合国总部和外地安全部门改革的需要,并向 联合国人员、外部伙伴和国家行为体提供关于安全部门改革的培训。
(d) Developing rosters of experts to meet United [...]
Nations security sector reform requirements at Headquarters and in the
field and delivering training on security sector reform to United Nations personnel, external partners and national actors.
[...] 号决议称,名册的目的是为缔 约方会议提供最新的独立家名单,这些专家来自与防治荒漠化及减轻干旱影响 有关的各专门领域,可从他们中间选择特设专家小组成员。
Decision 18/COP.1 states that the purpose of the roster is to provide the COP with an
[...] up-to-date list of independent experts in the various [...]
fields of specialization
relating to combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought, from which members of ad hoc panels may be selected.
[...] 议以来,两个缔约国――德国和瑞士――为 家名 单 提 供了新信息或更新了信息。
Since the 10MSP, two States Parties – Germany and Switzerland – provided new or updated
[...] information for the list of experts.
[...] 下列主题:生产能力和就业;2015 年以后的国际发展战略;最不发达 家名 单三 年期审查(包括监测赤道几内亚和萨摩亚的发展进展情况);和加强从最不发达国 [...]
The Committee addressed the following themes: productive capacity and employment; the international development
strategy beyond 2015; the triennial
[...] review of the list of least developed countries (including monitoring [...]
of the development progress
of Equatorial Guinea and Samoa); and strengthening the process of smooth transition of countries graduating from the category of least developed countries.
委员会感到关切的是,2010 年获得皇室批准的C-11 法案《平衡难民法》可
[...] 能并不完全符合《公约》,这部法律提议确定一个“安全 家 ” 名 单 ,并加快处 理来自“安全国家”人员的庇护申请,从而没有提供所要求的一切法律程序保障 [...]
The Committee is concerned that Bill C-11, The Balanced Refugee Act, which received Royal Assent in
2010, and which proposes to
[...] establish a list of “safe countries” and to expedite [...]
asylum requests introduced by persons from “safe countries”, may not be in full compliance
with the Convention, in not providing all required legal procedural guarantees as well as the protection of the non-refoulement principle.
[...] 际刑警组织(为被偷盗的伊拉克文化遗产建立并且开通一个数据库,编制伊拉克文化遗产家名录) 、 国际统一私法协会 (负责规范的合作)、ICOM软件科技(负责ID身份卡,联 [...]
合国教科文组织-ICOM 息中心,针对埃及博物馆人员的培训项目以及在非洲开展的活
信 动……)、世界海关组织 (教科文-世界海关的文化财产出口证明范本)、 国际古迹遗址理 事会 (负责对国家文化地产的保存进行评估)、国际文化财产保护与修复研究中心(负责 提供培训)。
A new presentation brochure is being prepared and partnerships are increasingly being developed with the following international organizations: INTERPOL (establishing and giving access to a database on
cultural property stolen in Iraq,
[...] compilation of a list of experts in Iraqi cultural [...]
heritage), UNIDROIT (cooperation in
standard-setting), ICOM (Object-ID record sheets, UNESCO-ICOM Information Centre, museum staff training programmes in Egypt and activities in Africa), the World Customs Organization (UNESCO-WCO project on a model cultural property export certificate), ICOMOS (evaluation of the state of conservation of immovable cultural property) and ICCROM (training).
小組成員包括本地相關範 疇的業界人士和家,名單載於附件 A 。
A copy of the membership of the panel is attached at Annex A.
敦促发展政策委员会在其他有关实体的帮助和支持下,继续监测已毕业 国家的发展进展情况,以补充对最不发达 家名 单 进 行的三年期审查,特别注意 已毕业国家是否有效地平稳过渡,并就此向经济及社会理事会实质性会议提出报 告。
Urges the Committee for Development Policy, with assistance and support from other relevant entities, to continue its monitoring of the
development progress of graduated
[...] countries as a complement to its triennial review of the list of least developed countries, to pay particular [...]
attention to the
effectiveness of smooth transition for graduated countries, and to report thereon to the Economic and Social Council at its substantive session.
为便利秘书处的工作,每个缔约方应在2011年2 月底以前向秘书处确认在 “土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业” 家名 册 上依然有效并能参加2011年森 林管理参考水平审评的本国家名单。
In order to facilitate the secretariat’s work, each Party should confirm to the
secretariat by
[...] the end of February 2011, its active experts on the LULUCF roster of experts who will be able to participate in [...]
the review
of forest management reference levels in 2011.
与会者还呼吁教科文组织在涉及阿拉伯地区人员配备,特别是高级职位方面要公正, 要符合教科文组织的有关标准和 家名 额 的 要求。
The participants also made a plea for justice in UNESCO staffing with respect to
the Arab region, especially with regard to high-level posts, in accordance with UNESCO
[...] standards and the country quotas.
建议 4:作为监督厅关于维持和平行动部实质性行动管理审计报告(AP2005/ 560/05)的后续行动,该司应选择一种电子格式来转换 家名 册 , 以便利合 作伙伴接触选举专家。
Recommendation 4: As a follow-up to the OIOS report on the management audit of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations-substantive operations (AP2005/560/05), the Division should
select an electronic format for
[...] converting the roster of experts and for facilitating partner access to electoral experts.
一些代表表示,希望在已通过的各项决定中加入他们的国家,一位代表 称,他还希望能在其中至少加入一个未能与会的 家名 称。
Several representatives expressed the wish to have their countries added to any decision adopted and
one representative said that he also
[...] wished to add the name of at least one country that was not present [...]
at the meeting.
比利时只是忽略 了应将此种意图正式通知财务主任,因此,他要求将比利时列入打算使用固定汇率机制的家名单。
It had simply been an oversight on its part not to have formally advised the
Treasurer of its intention to do so and requested that Belgium be
[...] added to the list of countries intending to use the FERM.
古巴反对在联合国系统之外制定对跨国有组织 犯罪有关罪行负有责任的虚假家名 单 , 比如美利 坚合众国国务院制定的为了在政治上施压并为其没 [...]
有法律和道义基础的单边制裁做出辩护的名单,尤 其是对古巴进行的封锁。
Cuba was opposed to drawing up, outside the United Nations system,
[...] fallacious lists of countries ostensibly responsible [...]
for violations linked to transnational
organized crime, such as those produced by the Department of State of the United States of America for purposes of political pressure and to justify unilateral sanctions without any legal or moral basis, especially the embargo against Cuba.
发言者还呼吁尚未 提交其政府家名单的 缔约国提交该名单。
Speakers also called upon the States parties that had not yet done so to submit
[...] their lists of governmental experts.
自卡塔赫纳首脑会议以来,14 个缔约 国――阿尔巴尼亚、保加利亚、厄瓜多尔、伊拉克、约旦、拉脱维亚、荷兰、塞
[...] 尔维亚、瑞士、塔吉克斯坦、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、突尼斯、土库曼斯坦 和乌克兰――为家名单提供了新信息或更新了信息。
Since the Cartagena Summit, 14 States Parties – Albania, Bulgaria, Ecuador, Iraq, Jordan, Latvia, Netherlands, Serbia, Switzerland, Tajikistan, the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine – provided new or updated
[...] information for the list of experts.
国家同意全面负责管理和执行本协定以及为履行本协定的义务由国家或以 家名义 开展的所有活动。
The Country agrees to assume overall responsibility for the management and implementation
of this Agreement and of all activities undertaken by it or on its
[...] behalf to fulfil the obligations under [...]
this Agreement.
评估的因素包括家名称、世界地区;并具有以下功能:在线出版物、在线数据库、音频片段、视频片段、非母 语或外语翻译、商业广告、额外费用、用户支付、残疾人通道、隐私政策、安全因素、在线服 [...]
[...] assessed included the name of the nation, region of the world [...]
and having the following features: online publications,
online database, audio clips, video clips, non-native languages or foreign language translation, commercial advertising, premium fees, user payments, disability access, privacy policy, security features, presence of online services, number of different services, digital signatures, credit card payments, email address, comment form, automatic email updates, website personalization, personal digital assistant (PDA) access and an English version of the website.
由于实现发展目标对刚果民主共和国这 样刚经历过冲突的国家而言特别困难,他呼吁国际社 会向刚果民主共和国提供持续的援助,使之能够巩固
[...] 和平与安全,为年轻人创造就业机会,并采取一切必 要的步骤,促进可持续发展,从最不发达 家名 单中 毕业。
Since achieving development goals was particularly challenging in a post-conflict country such as his own, he urged the international community to provide it with sustained assistance so that it could consolidate peace and security, create jobs for young people and
take all necessary steps to promote sustainable development and to
[...] graduate from the list of least developed countries.
人力资源通过各种手段为两性平等提供具体支助,其中包括:制订最新的两 性平等问题家名册(既 有个人,也有机构),以便为发展和人道主义领域的方案 [...]
提供两性平等专门知识;在实质性的卓越方案各学习方案以及领导和管理方案中 纳入性别平等模块/组件;把两性平等能力全面纳入从职位说明和工作说明到基
HR provides specific support for gender equality through
various means, including: the creation
[...] of up-to-date rosters of gender specialists (both [...]
individuals and institutions) to provide
gender expertise for programmes in both development and humanitarian contexts; incorporating gender equality modules/components in the substantive Programme Excellence learning programmes and the Leadership and Management Programmes; and holistically integrating gender equality competencies throughout Human Resources, from job profiles and descriptions, to competencybased selection processes and managing for performance.
定期审查并且酌情更新附件一和二中的 家名 单 ,将是在《公约》缔约方之 间分配义务负担的最为恰当和公平的途径,有利于《公约》目标得到尽可能迅 [...]
Periodic review and, where appropriate,
[...] updating of the lists of countries in annexes I and II [...]
would be the most appropriate and
fair way to allocate the burden of obligations among the Parties to the Convention, so that the objectives of the Convention may be achieved as promptly and efficiently as possible.




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