单词 | 非禮 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 非禮 noun —indecent assault n
(b) 《刑事罪行條例》( 第 200 章 ) [...] 就恐嚇、縱火、摧毀或 損壞財產的罪行,以及強姦、亂倫、 非禮 等 性 罪行作 出刑事制裁。 legco.gov.hk | (b) the Crimes Ordinance (Cap. 200), imposing criminal sanctions on acts of [...] intimidation, arson, destroying or damaging property, and sexual offences including [...] rape, incest, indecent assaults etc. legco.gov.hk |
在2010年 1月至9月, 有 125名涉嫌干犯非禮罪行的16歲以下人士被捕;在同一段 期間,分別有29名和15名涉嫌干犯非禮 罪 行的16歲以下人 士被檢控和定罪。 legco.gov.hk | Between January and September 2010, the police arrested 125 juveniles under the age of 16 on suspicion of committing the offence of indecent assault. legco.gov.hk |
當中168人因涉嫌干犯非禮罪行被捕,佔整 體被捕的16歲以下人士約4.7%;相較2009年,同類被捕人 數為137人,佔該年整體個案3.4%。 legco.gov.hk | Among them, 168 were arrested on suspicion of committing the offence of indecent assault (accounting for about 4.7% of the total number of arrestees under the age of 16). legco.gov.hk |
(一 ) 去年牽涉16歲以下犯案者的非禮案件 數目、當中犯案者與 受害者的年齡分布、提出檢控的案件數目及犯案者被定罪 的比例分別為何 legco.gov.hk | (a) of the [...] number of indecent assault cases committed by juveniles under 16 years of age last year, and among such cases, the [...]age distribution of [...]the offenders and victims, the number of cases in which prosecutions had been instituted and the conviction rate of the offenders legco.gov.hk |
(三 ) 鑒於同學之間的非禮案錄 得接近四成的升幅,當局會否檢 討香港現時的性教育課程(包括1997年制訂的《學校性教育 [...] 指引》)的內容,以及就推行性教育向學校增加支援;若會, 會增加甚麼內容,以及現時的進度為何;若否,原因為何? legco.gov.hk | (c) given that there was an increase of close to [...] 40% in indecent assault cases among schoolmates, [...]whether the authorities will review [...]the contents of the existing sex education programmes, including the Guidelines on Sex Education in Schools published in 1997, and enhance support for schools in implementing sex education; if so, of the contents to be added and the present progress in implementing the programmes; if not, the reasons for that? legco.gov.hk |
非禮案件 數字上升的其中一個原因,可能 與 非禮 案 受 害人 更願意挺身舉報罪案有關。 legco.gov.hk | One of the reasons for the increase in indecent assault cases is that the victims are [...] more willing to report the crime to the police. legco.gov.hk |
警方會繼續關注青少年非禮案件 的趨勢,並會繼續透過宣 傳及教育打擊有關罪行。 legco.gov.hk | The police will continue to monitor the trend of indecent assault cases and combat such crime through promotion and education. legco.gov.hk |
(二 ) 根據當局的評估,非禮案件 數字上升的原因為何,以及現 時防範兒童性罪行的措施是否足夠;若評估的結果為足 夠,為何該等非禮個案 的數字持續上升;若評估的結果為 不足夠,當局會如何補救現時的不足;及 legco.gov.hk | (b) according to the [...] assessment of the authorities, of the reasons for the increase in indecent assault cases and whether the measures taken at present to prevent sex crimes committed by children are adequate; if the outcome of the assessment is in the affirmative, why the number of such indecent assault cases continues [...]to rise; if the [...]outcome of the assessment is in the negative, how the authorities will rectify the existing inadequacies; and legco.gov.hk |
(三 ) 2006年至2010年 10月在港鐵範圍內(不包括輕鐵範圍)的非 禮及“ 偷拍裙底”案件的舉報數字列於附表二。 legco.gov.hk | (c) The number of indecent assault and "under skirt photo-taking" reported cases in railway premises (excluding that on the Light Rail) from 2006 to October 2010 is set out in Annex II. legco.gov.hk |
(1) 侵害兒童性罪行 – [...] 這指對十七歲以下的受害人作出的性罪行,包括 強姦、非禮、非法性交、亂倫等,不論受害人有否給予同意和受害人 [...]與犯案者的關係,例如雙方是否認識、犯案者是否對受害人有照顧責 任。 legco.gov.hk | (1) Sexual crimes against children – The term [...] refers to cases of sexual crimes, such [...] as Rape, Indecent Assault, Unlawful Sexual Intercourse [...]and Incest etc. committed against [...]a victim who is under 17 years of age, irrespective of whether the victim gave consent and the nature of relationship between the victim and the offender, such as known or unknown to victim and with or without caring responsibility for victim. legco.gov.hk |
侵害人身罪條 例》(第 212 章)就多項罪行,包括謀殺、誤殺、企圖謀殺、傷人 [...] 或使他人身體受到嚴重傷害、遺棄兒童以致其生命受危害、對所看 管兒童或少年人虐待或忽略、襲擊致造成身體傷害和普通襲擊等罪 行作出刑事制裁;《刑事罪行條例》(第 200 章)則就恐嚇、縱火、 [...] 摧毀或損壞財產的罪行,以及性罪行(包括強姦/婚內強姦、亂倫、 非禮等)作出刑事制裁。 legco.gov.hk | The Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap. 212), imposes criminal sanctions on, inter alia, murder, manslaughter, attempts to murder, wounding or inflicting grievous bodily harm, exposing child whereby life is endangered, ill-treatment or neglect by those in charge of children or young persons, assault occasioning actual bodily harm and common assault; while the Crimes Ordinance (Cap. 200) criminalises acts of intimidation, [...] arson, destroying or damaging property and sexual offences (including rape/marital [...] rape, incest, indecent assault), etc. legco.gov.hk |
就涉及16歲以下被捕人士的非禮案件 ,警方沒有備存被捕 人士與受害者的詳細年齡分布統計。 legco.gov.hk | Regarding juveniles under the age of 16 arrested [...] for indecent assault cases, the police [...]have not maintained statistics on the [...]detailed age distribution of the arrestees and victims. legco.gov.hk |
張文光議員: 主席,政府早前在本會保安事務委員會會議上匯報 本港2010年的總體罪案情況,數據顯示校 園 非禮 案 數字較去年上升, 涉及同學之間的非禮案增 加了37.8%;牽涉16歲以下青少年 的 非禮案 件亦同樣上升達34.9%。 legco.gov.hk | MR CHEUNG MAN-KWONG (in Cantonese): President, the Government earlier reported on the overall crime situation in Hong Kong in 2010 at a meeting of the Panel on Security of this Council. legco.gov.hk |
警方亦與港鐵公司合作,共同宣傳滅罪信息,包括製作一 輯標題為“猥褻侵犯勿啞忍,挺身舉 報 非禮 案 ”的海報,張 貼在港鐵車站範圍內,藉此鼓勵受害人遇 到 非禮 案 時 挺身 舉報,以及舉辦“精明眼,防罪案”滅罪宣傳活動,提醒市 民防範罪案,避免成為非禮及“ 偷拍裙底”案的受害者。 legco.gov.hk | They have also organized "Stay alert, watch out!" anti-crime campaign to remind the public to stay alert and avoid becoming victims of indecent assault and "under skirt photo-taking" cases. legco.gov.hk |
(五 ) 就港鐵公司與警方製作的一輯標題為“猥褻侵犯勿啞忍,挺 身舉報非禮案” 的海報,港鐵公司已把該款海報張貼於大部 分港鐵車站,而港鐵公司亦透過車廂內的顯示屏發放有關 的信息,鼓勵受害人遇到非禮案時 挺身舉報,而個別車站 的具體張貼位置及數量,會配合港鐵公司其他客務資訊發 放的需要而定。 legco.gov.hk | (e) With regard to the set of "Don't be Silent" posters jointly produced by the MTRCL and the police, the MTRCL has displayed the posters at most of the MTR stations to encourage victims of indecent assault to report crimes. legco.gov.hk |
薪酬委員會成員包括主席李嘉誠先生(薪酬委 員會主席),以及兩位獨立非執行 董事郭 敦 禮 先 生及王䓪鳴博士。 ckh.com.hk | The Remuneration Committee comprises the Chairman, Mr. Li Ka-shing [...] (Chairman of the Remuneration [...] Committee) and two Independent Non-executive Directors, namely, [...]Mr. Kwok Tun-li, Stanley and Dr. Wong Yick-ming, Rosanna. ckh.com.hk |
如果經濟許可,顯微鏡與化學器材可說是絕佳 的 禮 物 , 如 果能完善使用,則可以擴展孩子的科學知識並更多地接觸科學。 sfusd.edu | If money allows, such items as microscopes and chemistry sets can be wonderful gifts and, if used seriously and responsibly, can expand a child’s knowledge and exposure to science. sfusd.edu |
唯有正確的禮儀和 謙讓 的道德,才能淨化社會的情操,潤澤人生。 panasonic.net | Only through this untiring effort can we fulfill our Basic Management Objective and help to realize lasting peace and prosperity. panasonic.net |
於本公佈日期,本公司之董事(附註)包括:執行董事李嘉誠先生(主席)、李澤鉅先生(董事總經理兼副 [...] 主席)、甘慶林先生(副董事總經理)、葉德銓先生(副董事總經理)、鍾慎強先生、鮑綺雲小姐、吳佳慶小 [...] 姐及趙國雄先生;非執行董事梁肇漢先生、霍建寧先生、陸法蘭先生、周近智先生及麥理思先生;以及獨立 非執行董事郭敦禮先生、葉元章先生、馬世民先生、周年茂先生、洪小蓮女士、王䓪 [...] 鳴博士(亦為馬世民先 生之替任董事)、張英潮先生及關超然先生。 ckh.com.hk | The Directors (Note) of the Company as at the date of this announcement are Mr. LI Ka-shing (Chairman), Mr. LI Tzar Kuoi, Victor (Managing Director and Deputy Chairman), Mr. KAM Hing Lam (Deputy Managing Director), Mr. IP Tak Chuen, Edmond (Deputy Managing Director), Mr. CHUNG Sun Keung, Davy, Ms. PAU Yee Wan, Ezra, Ms. WOO Chia Ching, Grace and Mr. CHIU Kwok Hung, Justin as Executive Directors; Mr. LEUNG Siu Hon, Mr. FOK Kin-ning, Canning, Mr. Frank John [...] SIXT, Mr. CHOW Kun Chee, Roland and [...] Mr. George Colin MAGNUS as Non-executive Directors; and [...]Mr. KWOK Tun-li, Stanley, Mr. YEH [...]Yuan Chang, Anthony, Mr. Simon MURRAY, Mr. CHOW Nin Mow, Albert, Ms. HUNG Siu-lin, Katherine, Dr. WONG Yick-ming, Rosanna (also Alternate Director to Mr. Simon Murray), Mr. CHEONG Ying Chew, Henry and Mr. KWAN Chiu Yin, Robert as Independent Non-executive Directors. ckh.com.hk |
對非正規、另類、排練、表演、工作坊和展覽場地日益增加的需求,往往可以透過臨時借用或改造 『非為文化活動而設』的設施來滿足這方面的需求,例如休憩場地、公眾走廊、學 校 禮 堂 和 非 為文 化活動而設計的建築物內的空間,如商業、工業、住宅及社區或政府設施。 legco.gov.hk | The increasing demand for more informal, alternative, rehearsal, performance, workshop and exhibition space can often be met by the temporary use or conversion of 'non-dedicated' facilities, such as open space, promenades, school halls and space in buildings which were not expressly designed for cultural purposes such as commercial, industrial, residential and community or government facilities, at a low cost. legco.gov.hk |
有成員認為「香港盂蘭節」涵蓋:一)表述和口頭傳說;二)社 會風俗、禮儀、 節慶;三)表演藝術;及四)傳統手工藝技能 四類範圍,亦可與西方的萬聖節相互對照,應該申請列 入非 物質 文化遺產,甚至考慮申請列為國家 級 非 物 質文化遺產, 並且向聯合國教科文組織提出申報,以保護及推廣盂蘭勝會 文化。 forum.gov.hk | Noting that the Yun Lan Festival in Hong Kong fits the descriptions of all four domains defined for ICH, namely 1) oral expressions and traditions; 2) social practices, rituals and festive events; 3) performing arts; and 4) traditional craftsmanship, a member proposed that an application be made for including the Yun Lan Festival, a festival comparable to the Halloween in the West, in the inventory of local ICH and even on the national list of ICH in China, and that a submission for the same purpose be made to the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organisation with a view to protecting and promoting the culture of the Yun Lan Festival. forum.gov.hk |
(A) 視覺提示 [...] 如海報等視覺提示,應該豎立在門診診所的入口,以提醒病人 及其陪同人士要注意咳嗽禮儀, 如有呼吸道感染徵狀,應通知 診所員工。 chp.gov.hk | Visual alerts such as posters should be stood at the entrance of outpatient clinics [...] to remind patients and their companions to [...] practice cough etiquette as well as to [...]inform staff of respiratory symptoms. chp.gov.hk |
纏擾者可以下述方式騷擾受害人:在不受歡迎的情況下登門造 訪;發出他人不欲收到的通訊;致電受害人時默不作聲;不斷在街上尾隨 受害人;注視或暗中監視受害人的居所或工作地點;不斷給受害人送贈他 不欲接受的禮物或古怪物件;向第三者披露受害人的私隱;對受害人作出 虛假指控;破壞受害人的財產;及/或謾罵和傷害受害人的身體。 legco.gov.hk | Stalkers may harass their victims by making unwelcome visits, making unwanted communications or silent telephone calls, repeatedly following the victim on the streets, watching or besetting the victim’s home or place of work, persistently sending unwanted gifts or bizarre articles to the victim, disclosing intimate facts about the victim to third parties, making false accusations about the victim, damaging property belonging to the victim, and/or physical and verbal abuse. legco.gov.hk |
他們在上午及下午分別於禮頓山社區會堂及摩 士公園體育館舉行了傳媒簡報會,提供選舉統計數字及解答傳媒 的提問。 legco.gov.hk | Two media briefings were held, one in the morning at the Leighton Hill Community Hall and one in the afternoon at the Morse Park Sports Centre, to provide election statistics and answer questions from the media. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 舉辦重點宣傳活動 - 我們在 5 月 30 日於香港國際機場舉 行是次兩年推廣計劃的啟動禮,當 中香港體適能總會代表 示範伸展運動,衞生署代表講解健康生活要點,並向職業 司機派發生果、職安健單張及紀念品等。 legco.gov.hk | (a) Focused publicity activities - We held a kick-off ceremony for this two-year promotion campaign at the Hong Kong International Airport on 30 May 2012, in which a representative from the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong demonstrated stretching exercise, and a representative from DH talked about main issues in healthy living. legco.gov.hk |
所提供的手語翻譯服 務包括為聽覺受損人士在求職面試、法庭聆訊、結婚 典禮 和求診就醫等場合,提供翻譯服務。 legco.gov.hk | The sign language interpretation services provided include interpretation service for persons with hearing impairment in relation to job interviews, court hearings, wedding ceremonies and medical consultations. legco.gov.hk |
計劃內容包括全港 性的職業安全及健康狀況比賽、安全問答比賽、電台節目及頒獎 典禮,藉 此向業界相關人士傳揚得獎地盤的成功經驗和良好作業 方式。 legco.gov.hk | The Scheme features a territory-wide competition on safety and health performance, safety quizzes, radio programmes and award presentation ceremony, to disseminate successful experience and good practices of award winning construction sites to all industry stakeholders. legco.gov.hk |
商務及經濟發展局局長表 示,鑒 於 "美酒佳餚巡禮"取得成功,政府當局將擴大巡禮的規模 及延長展期,並將會與香港旅遊發展局(下稱"旅發局")跟進可以 在哪些場地舉辦巡禮。 legco.gov.hk | SCED said that in view of the success of the "Wine and Dine Festival", the Administration would expand the scale and extend the duration of the event as well as follow up with the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) on possible venues for holding the event. legco.gov.hk |
參加學券計劃的私立獨立幼稚園不得,亦須確保其僱員、代 理人及顧問不得向參加學券計劃的私立獨立幼稚園學生家長 或其他任何人士,饋贈或提供任何特定 的 禮 物 、 折扣、回佣 或任何其他優惠或任何形式的財政誘因,從而令該等家長或 人士要求或誘使參加學券計劃的私立獨立幼稚園學生入讀有 關幼稚園。 applications.edb.gov.hk | The PEVS-PI-KG shall not, and shall ensure that its employees, agents and consultants shall not, make or give any specific gifts, discount, rebates or any other concession or financial inducements of whatsoever form to parents of PEVS-PI-KG-student or any other persons in return for such parents or persons requiring or inducing the PEVS-PI-KG-students enrolling in the PEVS-PI-KG. applications.edb.gov.hk |
(傳道師受總會差派至當地教會,教會與代理牧師洽定一主日, 在 禮拜 中 證道後,按照以下秩序舉行傳道師就任 典 禮。 efcga.org | (Should the General Assembly send a minister to any local church, then the church and the acting pastor should choose a Sunday after the sermon to celebrate the Minister’s Ordination according the order listed below. efcga.org |