

单词 爱国者

爱国者 ()

MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile

See also:

爱国 pl

patriots pl


love one's country

be fond of

External sources (not reviewed)

此外还专门就生物伦理、自然文化以及古巴、拉丁美洲和加勒比等国家和地区爱国者和缔 造者的思想等专题出版专刊。
Special issues have been dedicated to such topics as
bioethics, the culture of nature and the
[...] thoughts of the patriots and founders of [...]
Cuba, Latin America and the Caribbean, among others.
虽然这一举措被取消,但对平民前往该酒店和对 向该酒店运送用品的限制以及“青 爱国者 ” 组 织进攻酒店的威胁仍未解除。
While this initiative was called off, restrictions on the movement
of civilians and on supplies to the hotel, as well as
[...] threats by the Young Patriots to attack the hotel, [...]
have continued.
爱国者”与 瓦塔拉总统的支持者还在阿比 让的 Yopougon 居民区发生多起冲突。
Many clashes
[...] between the Young Patriots and supporters [...]
of President Ouattara have also occurred in the Yopougon neighbourhood of Abidjan.
这一年,爱国者同盟(在巴明吉-班戈兰省)和上帝军(在姆博穆省、上姆博 穆省、上科托省和瓦卡加省)袭击村庄期间,在该国东部和北部曾发生抢掠医务 [...]
During the year, there
[...] were cases of lootings of health centres [...]
in the east and north of the country during attacks on villages
by CPJP (in Bamingui-Bangoran prefecture) and by LRA (in Mbomou, Haut-Mbomou, Haute-Kotto and Vakaga prefectures), which adversely impacted access to health care by the population, including children.
[...] 不为人所知的被称为“中非争取正义与和 爱国者同 盟” (爱国者同盟)的反叛团体和 Abdoulaye Miskine 的反叛团体“中非人民民主阵线”。
The increase in the number of security incidents in the north of the country has been attributed to a
rebel group unknown until now,
[...] called the Convergence des patriots centrafricains pour la [...]
Justice et la Paix (CPJP), and
Abdoulaye Miskine’s rebel group, the Front démocratique du peuple centrafricain.
在亚穆苏 克罗,重新启动由一名青爱国者领 导 的一个军事团体“守望蝎运动”,据称招 [...]
In Yamoussoukro, the Compagnie
des Scorpions Guetteurs, a militia group
[...] led by a Young Patriot, was reactivated, [...]
and reportedly recruited youth to infiltrate
areas controlled by the Forces nouvelles.
我还呼爱国者同盟 通过确立一项、有时限的具体行动计划,立即无条件释放其据报道 已招募的儿童兵,并敦爱国者同盟 允许人道主义行为体向处于其实际控制下的 流离失所者和其他人群提供援助。
I also call on CPJP to release, immediately and without preconditions, the children reported to be in its ranks, through the establishment of a concrete, time-bound action plan, and urge CPJP to allow humanitarian [...]
actors to deliver
assistance to the displaced and other populations in need in the areas under its de facto control.
兼任巴博先生的“青年和就业部长”的“青 爱国者 ”组 织领导人夏尔·布莱·古德先生在一次新闻发布会上宣布,布基纳法索总统孔波 [...]
The leader of the Young Patriots, Mr. Charles Blé [...]
Goudé, who is also Mr. Gbagbo’s “minister of youth and employment”, announced
during a press conference that President Compaoré of Burkina Faso would not be welcome.
这些事件还包括组建了中非共和 国政府和通过了得到议会核可的总体政策宣言;举行 了苏丹、乍得与中非共和国的三方首脑会议;与仍未 加入《利伯维尔和平协议》的最后一个叛乱团体—— “争取正义与和爱国者同盟”——签署了停火协 议;一个外国政治军事运动团体即将返回其所属国; 以及解除武装、复员和重返社会进程启动。
They also include the formation of the Government and its general policy statement, affirmed by the Parliament; the tripartite Sudan-Chad-Central African Republic summit; the signing of a ceasefire
agreement with the
[...] Convention des patriotes pour la justice et la paix, the last rebel group remaining outside the Libreville peace accords; the imminent return to its own country of [...]
a foreign politico-military
movement; and the start of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) process.
[...] 新的领导人奉行非暴力政策,但此运动和青 爱国者 运 动 的极端分子继续在全国 不同地方的大学和学校制造动荡。
While the new leadership of the Student Federation advocates a
policy of non-violence, extremists from
[...] this and the Young Patriots movement continued [...]
to cause disturbances at universities
and schools in different parts of the country.
1 月 23 日和 24
[...] 日在阿比让,大约 300 名“青爱国者”组织的成员包围了 Koumassi 的联科 [...]
Some 300
[...] members of the Young Patriots surrounded the [...]
UNOCI logistics base in Koumassi, in Abidjan, on 23 and 24 January,
cutting off the water supply and attempting to enter the base, including by throwing Molotov cocktails.
此外,联合国得到报告爱国者同盟5 月至 7 月间 占领了布里亚(上科托省)附近村庄的数所学校,10 月,Ippy(瓦卡省)的学校由爱国者同盟占领该镇被暂时关闭。
In addition, it was
[...] reported to the United Nations that CPJP occupied several schools in villages near Bria (Haute-Kotto prefecture) between May and July; while in October, schools in Ippy (Ouaka prefecture) were temporarily closed owing to the occupation of the town by CPJP.
最后,我们还要再次提及非洲伟大 爱国者 和革命家帕特里斯·卢蒙巴说过的话,他说,刚果独立是 [...]
In conclusion, we cannot but refer yet again to the words of
[...] that great African patriot and revolutionary [...]
Patrice Lumumba, who said that the independence
of the Congo marks a decisive step towards the liberation of the entire African continent.
另一方面,五名古爱国者—— 我国英雄——因 试图防止来自美国针对古巴人民的恐怖行径而遭受 [...]
On the other
[...] hand, five Cuban patriots — heroes in my [...]
country — were unjustly sentenced and cruelly imprisoned for trying
to prevent terrorist acts against Cuba from the United States.
这包括与唯 一没有签署 2008 年利伯维尔和平协定的反叛团体争 取正义与和爱国者同盟 签署了停火协议;中非共和 国、乍得和苏丹签署了应有助于稳定该国东北部局势 的三方协议;以及,在民族和解方面取得的进一步进 展。
These include the signing of a ceasefire agreement with the Convention des patriotes pour la justice et la paix, the only remaining rebel group that did not sign the 2008 Libreville peace accords; the signing of a tripartite agreement among the Central African Republic, Chad and the Sudan that should contribute to stabilizing the situation in the north-east of the country; and further progress towards national reconciliation.
继 2011 年 9 月爱国者同盟 与民主力量团结联盟之间爆发致命冲突后,中非 [...]
建和办与联合国国家工作队和性别平等专题小组结成伙伴,在 3 月 6 日对上科托 省布里亚开展了一次联合评估,以合并为满足妇女、儿童和其他弱势群体需求而 采取的各项举措的资源。
Following deadly
[...] clashes between CPJP and UFDR in September [...]
2011, BINUCA, in partnership with the United Nations country
team and the Gender Thematic Group undertook a joint evaluation mission to Bria, Haute-Kotto, on 6 March, to consolidate resources for initiatives in response to the needs of women, children and other vulnerable groups.
这些行动在中部和东北部推广开来 爱国者 同 盟 和民 主力量团结联盟(民族团结联盟)的根据地位于这两个地区。
The operations will continue in the central part of the
country and in the north-east, where the
[...] rebellions of the CPJP and the Union des [...]
forces démocratiques pour le rassemblement (UFDR) are smouldering.
据报“青爱国者”组 织与瓦塔拉总统的支持 者在阿比让的约普贡街区发生了若干冲突,而且据报“青 爱国者 ” 组 织还活活 烧死了一些人。
A number of clashes
[...] between the Young Patriots and supporters of President Ouattara were reported in the Yopougon neighbourhood of Abidjan, with the Young Patriots reportedly burning [...]
people alive.
尽管瓦塔拉总统于 3 月 17 日签署命令,将科特
[...] 迪瓦国防和安全部队与“新生力量”整编为接受统一 指挥的“科特迪瓦共和国部队”,但 3 月 19 日,“青爱国者”领导人 Charles Blé Goudé先生要求“青爱国者”于 3 月 21 日到国防军总部报到,报名参 军,以便“解放”该国。
While President Ouattara signed a decree on 17 March unifying the Ivorian defence and security forces and the Forces nouvelles under a single command, called the Forces républicaines de Côte
d’Ivoire, on 19 March the
[...] leader of the Young Patriots, Mr. Charles Blé Goudé, called on the Young Patriots to report to FDS headquarters [...]
on 21 March
to enrol in the army in order to “liberate” the country.
129. 专家组已经获悉,Blé Goudé先生仍在领导泛非青爱国者大 会 ,并打算 重整旗鼓,启动他在科特迪瓦的政治网络。
The Group has been alerted that from his current location, Mr. Blé Goudé still exercises
leadership over the Congrès panafricain
[...] des jeunes et patriotes (COJEP) and intends [...]
to reactivate his political network in Côte d’Ivoire.
科特迪瓦司法部已通知专家组,目前没有对 Djué先生采取司法程序,他致 力于和解进程,并在约普贡-阿比让地区泛非青 爱国者 大 会人员解除武装过程 中提供了协助。
The Group has been informed by the Ministry of Justice of Côte d’Ivoire that there are no current judicial proceedings against Mr. Djué and that he is committed to the process of reconciliation and has provided assistance in the disarmament process of elements of COJEP in the district of Yopougon-Abidjan.
发起这些行动的人可能来自以下几个 方面:试图在西部重整旗鼓的带武器混入阿比让平民的前共和国卫队的许多士兵
[...] 以及从阿比让溃退的支持巴博的民兵、雇佣军和前国防军人员;仍有机会获得武 器的“青爱国者”组 织和科特迪瓦学生和学者联合会成员以及带武器藏匿的“隐 [...]
These could be initiated by the many ex-Republican Guard soldiers who have melted into the civilian population in Abidjan together with their weapons, as well as the pro-Gbagbo militias, mercenaries and former FDS personnel routed from
Abidjan, who are attempting to regroup in
[...] the west, Young Patriots and Fédération [...]
estudiantine et scolaire de Côte d’Ivoire
(FESCI) members who still have access to arms and elements of the “Invisible Commandos” who have gone into hiding with their weapons.
自选举后危机出现以来,前总统行政当局据报告已利用这些资金,用于 除其他外支付外国雇佣军和青 爱国者 民 兵 成员。
Since the onset of the post-electoral crisis, the administration of the former
President has reportedly used these funds, among others, to pay foreign mercenaries and
[...] members of the Young Patriots militia.
M23 成员还告诉专家组说, 他们同恩杜马保卫刚果民兵组织(见上面第 60 至 63 段)、刚果促进和爱国者联 盟 的Albert Kahasha上校(见下面第 226 和 127 段)和抵抗阵线(见上面第 51 和 52 段),因为他们对中央政府提出的要求是一样的。
Albert Kahasha of UPCP (see paras. 126-127 below) and FRPI (see paras. 51-52 above), as they had the same demands for the central Government.
专家组打算将工作重点放在基伍的主要武装团体上,例如 Yakutumba 派马 伊马伊民兵、Sheka 派马伊马伊民兵、刚果爱国抵抗联盟拉方丹、促进自由主权 刚爱国者联盟 和解放刚果人民阵线,这些团体都抵制了军事领导层作出的将他 们编入刚果民主共和国武装力量的有限姿态(见下文第 48 至 59 段)。
The Group intends to focus its efforts on principal Kivu-based armed groups such as Mai Mai Yakutumba, Mai Mai Sheka, PARECO (Coalition des patriotes résistants congolais) LaFontaine, the Alliance des patriotes pour un Congo libre et souverain (APCLS) and the Front populaire pour la libération du Congo, which have all resisted limited overtures by the military hierarchy to integrate their units into FARDC (see paras. 48-59 below).
我们美洲人民玻利瓦尔替代计划/人民贸易协定成员国国家元首和政府首 脑,爱国者在卡 拉沃沃战役中取得胜利 188 周年以及 2009 年 6 月 24 日在委内 瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国阿拉瓜州马拉凯市召开美洲人民玻利瓦尔联盟/人民贸易协 定第六届特别首脑会议之机,重申他们对古巴共和国和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国 两国总统于 2004 年 12 月 14 日签署的联合声明所载原则的承诺。
The Heads of State and Government of the countries members of the Alternativa Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América — Tratado de Comercio de los Pueblos (ALBA-TCP) (Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America — Peoples’ Trade Agreement), on the occasion of the 188th anniversary of the patriots’ victory in the Battle of Carabobo and of the ALBA-TCP Sixth Extraordinary Summit, held in the city of Maracay, Aragua state, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on 24 June 2009, reaffirmed their commitment to the principles set out in the joint statement of 14 December 2004, signed by the Presidents of the Republic of Cuba and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
自中非共和国政府与最后一个尚未加入利伯维尔全面和平协定的叛乱运 动爱国者同盟 ”之间签署停火协议以及 爱国者 同 盟”与“民族团结联盟”之 间签署协议以来(这两个运动在 2011 年 9 月的战斗造成多人丧生并使该国的人道 主义局势更加恶化),该国继续保持平静气氛。
In the Central African Republic, an atmosphere of calm continues to prevail following the signing of the ceasefire agreement between the Government and the CPJP, the final rebel movement that has not yet joined the Libreville Comprehensive Peace Agreement, and following the agreement between the latter and the UFDR, whose attacks last September resulted in many victims and contributed to the degradation in the humanitarian situation in the country.
在 2011 年 8 月 12 日与专家组和综合禁运小组的会议上,科特迪瓦海关总署
[...] 署长确认,在上届政府执政期间,利用了挪用公共资金的机制来购买武器和弹药 以及向外国雇佣军和青爱国者份子 支付费用。
In a meeting with the Group of Experts and the Integrated Embargo Cell on 12 August 2011, the Director-General of Customs of Côte d’Ivoire acknowledged that during the former Administration a mechanism for the diversion of public funds had
been utilized to finance purchases of arms and ammunition and pay foreign mercenaries
[...] and elements of the Jeunes Patriotes.
2001 年《国爱国者法案 》扩大了在《外国情报监视法》下的情报收集权 力,《外国情报监视法》用来规范为取得外国情报信息而开展的电子监视和人身 [...]
The 2001 USA PATRIOT Act expanded intelligence [...]
collection authorities under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA),
which regulates electronic surveillance and physical searches conducted to acquire foreign intelligence information.




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