

单词 便难

See also:

difficult (to...)
not good


difficulty n
problem n
disaster n

External sources (not reviewed)

在这方面,代表团鼓励国际社会加倍 努力,难民产 生国带来和平;坚定努力,为持 难 民 局 势寻找政治解决办法。
In this regard, delegations encouraged the
international community
[...] to redouble efforts to bring peace to refugee-producing countries and to work resolutely [...]
to find political
solutions for protracted situations.
我们回顾旨在公正和全面解决阿以冲突的《阿拉 伯和平倡议》,它拒绝接受在阿拉伯国家内的巴勒斯 坦人的任何永难民身份。
We recall the Arab Peace Initiative to resolve the Arab-Israeli
conflict in a just and comprehensive manner that
[...] rejects any permanent refugee status for Palestinians [...]
in the Arab countries.
提出建议的各国与佛 得 角
[...] 有 着良好 的相互关系 , 佛 得 角 政 府信赖它们,没有它们的支持便难 以 取得更大的成果。
access to water, improving health and satisfying other basic needs of the population. The States that made recommendations had good mutual relationships with Cape Verde
and the Government was relying on them, since without their
[...] support, it will be difficult to achieve additional [...]
(h) 处理持难民情 况问题采取了零敲碎打方式, 难 民 署造成严重的资源 管理问题。
(h) A fragmented approach had been adopted to the issue of
[...] protracted refugee situations that had significant resource management implications for UNHCR.
[...] 1861(2009)号决议建立中乍特派团军事部分时,授权特 派团帮助创造有利的安全条件, 便难 民 和 流离失所者自愿、有保障和持续地返 [...]
回,特别是促进对处于危险之中的难民、境内流离失所者和平民的保护,协助在 乍得东部和中非共和国东北部提供人道主义援助,并为这些地区重建及经济和社
In establishing the military component of MINURCAT under resolution 1861 (2009), the Security Council mandated the Mission to help create security conditions
conducive to the voluntary, secure and
[...] sustainable return of refugees and displaced [...]
persons, inter alia, by contributing to the
protection of refugees, IDPs and civilians in danger, facilitating the provision of humanitarian assistance in eastern Chad and north-eastern Central African Republic and creating conditions favourable to the reconstruction and the economic and social development of those areas.
6 个月的流动许可证,并且可延长一次,为期3 个月,便难民署 物色一个定居国家或安排自愿遣返。
If UNHCR grants the
[...] asylum-seeker refugee status, a six-month [...]
circulation permit is issued, renewable once for three months,
so that UNHCR can identify a resettlement country or arrange for voluntarily repatriation.
费者认为任何热带木材的收成会造成毁林,这些国家政 便难 以 支 持对自然森林 甚至种植园的管理。
As long as consumers in Western countries consider that the harvest of any tropical
timber contributes to
[...] deforestation, it will be difficult for their Governments [...]
to support management of natural forests or even plantations.
审计委员会建难民署 建立一个负责统一处理持 难 民 情 况的高级管理 单位,赋予其足够的权力来监测和处理在所有情况中取得的进展,并对各国别业 务行动进行问责”。
The Board recommends that UNHCR establish a single senior point of ownership for protracted refugee situations that has sufficient authority to monitor and address progress on all situations and to hold country operations to account.
审计委员会强调指出难民署所服务 难 民 半数以上已处在持 难民 情况达五年以上,2010 年用于此类情况的开支预计将增至 3亿美元(同上,第 139-158 段)。
The Board highlighted that over half of the refugees served by UNCHR had been in protracted refugee situations (five years or more) and that expenditure on such situations was projected to increase to $300 million in 2011 (ibid., paras. 139-158).
阿拉伯世界明知故 犯,存心使巴勒斯坦民众处于永难 民 的 二等地位。
The Arab world knowingly and intentionally kept their Palestinian populations in the
[...] second-class status of permanent refugees.
赞赏地确认 赞赏地确认 赞赏地确认 赞赏地确认一些非洲国家慷慨、热忱、富有团结精神,继续容留因近期人道 主义危机和旷日持难民局 势而大量涌入 难 民 , 在这方面表示特别赞赏相关邻 国在科特迪瓦、利比亚和非洲之角近期人道主义危机中作出的承诺和努力,此外 还赞赏地确认联合国对人道主义援助所作的协调以及各捐助方、包括联合 难民 事 务高级专员办事处在内的联合国系统各机构、区域组织、国际机构、非政府组 织和其他伙伴为解决紧急情况难民 的 困境而持续作出的努力,包括促成自愿回 返、重返社会和重新安置
the generosity, hospitality and spirit of solidarity of African
countries that continue
[...] to host the influx of refugees due to recent humanitarian crises and protracted refugee situations and, in this regard, expressing particular appreciation for the commitment and efforts of neighbouring countries in the recent humanitarian crises in Côte d’Ivoire, Libya and the Horn of Africa, and further acknowledging with appreciation the coordination of humanitarian assistance by the United Nations as well as the continuing efforts of donors, the United Nations system, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, regional organizations, international agencies, non-governmental organizations and other partners, with regard to, inter alia, voluntary return, reintegration and resettlement, in addressing the plight of refugees during [...]
the emergency
遣返难民不可剥夺的权利,也是解 难 民局 势,包括持难民局 势的唯一可行办法。
Repatriation was an inalienable right of refugees and the only viable solution to refugee situations, including protracted ones.
可持续发展教育必须侧重于减少我们对全球生态的 不良影响这⼀⽬标(同时通过加⼤力度实现可持续发展 来增加人类对生态环境的维护),⽽不仅仅是促进有质量 的教育,因为那样会使⽇常生活中的经济、环境、社会 和文化等问题的根源永难除。
ESD must focus on the goal of reducing our global ecological footprint (and increasing our handprint by increasing our actions for sustainable development) and not just promoting quality education that perpetuates the cause of our environmental, social, cultural and economical issues in the daily real-life context.
委员会促请缔约国与阿尔巴尼亚主管机构合作,及时建立调查这些案件的有效机 制,便与两国的监察专员和相关民间社会组织合作确定失踪儿童的去向,并确 认涉案人员的纪律和刑事责任,以免时隔过 难 以 确 定事实。
The Committee urges the State party to engage with the Albanian authorities with a view to promptly creating an effective mechanism to investigate these cases in order to establish the whereabouts of the missing children, in cooperation with the
Ombudsmen of both countries and
[...] relevant civil society organizations, and identify disciplinary and criminal responsibilities of those involved, before the passage of time creates difficulties in ascertaining the facts.
宽敞的设施和出众的餐饮服务是举办接待会、会议或婚礼的理想之选,让每次活动都历 难 忘。
For receptions, conferences or weddings, our spacious facilities and outstanding catering make every event memorable.
审计委员会建难民署 明确要求在其提出的每项行动计划中包含比照 “最少量行动”或“不做改变”的最低选项进行比较评估,以供内部和捐助方在 探讨解决持难民情况时审议。
The Board recommends that UNHCR make it an explicit requirement that a comparative assessment against a “do-minimum” or “no-change” base option be included in each of the action plans it produces for internal and donor consideration on tackling protracted refugee situations.
他还呼吁国际社会果断处理造成全世界寻求庇护者外流的冲 突问题,并为旷日持久难民局 势找到持久的解决办法。
He also called upon the international community to deal decisively with
conflicts that generate an exodus of asylum-seekers worldwide and provide durable solutions to
[...] protracted refugee situations.
感谢 感谢 感谢 感谢继续收容阿富汗难民的各国政府,特别是巴基斯坦和伊朗伊斯兰共
[...] 和国,承认它们到目前为止已为此承担了沉重负担,并请国际社会继续提供慷慨 支助,便难民自 愿、安全、有尊严和可持续地返回、恢复正常生活和重返社会
to those Governments that continue to host Afghan refugees, in particular Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran, acknowledging the huge burden they have so far shouldered in this regard, and asks for continued generous
support by the international community,
[...] with a view to facilitating their voluntary, [...]
safe, dignified and sustainable return,
rehabilitation and reintegration
我也要表 示,我国政府十分感谢他领导禁毒办采取良好、不懈
[...] 和令人鼓舞的行动并感谢他的办公室在纽约作出的 贡献,没有此种贡献我便难以取 得这个成果。
I also wish to express the warmest thanks of my Government for his well-deserving, tireless and inspired actions at the head of UNODC and
for the contributions of his office in New York, without which
[...] it would have been difficult for us to achieve [...]
this result.
可持续发展教育必须侧重于减少我 们对全球生态的不良影响这⼀⽬标,⽽不 仅仅是促进有质量的教育,因为那样会使 ⽇常生活中的经济、环境、社会和文化等 问题的根源永难除。
ESD must focus on the goal of reducing our global ecological footprint and not just promoting an education that perpetuates the causes of our economic, environmental, social and cultural challenges in daily life.
在本报告所述期间,中乍特派团完成了在库库安加拉纳和戈扎梅尔(达尔西 拉地区)各派出所建立免费救急电话中心的工作,以 便难 民 、 境内流离失所者 和东道社区与分遣队和其他安全部队进行联系。
During the reporting period, MINURCAT completed the installation of free emergency call centres at the Koukou Angarana and Goz
Amer police posts (Dar
[...] Sila region) to facilitate the direct access of refugees, internally displaced [...]
persons and host
communities to DIS and other security forces.
余昱辰表示,全球LED专利5大厂透过相互授权,形成独大专利网,在专利网以外的厂商 便难 逃 诉 讼威胁与授权金支付等专利手段,对于专利网外的厂商无疑是对其利润与出海口形成威胁。
YuYuChen said global LED patent 5 companies through mutual authorization, forming the only
big patent and the patent, and outside of
[...] the manufacturer, and not litigation [...]
threats and authorization gold pay wait for
patent means, for the patent and the manufacturer is undoubtedly the profit and blooms posed a threat.
咨询委员会指 出,这项举措对难民署而言是一个重要转变,而从这一经历所得到的经验应当加 以充分的介绍和分析,便为难民署 以及在开展类似项目的联合国系统其他实体 带来益处。
It points out that this initiative constitutes an important change for UNHCR, and that the lessons to be learned from this experience should be fully developed and analysed, for the benefit of the Office as well as the other entities of the United Nations system that are embarking on similar projects.
它回顾说,不丹曾重申它对通过双边 谈判进程找到持久解难民问 题的方法的承诺。
It recalled that Bhutan had reiterated its commitment to finding a lasting
[...] solution to the refugee problem through [...]
a process of bilateral negotiations.
与会者在赞赏联合国人权高专办工作的同时,对于该方案的统筹性表示满 意,即一方面提供人道主义援助,另一方面致力于找到持久解 难 民 及 其他受关 注人员面临的各种难。
Satisfaction was expressed with the balanced nature of the programme, as was appreciation for the work of UNHCR in providing
humanitarian assistance and working on finding durable
[...] solutions to the problems faced by refugees and other persons of concern.
Hafiz Pasha 先生承认需要改革国际金融结构并建议一些改进的领域,例如提高大 型发展中国家在国际金融机构的管理结构中的表决份额和作用,以及增加对 穷国的资金供应便应对困难的经 济环境。
Mr. Hafiz Pasha acknowledged the need for reform of the international financial architecture and suggested some areas for improvement, such as increasing the voting shares and role in management structures of large developing economies in the international financial institutions, and increasing the funds available for poorer countries to navigate the challenging economic environment.
难 民事 务管理委员会的任务是处理与下述有关的事务:确 难 民 地 位,安 难 民, 法律规定的登记保管,协调国内和国外其他机构和组织 难 民 提供援助,对统一 及时地分发这种援助进行监督,难 民 永 久安置之前在领土单位地区 难 民 提供 住宿,难民返回原籍地区或难民 事 务管理委员会决定的其他地区提供条件, 以及法律规定的职权范围内的其他任务。
The Commissariat for Refugees is mandated to perform affairs related to the establishment of refugee status, the placement of refugees, records keeping as prescribed by the law, the coordination of assistance to refugees provided by other bodies and organizations in the country and abroad and overseeing that such assistance is rendered uniformly and timely, the accommodation of refugees in the areas of territorial units, the provision of conditions for refugees to return to the territories of their origin or to other territories as determined by the Commissariat for Refugees prior to their [...]
permanent placement and
other tasks within its competence prescribed by law.
根据以上情况,秘书处表示担忧,提议的项目不符合 58/19 号决定的准则,也没有 明确地回应蒙特利尔议定书缔约方大会第二十一次会议第 XXI/2
[...] 会,除其他外,“审议其现行销毁活动中一次性供资窗口的成本,应对低消费量国家对那 些来源国缔约方无法使用的臭氧消耗物质积聚库存的出口和环境无害处置问题”,因此该提 案更像是一篇研究,了解该区域同处置消耗臭氧层物质废物有关的问题 难 题 , 以 便 找到 未来解决办法。
Based on the above, the Secretariat expressed concerns that the proposed project did not meet the guidelines in decision 58/19, nor does it clearly respond to decision XXI/2 of the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol where the Executive Committee was requested, inter alia, “to consider the costs of a one-time window within its current destruction activities to address the export and environmentally sound disposal of assembled banks of ozone-depleting substances in low-volumeconsuming countries that are not usable in the Party of origin”, since the proposal is more
of a study to see what are
[...] the issues and problems related to ODS waste disposal in this region with a view to finding a [...]
future solution.
8 赞同总干事的建议,即在与大会主席和执行局主席磋商之后,将教科文组织三大
[...] 事机构和秘书处之间互动时在期望上的差异、职能重复及其他 难 , 以 便 改 善 它 们的工作关系,提高本组织的工作成效和效率,并决定该机制的运作必须透明, [...]
Endorses the proposal made by the Director-General, after consultations with the President of the General Conference and the Chairperson of the Executive Board, to institute meetings between the Heads of the three institutional organs of UNESCO at regular intervals, or upon request by one of the three, to identify differences in expectations, duplications of functions and other difficulties in the interaction
between the governing bodies and the
[...] Secretariat, in order to improve their working [...]
relations and enhance the effectiveness
and efficiency of the Organization, and decides that the functioning of this mechanism must be transparent and that the outcome of the meetings must be duly reported to the General Conference and the Executive Board respectively.




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