

单词 硫柴油

See also:


sulphur n
sulfur n

sulfur (chemistry)

lean (of meat)
thin (of a person)
surname Chai

External sources (not reviewed)

但是,現時歐盟 V 期柴油含硫量是 0.001%,與超硫柴油 0.005%的含 硫量比較,低了五倍,簡單來說,0.005%便相等於歐盟 IV 期標準。
But it should be noted that the sulphur content of Euro V diesel is 0.001%, which is [...]
five times lower than the 0.005% of
ultra-low sulphur diesel (ULSD).
我們亦正積極研究渡輪使用超 硫柴油 的 可 行性,以及引 入措施管制貨櫃碼頭和機場內流動機械的排放。
We are also actively exploring the feasibility of
[...] ferries using ultra low sulphur diesel, as well as introducing [...]
measures to control emissions
of mobile sources operating within the container terminals and the airport.
我們相信, 該 稅率優惠會鼓勵柴油 車 迅 速轉用較環保的硫柴油。
We believe that the duty differential of ULSD will encourage a quick switch to the cleaner fuel.
我動議通過議程所印載,以我名義提出的議案,把 現時超低硫量柴油(超低硫柴油) 的 優惠稅率( 即每公升 1.11 元 )有效期延長至 [...]
2008 年 12 月 31 日,以落實政府較早 時宣佈的建議。
I move that the motion under my name, as printed on the Agenda, be passed to extend the existing
concessionary duty rate of $1.11
[...] per litre for ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD) to 31 December [...]
2008, with a view to implementing
the proposal announced earlier by the Government.
然而,成品油(如車用無鉛汽油及超 硫柴油 等) 的價格除了受原油價格影響,還會受其他因素所左右,如市 場的供求情況、煉油廠的生產力,以及原料和煉油工序的成本及 運費等。
Nevertheless, prices of refined oil products (such as unleaded petrol and ULSD) are not only affected by crude oil prices, but also subject to various factors, such as the supply and demand in the market, the productivity of the refinery, the costs of raw materials and refinery process as well as the transportation costs, and so on.
因此,原油與無鉛汽油及超硫柴油 的 價 格變動不一定 完全相同。
Therefore, changes in prices of unleaded petrol and ULSD may not be exactly
[...] the same as those of crude oil prices.
鑒於歐盟國家 准許在超硫柴油中混入5%至 10%的生化柴油,政府當局應仿效 [...]
這種做法,以及考慮在香港引入生化柴油,藉以促進競爭,從而 令燃料價格更具競爭力。
Given that EU countries had allowed for the blending
[...] of 5% to 10% biodiesel in ULSD, the [...]
Administration should follow suit and should
consider introducing biodiesel in Hong Kong to facilitate competition, which would in turn render the fuel price more competitive.
現時,超硫柴油每公升的徵稅是 1.11 元,而歐盟 V 期則為 0.56 [...]
元,這似乎是有成 效,我們看到大部分司機現已轉用歐盟 V 期柴油。
At present, the duty rate of ULSD is $1.11 per litre, whereas
[...] that of Euro V diesel is $0.56. Our efforts [...]
appear to bear fruit for we can see
that most drivers have already switched to Euro V diesel.
[...] 經濟體系,特區政府應該採取積極進取的態度,在目前財政資源遠較 2004 年議會提出將超硫柴油稅減 半的議案時理想的環境下,便應好好地訂定出 [...]
I must emphasize that as one of the few tiny market economies in the world, the SAR Government should adopt a proactive attitude in response to this global economic crisis. At this very time when our financial situation is far better than
that in 2004 when the motion of
[...] reducing the ultra-low sulphur diesel duty by half was [...]
moved in this legislature, the SAR
Government should formulate a viable strategy to cope with the economic risks and make efforts to promote the logistics industry as one of our four pillar industries and even our overall economy.
因此,2002 年 4 月後 的 超硫柴油稅率 , 也 實在不應該 過高,民建聯及工聯 會 要 求 財政司司長及 庫務局局長,繼續以人 為本, 關心運輸業的生計 , 小心衡 量超硫柴油稅率 對 整 體 運輸服 務 行 業的影響, 然後才決定 實 際 應 徵 收 的 稅 項 水平。
The DAB and the FTU urge the Financial Secretary and the Secretary for the Treasury to continue to pay regard to the needs of the people and show concern about the livelihood of those in the transport industry. They should also carefully assess the effect of the duty rate of ULSD on the transport industry as a whole before deciding on the actual duty rate.
為了 鼓勵柴油車早日 轉 用超硫柴油, 我們為這類 柴油提 供每公 升 1.11 元 有 限 期 的 優 惠 稅 率 , 即 比 現時一般車 用 柴油稅 率 低 0.89 元 , 目 的 是 令超硫柴油的 零 售 價 比 一般 車 用 柴油更 低 。
In order to encourage an early switch to ULSD, we
[...] decided to provide a time-limited concessionary duty rate of $1.11 per litre to make ULSD cheaper than regular motor diesel at the pump, that is, this concessionary duty rate for ULSD is $0.89 lower than that of the current duty rate for regular motor diesel.
因應委員詢問本地油站的無鉛汽油和超硫 柴油零售價格的成本結構資料,這份文件闡述有關的 [...]
This note informs Members of the outcome of the follow up to their
enquiry on the cost components for the pump
[...] prices of unleaded petrol and ultra low [...]
sulphur diesel (ULSD) at local filling stations.
在審視過目前運輸 業的經營環境、香港的整體經濟及公共財政狀況等多方面的因素後,財政司 司長決定建議再延長超硫柴油的優惠稅率兩年,直至 2008 年年底。
Taking into account the operating environment of the transport industry, the overall economic conditions of Hong Kong, and our fiscal position, the Financial Secretary has decided to propose a further extension of the duty concession for ULSD for two years to the end of 2008.
[...] 自己的袋的,因為如果歐盟 V 期柴油零售價較超硫柴油零售 價相距很多的 話,我相信會加重駕駛者,尤其是職業司機的負擔,以致引來抗拒使用的情 況。
If there is a huge disparity between the pump
[...] price of Euro V diesel and that of ULSD, [...]
I believe the burden of motorists, especially
professional drivers, will be aggravated and hence, they will refuse to switch to Euro V diesel.
船用馏出燃料和残留燃料油往往面临着不断变化的排放法规和超 硫柴油 标 准所带来的挑战。
Marine distillate and residual fuel oils used for marine
applications are often faced with challenges created by changing emission
[...] regulations and ultra low sulfur diesel fuel standards.
為減低污染水平,我們需要有清晰的指引和實行時間表,確保 所有建築機械的碳排放、電力及超 硫柴油 燃 料 的使用均符合 國際最佳實踐。
To reduce levels of pollution, clear guidelines with implementation time-frames are needed to bring all
construction-equipment emissions, and the use of
[...] electric and Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel fuels, in line with [...]
international best practice.
梁劉柔芬議員: 主席,《2008年空氣污染管制(燃料限制)(修訂)規 例》(第 311章,附屬法例I)規定,工商業工序只能使用含硫量以重量計 不超過0.005%的超硫柴油。
MRS SOPHIE LEUNG (in Chinese): President, the Air Pollution Control (Fuel Restriction) (Amendment) Regulation 2008 (Cap. 311 sub. leg. I) provides that only ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD) with a sulphur content of not more than 0.005% by weight may be used in industrial and commercial processes.
我们的产品包括:面向整个炼油企业从(超 硫柴油 (ULS D) 生产至尾气处理)等不同类型的加氢处理催化剂。
Our portfolio includes hydroprocessing catalysts for a wide
variety of applications throughout the refinery,
[...] from ultra-low-sulphur diesel (ULSD) production [...]
to tail-gas treatment.
此外, 我們亦須緊記,儘 管硫柴油較一般車用柴油環保,但 使用硫柴油 的車輛仍 會 產生污染物,引致 空氣污染問題, 即 使情況不如使用一般 車用柴油那麼嚴 重 。
Although ULSD is cleaner than
[...] regular motor diesel, vehicles using it still produce the pollutants, albeit less seriously compared to regular motor diesel, that add [...]
to our air pollution problem.
[...] Toolbox技术在确保高质量、超硫柴油 (ULSD)的市场上一路领先。
Our Prime-D Toolbox is a market frontrunner in ensuring
[...] high-quality, ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD).
有部分議員在小組委員會會議上 指 出,政府應考慮把 現有的 優 惠 稅 率 轉 為 長 期 的 安 排 , 即 是 把 超硫柴油的 稅 率 大 幅減低 至 1.11 元 的 優 惠 水 平, 以 省 卻 每 年 須 動 議是否 把 優 惠 延續。
At the Subcommittee meeting, some Members said that the Government should consider making the existing concessionary duty a long-term arrangement, which, in effect, means lowering the duty rate for ULSD substantially to the concessionary level of $1.11 per litre, to obviate the need for moving a motion to extend the concession every year.
随着全球清洁空气标准的推出,现代化燃油系统正面临着前所未有的诸多挑战, 其中包括压力增加以及超硫柴油 (ULSD) 和生物柴油等新燃油的介入。
These challenges include higher pressure as well as new fuels like ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) and biodiesel.
為減少本地渡輪排放 的污染物,政府已於二零零九年八月開展為期九個月的試驗, 以確定渡輪轉用超硫柴油的技 術可行性,並收集相關數據以 評估對渡輪運作成本可能造成的影響。
The purposes of the trial are to ascertain the technical feasibility of the fuel switch and to collect data for assessing the possible implications on the operating cost of the trade.
自2001年起,九巴车队已全面使用超 硫柴油 , 令氧化硫、氮氧化物和悬浮粒子的排放量大幅减少。
Since 2001, KMB has
[...] used ultra-low sulphur diesel (ULSD) in its entire [...]
fleet, significantly reducing exhaust emissions levels of sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides and particulates.
代理主席,特首在施政綱領中亦提到,會進一步把歐盟 V 期車用柴油的 燃油稅減至每公升 0.56
[...] 元,以鼓勵本地市場盡早供應這種含硫量較超硫 柴油少八成的更環保燃油,並計劃在 2009 [...]
年把歐盟 IV 期的標準 ― 對不 起,應為歐盟 V 期的標準 ― 訂為本地供應車用柴油的法定規格,與歐盟 同步。
Deputy President, the Chief Executive has also
mentioned in the policy agenda that the duty
[...] rate for Euro V diesel will be further [...]
reduced to $0.56 per litre to encourage
early supply of this more environmentally-friendly fuel with 80% less sulphur content than ULSD on the local market.
所以, 如 果 政 府 打 算 一意孤 行 , 不 理會業界 的 訴 求 , 取 消 超硫柴油 的 稅 務 優惠, 我 則 希望政 府 先 行 評估此行動對客 運 、 貨 運業 的 影響。
If the Government is bent on having its own way and ignores the demands of the industry by abolishing the duty concession for ULSD, I hope the Government will make a review of the impact of such an action on the passenger and freight transport industry.
財政司司長今日提出左六項「利民紓困」建議,包括增加差餉寬減額由2,000元增加至5,000元;寬免水費和排污費一年;減收工商業污水附加費三成,為期一年;免收商業登記證費用一年;延續超 硫柴油 稅 務優惠一年;同埋凍結大部份政府收費一年;你認為呢D利民紓困既措施足唔足夠?
To "help the community to ride out of the storm", the Financial Secretary made 6 proposed measures in this year's Budget, which were to raise the maximum amount to be waived for each ratable tenement from $2,000 to $5,000, to waive water and sewage charges, to reduce the trade effluent surcharge by 30%, to waive the business
registration fee, to extend the duty
[...] concession for ultra low sulphur diesel, and to freeze most [...]
of the government fees and charges, all for one year.
我们在世界各地的中心面向炼油工程师与技术人员开办不同内容的培训课程,如加氢处理、催化原料预处理、超 硫柴油 (ULSD) 生产、加氢裂化及渣油加氢等。
We hold training courses at centres around the world for refinery engineers and technologists on subjects such as hydrotreating, fluidised catalytic cracking (FCC ) feed pretreatment, ULSD production, hydrocracking and residue upgrading.
硫化汽油、柴油不仅 仅可以使排放气体清洁化,还有助 于装备在环境对应汽车的排气处理装置的性能和耐久性的 [...]
Japan Energy holds regular
[...] gatherings of the LPG Cogeneration Study [...]
Group with the aim of promoting and spreading the use of LPG cogeneration systems.
从2005年4月在全国的JOMO加油站开始销 硫 分 10 ppm(硫)以下的油、柴油。
Starting in April 2005, JOMO service stations throughout Japan
[...] began selling sulfur-free regular gasoline and gas oil (sulfur content below [...]
10 ppm).




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