

单词 一往情深

See also:






deep feeling
deep love
deep emotion



External sources (not reviewed)

Having done a good job in urban construction, Shenzhen should continue to build a green city.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建 缅甸西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include:a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that willcreatean energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, [...]
with road and rail links
for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
在土地稀少往往焚化,而污染和成本高昂原因使毕 竟不可持续。
Where land is sparse, incinerationis often chosen, which has turned out to be unsustainable in terms [...]
of pollution and high costs.
尽管流离失所情况的增加慢,但是大 量案例未被报告是令人关注的,在有些情况下,是由于政府官员不愿记录流离失 所所造成,例如在阿劳卡就是一情
Although displacement increased
[...] at a lower rate than in past years, the high level of underreporting is a matter of concern, in some cases as a consequence of resistance by public officials to record displacement, such as in Arauca.
分析主要原往往揭示的因果关系,查这些子原因时也可以根据它们对问题的相 对影响进行排名。
Analysis of leadingcausesoften reveals deeper levels ofcausation, and upon further [...]
investigation these sub-causes can
also be ranked according to their relative contribution to the problem
由北京 机场快线站仅5分钟车程,由该处乘火车至香港国际机场亦只需20分钟;Servcorp客户也可从九龙乘搭直通巴士场。
One Peking is5minutes taxi ride tothe KowloonAirport Express Station, and only 20 minutes by train to the HK International Airport; Servcorp clients can also take the Direct Bus Services from Kowloon to Shenzhen Airport.
目前的政治动乱和往一经济危机 使人们质疑该区域采用的发展模式,质疑重塑政策的方式,重塑政策旨在创造所 需空间,以解决社会所有人的需要,弱势群体。
Current political uprisings, and previously the series of economic crises, have raised questions about the development models applied in the region, and on ways to reshape policies to create the space to address the needs of everyone in society, and reach the most deprived.
一深析结果已经纳入关于加快扫盲努力的关键战略和编制“扫盲增能 倡议”国家支助计划的建议。
The findings of this in-depth situation analysis [...]
have fed into recommendations for key strategies to accelerate literacy
efforts and the preparation of a LIFE country support plan.
各代表团对一深论表示赞赏,并赞扬儿基会教育工作的下述几个方 面:提高入学率、缩小性别差距、在危促进教育、提高对教育质量的关 注、与政府合作建设其政策工作的技术能力、关于失学儿童的全球倡议,以及努 力满足残疾儿童需要。
UNICEF was praised for several
[...] aspects of its work in education: increasing enrolment rates, narrowing the gender gap, promoting education in crisis situations, paying greater attention to quality in [...]
working with governments on building their technical capacities in policy work, the global initiative on out-of-school children, and efforts to accommodate children with disabilities.
意识到要通过长期的教育和培训方案,面对本领域当前的各种危险,消除暴 力文化及自消极影响, 仍在比时候都更需要进行裁军和不扩散教育,不仅需要进 行有关大规模毁灭性武器问题的教育,而且需要在小武器和轻武器、恐怖主义及 国际安全和裁军进程面临的其他挑战等领域进行教育,并需要开展有关执行联合 国研究报告所载各项建议的现实意义的教育
of the need to combat the negative effects of cultures of violence and complacency in the face of current dangers in this field through long-term programmes of education and training, that the need for disarmament and non-proliferation education has never been greater, not only on the subject of weapons of mass destruction but also in the field of small arms and light weapons, terrorism and other challenges to international security and the process of disarmament, as well as on the relevance of implementing the recommendations contained in the United Nations study
民确实通过这样的移 徙成功地改善了他们的命运,然而等待那些移徙到城市的人们 往往难 和冷漠的,而出路的寻找往往扑朔迷茫。
Whilesome refugees indeed succeed in improving their lot by such movement, the situation awaiting those who move to cities is, however, frequently harsh and unwelcoming, and the search for solutionsoften elusive.
世界上没有一个人是完全没有行善的 能力,年轻人更有青春、时间、 往往 长的人更快踏出
There is nobody in the world who lacks the ability to do good, but young
people have freshness,
[...] time and passion, and most of the time they are quicker to takethe first step than theolder [...]
会上还有人强调说,同年早期发育问题在经 往往忽视,这必须加以解决,必须开展国际合作和协调,必须支持形 视权利 的氛围。
It was also stressed that early childhood developmentwas often overlooked in emergency situations, which needed to be addressed, that international [...]
cooperation and coordination
was essential and that a culture of rights needed to be supported.
与欧阵一样,奥罗莫解放阵线(奥阵)自 1998-2000 年埃塞俄比亚与厄立 特里亚爆发战争以 益于厄立特里亚的资助,以前的监察组对厄立特里 亚在索马里范围与奥有记录。
Like ONLF, the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) has benefited from Eritrean patronage since the 1998-2000 Ethiopian-Eritrean war.
我们高度重视与阿富汗深情 ,我认为 3 月 11 日在伊斯兰堡签署的联合宣言表明了
We attach high priority to our close friendship with Afghanistan, and I think that the joint declaration signed in Islamabadon 11March signifies that.
根据 2007-2015 年期间多年工作方案确定的论坛今后届会的任务,今后若干 年大挑战是提交报告,说明全世界可持续森林管理的状况和在森林文 书,包括实现全球森林目标和执行政府间森林小组/政府间森林论坛行动建议和 森林论坛的执
Based on the tasks of the future sessions of the Forum laid down in the multi-year programme of work for the period 2007-2015, a major challenge in the coming years will be reporting on the status of sustainable forest management worldwide and on progress made in the implementation of the
forest instrument,
[...] including the achievement of the global objectives on forests and the implementation of the proposals of the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests/ Intergovernmental Forum on Forests for action and the previous resolutions of the United Nations Forum on Forests.
如前文所述,据称由于正常化,正义运动从乍得迁往达 尔富尔,乍得武装反对派团体从西达尔富尔州的边境 往深达尔富尔州的迈 利特地区。
Asnoted previously, this normalization ofrelations allegedly resulted in JEM relocating
[...] from Chad to Darfur and Chadian armed opposition groups relocating from the border in Western Darfur to the area of Mellit,deep in thestate of Northern Darfur.
法国古董与乡村木块和当地艺术融为一体--似乎是一个侨居国外、着迷于形状、表面和深度相互作用的艺术家,将他 深情 集在间。
French antiques are offset by rustic driftwood pieces and local art --
as if an expatriate artist, fascinated by the interplay of
[...] shape, surface and depth, had lovinglycollected each space.
另为协助开发中国家提升人民素质及加强整体能 力建构,我国除以贷款、出资及技术协助之方式提供 合作国家教育训练机会外,并邀请学员来我国参训, 而学员於研习过程与我建 往往日後 推动合作计画之助力。
To help developing countries improve the average level of education and strengthen the skillsets of their citizens, Taiwan not only provided educational opportunities in the form of loans, funding, and technical assistance to partner nations, but also brought students to Taiwan for training.
在有,由于法官 的人数有限,基础设施不够,或者其他因素,区法院管辖内的案件听证 往一,并且继续是在帝力区法院举行。
Insome situations, as aconsequence of a limited number of judges, inadequate infrastructure and other factors, the hearings of cases within the jurisdiction [...]
of the district
courts were, and continue to be, held at the premises of the District Court of Dili.
访问学者赴美不仅以学术研究为目的,而且可以通过与美国人的直接 个国家、它的人民及其文化的了解,使他们回国后更好地向他人讲授美国
Visiting Research Scholars travel to the U.S. not only for the purpose of academic research, but also to learn more about the country, its people and its culture through direct interaction with Americans in order to better teach about the U.S. upon their return to China.
表团要求开发署提供信息,说明 的执就费 用分类和预算方法继续与人口基金和联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)进行协调 的情况,以及在执行国际公共部门会计准则方面取得的进展。
One delegation asked UNDP to provide information on pastbudget performance, continued harmonization [...]
on cost classification
and budget methodology with UNFPA and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and progress on the implementation of international public sector accounting standards.
1 7 尌 此 而 言 , ﹡ 不 披 露 ﹢ 是 指 未 能 履 行 在 下要 作 出 披 露 的 责 任 : ( a ) 受 害 人 与 被 告 之 间 存 在 受 害 人 有 权 倚 赖 被 告 的 特 殊 关 系 ; 或 ( b ) 被 告 ( 或 与 其 一 起 行 事 的 其 他 人 ) 的 行 径 令 受 害 人 的 脑 海 产 生 或深 一假 印 象 , 或 该 等 行 径 阻 止 受 害 人 获 取 资 料 。
Non-disclosure" in this context means failure to perform a duty to disclose arising from: (a) a special relationship entitling the victim to rely on the defendant; or (b) conduct by the defendant (or another person acting with him) creating or reinforcing a false impression in the victim's mind or preventing him from acquiring information.
在与中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会(CNCA)以及中国质量认证中心(CQC)的共同合作下,德国国际合作机构消费者保护与产品安全项目于2012年8月6日至10日,在“电动汽车:中德认证合作”的项目框架下,组织、北京 上海的专家考察。
In cooperation with the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (CNCA) and China Quality Certification Centre (CQC), the GIZ Consumer Protection and Product Safety Program organized an expert tour within the framework of the project “Electric
Mobility: Sino-German Cooperation on
[...] Certification” to Tianjin, Beijing, Shenzhen andShanghai from August [...]
6th to 10th 2012.
(g) 在不违反秘书长所定条件,被 往一工作地点有权领取而 未领取搬运费的工作人员,以及被调离根据上文(a)款规定可领取搬运费的工作 地点或从该工作地点以外地点获得任用则可享有这种权利的工作人员,如预期将 于五年内返回同一工作地点,联合国应支付个人财物和家用物品的贮存费。
(g) When a staff member entitled to payment of removal costs is assigned to a new duty station without payment of removal costs or from a duty station to which he or she had a removal entitlement under paragraph (a) above or would have had such entitlement on appointment from outside the duty station, the United Nations shall pay the costs of storage of personal effects and household goods, subject to conditions established by the Secretary-General and provided that the staff member is expected to return to the same duty station within five years.




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