单词 | 礁湖星云 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 礁湖星云 —Lagoon Nebula M8See also:星云 n—nebulae pl 星星 n—star n
2012 年,公布了卫星 AGILE 收集的数据,数据表明蟹状星云的 X 射线的 发射具有多变性。 oosa.unvienna.org | In 2012, data [...] collected by the satellite AGILE demonstrating the variability of the X-ray emissions of the Crab Nebula have been [...]published. oosa.unvienna.org |
(d) ㆒個大型環礁湖及南 面海旁㆒條連綿不斷的散步長 廊。 legco.gov.hk | (d) a large lagoon and a continuous [...] promenade along the southern waterfront. legco.gov.hk |
但是美国国家科学基金会的Karl G. [...] Jansky用甚大天线阵(VLA)望远镜(右图所示)拍下的一张新照片,促使了这个物体得到了新名字:海 牛 星云。 chinese.eurekalert.org | But a new image of it taken by the National Science [...] Foundation's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) telescope (right), has inspired a new name for the [...] object: the Manatee Nebula. chinese.eurekalert.org |
然而,這個環礁湖 可由 一個類似的公眾場地來取代,場地內可設置一個與海港分隔的水體。 legco.gov.hk | However, this concern would not negate the construction of a similar public space, including a water body disconnected from the harbour. legco.gov.hk |
2012 年,毛里求斯政府投资约 330 万美元,在岛屿周边多个区域投放至少 [...] 30 万条鱼苗和几千条海参,为环礁湖补 给 资源,并创建珊瑚礁保护区。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2012, the Government is investing about $3.3 million to replenish the lagoons by releasing at least 300,000 fish [...] fingerlings and thousands of sea cucumbers in various areas around the island, and to create [...] coral farms and reef sanctuaries. daccess-ods.un.org |
重大计划 II 和重大计划 V 利用马罗佛语创建了 基于在线维基(wiki)技术的开放式教育资源,以提供马罗 佛 礁湖 自 然环境方面的本土知 识,这种方式(包括地方能力建设)进一步推进了所罗门群岛的工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Work in the Solomon Islands was further advanced by MP II and V, through the development of online, wikibased Open Educational Resources in the Marovo language on indigenous knowledge of the natural environment in Marovo Lagoon, including local capacity development. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他是理论天体物理学的先驱之一;他从事恒星和银河系、星系动力学和气 体 星云 的宇 宙进化论研究。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He was one of the pioneers of theoretical astrophysics; he worked on the [...] cosmogony of stars and galaxies, stellar [...]dynamics, and gaseous nebulas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
計劃內有 一個環礁湖,這 設計或有點不切實際而備受評審團關注。 legco.gov.hk | One aspect of the project which gave rise to [...] concern was the lagoon which struck the [...]Jury as perhaps impractical. legco.gov.hk |
这个发光的、有点蓝色的直径2光年的 星云 并 非在所有方向上都是一致扩张的,这可能是因为垂死的恒星——其残留物如今成 为 星云 中 心的一颗白矮星——拥有一个近距离环绕的伙伴。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The glowing, bluish lobes of the [...] 2-light-year-diameter nebula aren't expanding uniformly in all directions, possibly because the dying star—whose remnants are now a white dwarf in the center of the nebula—had a close-orbiting [...]companion. chinese.eurekalert.org |
在巴萨这样一个群星云集的 球队,他的上场时间可能会有问题,除非巴萨承诺让他有充足的机会打比赛。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | He could have [...] playing-time woes in a star-packed team like [...]Barca unless he is promised he will get ample appearance on the pitch. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
目前,蟹状星云被视 为一个非常稳定的发射源,并被多项其 他飞行任务用作校正。 oosa.unvienna.org | The Crab Nebula is presently considered [...] a very stable emitter and is used as a calibration source by many other missions. oosa.unvienna.org |
其中包括:百慕大(联 合王国)历史城镇圣乔治及相关要塞;新喀里多尼亚 泻 湖 : 珊 瑚 礁 多 样 性及相关 生态系统(法国);以及亨德森島(皮特凯恩,联合王国)。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include: the Historic Town of Saint George and Related Fortifications, Bermuda (United [...] Kingdom of Great Britain and [...] Northern Ireland); the Lagoons of New Caledonia Reef Diversity and [...]Associated Ecosystems (France); [...]and Henderson Island (Pitcairn, United Kingdom). daccess-ods.un.org |
正如它的名字,海牛星云是一个庞然大物:横穿700光年,是VLA观测到的最大超新星遗迹之一。 chinese.eurekalert.org | And like its namesake, [...] the Manatee Nebula is a whopper: It's 700 light-years across, one of the biggest supernova remnants [...]ever spotted by VLA. chinese.eurekalert.org |
作为一个恒星爆发后的结果,行星状 星云 N GC 5189位于距离地球约3000光年的南半球的Musca星座(在拉丁语中是“苍蝇”的意思),这是位于南十字星座附近的一小簇恒星。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The planetary nebula NGC 5189, actually [...] the aftermath of a stellar explosion, lies about 3000 years away in the Southern [...]Hemisphere constellation Musca (Latin for "fly"), a minor grouping of stars near the Southern Cross. chinese.eurekalert.org |
在干燥,岩石的,经常是石灰石土地,灌丛,灌丛和开阔的的形势沿着溪,路旁,悬崖,岩石壁架,熔岩基座上; 400-2200米甘肃,广西,贵州,湖北, 湖 南 , 陕西,四川 , 云 南。 flora.ac.cn | On dry, rocky, frequently limestone soils, thickets, scrub and open situations along streams, [...] roadsides, cliffs, rock ledges, lava beds; 400-2200 m. [...] Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan. flora.ac.cn |
星云” -官方尼克尔斯坦应用为iPhone操作系统3.0和iPod [...] Touch。 cn.moba-app.com | NEbula" - the official Nick [...] Edelstein app for iPhone OS 3.0 and iPod Touch. moba-app.com |
它们像一个圆环,中间是个环礁湖。 4tern.com | It is in a [...] donut shape, with a coral lake in the middle. 4tern.com |
采取了保护海滩区的重大举措,作为综合海滩区管理的一部分,包括禁 止在环 礁湖采 砂 , 红树林栽植方案, 丝网笼海 岸 保护,发展海 [...] 滩 养 护 方 法,全 国 污水处理方案和日常海滩清洁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Major initiatives to protect the coastal zone have been undertaken as part of the integrated [...] coastal zone management, including the [...] banning of sand mining from the lagoon, mangrove planting [...]programme, coastal protection [...]works with gabions, the development of methods for beach nourishment, a national sewerage programme and daily beach cleaning. daccess-ods.un.org |
纺锤真鲨目前没有生境被破坏的威胁,因为它不像其他鲨鱼鱼种那样,在 近岸生活或利用沿海环礁湖作为 幼鱼区或哺育区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The silky shark is at present relatively free of threats in the form of habitat destruction [...] because it does not live inshore nor does [...] it utilize coastal lagoons as pupping or nursery [...]areas like other shark species. daccess-ods.un.org |
坐落在印度海岸富饶美丽的珊瑚礁上 , PAPINEE印度 海 星 的 华丽设计由大量拉贾斯坦邦的涡纹图案和奢华的珠宝、贵金属刺绣图案组成,描绘出印度北部过去、现在以及未来生机勃勃的景象。 papinee.com | Nestled among the rich and [...] beautiful coral beds along the Indian coastline, the design of the elegant PAPINEE Starfish fron India is [...]embellished with extensive [...]Rajasthani paisley patterns, stunning embroidered jewels and precious metals; all painting a rich and vibrant perspective of North Indian past, present and future. papinee.com |
Car Wash」從礁湖汲取 引水,用於這個汽車百科與船隻工程師主題的青少年專屬園地。 clubmed.com.tw | The "Car Wash" uses the [...] water from the lagoon for its workshops [...]inspired by the universe of car and ship mechanics. clubmed.us |
威尼斯及其环礁湖,当 然是在我的作品中的基本主题,但不是主要主题。 luxe-immo.com | Of course Venice and its lagoon are fundamental [...] themes in my work but not the predominant subjects. luxe-immo.com |
只要夜空是晴朗无云、星光璀璨的,那见到北极光的机会就会很大。 visitfinland.com | If you notice that the night [...] sky is clear and starry, then your chances [...]of seeing the northern lights are also good. visitfinland.com |
软件吸收了超过120.000颗恒星、行星、 星 座 、 星云 、 不 同 星 空 效 果,等等。 stellarium-port...cn.uptodown.com | The program incorporates more than [...] 120.000 stars, planets, constellations, nebulae, various effects, etc. stellarium-port...en.uptodown.com |
卫星云图象 可以清晰显示流域内有效和无效蒸散发形式,结合利用其他手 [...] 段,向各用水户组团及河流环境分配削减下来的用水配额。 wrdmap.org | Satellite imagery gave a [...] clear picture of the pattern of beneficial and nonbeneficial ET in the basin and was used along [...]with other methods to assign reduced water quotas to water user groups and to the riverine environment. wrdmap.org |
建筑外层绘上类似星云的呈 散发状的环形条纹,营造了虚无缥缈的深邃意境。 chinese-architects.com | The complex utilizes special design treatment and is covered with annular radiating nebular stripes. chinese-architects.com |
从2200万加仑(8300万升)的贝拉吉奥喷泉 (Fountains of Bellagio) [...] 和威尼斯人酒店的人工运河,到金银岛的海 盗 礁湖 和 迷 拉吉酒店 (The Mirage) 的流动火山,前往拉斯维加斯大道 [...] (Las Vegas Strip) 的游客绝不会想到,该地区曾遭受干旱的重创。 impeller.xyleminc.com | From the 22-million-gallon (83-million-liter) Fountains of Bellagio and the [...] Venetian’s artificial canals, to Treasure [...] Island’s pirate lagoon and The Mirage’s [...]liquid volcano, visitors to the Las Vegas [...]Strip might never suspect that the region was hit hard by drought. impeller.xyleminc.com |
在洪都拉斯的雷奥普拉塔诺生物圈保留地 中,由于与海洋之间只有一块狭长的海岸带,居住 着 [...] 三 个 土 著 群 的 伊 班 环 礁 湖 正 受 到 侵 蚀 的 威 胁。 teebweb.org | In Honduras, the Ibans Lagoon in the Río Plátano Biosphere [...] Reserve, home to three indigenous groups is threatened by the erosion of a narrow [...] coastal strip between lake and ocean. teebweb.org |
这个城镇位于马拉喀什(Marrakesh)以南约600英里,处在海洋和一个宁静的 环 礁湖 之 间 的一片30英里长的沙滩上;这里正日渐成为世界最好的风筝冲浪胜地之一。 vantageshanghai.com | On a 30-mile-long spit of sand between the ocean [...] and a tranquil lagoon about 600 miles [...]south of Marrakesh, the town is becoming [...]one of the world’s greatest wind- and kite-board surfing destinations. vantageshanghai.com |