单词 | 放长线钓大鱼 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 放长线钓大鱼 —use a long line catch a big fish (idiom); a long-term plan |
配置包括:单元件和多元件阵列、双电池四象限位置传感器 、 长线 器 件 、检测器-滤波器组合器件以及检测 器 - 放大 器 混 合器件。 digikey.cn | Configurations include single-element and multi-element arrays, bi-cells, quadrants, position sensors, long-line devices, detector-filter combinations, and detector-amplifier hybrids. digikey.ca |
该技术准则包括所有环境(海 洋、沿岸和内陆)的所有类型休闲渔业(以捕捞为取向的 垂 钓 、 捕捞 - 放 生 捕 鱼、 诱捕、叉鱼等)。 fao.org | The technical guidelines cover all types of recreational fisheries (harvest-oriented angling, catch-and-release fishing, trapping, spearfishing, etc.) in all environments (marine, coastal and inland). fao.org |
钩和绳钓是用途广泛的捕鱼方式 ,用于从手工船 到 大 型 机 械延 绳 钓 船 的广 泛范围。 fao.org | It is a versatile fishing method, employed by a wide range of vessels from artisanal boats to large mechanized [...] longliners. fao.org |
2012年9月,协会在农特里茨举办钓鱼 活 动之际,Gerd Kunkel厂长将当地饲养的梭子鱼放入易 北河。 wacker.com | In September 2012, site [...] manager Gerd Kunkel released locally farmed pike into the Elbe during an event organized by the Nünchritz angling club. wacker.com |
但应当注意游钓捕鱼积极推动了捕捞- 放 生 活 动, 钓鱼比赛捕的鱼一般被放生,除非所捕的鱼创了记录。 fao.org | However, it should be noted that most game fishing [...] associations actively promote [...] catch-and-release practices and that the fish caught in game fishing tournaments are generally released unless the fish [...]caught is a record fish. fao.org |
然而,早在 1960 年代中期以前就出现较 小规模的 200 米以下深水渔业,包括公海延绳钓作 业捕 捞 长 魣 鳕 、单鳍鳕 和 大比 目鱼等鱼种以 及捕捞黑等鳍叉尾带鱼等鱼种的个体渔业。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, smaller scale fisheries deeper than 200 metres occurred well [...] before the [...] mid-1960s, including high-seas longlining operations for species such as ling, tusk and halibut, [...]and artisanal fisheries [...]for species such as black scabbardfish. daccess-ods.un.org |
在区域一级,中西太平洋渔业委员会 2008 年会议通过 了若干措施,其中包括:2009 年将长线捕捞削减 10%;在公海和专属经济区实行 对聚渔装置捕鱼实行休渔期;今后在派遣观察员观 察 大 型 围网 捕 鱼 船 方 面实现 100%的覆盖率。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the regional level, the Western and Central Pacific Ocean Fisheries Commission meeting of 2008 adopted measures that [...] included a cut of 10 [...] per cent in long-line fishing in 2009; periods of closure of the high seas and exclusive economic zones to fishing using Fish Aggregating Devices; and future 100 per cent coverage of purse seine fishing vessels with [...]observers. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008 年,中西部 太平洋渔业委员会通过了削减长线捕 鱼 和 实行禁渔期等措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2008, the Western and Central [...] Pacific Fisheries Commission adopted measures which [...] included cuts in long-line fishing and periods of closure to fishing. daccess-ods.un.org |
全球统计依然缺少:(i)非食用水产养殖产量,包 括 钓鱼 的 活 饵料、活的观 赏物种(动物和植物)和装饰品(珍珠和贝壳);(ii)用于特定肉食性养殖物种 饲料的养殖的鱼类;(iii)用于水产养殖孵化场和养成阶段饵料的许多物种的养殖 生物量(例如浮游动物、卤虫和海洋蠕虫);(iv)用于继续养殖或野外 投 放 的水 产养殖孵化场和育苗场的产量;以及(v)用于养殖的捕捞野生鱼的投入量。 fao.org | Global statistics are still lacking on: (i) non-food aquaculture production, including live bait for fishing, live ornamental species (animals and plants) and ornamental products (pearls and shells); (ii) fishes cultured as feed for certain carnivorous farmed species; (iii) culture of biomass of many species (such as plankton, Artemia and marine worms) for use as feed in aquaculture [...] hatcheries and grow-out operations; [...](iv) aquaculture hatchery and nursery outputs for ongrowing in captivity or stocking to the wild; and (v) inputs in terms of captured wild fish ongrown in captivity. fao.org |
2011版中这两个类别大体对 应1997版中类别C和3级对应1997版的“ C 短 线 ” 和“ C长 线”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | These two categories in ISCED 2011 typically [...] correspond to the category C and at ISCED level 3 to categories “C short” and “C long” in ISCED 1997. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些鱼种的下述共同特点加剧了脆弱性:喜欢聚集,因此很容易被发 现和捕获,或显示出易受多钩长线诱 饵吸引的强烈倾向。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those species forming aggregations that can be readily detected and captured or showing a strong tendency to be attracted to longline bait share characteristics that enhance vulnerability. daccess-ods.un.org |
徒步旅行,滑雪,钓鱼和我们的自行车租赁服务是 伟 大 的 方式来看看风景。 instantworldbooking.com | Hiking, skiing, fishing and our bike rental service are great ways to see the sights. instantworldbooking.com |
在这一时期捕到的鱼的财政利益被他们可在 未来捕捞更多鱼的权力极大放大。 fao.org | The financial benefits of catching fish during this period are greatly multiplied by the right they may [...] confer to catch more fish in the future. fao.org |
联合国 [...] 海洋法公约》第 15 条规定,海洋区域重叠时,将在两国 海岸线等距离处划分界限,然而有些因素可能影响界限 划分,包括有关的海岸线长度,各大 陆 和 岛屿海岸线之 间的距离,以及争端各方拥有的不同岛屿标志的数量。 crisisgroup.org | When maritime zones overlap, Article 15 of UNCLOS states that the boundaries will be established at an equal distance from both countries coasts, although there are other factors [...] that can modify this, [...] including the lengths of the relevant coastlines, the distance of the various mainland and island coastlines [...]from each other, [...]as well as the number of different island features owned by the various parties to the dispute. crisisgroup.org |
日本现在还提出大量领土计划— —朝鲜半岛的独岛、中国领土的钓鱼 岛 以 及俄罗斯领 土的千岛群岛。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also, Japan is now making a lot of territorial plans — on the Korean peninsula in Dokdo Island, on Chinese territory in the Diaoyu Islands and on Russian territory in the Kuril Islands. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,在被网捕到期间,鱼往往受伤和死亡;因此其 捕获物质量一般不如笼捕、诱捕和延 绳 钓 捕 获 物,尽管刺 网 放 置 在 水中 捕 鱼 时间 短时,也可提供质量好的捕获物。 fao.org | In addition, fish are often injured and die during capture; accordingly, catch quality is typically not as good [...] as with pots, traps [...] and longlines, although gillnets may also give catch of good quality when the time the net is left in the water to fish is short. fao.org |
上述三类传感器,都能精确可靠地把输入的压力信号,转换成mv电信号, 经 放大线 路 板的电压、电流转换,产生与输入压力成线性关系的4-200mA(DC)标准输出信号,以便 较 长 距 离 将测量值输送到控制室,实现生产过程的自动控制与检测。 chinaseasky.cn | The three types of sensors, can accurately and reliably the pressure of the input [...] signals into electrical [...] signals mv, the enlarged board of voltage, current conversion, resulting in a linear relationship between the input pressure of the 4-200mA (DC) standard output signal to the measured value of long distance transport [...]to the control [...]room, production process, automatic control and detection. chinaseasky.cn |
因此为了拯救这些鲨鱼,海洋生物学家将一些稀土镧系金属——特别是钕和镨——附着 在 钓鱼 用 的多 钩 长线 渔 具 上,从而替代了传统的铅坠。 chinese.eurekalert.org | So to help save the sharks, marine biologists took advantage of this, attaching pieces of [...] rare-earth lanthanide metals—specifically, neodymium and [...] praseodymium—to longline fishing gear in place of typical [...]lead weights. chinese.eurekalert.org |
延长的网 片和囊网由四个部分组成,包括一台渔网摄影机以及从拖网中 释 放 不要 的鱼的不同装置。 fao.org | The extension piece and [...] the codend are made of four panels and include a net camera and various selection devices to release unwanted fish from the trawl. fao.org |
未来十年在所有区域和 大洲,预期世界人口增长放缓, 而发展中国家将继续经历人口最快速的增长。 fao.org | World population growth is expected to slow in the next decade, [...] in all regions and continents, with developing countries [...]continuing to experience the most rapid population increases. fao.org |
审查小组还建议认真考虑休闲钓 鱼及钓鱼体育部门的重要性,并努力将这一部门纳 入 大 西 洋 金枪鱼养护委未来有 关渔业管理的讨论中。 daccess-ods.un.org | The review panel also recommended that the importance of the recreational and sport fishing sector be taken seriously and that efforts be made to include that sector in future ICCAT deliberations regarding fisheries management. daccess-ods.un.org |
Lutz Otto先生是迈森地区受国家指定的渔业监督员,也是农特里茨 Glaubitz钓鱼协会的会长,他介绍说,在过去的4年中,易北河里梭子鱼和梭鲈鱼的数量明显减少,主要原因是易北河的水位长期过低,造成了河岸地带过于干燥,河道水流过急,再加上气候变化的影响,这些因素都不利于易北河肉食鱼类的生存。 wacker.com | According to Lutz Otto, state inspector for fisheries in [...] Meissen County and chair of the [...] Nünchritz-Glaubitz sport-fishing association, the numbers [...]of pike and pikeperch in the Elbe [...]have fallen noticeably over the last four years. wacker.com |
钩和绳钓 钩和绳钓是指将自然或人工饵料放在 钩 上吸 引 鱼 、 鱿 鱼 或 其他物种并捕捞的 渔具。 fao.org | Hook and line refers to [...] gear to which fish, squid or other species are attracted by natural or artificial bait or lures placed on a [...]hook, on which they are caught. fao.org |
在此背景之下,各位部长强调,释 放大 量 巴 勒斯坦囚犯以及立即释放被任 意非法监禁的巴勒斯坦立法委员会成员,是向培育互信氛围迈出的积极一 步,而互信是重启永久地位谈判所必要的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, the Ministers stressed that the release of a substantial number of Palestinian prisoners, as well as the immediate release of the arbitrarily, [...] illegally imprisoned [...]members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, could constitute a positive step towards fostering the climate of mutual trust necessary for the resumption of permanent status negotiations. daccess-ods.un.org |
Marine Box从以这样的大鱼为目标的拖饵钓鱼 开 始 ,到美洲红树林种的小生物的垂钓和附加诱饵钓鱼体验的独木舟摩托车旅行等体会西表岛丰富的自然。 cn.okinawa2go.jp | At Marine Box from [...] trolling to aim the big fishes to fish small ones at mangroves [...]as lure fishing and canoe touring, enables [...]you to enjoy the nature of Iriomote Island. en.okinawa2go.jp |
这些器件采用专有环氧氯丙烷材料和四分之一微米凹进栅极工艺技术,可以生产出更高线性度(+48 dBm IP3,在 1 W P-1 dB 无线放大器中)和更低相位噪声(-125 [...] dBc,在 17.5 GHz DRO 条件下发生 100 KHz 偏移时)的额定功率输出从 [...]10 毫瓦至 5 瓦的器件。 digikey.cn | These devices employ proprietary epi material and quarter micron recessed gate process [...] technology, which result in highly linear (+48 dBm IP3 in a [...] 1 W P-1 dB Wireless Amp) and low phase [...]noise (-125 dBc @ 100 KHz [...]Offset in a 17.5 GHz DRO) devices with power outputs ranging from 10 milliwatts to 5 watts. digikey.ca |
它是世界上 丰量最高、捕捞最多的鲨鱼之一 ,常常是中上层延绳钓作业的副渔获物,但也为 钩线钓、中上层拖网,甚至是近岸的底层拖网所捕获。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is one of the most abundant and the most heavily [...] fished shark in the world, often as by-catch in pelagic longlines fisheries, but also on hookand-lines, in pelagic trawls [...]and even bottom trawls near the coasts. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,巴西成为挪威鳕鱼的一个增长中 的 市场,在一定程度上帮助减缓挪威出口商在受到经济危机影响的南欧销售产品 的担忧,特别是挪威鳕鱼的最大进口 国葡萄牙。 fao.org | For example, [...] Brazil has become a growing destination for Norwegian cod, helping to ease somewhat the concerns of Norwegian exporters that their sales in southern Europe were being affected by the economic crisis, particularly in Portugal, which is the largest single importer of [...]Norwegian cod. fao.org |
在第 64/72 号决议第 119 段(d)分段中,大会吁 请区域渔业管理组织和安排 根据鱼量评估和现有最佳科学信息采取养护和管理措施,包括监测、控制和监视 措施,确保深海鱼类种群和非目标鱼 种 的 长 期 可 持续性,并恢复枯竭种群。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 119 (d) of resolution 64/72, the General Assembly called upon RFMO/As to adopt conservation and [...] management measures, including monitoring, [...] control and surveillance measures, on the basis of stock assessments and the best available scientific information, to ensure the long-term sustainability of deep-sea fish stocks and non-target species and the rebuilding of depleted stocks. daccess-ods.un.org |