

单词 大范围


最大范围 n

range n

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

这是一个长期的机构转型的过程,意味着无论 是在管理方面还是结构方面都要 大范围 的 变 革。
It is a long-term institutional transformation process that has already
[...] implied a wide range of changes in [...]
all aspects of both management and structures.
他也建议下一句的开 头应修订为:“注意到在大范围内 通 过 [其余部分 未作修改]”。
He also suggested that the beginning of the following sentence should be amended to read: “It noted that wider adoption [remainder unchanged]”.
区域方面的发展以及区域领导人对和平的支持 仍然是大范围中的 一个关键部分,并将不可避免地 对实现以两国解决办法和《阿拉伯和平倡议》为基础 的全面和平的努力产生影响。
Developments on the regional front and the support of the region’s leaders for peace remain a crucial part of the bigger picture and will inevitably have a bearing on efforts to achieve a comprehensive peace anchored in the two-State solution and the Arab Peace Initiative.
因若干成员要求将体制建设作为氟氯烃政策的 大范围 问 题 的一部分加以讨论,执 行委员会同意将这项问题的审议送交根据议程项目 9(b):“第二阶段转产新办法的分析, 确定截止日期和其他未决氟氯烃政策问题(第 57/34 号决定)”举行会议的联络小组。
Given that some Members wanted to discuss IS as part of a larger package on HCFC policy, the Executive Committee agreed to refer consideration of IS to the contact group convened under agenda item 9(b), “Analysis of new approaches on second-stage conversions, determination of cut-off date and other outstanding HCFC policy issues (decision 57/34)”.
综合培训处致力于对维持和平培训的整体管理,确保培训按需提供,高效 和有效,采用的是恰当的培训方法,并且与秘书处 大范围 为 文职工作人员提供 的进修方案协调一致。
The Integrated Training Service is committed to the overall management of peacekeeping training, ensuring that it is needs-based, efficient, effective, based on appropriate training methods and harmonized with the broader Secretariat learning development programme for civilian staff members.
美国在大范围的公 共 政策中,致力于建设繁荣共享,包括依法提供社会福利的社会。
As a matter of broader public policy, the United States is committed to help create a society in which prosperity is shared, including social benefits provided by law.
在 解释非洲地区的经济增长为何对减少贫穷的影响极其微弱时所常常引用因素大致 有:人口增长率高,穷人可就业的部门创造的就业岗位不足,基础设施的投资薄
[...] 弱,自然资源丰富和资本密集的“飞地部门”未能在 大范围 的 经 济中产生扩散 和溢出效应。
Factors usually cited to explain why Africa is the region where economic growth has had the weakest effect on poverty reduction generally include high population growth; inadequate job creation in sectors accessible to the poor; weak infrastructural investment; and, the failure of growth in
natural-resource rich and capital-intensive “enclave sectors” to create spread and
[...] spillover effects in the broader economy.
由于计量吸入器的推进剂构成了大部分(往往超过 98%)配方,而使用这些药物的患者特 别易感气道刺激或毒性,因此对这些推进剂必须进 大范围 的 测 试。
Since the propellants in MDIs comprise the large majority of the formulation (often in excess of 98 per cent), and the patients using these drugs are particularly vulnerable to airway irritation or toxicity, extensive testing had to be conducted on these propellants.
其中由于有关的巨大需求,应当多加注意使取得成功的项目能够推广应用于制定政策,使之 成为进行大规模大范围革新的依据。
In particular, given the immense needs, more attention must be given to ensuring that projects, when successful, can be generalized into policy and become the basis for large-scale and widespread innovations.
需 要进一步拟订符合《规约》所设想 大范围 普 遍赔偿办法的模式。
Modalities will need to be further developed consistent with the general broad scheme of reparations as envisioned in the Statute.
在国家一级,到 2011 年年底,妇女署将在至少 40 个国家向各国家工作队提
[...] 纳入联发援框架规划和评估阶段,有效领导联合国或 大范围 的 两 性平等问题专 题小组,以及(应要求)管理机构间进程,以拟订一个关于两性平等的“一体行动” [...]
At country level, UN-Women will offer a minimum standard package of support services to UNCTs (e.g., support to the UNCT and Resident Coordinators to incorporate gender equality in the planning and evaluation phases of UNDAFs, effective leadership of United Nations or extended Gender Thematic Groups, and managing — where
requested — inter-agency processes to develop
[...] a “Delivering as One” programme on gender [...]
equality in support of national priorities)
in at least 40 countries by the end of 2011.
此处包含的规范和信息以“按现状”的基础提供,并在适用法律许可的 大范围 内 被 允许,IBM 和 Microsoft 和 [...]
BEA 以“按现状并可能存在各种错误”的基础提供本文档,特此声明免除所有(无论是明示的、默示的,还是法定的)其它保证和条件,包括(但不限于)对与本文档有关的适销性、适用于某特定用途、响应的准确性或完整性、结果、技艺精湛的成果、无病毒和无疏忽的默示保证、责任或条件(如果有的话)。
This specification and the information contained
herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and
[...] to the maximum extent permitted by applicable [...]
law, BEA, IBM and Microsoft provides
the document AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS, and hereby disclaims all other warranties and conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) implied warranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, of workmanlike effort, of lack of viruses, and of lack of negligence, all with regard to the document.
因此需要在国家和区域两个层次提高对尽可 大范围 的 海 洋领域 的恰当认识。
Consequently, there is a need to
raise appropriate awareness of the maritime domain in its
[...] broadest possible scope, both at the national [...]
and regional levels.
据统 计,外籍工人从大范围的职业,从初等职业(占外籍劳动力的 47%)到立法机关 成员、高级官员和管理人员(占外籍劳动力的 2%)。
According the statistics the expatriate workers
[...] covered a large spectrum of occupations, ranging from those [...]
employed in elementary occupations
(47% of expatriate workforce) to legislators, senior officials and managers (2% of expatriate workforce).
特里斯坦的经济也仍然容易受到大 范围的经 济状况的影响,包括受到特里斯坦-达库尼亚向美国和日本市场提供的 龙虾价格最近下跌的影响,价格下跌导致这一部门 2009 年的收入减少。
The Tristan economy also remains vulnerable to wider economic circumstances, including a recent fall in the price of lobster that Tristan da Cunha provides for the United States and Japanese markets, which led to a reduction of income from this sector in 2009.
应对工作的性质一直 符合毒品和犯罪问题办公室现有的任务授权,即在法治框架内促进刑事司法改
[...] 革,此外还竭尽一切努力确保所开展的各项举措 大范围 并 对整个区域的刑事 司法系统产生更广泛的影响。
The nature of the response has been consistent with the existing UNODC mandate for criminal justice reform within the framework of the
rule of law, and every effort has been made to ensure that the initiatives
[...] undertaken have a broader scope and impact for [...]
the criminal justice
systems of the region as a whole.
菲律宾倡导负责任的采矿作业,并为此在新矿业政策中 执行更严格的规则,这些规则考虑到 大范围 的 采 矿作业对土著人民和环境的影 响。
It advocates responsible mining through the application of more stringent rules under a new mining policy that takes into account the impact of extensive mining operations on indigenous peoples and the environment.
The higher the bit depth,
[...] the larger the range of values that [...]
are captured and encoded for each color channel.
所有大城市都有相当规模的穆斯林少数民族,如果 若开邦的暴力事件演变成大范围的 宗 教冲突和全 国范围内各族群间的相互仇视,这将成为社会动荡 的主要根源,并对改革进程构成严重威胁。
All the large cities have significant Muslim minorities, and if the violence in Rakhine State evolves into a broader religious conflict, with communities turning on each other across the country, it could be a source of major instability and a serious threat to the reform process.
某些人士可能有 能力破坏特定的一些事务,但他们不太可能有能力 或是愿望来挑战大范围的改革进程。
These individuals may have the capacity to be spoilers on certain specific matters, but it is unlikely that they could or would want to challenge the broader process.
尽管削减核武 库非常重要,但削减本身并不构成裁军努力,应在 更广泛、持续不断地削减的背景下,审议新的双边 条约,从而最终大范围以列 入所有核武器国家, 彻底消除其武库。
Since the reduction of arsenals, though certainly important, did not in and of itself constitute an effort to disarm, the new bilateral treaty should be considered in the context of a broader, ongoing process of consistent reduction that would ultimately expand to include all nuclearweapon States, with a view to the total elimination of their arsenals.
同时,寄宿学校之所以常常被看成一种解决办法,是因为教育政策不能脱离 经济、社会和文化支配的大范围来 处 理;也就是说,如果土著人民继续生活在 [...]
自己的传统生活方式被排斥或面对经济支配的社会里,那么,由此推断,他们需 要从主体社会内部产生的教育制度,才能生存下去。
At the same time, one reason why boarding schools often appear to be an answer is because
educational policy cannot be addressed separately
[...] from the larger context of economic, [...]
social and cultural domination; that is,
if indigenous peoples continue to live in societies in which their traditional ways of life are marginalized or in which they face economic domination, then it follows that they will require educational systems that come from within the dominant society in order to survive.
然而,由于经济基础薄弱大范围 贫穷 且私营部门不发达,最不发达国家满足自身多重发展资金需要的力量有限。
[...] there is a limited scope to meet the multiple [...]
development finance requirements of least developed countries with
their narrow economic bases, widespread poverty and underdeveloped private sector.
大范围地区 提供服务,除乌克兰外,还 包括巴尔干国家、白俄罗斯、捷克共和国、匈牙利、波兰、罗马尼亚、摩尔多 瓦共和国和斯洛伐克。
The services will be available over a wide area comprising, in addition to Ukraine, the Baltic States, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the Republic of Moldova and Slovakia.
该集 团注意到报告中列举的问题,希望对所使用的一些术 语及关于公布和分发内部审计报告的提案是否符合 监督厅现行授权任务和符合联合国 大范围 的 监督 框架的问题作出澄清。
The Group had taken note of the issues outlined in the report and would be seeking clarification regarding several terms used as well as the compatibility of the proposal on the dissemination and distribution of internal audit reports with the existing OIOS mandates and the greater United Nations oversight framework.
通过确保提供基于证据的资料和基准,人口基金在方案初始阶段有机会: (a)
与执行伙伴和利益攸关方建立牢固的伙伴关系;(b) 拟定合理的方案内容,
[...] 将能力建设与明确的优先事项挂钩,在方案中把两性战略和依赖文化和宗教价值 观的社区调动战略相互交融,利用适当方法对创新性干预措施进行测试,10以大范围;(c) 展现对方案国家的努力和投资作出的积极贡献,以改善受援方的生活 质量。
By ensuring that evidence-based information and benchmarks are available, UNFPA has the opportunity at the programme-inception phase to: (a) build a solid partnership with implementing partners and stakeholders; (b) elaborate rational programme content where capacity-building is linked to clear priorities, where gender and community mobilization strategies relying on cultural and religious values are
interwoven in the programme,
[...] and where innovative interventions are tested with appropriate methodologies10 for scaling up; and (c) [...]
demonstrate a positive
contribution to the efforts and investments deployed by programme countries to improve the quality of life of beneficiaries.
(a) 确保文化资源和资产能够在大范围 内 得 到,特别是在较小的城市和 地区,并在这方面确保通过补贴和其他形式的援助特别为那些没有能力参与自己 [...]
(a) Ensuring the wider availability of cultural [...]
resources and assets, particularly in smaller cities and regions, and ensuring,
in this regard, special provision through subsidies and other forms of assistance for those who lack the means to participate in the cultural activities of their choice
委员会促请缔约国考虑大范围,让 缔约国境内被批准暂时庇护者地位的人享有 同样的社会保障,包括享有卫生保健设施和服务。
The Committee urges the State party to consider extending the same social security benefits, including access to healthcare facilities and services, to persons granted temporary asylum status in the State party.
执行支助股的研究显示,经合组织 / 发援委成员国提供的大量数据可作为了解与医疗和人权相关 大范围 工 作 的出发 点。
Through research prepared by the ISU, it was illustrated that the wealth of data already provided by OECD DAC Member States may be a good starting point in understanding the broader magnitude of efforts as concerns health care and human rights.




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