单词 | 綫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
此 外,股 东 可 以 在 工 作 时 间 内 通 过 股 东热綫电话与 本 公 司 联 络,亦 可 以 通 过 指 定 电 子 信 箱 与 本 公 司 联 络。 zte.com.cn | In addition, shareholders may contact the Company through its shareholder hotline during normal working hours or through its designated e-mail address for any enquiries. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
现场工作已经展开,包括环境基綫监控项目及钻探项目以收集工程数据。 mmg.com | Field work activities also commenced with environmental baseline monitoring program and a drilling program to collect engineering data. mmg.com |
至於在东铁綫沿綫車站加装自动月台闸门,港铁公司曾向立法会交 通事务委员会辖下铁路事宜小组委员会提交资料文件( 立法会 CB(1)1072/10-11(02)号文件),并於 2011 年 1 月 21 日举行的会议上介绍相 关技术研究的结果和结論。 mtr-westislandline.hk | Regarding the retrofitting of APGs along the East Rail Line, MTRCL submitted an information paper (LC Paper no. CB(1)1072/10-11(02)) to the Subcommittee on Matters Relating to Railways (the Subcommittee) under the Legislative Council Panel on Transport and presented the results and conclusions of the technical studies at the meeting of 21 January 2011. mtr-westislandline.hk |
本 集 团 致 力 於 设 计、开 发、生 产、分 销 及 安 装 各 种 先 进 的 电 信 系 统 和 设 备,包 括:无綫通信系 统、有綫交换与 接 入 设 备、光 通 信 设 备、数 据 通 信 设 备、手 机 和 电 信 软 件 系 统 和 服 务 业 务 等。 zte.com.cn | The Group is dedicated to the design, development, production, distribution and installation of a broad range of advanced telecommunications systems and equipment, including wireless communications systems, wireline switch and access equipment, optical and data communications equipment, handsets and telecommunications software systems and services. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
天津津政交通发展有限公司主要资产为外环綫东半环42.4公里的道、桥设 施,账面反映的资产类型主要有货币资金、应收款项、其他应收款、固定资产及各 项负债。 cre8ir.com | The major assets of Tianjin Jinzheng Transportation Development Company Limited comprised the road and bridge facilities of the 42.4 km eastern half of the Outer Ring Road. cre8ir.com |
13条捷运服务路綫网覆盖东京市,尤以去Yamanote山手綫的区内更为方便。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | 13 metro lines run through Tokyo, and the subway system is great for getting to areas inside the Yamanote line. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
尚有其他2009 - 2012的媒体报道 整理当中,包括香港有綫电视i-cable,香港卫视(粤港媒体), 雅虎 x 经济日报专访, 香港邮政乐满邮购物平台 数季度合作的 记者发布会,TVB东张西望节目 花艺简短专家访问, 品牌Joint-Promotion发布会等。 givegift.com.hk | Other 2009 - 2012 media exposures are being consolidated, including i-cable media, Hong Kong satalite TV (GuangDong China/Hong Kong media), Yahoo x Economic Daily interview, Hong Kong post office shopping platform ShopThruPost's many seasonal release's press conference, TVB's evening entertainment program's short expert interview, other press release of joint-promotion programs. givegift.com.hk |
参与投资及制作的电影包括「证人」(获得7项影帝殊荣)、「綫人」(获得第30届香港电影金像奖最佳男主角)、「逆战」(2012年香港最卖座华语贺岁电影)、「新少林寺」、「大魔术师」、「DIVA华丽之后」、「消失的子弹」、「让子弹飞」、「十二生肖」、「一九四二」、「王的盛宴」及「叶问 - 终极一战」。 fso-createhk.gov.hk | Films financed and produced include "The Beast Stalker" (won 7 acting awards), "The Stool Pigeon" (won the Best Actor Award in the 30th Hong Kong Film Awards), "The Viral Factor" (Hong Kong’s top-grossing Chinese-language film during Lunar New Year in 2012), "Shaolin", "The Great Magician", "DIVA", "The Bullet Vanishes", "Let The Bullets Fly", "CZ12", "Back To 1942", "The Last Supper" and "Ip Man - Final Fight". fso-createhk.gov.hk |
(d) 资讯科技:除了负责开发新的学生资讯系统,令学生选科时能够掌握更多 资料外,电脑中心在二零一零年底将 Wi-Fi 无綫上网服务由八百四十个接 入点增加至一千七百五十个;中心并且在二零零九年六月推出了“网络伺 服器云端"服务以利便学生在互聯网和网络渠道进行各种活动;此外中心 又支持 “软件应用虚拟化"和在二零一零年十一月在所有中央公用电脑 实验室推出 Microsoft DreamSpark 服务,让进行技术设计、科技、科学及 工程相关活动的学生,能够免费取用软件。 ugc.edu.hk | (d) Information technology: Besides being responsible for developing the new SIS to support students making informed course selections, the Computer Centre expanded the Wi-Fi network service from 840 to1750 access points in late 2010, launched a “web-server cloud” service in June 2009 to facilitate student activities on the Internet and web channels, and supported “software application virtualization” and launched Microsoft DreamSpark service in November 2010 in all central communal computer laboratories to allow free software access for students engaging in technical design, technology, science and engineering related activities. ugc.edu.hk |
(e) 在月台空隙较阔的月台下装有照明灯光,以及在东铁綫空隙较 阔的車站月台边装设闪灯,提示乘客注意月台空隙;及 [...] (f) 港铁公司於2010年推出新措施,在个别車站月台安排車站助理 在列車車门即将关上时,举起「停」字牌及按动电哨子,劝喻 乘客切勿试图在列車車门正在关上时走进列車,以确保乘客安 全。 mtr-westislandline.hk | (e) installation of illumination under [...] the platforms and flashing lights at the edge [...] of East Rail Line platforms at [...]locations where the gap between the platform [...]and the train is relatively wide so that passengers would pay attention to the gap; and (f) introduction of a new measure in 2010 whereby Station Assistants are deployed on platforms of selected stations to help ensure passenger safety by raising a “Stop” sign and activating an electronic whistle to urge passengers not to rush onto train while the train doors are closing. mtr-westislandline.hk |
国际金融中心二期建於机场快綫香港站上盖,而办公室大厦地下则毗连国际金融中心商场。 servcorp.com.hk | The Two IFC building provides indoor connection to the IFC mall with Airport Express Hong Kong MTR Station directly beneath. servcorp.com.hk |
2009年6月21日无綫电视TVB 播出的《潮流殿堂》当中为送礼网花师於康乐园的家具布置。 givegift.com.hk | In the first episode of "Living Up DeluxeEdition"television program aired on June 21th 2009 by TVB, the number one viewership television channel in Hong Kong, a residence in Hong Lok Yuen is featured for its interior decoration style. givegift.com.hk |
将加工、搬运、检查、停滞及等待以符号进行分类记录,并以綫相连表述产品制造流程的方法。 keychampion.com | To categorically record the processing, movement, inspections and non-movements, etc., of product manufacturing, and to visually present them. keychampion.com |
值第17届香港澳门法语活动节之际,中国法语联盟,比利时驻香港及澳门总领事馆/瓦隆-布鲁塞尔代表团、加拿大驻香港总领事馆、法国驻港澳总领事馆以及瑞士驻香港总领事馆联手为大家呈献“三月香颂饕餮”大型音乐会!法语联盟奉上 Simon [...] Nwambeben(法国/喀麦隆,此巡演得到法国卢瓦尔地区的大力支持)清彻圆润的声綫如阳光穿过手指,带人们重游金色时光隧道。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | On the occasion of the 17th Francophonie Festival in Hong Kong and Macao, The network of Alliance Française de Chine, The Delegation of Wallonia-Brussels in China, The Consulate General of Belgium in Hong Kong, The Consulate General of [...] Canada (Hong Kong & Macau), The Consulate General [...] of Francein Hong Kong & Macau, [...]The Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong [...]Kong invite you to take part in a musical tour: MARS EN FOLIE 2012 ! consulfrance-hongkong.org |
本报告书根据此一般背景,探讨了这些目标在今日的 香港可否达致,以及研析在社会及法例方面,现时划分成年与未成年 的界綫,是否仍属恰当及令人满意,抑或应予重订。 hkreform.gov.hk | It is against this general background that this report discusses whether these objectives are being achieved today in Hong Kong and whether the present lines dividing 3 minority from maturity in various social and legal contexts are still appropriate and satisfactory, or should be redrawn. hkreform.gov.hk |
这些原则是由一些科研机构,如 ICNIRP( 国际非离子化辐射防护协会) 通过定期全面的科学研究评估而制定的,这些原则规定了普通人群可承 受的无綫电辐射级别,以及安全限度,即保证所有人 (与年龄和健康状 况无关)的安全。 xplore.com.hk | These recommended limits are part of comprehensive guidelines from the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection to establish permitted RF energy levels for the protection of the general population and incorporates sufficient safety margins to ensure the safety of all, regardless of age and health conditions. xplore.com.hk |
在英国,随着东倫敦綫最後一期於2012 年12 月通車,倫敦循环綫宣告完成,并使LOROL 铁路网络加长了12 公里至124 公里,而車站數目亦增加了兩个至57 个車站。 stock.pingan.com.hk | In the UK, the final phase of the East London Line was commissioned in December 2012, [...] completing the orbital loop around [...]London and adding a further two stations and 12 km to the LOROL network, which now extends to 57 stations and 124 km. stock.pingan.com.hk |
内背板、表壳垫圈和表盘均由纯铁制造,它特别适合传导机芯周围的磁力綫。 iwc.com | The inner back plate, casing ring and dial are made from pure iron and are particularly adept at conducting [...] magneticflux lines around the movement. iwc.com |
在众多的「旅程」中,港铁挑选了十三个得到乘客表扬的真实顾客服务体验,以肯定前綫职员日常所作出的努力,这是港铁顾客服务运动 2012中的一项活动,而今次活动的主题是「体验由心出发的服务」。 ipress.com.hk | Among the numerous stories that can be told, 13 real-life customer experiences have been selected to showcase the daily efforts of frontline staff as part of the MTR Corporation・s 2012 Customer Service Campaign. ipress.com.hk |
在墨尔本,MTM 於年内完成的网络拓展计划,令車站數目由212 个增至217 个,而铁路綫的总长度亦由372 公里延长至390 公里。 stock.pingan.com.hk | In Melbourne, MTM’s network expansion during the year has increased the number of stations from 212 to 217, with the route network expanding from 372 km to 390 km. stock.pingan.com.hk |
商会委 员亦代表业界担任多个政府委员会之成员,其中包括策略发展委员会经济发展及与内地经济合 作委员会、职业训練局管理及督导训練委员会、教育统筹局行业培训谘询委员会、环境运输及 工务局交通谘询委员会、數码 21 资讯科技策略谘询委员会、政府资讯总监办公室的资讯科技工 作专责组及促进无綫及流动服务及科技应用专责小组等。 hk-dttn.com | HKITF represents the industry on the Committee on Economic Development and Economic Cooperation with the Mainland of Commission on Strategic Development, Committee on Management and Supervisory Training under Vocational Training Council, Industry Training Advisory Committee under Employment and Manpower Bureau, Digital 21 Strategy Advisory Committee, Transport Advisory Committee, Special Task Force on Information Technology (OGCIO), Task Force on Facilitating the Adoption of Wireless and Mobile Services and Technology, TV Programme Advisory Committee of Radio Television HK, Electronic & Communication Committee of Occupational Safety & Health Council and many other government committees. hk-dttn.com |
营运包括内 陆及海下基建(包括出油管綫及脐带缆),计划於二零一二年年初进行首次石油开采。 glencore.com | Operations then include laying the infield and subsea infrastructure, including flowlines and umbilicals, with first oil production planned for early 2012. glencore.com |
由香港作曲家及作词家协会(CASH)主办,香港电视广播有限公司及香港电台第二台协办,通利琴行全力支持的「第23届CASH流行曲创作大赛」总决赛已於2011年12月3日假将军澳电视广播城隆重举行,并由无綫电视翡翠台及香港电台第二台播出。 cash.org.hk | The Final Concert of The 23rd CASH Song Writers Quest, organised by CASH and co-organised by TVB and RTHK Radio 2, with the support of Tom Lee Music, was successfully held at TVB City, Tseung Kwan O and broadcasted on TVB Jade and RTHK Radio 2 on 3 December 2011. cash.org.hk |
手持式无綫条码扫描仪可用于查看、创建和即时同步正在进行的变化。 apc.com | Handheld, wireless bar-code scanner for viewing, creating & instantly synchronize changes on the go. apc.com |
此 外,主张 低碳及 环保 概念的 非木 浆产品—「绿 活」品 牌,是 集 团 於 年 内 为 响 应 环 保、对 价 格 较 敏 感 的 消 费 者 提 供 多 元 化 的 产 品 选 择,力 求 进 一 步 提 升 国 内 二、三綫城市市 场 渗 透 率 所 推 出 之 新 产 品。 vindapaper.com | In addition, the “Rewoo” brand, a non-wood pulp product line developed around low-carbon footprint and sustainability concepts, was introduced by the Group during the year to offer more choices for the environmentally-conscious and price-sensitive consumers. vindapaper.com |
金门开展多项大型建筑项目,包括港铁西港岛綫、港铁广深港高速铁路–西九龙总站(北);香港政府添马舰政府总部;香港机场中场客运廊;香港大学百周年校园;2010上海世博香港馆;及「公私合营」的新加坡工艺教育西区学院等。 gammonconstruction.com | Gammon embarked on a number of major construction projects, including the MTR West Island Line, MTR Express Rail Link West Kowloon Terminus; the iconic Tamar Government Headquarters; the Midfield Concourse in Hong Kong International Airport; the Centennial Campus of the University of Hong Kong; the Hong Kong Pavilion at 2010 Shanghai World Expo; and the Institute of Technical Education College West Campus in Singapore, under a unique Public Private Partnership business model. gammonconstruction.com |
预测 2008 年下半年客户的需求将持续增长,尤其是 在通讯类以及在消费者产品的应用,如数码电视、行动电视、和无綫网络晶片,这两大类别 占我们绝大部分的业务。 cre8ir.com | We foresee persistently increased customer demand throughout the remainder of 2008, particularly in communications and consumer applications, such as DTV, mobile TV, and wireless networking ICs, which comprise the major portion of our business. cre8ir.com |