单词 | 泒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 泒—name of a river狒—hamadryad baboon狒狒—baboon狒狒noun, plural—baboonsplExamples:狮尾狒—gelada (Theropithecus gelada), Ethiopian herbivorous monkey similar baboon
基于灰姑娘,煤渣狡猾的尝试到了晚上球,尽管他的邪恶的同父异母兄弟,IR狒狒的干扰。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Based on Cinderella, Cinder-Weasel tries to make it to the evening ball, despite the interference of his evil stepbrother, I.R. Baboon. seekcartoon.com |
我的姨母艾米莉亚与恒河猕猴几乎一模一样,而说到我父亲罗耶里奥,毫无疑问,没有人比他更像一只狒狒了。 shanghaibiennale.org | My aunt Amalia was almost identical to a rhesus macaque and Rogelio, my father, was without a doubt the closest thing to a baboon. shanghaibiennale.org |
IR狒狒需要的“罗宾汉”的角色,与狡猾的是他的盟友,小约翰。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | I.R. Baboon takes the role of Robin Hood, with Weasel being his ally, Little John. seekcartoon.com |
根据蝙蝠侠,IR狒狒狒狒的人被称为英雄,而狡猾的是他的伙伴,黄鼠狼男孩。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Based on Batman, I.R. Baboon is the hero known as Baboon Man, whereas Weasel is his sidekick, Weasel Boy. seekcartoon.com |
黄鼠狼和IR炮制的生活,但很快变得嫉妒,当黄鼠狼的世界的发展速度比他快的红屁股狒狒。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Weasel and I.R. concoct life, but the red-butt baboon soon becomes jealous when Weasel's world evolves faster than his. seekcartoon.com |
黄鼠狼尝试一组树木和那些伤害他们(尤其是红外狒狒)之间解决争端。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Weasel tries to settle a dispute between a group of trees and those that hurt them (notably I.R. Baboon). seekcartoon.com |
黄鼠狼是着名的牛仔工作的牛仔竞技表演中,狒狒是一个小丑。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Weasel is famous cowboy working in a rodeo in which Baboon is a clown. seekcartoon.com |
虽然在监狱里,黄鼠狼说自己的罪行时,他大步IR狒狒野生动物的研究作为一门学科,这原来是一个坏黄鼠狼梦牛。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Whilst in prison, Weasel explains his crime when he stalked I.R. Baboon as a subject for a wildlife study, which turns out to all be a bad weasel dream that Cow had. seekcartoon.com |
IR狒狒是嫉妒过他的邻居,狡猾的,因为他有一个更好的生活,工作,和他的家庭比。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | I.R. Baboon is jealous over his neighbor, Weasel, because he has a better life, job, and family than him. seekcartoon.com |
在这个过程中,我逐渐发现,狐猴、红毛猩猩、长尾猴、大狒狒和狭鼻小目猿与我自己的父母、兄弟、姨母、祖父母和表兄妹们有着惊人的相似之处。 shanghaibiennale.org | Then, as I did so, as a therapy or as some inefficient or meditative practice for myself, I started discovering amazing similarities between cynocephaly, orangutans, guenons, giant baboons, catarrhinis and my own parents, brothers, aunts, grandparents and cousins. shanghaibiennale.org |
服99年徒刑与IR狒狒在惩教机构,黄鼠狼开始觉得不人道惩教设备上设置了其他囚犯的关心。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Serving a 99-year sentence at a correctional facility with I.R. Baboon, Weasel starts to feel concerned about the inhumane correctional devices that are set up on fellow prisoners. seekcartoon.com |
这些熔岩洞保护狒狒不 受肉食侵略者的攻击,尤其是那些在广阔荒野中寻觅獵物的大型猫科 动物。 boschsecurity.com.tw | These lava tubes protect for the baboons from predators, particularly big cats which will prowl the baron landscape in search of prey. boschsecurity.co.uk |